TESTS APPROACHING ! HOLD YOUR I OWN VOL. Xlll. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1932. Salem Day At The Ideal Is Big Success Salem Program Broadcast Thursday Night From WSJS ^ Friday, October 21, was Salem Day at the Ideal. From 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Salem girls were in charge of the entire store, of course, under the supervision of the regular clerks. Mary Catherine Siewers was general manager, and the following girls were floor managers; Mary B. Wil liams, first floor, Mary Katherine Thorp, second floor, and Louise Brinkley, the basement. Girls from all four classes worked during their free periods. Josephine Courtney and Ghilan Hall were in charge of advertisement and decoration of the store windows, and Josephine Wal ker was in charge of transportation of the girls who worked. The day was a great success. Many people from Winston-Salem and from the towns nearby came in dur ing the day to shop. The Ideal is an ideal store. It is located in a striking new building and is carry ing a line of goods never before pre sented in Winston-Salem. Salem •appreciates the privilege of being in charge of this store. Thursday night, over WSJS, the Ideal sponsored a radio program an nouncing Salem Day. The program, from 7:45 to 8:00 P. M. opened and closed by the singing of the Alma Mater by the Louisa Bitting Quar tet. Mary B. Williams and Wanna Mary Huggins presented several musical numbers, and Susan Calder made an announcement concerning the Ideal. Salem girls have shown their operation in a matter important for the school. It is appreciated. Schofield Addresses Music Hour Audience Voice Director Traces History of the Singer’s Art Mr. F.rnest L. Schofield delivered an interesting and educational talk at music hour Thursday, in which he traced the development of voice ture. An audience of music students and music lovers enjoyed his talk and several vocal selectinns by his pupils. “Singing,” said the voice director, "was born with civilization.” Since the stone age music has followed re ligion. During the glory of Greece there were schools of declamation which the main interest was voi( not singing. The Greeks knew great deal about the hygiene of the voice, diction, inflexion, and modu- Singing as a modern art came about with the organization of the Catholic Church and its unification. Here was the beginning of antiphonal singing. Pope Gregory established a school where singers of Rome learned to sing and write music for the v Students tried to sing elegantly, with (Continued on Page Three) I. R. S. Dinner Opens Remodeled Dining Hall Bitting Quartet MiJtes Its First Appeartuice in Songs The formal opening of the new dining-room Monday night, October proved to be a great success. The R. S. Council, sponsor of the event, furnished the decorations and pre sented an entertaining program dur ing the delicious four course dinner. The Salem Alma Mater was sung at the beginning of the banquet with added stress on “Strong are thy walls, O Salem.” Music was furnished by Annie Zue Maye at the piano and a local talent orchestra. During the first course, Mary Catherine Siewers, president of the I, R. S., appointed Dr. Rondthaler, King Arthur of the “Round Table” and requested that he give a presen tation later. In response. President Rondthaler, in spite of a request to sing “Sweet Adeline,” expressed his delight at being in the new dining hall and also his appreciation of Mrs. Stockton’s praiseworthy activities during the inconvenience of the past ■eral weeks. Later, the Salem “Mills Sisters,” who are Adelaide Silversteen, Tom- Frye, Rosalie Smith, and Doro thy Heidenreich, offered a program of songs; including “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes” and a negro ipiritual. The dinner was brought ;o an end by the singing of “Good Night, Ladies.” Disarmament For Peace Subject Of Miss Elliott’s Talk Reviews Geneva Conference And the Cost of Warfare HISTORY CLUB HAS TEA AT GUILFORD Guilford College, Oct. 11—The history club of Salem College, Win- ston-Salem, composed of about 25 young women, is this afternoon making its biennial trip to Guilford Battleground for personal inspection of points of interest, and will make a brief stop at the college here. A faculty committee, headed by -Mrs. Ernestine Milner, has been named to entertain the young ladies during their stay on the campus, and tea will be served, with Mrs. i Newlin presiding. The members of the history club are expectied to i rive here at 3:30 o’clock, leaving ■I:!5. They will witness football practice by the Guilford elven prior to the tea, and a number of Guilford boys will be guests at the social fea ture of the afternoon. —Greensboro Daily News. RESULTS OF MAY DAY ELECTIONS Departing from the usual custom of secrecy, the May Day committee is announcing the results of the election of tlie May Queen and her court. Billye Philpott will be Queen of the May, and her maid-of- honor will be Wanna Mary Huggins. The May Dav attendants are: Phyllis Clapp, Theresa Cooke, Mildred Hanes, Lucy James, Courtland Preston, Elois Padrick, Ruth McCloed, Elizabeth Price, Mary Price, Mary Lillian White, Mary Catlierine Siewers and Mary Adams Ward. On Friday Morning at the regular chapel service, Miss Harriette Elliot, head of the department of Political ticc at North Carolina College for Women in Greensboro, spoke on the subject of world peace and the Disarmament Conference. iss Elliot has been in Winston- Salem under the auspices of the American Association of University Women and has been presenting a non-partisian consideration of sub jects of government. Some people say that the whole world has lost interest in problems of peace. It is Miss Elliot’s definite conviction that it is the responsibility of individuals who lived intelligently through a war to carry on som the dominant ideas during that time so that people may become interested in a new and better type of civiliza tion. Men have fought their constantly to greater and greater power. No longer is it thought that Ger many caused the World War. It the result of a system, secret treaties and the theoretical balance of pow er. College students of that day cepted almost without question the adopted slogan “If we have peace we must arm.” Students of today, however, refuse to accept that idea and see that arms are one of major causes of war. At the Geneva Peace Conference last February two hundred and fifty- two people representing fifty-eight nations met to consider a world re duction of arras. This consideration was based on these reasons: 1. It was their moral obligation to attempt to fulfill their promise to Germany. 2. Arms are a major cause of war. 3. The world has concluded that it cannot afford to arm. The cost of war is one-half the {Continued on Page Three) Ratc’iff Speaks About N.C. Political Machinery Explains Oection System and Australian Ballot Mr. H. M. Ratcliff, who is chair man of the county board of elections in Winston-Salem, spoke Thursday night about the political machinery in North Carolina. The county board of elections re mains neutral to party elections and party cadidates. Whenever a mem ber of the board addresses an assem bly, it is understood that they are not speaking in behalf of any party or its candidate. Mr. Ratcliff announced that he was glad to see that so many young people were taking an interest in governmental affairs. “The govern ment,” says Mr. Ratcliff, “is com posed of the people of this country, and if people’s thoughts turned to governmental affairs, the prosperity would increase, and it would all go towards the building of substantial citizenship.” The Raleigh State Board Elections is composed of five n hers, three of which are Democrats and the remainder Republicans. The County boards have three members two Democrats and one Republican. The unevenness is accounted for by the fact that the Democrats are in control in N. C. The counties are divided into pre- cints, as many as are needed. Forsyth County has .31. Under the Austral ian Ballot Law, a private booth is provided for every 100 people oi fraction thereof. The county offi cers as a majority are elected for terra of 4 years—a few for 2 years. A voter’s qualifications are must be 21 years of age, a state dent for 12 consecutive months and a county resident for at least 4 months. The two types of absentee votes he explained—the blue one, for ab sence from county and the white one for sickness. Voting must be done in the pre cinct of a voter’s banafide residence. (ContivMed on Page Pour) F^our Student Officers F.lected On Wednesday Stee Gee Representative and Y. W. Secretary Chosen Student elections held at the close of the chapel period on Wednesday filled four vacancies in the Stee Gee Council and one vacancy in Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Mary Kathe rine Thorp and Mary B. Williams presided, and scret ballots were used. The following girls were elected: Freshman on-campus representa tives—Gertrude Schwalbe, Nancy McNeely. Freshman off-campus representa tive—Eugenia McNew. Junior representative—Lena Pe- Self-Government Rules Impressed On Students “Every Salemite Her Own Stee Gee” Says Pres. Thorp When Mary Katherine Thorp, President of Student Self-Govern- talked to the boarding stu dents at a house meeting last Mon- ight, .Juniors and Seniors were reminded of the time before Salem had a real honor system. Remember ing the attitude of “getting by” which at that time prevailed, they pronounced present conditions much 3re satisfactory. Speaking especially to the new students President Thorp told the group that the honor system meant living on the campus without being policed, freedom in the proper sense of the term. “Good sportsmanship is essential,” she said. “Self-Govern- ;nt embodies every college regula- n, from the unmentionables such cheating or drinking to the minor matters like light cuts.” Each girl knows her offense and reports herself. Freshman were instructed to re spect a “Busy” sign. To break one serious offense, to be penalized >ne week’s restriction. By re quest she explained that a “Busy” it be hung on the door itself, not the knob, and that after 10:35 a “Busy” may be passed. Since last year the call-down sys- m has been revised. There are no half or third demerits, but each of fense counts one call down, which the offender herself marks on the call- down list. Each month five call- downs are allowed without punish- (Continued on Page Three) Mrs. Rondtlialer Gives Talk At Y. W. Vespers ‘Kingdom of Other Things” Is Her Inspiring Subject “As a swiramer relaxes and gives himself to the powerful waters to buoy him up, so must we subject our selves completely to God’s corapetent said Mrs. Rondthaler at Y. W. C. A. Vesper Service. In her accustomed genial and personal raan- r she spoke on the subject of re- irabering God. She urged that the college girls allow God to enter into the “kingdom of other things.” When we were young, she said, we met our first mountain-top ex perience when we gave ourselves to God. He add.s, color to our drab life. As we face the kingdoms of other things, we measure them by the standards the ever tactful Ji for us. Our first great love centered around our parents. In our teens w( seemed to worship some older friend, u.sually an older girl or a teacher. A little later we fell in love, and still later in life we shall experience the really great love. All these hum; loves tend to clarify the one divine love—the love of God and His king dom. We belong most of all to Hi who is within us. There is a time when we forget God for the kingdom of other things. Life on the campus is entirely dif ferent from life at home. Many questions arise which really de termine a girl’s character: Do you care so much for a good time for vourself over a week-end that forget some person who may need you at school.^ When you lose youi temper, do you wonder if you havt lost your reputation more than yoi wonder if you have hurt soraeone’i feelings.^ Because you have sue ceeded in getting into a certain group of people, are you forgetful of other’s feelings? There are n; more similar questions in college life that may be answered correctly only by relying on God’s wisdom and power. Stndeut Problems Are Considered At Y.P.M. Smoking Experiment Proved Success After Year’s Trial At Y. P. M. on Wednesday morn ing, October 19, Dr. Rondthaler discussed three matters of particular interest to the entire school. First he explained that the chapel rvice, in which Salem College par ticipates, is of a distinctive type sel dom found in other schools.. The program, each day, is carefully plan ed, and both the processional and the recessional are in harmony with The service is a meeting of the whole school for reverent and joyous purposes. The second matter Dr. Rondthaler discussed was that of smoking. This perplexing and difficult problem was temporarily settled in 1931 ; a smok- 1 was provided and opened under certain conditions, with the agreement that the question was to be re-opened and investigated at the nd of the year. In May, 1932, the Advisory Comraittee, the Board of Trustees and the Student Council met ived at the following con clusions : That there was an entire change in the regard of the whole school toward Student Government. That there was no complaint of the smoking room hours. That there was no abuse of the privilege. That there was a noticeable de- creast; in the number of students who smoked. Therefore, .smoking is no longer problem at Salem. The Advisory Board and the Faculty sanction the I'ontinuance of the privilege as long as it meets with the co-operation it now has. The third topic Dr. Rondthaler brought before the student body was that of studying on Sunday. While books are not noisy instruments or IS and the library or one’s not an office or a work shop, the fact remains that work is work, • it may be carried on.. God gives the express command that His o be one of rest and quiet. Dr. Rondthaler asked these questions: Is it fair to work on Sunday? Can be done safely? Can the blessing of God be upon you if you work on the Lord’s day? You think that the habitual inculcating of the practice of work on Sundays is for strength and confidence and blessing? These questions, laid before the student body not as a rebuke, but as an opin ion. are to be considered and answer ed by them. MUSIC CLASS HEARS LECTURES IN GREENSBORO .Several Seniors in the conducting class went to Greensboro Friday to attend the lectures at N. C. Woman’s College made by Karl W. Gherkens and Norval Church. Mr. Gherkins, who is head of the Public School Music Department at Obcrlin College in Ohio, used the audience to illustrate his lecture on chorus mu.sic and choral conducting. He i.s the author of a textbook on conducting which is used in the Salem School of Music. The lec ture on conducting orchestras made by Mr. Church was illustrated by the conducting of an actual orchestra. HISTORY CLUB VISITS GUILFORD BATTLE GROUND Friday afternoon the members of the History Club went to Guilford Battle Ground where they held a delightful picnic. Dr. Anscombe acted as guide for the occasion and explained the sig nificance of various monuments which make the site memorable. A large number of history en thusiasts enjoyed the outing.

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