REGISTER MONDAY VOTE ON TUESDAY WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1932. Mock Ballots Will Measure Campus Political Trend Straw Vote Will Be Cast Tues. By Salem Students Political Enthusiasm Culmin ates in Balloting Ha\ If r rffi-istcred for t!u> s >t, tlu' " r n-o-istrat opportunit\- vill he on Monday. I the basement of Alice Clewell Building from five un til six o’elock P. M. and from six- thirty to seven thirty P. M. The actual casting of the ballot for state and national officials will he done in the same place as the registration on Tuesday, November 8. from two until five o’clock P. M. Although only registered voters will be permitted to cast their ballot, any student of Salem College may regis- Since the fundamental j)ur])ose of the straw vote is to instruct future voters in the procedure of voting, the rollowin'g excerpt regliirdingi the tion, is taken from the Election ))amphlet: “(I) Residence in the state of North Carolina for one year "(2) Residence in the precinct in which the voter offers to vote for four months next preced ing the election, and “(.'!) Ability to read and write an section of tlie Constitution in the English language. Tliose registered under ‘Grand father Clause’ of the Consti tution may vote with out be ing able to read and write.” It also says that persons under twenty-one years of age, idiots and lunatics, and persons who have been cnnvicted or confessed their guilt in open court, upon indictment in the St.’ite’s |)rison cannot register and The registering for this straw vote is to be a very simple matter, merely the enrolling of the student’s name Mr. McDonald Delivers Address To Teachere Prominent Speaker at Greens boro Convention Mr. Ralph W. McDonald, head of the l-'ducation Department, delivered the principal address before the As- seciation of Heme Economics Teach ers Asoeiation at their recent meet ing in (ireensboro. His subject was “The Sociological Values of Home h'conomics and their Attainment.” Mr. McDonald stressed the fact that Home Economics courses are ]/rimarily of general or cultural value in education, rather than vo cational, which is a secondary aim .'ind function. He stated. These subjects (Home making, etc.) came into the curriculum as their contri bution to the liberal educaion of pu pils. No subject has more direct or valuable contribution to make to s.ocial stability and progress. The whole program of Home Economics in High Schools is being reorga nized and taught with these values foremost.” He stated that since the quality of familv life ,is the determiner of the level' of .social life, it is to the end that home and family life may h;- improved that Home Economics courses are included in the eurri- .uhim It was noted with satisfaction that during the present economic crisis iiianv North C:arolina high schools have added Home Economies to their curricula for the first time, indica ting that this subject is being rec ognized as making effective contri butions which days of depression cannot obscure. Republican Platform Favors Tax Reductions Summary of Views Shows Hoover Promises Reforms The Republican platform opposes direct relief of unemployment of the individual by the federal govern ment. However, it promises a con tinuation of the relief measures that the Hoover administration has put into effect. A prompt and drastic reduction of public expenditures and the resistance to every unnecessary appropriation is urged by the Re publicans and they pledge themselves to a reconsideration of tax^systems, federal, state and local, hoping to de velop better co-ordination, reduce duplication, and relieve unjust bur dens. The Republican platform urges assistance to co-operative mar keting associations and the revision of the tariff to maintain protection of farm products. As for the Banking System, more stringent supervision and broader power vested in the su pervising authorities is the revision advocated. In its staunch support of the pro tective tariff system the Republican Partv continues, believing that at this time adequate tariff is partieu- ’ essential to the welfare of the American people. If it is deemed advisable by the Tariff Commission, the Republican party pledges itself ven higher rates on certain com modities than now exist under the Hawley-Smoot tariff law. The stand taken by the Republi cans in the prohibition question is for the sale of liquor to be legalized by states who wish to do so, with the provision that the saloon must not return. They believe in the .settlemnt of international difficulties by lawful methods, with-the protection of na tional interests wherever threatened. They stand for the acceptance of membership in the World Court. JOIN THE PROCESSION All out for a pajama parade on Monday night! Meet in the base ment of AUce Clewell Building the instant the 10:15 bell rings, and get political minded. Whether your pajamas are adorned with green dragons, black stripes, red polka dots, blue ribbons, or pink elephants, join the elcetion pa rade. Who cares whether you can vote or how you would vote if you could? The point is to make a lot of racket and generate some Mr. Bahnson Gives Kelvinator to College Gift of Popular Trustee Installed on Wednesday Through the generosity of Mr Agnew Bahnson an electric refr erator has been installed in the col lege. On Saturday at noon time Dr Rondthaler and >Iiss Stockton wen informed of the gift, and on Wcdn{ ■ed i I) the t Ten 1 joining the dinir were required to do the work of roll ing the refrigerator on iron pipes an.i tearing down the door of the old ice house to make room for it. The refrigerator is a keh'inator, with white porcelain body by Seegar. The dimensions are 8-1 by 84 by 30, and it contains 75 square feet of sh elf space, with six doors to the compartments. Cooled by coils run ning the length of the kelvinator, it will be much more efficient than the old ice boxes which the college has Mr, Bahnson is a member of the hoard of trustees and is deeply in- trrcsted in the college. Although he is a business man whose time is much in demand, he takes particular pleas ure in keeping in touch with Salem— its activities and its needs. Specta tors at the Washington Pageant last june will remember him as Father George, who arrived at the tavern and paid his respects to the newly founded college at the settlement of Salem. Greatly does the college ap- jjreciate this gift, which is only one of the ex])ression of generosity and interest in the college which Mr. Bahnson has shown. Dr Woodhouse Reviews Prospects In Election Points to Growing Interest of Women in Politics Wednesday morning, in the young people’s meeting, Dr. Woodhouse, part-time member of the faculty of Salem College and also a staunch Democrat by conv'ietion, delivered an extremely unbiased and non-par- tisan account of the present political situation. The ensuing campaign is peculiarly interesting, due to the fierce competition and even fighting abiLty between the parties. Having attended the National Democratic Convention at Chicago this past summer. Dr. Woodhouse related interesting details of the pro cedure, the dramatic force, and the loyalty of our national leaders. She Salem Young Democrats In Torchlight Parade Hear Hon. Clyde Hooey Deliver Rally Speech Over a mile and a half of auto mobiles packed with noisy people ])araded the streets of Winston- Salem on Tuesday night, November 1. Brass bands, red flares, spark lers and horns added confusion and vigor to the parade which ended at the Forsythe County Court House where the Hon. Clyde Hooey ad dressed the eourt-room jammed with people. With all the accoutrements of “dyed-in-the-wool” politicians, the members of the Salem College Young Democratic Club followed just l)e- hind the phaeton in which Mr. Hooey was riding. For over an hour the long, rather slowly moving train of automobiles played follow-the-leader through the streets and was met nearly everywhere by enthusiastic crowds. The brass bands played all the while the Democratic campaign song, “Happy Days Are Here N. C. C P. A. Advocates Freedom Of Student Press Association Will Hold Spring Convention Here Eminent Journalists Address College Editors at Wake Fortest Freedom of the student [)ress was the theme of the fall convention of the North C'arolina Collegiate Press Association, which was held at Wake J'orest College on November 27, 28, 2!). Josc))hine Courtney, who rep resented Salem at the meeting, re ported the meeting a success and jiromised editorial support for the resolutiinis which the association The Democrats Advocate Strict Economy Plan Provide For Unemployment Relief in Party Platform The Denu)cratie platform advo cates the extcnsioTi of federal credit to the states to provide for unem ployment relief and the expansion of the, federal program of necessary and useful construction such as flood control and waterways. In govern ment expenditures they stand for an inuuediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abol ishing useless offices, eliminating ex travagance, planning to accomplish a saving of 25% in the cost of the Federal.Government. As for'taxa- tion they have the motto: “A system of taxation levied on the principh of ability to pay.” The Democratic platform urges the enactment of verv constitutional measure that will aid the farmer to receive for basic farm commodities prices in ex cess of cost of production. Tlieir improvements of the Banking Sys tem. Quicker methods of realizing on assets, a more rigid supervision of national hanks for the protection of the depositors, severance of af filiated securities companies and the divorce of underwriting schemes from commercial banks, restriction of Federal Reserve Banks in per mitting use of Federal Re.serve fac ilities for speculation. The Democratic party believes in a competitive tariff for revenue with a fact-finding tariff commission free from executive interference, and re- ■iprocal tariff agreements with other nations. Repeal of the 18th amendment is advocated by the Democrats, with the recommendation that the Demo crats in the different states work against the return of the saloon. Pending constitutional action, th'' Volstead Act is to be revised, permit ting the sale of light wines and beer. A firm foreign policy is urged. It to incclude settlement of disputes by arbitration, the maintenance of CAST FOR PEG O’ MY HEART Manner’s “Peg 0’ My Heart,” an entrancing comedy in three acts, w’ll be presented by the Pierrette Players on December 3, Try-outs held on Monday night gave the parts in the cast to the following players: Mrs. Chichester Ruth Nash Alaric, her son ..Jane Rondthaler Ethel, her daughter Eloise Padrick Montgomery Hawkes, solicitor, Gertrude Schwalbe Christian Brent Margaret McLean E'ootman (Jarvis).—Betty Stough Maid (Bennett) Lucy James Jerry” Cokey Preston ‘Peg” -Mary Penn ting of the N, C. .\pril, .About a hundred dele gates representing publication from pr.'ietically every college in the state will be present. The program of business sessions a Till s(>i'ial activities began at 6:30 with a weiner ro.ast, followed by a plav ])resrnted by the Wake Forest Dramatic Club. I'riday morning formal procedure opened by the ])resident, A. \\'ashburs of Wake I'orest. Dr. Benjamin Sledd, veteran journalist ;md professor at Wake Forest, delivered an address in that same manner which has insjjired scores of his pui>ils to enter the field of literature. He deplored what he ti rmed the waning interest in college journalism and urged the editors to leok upon their positions as partic ular privileges and opportunities for The address by Mr. Jonathan Daniels followed grou]) discussions. “'I’ake hold of some i)roblem in eellegc that has a little dynamite in it,” he c(Uinciled the editors of news papers. .Mr, Danids was opposed to faculty restraint of college editors, but advised young journalists to .seek mature judgenumt. “If the editor String Family Topic Of Music Hour Talk Miss Read Discusses Develop ment of the Violin and Violin Technique The .Music Hour on November 3, was an illustrated lecture by Miss Read. “The violin blossomed in a almost immediately,” she I Hov , the dis])uted and will probablv never be known. Miss Read trad'd the his tory of the stringed instruments from the eighth century when they were very crude to the strolling minstrels, and the age of Polyphosie music when accompaniment was in demand and finally to the sixteenth century in which artists were devel- The most perfect violin makers wer(' N. Arrati, Guarvarius, and, best of all .Stradivaruis, whose work has never been excelled. Miss Read ex[)lained the construction of tihe violin, the kinds of wood used and the bridge, sounding post and other ])arts which make the sound. I'he violin once a mere accompaning in strument has became a great solo instrument. .Miss R(‘ad illustrated violinistic effects of stoi)ping the strng to get the i>itch, and the various bowings the bow on the string and off the string; the spiccato, hitting the string with the bow; jete which is several notes in one dark bow and the all down bow. She explained natural and artifical harmonies, piz-

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