LETS CELEBRATE VICTORY BALL WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1932. Politics In Limelight Monday and Tuesday Democrats Win Over Repub licans and Socialists by Large Majority and faculty of Salem participated ir a practical application of the studies of the Young Democratic Club. The members of the club sponsored and took a “Straw Vote” to give the dents of Salem some idea of registra tion and voting procedure and to de termine the trend of student political support. The registration took place on Monday and the voting on Tuesday, the polls closing at five-thirty P. M. Of the approximately two hundred and fifty students of Salem College one luindrcd and five registered and voted. Although the entire stu dent body did not participate and al though this was the first time that a straw vote has been taken at Salem, it may be said with a large degree of certainty that more students are in telligently interested in political pro- 'ure ant platforms and the national problems behind the platforms 1' On Monday night the students of the Salem College who are affiliated vith the Democratic party endeavor ed to match the pre-election enthusi- ism of older politicians by having a parade througli the corridors of the school. The lack of brass bands and eches was not noticeable in the great din of horns and voices acclaim ing the Democratic candidate, Frank lin D. Roosevelt. Academy Entertains For Day Students Dramatic Club Presents “Cabbages and Kings” On Monday niglit the boarders and faculty of Salem Acadcnny were hos es to the day-students and their 'nts. A large number of guests mbled in the dining-room, their places being designated by attractive Salem place cards. After enjoying a delicious turkey dinner, the guests were escorted into the social room where they were en tertained by the Harlequin Dramatic Club which presented “Cabbages and act play by Rose Kings”—a one act Freedman. The cast included: Louise Kirk. Ilarric ■t Valk Katherine Piekledon Betsy Hill Sara Lyle Glenn Bob-Ed" I.asater Betty Bahnson Helen McArthur Louise Bennett Volumes From Bishop’s Library Given College Several Hundred Books Will Be Catalogued The most recent and valuable ad dition to the library of Salem College is a collection of several hundre i-olumes from the library of Bislie- Rondthaler. These books were select ed by Miss Grace Siewers, librarian ' f Salem College, and Dr. Howav R. Rondthaler, President. The field of subjects covered in dudes History, Bible, Travel, and the Latin and Greek Classics. These ri'present the favorite studies of Bishop Rondthaler, and it has always n his desire that this portion o' his library be inherited by Salen’ College, the institution over which h was president for several years and irman of the Board of Trustees for a quarter of a century. Gladys Swarthout Gives First Civic Music Program Large Audience Hears Noted Soprano Thursday Gladys Swarthout, youngest mez zo-soprano of the Metropolitan Op era Company, gave the first concert this season of the Winston-Salem C i V i c Music Association. Mi Swarthout is young, lovely in a pearance and gracious in manner ai has already had a brilliant operal Her first number was “Lascia eh' Fianga,” Handel, from “Rinaldo,” a beautiful aria and a splendid ample of the recitative and form. “Con Tranquillo Ri))oso” Pasquini-Boghen, is the song of Filen in the Greek Idyl when the lover o the sleeping Chloris is singing to he in the forest.” “Who’ll Buy M; I.avender” by Kdward German Jones, was a light and graceful : quite in contrast with the first The second group of songs opened with “Tristezza Crepuscolare” by Santoliquido, an evening song, melo dious and charming. “Traum durch die Dammerung” by R. Strauss is ont of the most beautiful melodies Strauss ever wrote. The song fascinating effects was “L’ Eehalle d’Amour” by Luzzatti. Miss Swarthout sang an aria, “O Mio Fernando,” from “I-a Favorita,” by D(mizetti. This opera was very popular in the middle of the last cen tury. Although the opera itself is regarded as old fashioned today, it has many selections which are still favorites on the concert stage. Mr. Nils Nelson, pianist, accom-' panist, played three piano solos, the first of which was “Chant d’ Amour” (Continued on Page Four) Salem Students Observe American Education Week Interesting Talks Reveal the Development of Schools. The education department, under the direction of Mr. McEwen p sented a helpful series of talks the morning chape) services during the week of November 7 to 13. The theme for the year 1932 which marks the twelfth annual observance of public education in America, is “The Schools and the Nation’s Founders.” Capable students of the education department discussed topics suggest- (Continued on Page Fout) PRESTON CORRECTS MISTAKE “Up in Richmond the people think Salem is a place where the girls wear hideous uniforms and march to church twice a day,” said Anna Preston on her return from a trip in the interest of the college. .-She spent her time in the Southern metropolis from Satur day, 5 until last Wednesday cor recting the erroneous idea that Salem Colege is a Moravian con vent. Anna, who is traveling secretary for the Alumnae Association, made talks at two preparatory schools, Collegiate and St. Catherine’s, as well as to the Salem Alumnae As sociation of Richmond. ..There she met the oldest living alumnae of the college, ..Mrs. John Garden. Although at the schools she was not permitted to openly advertise the college, Miss Preston talked on the advantages of a college edu cation. ..“I casually mentioned Salem,” said Anna, “just to re mind them of a good school.” BIG VICTORY BALL In celebration of the victorious campaign of Franklin D. Roose velt, the Democratic Club is spon soring a victory ball to be held to night in the Hut. A large crowd is expected to attend, and a great deal of fun is to be mixed in with this Bowery Ball. The orchestra and setting represent the bowery, and a skit is to be presented also. Everyone is cordially invited and so 'Come on and bring all your water-front friends. Hockey Team Attends Sweetbriar Conference Players Meet With Near-By Colleges in Series of Games How does the Salem lioekey squad compare with the teams of other colleges.^ The answer will be de- teruuned this week-end at Sweet- briar, wliere the Carolina-Virginia Field Hockey Conference is being held. At eight o’clock Friday morn ing the team of twelve players made the trip in ears to the Virginia col lege. They will return on Saturday night. The hockey conference is an an nual affair among the women’s col leges of Carolina and Virginia and is held with the purpost of advancing interest in hoekcy. A series of games will be played, and hockey classes will be conducted by physical educa tion teachers. The national test for hockey ref erees will be taken by Mildred Biles (’.‘i2) and Rutli Carter (’31). Miss Atkinson, coach, gym teach er, and first-class chaperone, is ac companying the team on the tri]). Players on the first team are Patsy .McMullan, Jo Walker, Cokey Prc ton, Mary Katherine Thorp, and Margaret Wall. The other players in the line-up are Florence Aitehison, Sliccky O’Brien, Marion Hadley. Sarah Davis, Elizabeth Gray, Ghil an Hall, and Anne Vaughn. The first game they played was at two-thirty 1 Friday afternoon, and other con- sts followed. Colleges which will participate i’ the meet are Sweetbriar, William Mar y, Hollands’ Virginia State Teacher’s College, W. C. U. N. C.. Randolph-Maeon, W'esthampton, and State Teacher’s College of Farm- ville. Y.W. Continues Subject The Universal Appeal Former Vica-President Takes Part on Program The regular Sunday night Vespers were led by Miss Margaret Johnson, vice-president of the Y. W. C. A. The program was a continuation of Universal Appeal begun last week. A beautiful prelude was rendered by Miss Dorothy Thompson, and the opening hymn, “Father of I.ight.s,” was followed by the Scripture, the twenty-third Psalm, read by Miss Elois Padriek. Miss Mary B. Wil liams delightfully sang “A Prayer.” Three selections for thought were read by Misses Margaret Johnson, Beth Norman and Martha Davis, wlio was last year’s viee-jjresident of tlie Y. W. C. A. The closing hymn, “Oh Love That Will Not I.et Me Go,” was followed by the watchword and the choral amen. English Professor Gives Reading List To Press Dr. Willoughby Compiles List For Systematic Reading Dr. Willoughby, head of the Eng lish department and authority on 1‘^nglish literature, is offering to the Sale mite a list of books which, as the result of her extensive reading, she considers notable. Although a part of the lists publislied represent th( o])inions of other recognized crit ic-. many of the suggestions come from Dr. Willoughby, and all of them ■t her approx land of studeii reading svst h.uglihy wa I. It w for a list of b 1 the elf: ' Englis ud(T sed an ii ha :erest in suggestions for systematic reading that it seem;- me possible that reprint of some table lists of books would not be of place in your pages. I am offer ing you, therefore a list eomjjiled for the Golden Boole some time ago. fron lists offered by sixty distinguished persons. “These books repre.sent different tastes and different mental levels, lire are some books which could be understood by the very young, and others which only the intellectually mature could appreciate. “On this list there are three books which, in my opinion, are among the best novels ever written. These arc The Growth of the Soil, Joseph Vance, and Old Wives’ Tale. Ethan Fromc is the best American short fiction, and of all the short plays tile w-orld none surpasses Riders the Sea.” {Uontinued on Page Two) VV edge\\^obd W are Shows Scenes Of The Campus Salem Plates Will Be Ordered This Week The manufacturers of Wedgewood china in England are now ready to make the Salem plates, which for several months committees at the col lege have tried to secure. In the show case in the library plates of the pattern of the Salem plates are on dis])Iay, and pamphlets explaining them fully can be had for the ask ing. If orders are to be filled by the first of next year, they must be given to Katherine Lasater or to Mary Louise Mickey within the next week. Salem plates mean memories of SALEM STUDENTS PREFER DOPES The most popular order at the Wee Blue Inn is dope ’n’ nabs, the manager finds after a week of op erating the tea room. Last Mon day the Inn was opened for the first time since the interruption caused by the fall of the dining room ceiling. ‘ ‘ It will take a lot of dopes and a lot more nabs to buy May Day decorations, ’ ’ said Man ager Mickey as she mixed a bowl of delicious shrimp salad. The tea room, which is operated by the May Day committee, is open on week nights from nine until ten-fifteen and Saturdays from eight-thirty until ten-thirty. There are specials each night be sides the regular menu of drinks and sandwiches. (See the ad in this issue). Leave your books, and take ? pauses that refreshes. Drink a bit and eat a bite at the Wee Blue Inn. Dr. Thompson Deeply Stirs Y.P.M. Audience Inspires Audience With Talk on Dreams and Work “Behold that dreamer cometh” was the text chosen by Dr. Taliaferro Thompson, pastor of the First Pres byterian Church in Richmond, Va., as the subject of his interesting, tliought-provoking talk at the Young People’s Meeting on Wednesday, November 9th. Having requested Dr. Rondthaler to read from the Bible the lovely story of the boy Joseph’s dreams. Dr. Thompson then applied his text with day lives. First, lie talked of the danger of dreaming to those who would dream and let it go at that, tlius developing a mental habit det rimental to their success in whatever tliey desired to do. Second, he il lustrated how dreaming and work ing must go hand in hand to acconi- ])lish a pur])osc, giving as an example tlie life of Mieheal the great scientist. Dr. Thompson pointed out how necessary it is to include God in every dream in order to succeed. Without (Jod, said Dr. Thompson, no dream, no work is able to be devel oped to the highest degree. One may hav(" dreams and work to the utmost but without (jod achievement will re main only mediocre. God is a very necessary element to success, de clared the speaker. With his humor, brilliance, and ability to hold his audience enthralled by his words. Dr. Thompson kindled in the heart of every Salem girl an urge to go forward with the aid of God and work and achieve the high est ambitions painted in her dreams. {(Continued on Page Two) Col. Blair Reviews Educational Conference Tells Class Progress of Edu cation in the South A vivid story of “The Fourth Con ference for P'dueation in the South” was told by Colonel William Blair, Friday afternoon, to the members of Education three class and to visitors. Colonel Blair, being instrumental in bringing the conference here and ac tive in its development, was thus en abled to give many interesting de tails and character portrayals. The Fourth Conference for Edu cational in the South met in 1901 in the chapel, or what is now the li brary, of Salem College. This was the first conference of the educators open to the public since their organ ization in 18G8. Colonel Blair gave an accurate as well as dramatic description of North Carolina in 1900. At that time there was a burden of thirty-eight million dollars thrust upon North Carolina as her part of the war debt. Thirty President and Registrar Attend Durham Meeting Conl'arence of College Officials Held Thursday On Thursday Dr. Rondthaler and .Miss 15Iair went to Durham to the conference of school heads. The first mei;ting was for state registrars and the second for the registrars with the other college officials. The re corded pur])ose of the conference was to discuss the More F’ffeetive Use of Obj-ctive Data in the So lution of (Current Problems of High er Education. Miss Blair is the chairman of the state registrars.