Page Four. THE SALEMITE Saturday, February 4, 1933. SPECIALS EVERY NIGHT At The WEE BLUE INN ■Cf Cf O f O O O o. y>. O- o. o. o. o. -O: .0. .O. A .0. A A A O. U ’❖■ 'O' 'O’ O o: O :0: .O. .O. O. .0. .0. i>. i>. i>. .0. A O. A A A i MEET YOUR I FRIENDS I -At- I P' H I GOOCH’S 1 I PHONE 9466 | 0>0000000>00000>>00000000^ The Host serves it because the 1 MORE ABOUT SALEM AUTHORS ]««!CSSSSK!K!X!XSXSiSK!CS!X!«!«!XSiJXiKSiSii5S!KI«Si| Special for Friday and Saturday i 3 ’I'libc.-- Kolynos Tooth Paste 8 i 'I'libcs Kleiizo Tooth Paste $ S Tubes Ipana Tootli Paste $1 | . $1 ; 2 Pts. MI :u Mouth A I Olanlon’s Drug Store Zoooooo ooooooooooooooooof ooocooooo>oooooo^o'ooooc-oo^ SALEM STATIONERY ENGRAVED Box 85c $1.5( Repihir Price 60 Sheets Paper .'30 Rnvelopes AI.I, DAIHIES % PRICE SALEM BOOK STORE of music. His -work consisted of compositions especially written for the use of students of Salem Acad emy, besides church music. Most of these compositions displayed property of his daughter, .viiss Emma Leinbach. At that time Miss Amelia A. Van Vleck was a teacher of music (1859-1911), who composed five marches and waltzes. The first of the student compo sitions is “Come Now O Lord” by Rosa Mickey, now Mrs. Fries. Whether Mrs. Fries, who is expected at the meeting tonight, will sing that or another composition, is nol Professor Frederick Agthe (1878- 80, 1885-87), composed many songs and anthems. Another music pro fessor, George F. Markgraff (1886. 891), composed eleven marches for the Salem orchestra besides several songs. Near these musical works placed the original manuscript of his own outline for pupils of titled: “How to Learn French and German, When You Only Have the Music Lesson for that Purpose?, To Misses Addie Fries and F.tta Shaff- ner.” Miss I-ouise Sidall, student of Mr. Markgraff, and later a teacher at Salem, composed three published Of Mr. Charles S. Skilton’s com-1 positions, forty-one are listed. This | c.'mposer, who taught at Salem from] 1893 to 1896, wrote songs, orchestral^ compositions, solos for the organ, piano, and violin, and choruses. In the library there is a copy of the operetta, “Sigma Phi Alpha,” to which he wrote the music and Miss Adelaide Fries the words, and which was presented by the students. His instrumental music includes many se lections based on American Indian themes, among them four numbers comprising Suite Primeval. The collection of works by Char lotte Matthewson Lockwood, poser and concert artist, who attend ed Salem 1920.1924, is far from complete. There are in the library seven arrangements for the organ of classical compositions, i n c Wagner’s “Valkyre.” Dean Charles G. Vardell, the gift ed and unassuming head of the School of Music, has found time busy life to compose at least four published works besides many ithers which were successful in con- :ert performances. These three are m display: “Dark Days or Fair,” dedicated to Mrs. Vardell; “Concert Gavotte;” and a cantata, “The Inimitable I.overs” from the poem j Speala by Alfred Noyes, which was per-' here at commencement two OLD SALEM TEXTBOOKS ((,’ontiiiued from Page Two.) added, multiplied, subtracted and di- ".ided. If he reads any of the prob lems he notices frequent reference to drawing “a line on your state. There are twenty-three lessons be fore arabic notaton is used n l)00k. “Part Fourth” of the book be gins: “We shall now show a differ ent mode of expressing numbers. . For one or —. We write 1 et c( For ten—10 meaning ten and noth ing more; 0 signifying nothing. The idea in this system is that the pupil learns the sign of a ] bcr before he learns the sign of its appeared in any other work of tht kind.” It is illustrated with sis maps comprising the latest discov eries and engraved by the first American artists. Another kind of geography studied was the geography of the heavens which the Atlas by Elizah H. Bur- ritt A.M. 1835 was designed to il lustrate. All of these books may be found the library and are well worth close examination. THE REYNOLDS GRILL For the Best in Food We Cater to Banquets and Dinner Parties 9 Cafeteria on 10th Flo-or Reasonable Price I Morris * Service Specials Lunchette and Fountain Salem Girls’ Choice ‘‘We’ll Meet You There” ; “ Kxclusive Hut Not Expensive ” I Next to ('.irolina Theatre ; is an even older arithmetic the library than this though Tt was published in 1796 and used by Anna Pauline Shober in 1805 and by Sophia A. Herman in Naz- ereth, 1829. The book is The Ameri can Accountant; or School Master’s .Vert’ Assistant by Benjamin Work- i'.itn. The book is rather difficult to -»’ead because,the old fashioned s like ^.;ur present f is used. It is com prised in four books: Book I—Containing Arithmetic of whole numbers, divers denomination, and the common rules to the end of the double rule of three. Book II—Fractions, vulg£ decimal. Book III -Mercantile arithmetic; nr all the rules necessary for form ing a complete accountent methodi cally arranged and largely exempli fied. Book IV—Extractions, progres sions, et cetera, being the highei rules of arithmetic. “The whole adapted to the Com merce of the United States; and comprehending every thing neces sary to a complete practical knowl edge of the science of arithmetic.” To me the most amusing book w: The Juvenile Speaker which w: published in London in 1827. It co: tains plates of gestures labeled suit able for specific occasions accom panying selections which are marked as to which gestures should be used .and as to the proper-inflection. The gestures besides being pictured described in detail. The selections are from “standard” authors and are grouped under the heading of sacred, moral and descriptive pieces. No se lections are contained which are cal culated for amusement merely “They tend only to create a taste for what is frivolous.” McGuffey’s Sixth FAectic lleadd 4 879 was also used at Salem. I belonged to I.izzie Ashburn and i somewhat similar to The Juvenile THE MIND OF A CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell, teacher, candy- maker, electrician, and puzzle-maker, offers this classic for training the mind before starting to study. •Though he contributed it to this pa per long ago, there has never before been a time critical enough to print it. Get to work: Each statement is relvvant and must be considered in arriving at the correct answer. Answer can be de termined in 5 to 10 minutes. A brakeman, a fireman, and an iployed on a train, i Robinson, Smith, necessarily respec- engmeer are e Their names a and Jones—nc On this tra vith the sai •eferred to are three passengers names—hereinafter to distinguish them from the three trainmen. Mr. Robinson lives The brakeman lives half way tween Detroit and Chicago. 3. Mr. Jones earns exactly $2000. PIEDMONT ENGRAVING Cq PHOTO ENGRAVERS Dial 9722 Winston - SaUr Literary Works Two books concerning the life of Stonewall Jackson, were written by Salem students, one his wife, Mary Anna Morrison Jackson (1819), and the other his granddaughter, Anna Miss Adelaide Fries is the .author J of eight historical works containing the results of the research in the Moravian archives. They are au thoritative and accurate. She also composed the words to songs and an operetta, besides her own class play. Other students whose books have been published are: Mary Fries Blair, Harriette Walker, Evelyn Corbin, and Shirley Watkins. Heading the list of books written by teachers at Salem is Bishop Ed ward Rondthaler’s Memoribilia of Fifty Years, his most widely read work. A teacher of German and French (1878-1879), Miss Josephine W u r r e s c h k e, wrote Beginning French, a textbook to be used with Otto’s Fre?ich Grammar. Other au. thors are Miss Emma A. Lehman, President John H. Clewell, Miss Anna M. Sicdenberg, Prof. Edmund Schwarze, Mr. Douglas L. Rights, Miss Juanita Helm Floyd. Dr. Pearl V. Willoughby, and Miss M; Day. Teachers and alumnae of Salem have contributed widely to magazines and journals, either as a vocation because of special interests. Among th.em are Mrs. Edna Wilson Messer, Miss Ruth Parrish, Mrs. I.indsay Patterson, Mr. W. A. Blair, Mi; Nocturne in G Minor Chopi Laura Elizabeth Bland Smith beat the fireman at billi- The brakeman’s nearest neigh bor, who is one of the three pas sengers, earns exactly three times as much as the brakeman. The passenger living in Chicago has the same name as the brake- AMERICAN EDUCATION (Annual report of the National Student Federation of America) Searching questions are the fash ion of the day. In a world where economy reigns, every institution, every activity, must justify itself. It is essential that higher education be subjected to the same skeptical analysis as everything else. Such analysis will have an impact on the individual student as well as on the system as a whole. For the individual student the question of the value of a college education assumes a significance which it has hitherto lacked. Today education involves sacrifice, in great er or lesser degree, for almost every one. Until now most Americans have jone to college because it never oc curred to them not to; today such luxury cannot be afforded. The question on application blanks for every institution in the country— “Why do you want to go to college?” —has at last become a question which every student must honestly face and for which every student the educational system as a whole the analysis is of equally great iportance. Not only must each institution offer its students the F answering satisfactorily the posed above. Each educa tional institution must also justify tself on a broad social scale. The endowment for institutions of higher education in this country runs into billions; the institutions supported by the public drain large sums from the state treasuries. If this vast ex penditure is wise—and we believe it is — the educational institutions must repay society in the only way they can: by turning out educated men capable of taking their place as leaders in the life of that society. Education has too long been taken for granted in America. Democratic tiieory has enshrined it as an indispu table right; but there is no right without duty. It is the inescapable and solemn task of both institutions and individuals to fulfill that duty. Question: What is the engineer’ Frosh: Soph: interesting book to Salem (.people is Beginning French Book, Aim’s and Belazes Systems,’because the English-French exercises were written by Mrs. Josephine Wur- rcschke, a teacher at Salem in 187f and 1879. She was also Josephine Walker’s grandmother. This book is divided into seven sections: first —pronouncing, second - - spelling, third — translating, fourth — fa- milar words, fifth—easy phrase and dialogue, sixth—tales and poems (with interlines translations,, and last the English-French exercises, 'he writers placed this section last ecausc they believed that children lost easily learn foreign languages 1 the same manner that they learn leir own. The cover of the book 1 decorated with strange figures •hich resemble caricatures or car toons. Salem students studied geography too. There is a Modern Geography, fopywright 1813, which belonged to Anna A. I.ienback in 1820. It con tains “a general description of the -snost remarkable countries through out the known world,” and “many important additions to the geography of the United States that have never “I just bumped my crazy ‘Just comb your hair right n’t show.” I NEWSPRINGCOATS | § Lovely woolen materials in plain tailored models. Also models 3 g combined with satin or fur. Price range $16.50 to $59.85. g I D. G. CRAVEN COMPANY | Lcs Nancy McNeely Marv Heitman, Miss Isabel Fergu son,'Miss Ida Wilkinson, Mr. F. L. Starr, Miss Ruth Giersch, Miss Nat- tie Allen Thurman, and Dr. Howard Rondthaler. As further research brings compositions to light and as Salem talent continues to produce works for publication, the list will continue to be lengthened. HINES A STEP AHEAD NEW SPRING STYLES Arriving Almost Daily Price Range $4.85 TO $8.50 oooooooo ooooooo AGenuine | KELVINATOR | With. KelvinEitor Quality, Kelvinator | DependaLilRy and S. P. U. Service | SMALI DOW'N PAYMENT Installed Your Home LONG EASY TERMS who is makinsf it. KELVINATOR, the f domestic electric refrigerators. Who refrigerator at such a low price? ill find it just the refrigerator you have it—it is the biggest value in electric re- Electricity Is Cheap—Use It Freely! Southern Public Utilities Co.