WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2], 1933. Dr. H. Rondthaler Speaks on “These Days” nts are Given Review of Past Year organized and interesting talk on “These Bewildering Days”. He first read a letter written by Lord Mac- Caulay in 185T, which predicted the arthT'hegtoing of 1933. A resume of his talk is: Roosevelt’s inaugural _ f dress began Tt closed with°a humble prayer. This ‘^elsSnrairof\rbTkUlosTi:^nrur- try stalled, all asremblf the resJurcS^p" the b°ank9, wondered if'^this w™7the'"end of civi- in the Uni- directl were cut 15 pef Mr. Higgins Signs Chemist's Code ence Departments Is With N. R. A. Mr. Higgins, head of the Science tion with the N. R. A.’ signed the code of fair competition of the said Thecode”is given here in hope that it will help Salem students to under- signed*’fn connect'ion''wiTh the n! r!' To effectuate the policy of Title tebiishtd ^rs'Tcodrof'fX" Smj dude every person engaged in iTl^ours of Labor (a) No person employed with the Industry (whether such person is em- sniiTHIiFS-i First Vesper Service Is Well Attended Key toJSppfnTs^ On Sunday the 17th, Dr. Rondtha- ler made the opening vesper talk eoncering the ma.ior secret of a hap py lifo His first example was S’ He stopped by the tree. He looked feel s^me^e^mbarra'ssml*^^^ Je°sus, in His friendly pleasantness told Zae- chaous that He was going to stop at night of fishing were greeted by the friendly words, “Pals, have you any thing to add to a meal?” The man briefly answered, “No.” Jesus, however, had already prepared a meal py, too. Thus we can think ahead for someone and be of service by around us. this talk because the “Y” has tak en service as its theme for the year. wa^s''qu1te‘'’ifyin“’*Over^ dred girls and members of the faeul- Y,"and”the”'lo'lo’ '^I'^wlirVi'ft Up riirea\r;:eTg\^r-r-- rfheln^dusC^hS of $15.00 weekly that part of the United S ;e shall be at the rate J?e‘n’ratrisla::.^ labor organization of his own choos The Association of Co|n suiting Inc. Js hereby design^ied as thf ^ the provisions of this Code, and to re- 0 thelndustry. The imdertheVrov?stons“of t rrSnfL°;x^;t^’’to’’Xh%h^ any member of the Industry si Freshmen Hear Orien tation Speaches rence spoke to the new boarders, Ind Mary Catherine Siewers, last year’s form good hab"ts.*° BudgeHng' boih time and money, use of the library and ?xplanationI*^of ^itr'ktans'^*of''d " Miss Siewers advised the new ^ ^ EHiSHSgS suited, take the advice of older sti dents, take an interest in chapel se vices, and keep up with the assigne Y. W.C. A. Entertains Salem Youngsters beruffled children of i down the path to L( where the Y. W. C. / en |oy( d the fun. As the gan to fall and weary littl ged in the dust, dainty c Etude Prints Article On Salem Music College, Chui^, State At Praised in Well-Known ; article which is en- A Remarkable American Mus- adition”, by Jay Media, was ;d in tW:Etude for this month. ; of its vital interest to the m :2i “xc/ wtaXS-sS “ will liear in the distance tiiTsii the listener is musically |||,iformed wh-ther the deceased is (1) a married ililSi !, “O Haupt Voll I Student Governoieiit Gives Bowery Ball p of cider in o French horns. 'Hie diary of the ^ Refused Trjquest from C o the tolling of b t the schedule of ti Bishop Ffohl Speaks At First Chapel haler, in a few “Of course I’m not a ?^r^si::^^:n?erb^ gowns. I ean hear Dean Vardell at the organ, and I almost start to .-Zi;:"" ToTe or fretting .' All this w'* “Evidently,” said P years the s’piritof Salem on Miss Covington Talks to 1 Advised to Make s of girls - types one who laughs, goes to the show, and drug store, idles her time away and fails her exams because of it. (2)