Sopbomore Academy Class Dinner Fashion Show VOL. XIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1933. “The Mystery of Marshal Ney ’ Presented in Chapel Dr. All Sides of Well-Known lar Y. P. M. Miriam Stevenson Is Head Of May Day New Plans for May Day Have Already Been fater? on Ma^lC the yrave^was in order to determine whether Peter of decomposition. The earth around was sifted in search of a silver skull f the battle he had five On the night of SS~3E-I Ln'L^^efn’^lvr ■ by Dr. Dong, who said,^“Mr. Ney, niors Have Dii nine-thirty the nex^ morning For Mrs. Reynolds fire°*but''Lritated in shooting their friend. Ney, refusing the bUnd-foW, hand%rhis Lart. "^TMs was done Birthday PartTEnjoyed In The Seniors entertained Mrs. W. N. Reynolds with a birthday dinner Fri and Marshall Xey fell to the ground withouVeeremony” ar'?ix^-tMrty’'”he '"'’on Xnua^ry 29, 1816, “Arryou Marsh^al Ne^? ’ ^'*Thrgen- day evening at six o’clock in the Re- together with the soft light furnished by candles and the fire in the huge eral dfd not^respond Ney where* he was again thought to be^Marshal Ney^_ He left the town tr'the*^Seniore'^*from'*"M friTnds."'^Hirpupil^^feafed 'but ad- French General. It is said that while teaching of Na oleofLd'fainfef H®e wen’j the Class, gave a toast. A little later oId^f^"AHcr”preseX^d*”h^'^*wftr"a Ilf tried to^ut hTs Throat,burhe did not succeed in committing sui- Ms'^'scalp'^^nd was a large framed picture of the Louisa Bitting Building in the name of the Mrs. Cooper, state regent of the D. shwt 'talk. , ma e a TamT plaTe^\ndCas'^for"awhn an had played the flute.’ One of Peter Stuarts Ney’s pupils claimed^ tha^ one day his^teaeher thrbMhdaV ^LrrmirTC^ and green and pink with candles. Mrs. Special guests at the dinner besides Mrs.^ Reynolds were Mrs.^C^per, Miss i'he toast given Mrs. Reynolds was Salem Graduate Is On Carnegie Honor List Miss Janet Spaugh Stands Tech- Salem College congratulates this Serious In Cuba ; Collects Opinions On Political Situation iiseussing-the condition in Cuba ;• s:;- T&rstTi:s erald Tribune ’ ’ has compared the )le situation to one of Cuba’s peppery mixture o^ vegetable^^j^erk^ the agitation, that President Roose velt^ wants to_ give reasonalile pro- ’ is personally frien. By Pierrette Players Talent Tryout ’^ewbu^y, Rosemary White, Mary Mr. Schofield Gives Brahms Song Recital Miss Fuller and Miss Tucker Assist in Program by Miss Helen Hart Fuller, who gave a sketch of the life of Brahms- and though^oreach "ong.'’ SheTaid," hannes Brahms combines in his songs Upd"to?ortlr’’Hi^^ No. 3 O Tod, wie bitter bist du Wie fro«S"^^^in„ sich Interesting Pageant Draws Large Crowd Wetiding^D^ 1824-1933 Are Se Salem girls were in the pageant and many more saw and greatly enjoyed Ll“;^na?e7f:d^r^"&Ton^du: in charge of the ouS'ublime'Swcrt‘''Eve^[ng 5. Drink W mc Only (wedding —Mrs. Ilenrv Lei Dean Vardell Lectures At First Music Hour Begins Series on \Vagner g^lc.;,;-the first in “The Nibelungen “Rheingold” tells the story of how the magic ring came to be made, and °’^]^wn in the bed of the River Rhine a mass of pure gold has been hidden. Tte" tW^^RhiL Taide^^^Tave been entrusted with the duty of guarding the^gold, and they AIb"r™hfrhrdJ^^^^^ games. They coquet with^him and that he will forswear love forever in order to be master of the world. Act II is in the gardens of Wal- halla, the abode of the gods. The giants Fasolt and Fafner have built abode*'of th“e goL.^ Toki,“the god of fire, who is the embodiment of de- Preya, |>ddess of love, as^ their re ward and carry her off despite^the Wit’hout the presence of Freya the fusrto\Tar7ruR,‘^anrthl^dsbegL to grow cold. The only way in which t*he g^odde'ssTby'^a bri“e"of tUmagic gold. Wotan and Loki go in search of this treasure, which is now jealous- pl’eSes!”"Hr hrs'aUo faXoneTfrom Wotan and Loki enter to confer with wfpowerrof cLngL'r^mself ing victim until he has given up all his treasures, including the cap and the scene of Act IV is again in the s of Walhalla. The gods car- gold in triumph to Walhalla, s heaped before her to ex- e the gods pass over a ra^including some of’ the motifs i. e.