Sophomore Recital VOL. XIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1934. Number 19. Salem Music School Gives Night Recital Delightful Program to Be Presented Monday On Monday night, February 26, at 8:15 o’clock, the School of Music of Salem College will present a student’s recital. The public is invited to attend. Program Fantasia in C minor Mozart Miss Ruth Wolfe Doctor Gradus at Parnassus. Debussy Miss Mary Absher Sonata in C minor—Preludia Guilmont Miss Nancy McNeely Aria “M’appari”(Marta) Flotow Mr. Kenneth Bryant Sonata pathetique—Finale: Ronod Beethoven Miss Frances Suttlemyre Hejre Kati Hubay ussy Miss Irene Clay Aria: “O Mis Fernando Domigetti (La Favorita) Miss Lois Naff Polonaise in C sharp minor Chopin Miss Mary Louise Mickey Father of Dean Vardell Celebrates 74th Birthday President-Emeritus of Flora MacDonzild Honored On Monday, February 12, Dr, C. G. Vardell, president-emeritus of Flora Macdonald College and father of Dean Charles Vardell of Salem, was honored by a banquet at the col lege in Red Springs, in honor of his 74th birthday. Dr. H. G. Beddinger, president of Flora Macdonald, was toastmaster for the occasion, and Dr, Rondthaler, life long friend of the “birthday boy” as he called Dr. Vardell, was the speaker for the evening. In token of the love and appreciation for his devotion to the cause of education, Dr. Vardell was presented with gifts by the presi dent of the student body and the pres ident of the alumnae association. Many toasts were offered to him, and a huge birthday cake, lighted by seven ty-four candles, was presented him by Margaret Vardell, daughter of Dean Vardell. Among the few close friends and relatives who came to wish the be loved president-emeritus best wishes were Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler, Dean Vardell and Miss Margaret Vardell. After the banc|^uet the guests were invited to attend a concert by the noted pianist, Mme. Dayas, a mem ber of the faculty of the conservatory of music at Cincinnati. Following the concert a social hour was enjoyed with Mrs. Beddinger, wife of the president presiding over the table. State School Curricu lum to be Revamped Salem Represented in Pre liminary Conferences The State school course of study is to be made the focus of a two-year investigation in which hundreds of cultural, civic, and technical organi zations will cooperate with the State Department of Education with the aim of bringing the work of the schools more directly into vital rela tion with modern life. The study, which is understood to receive finan cial support from the General Edu cation Board, Was launched at a pre liminary meeting held February 16 in the Hall of the House of Repre sentatives in Raleigh. Salem College was represented by President Rond thaler and Mr. McDonald, of the De partment of Education and Psycho logy. The five hundred or attendance represented practically every educational institution, club, or organization in the life of the state. Formal addresses were made by Gov ernor ,T. C. B. Ehringhaus and State Superintendent A. T. Allen. The en tire day was devoted to discussion, which each major organization w called upon to expressits point of view in the matter of curriculum revision. (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) Dr. Willoughby Addresses Altrusans ‘Contributions of Women To History of Novel” Saturday evening, February 18, at the Twin City Country Club, Dr. Pearl V. Willoughby, head of the Salem College English Department, spoke to the joint meeting of the Charlotte and Winston-Salem branches of the North Carolina Altrusians, at the celebration of the club’s tenth anni versary. Her topic was “The Con tribution of Women to the History of the Novel.’” In her talk. Dr. Wil loughby brought out many interesting facts. Though, as yet no woman has risen to the position of major poet, many women have done beautiful and dis tinguished work in verse. It is in the development of prose fiction that wom en have done their most notable work. Before the publication of “Princess de Cleves” by Mme. de la Fayette in 1668, fiction dealt only with marvels and adventure. In England in the 17th century, Mrs. Aphra Behn was the most no table writer of fiction. In “Qronoo- ka’ her famous “Noble Savage” story, she anticipates Defoe, whose realistic narratives have the verisimilitude of actual history. When the fiction of the eightenth century turned to an exploitation of horror, Mrs. Radcliffe surpassed all her contemporaries in this respect and was the most influencial of the writ ers of Gothic romance. The turn from the literature of terror and propa ganda, developed in the early eigh teenth century to a picture of every day social life was likewise accom plished by a woman—Fanny Burney, writer of “Evelina.” Jane Austin carried forward the novel of manners into the 19th cen tury, enriching it with playful sar casm and keen comments on character. George Elliot surpassed in psycho logy any of male fiction writers in her generation. Contrary to Dickens who tended toward caricature and Thack eray who tended toward the making of puppet-characters, Elliot presented characters that have a sturdy Solidity and reality. The Bronte sisters were probably the most revolutionary of all English writters of fiction of the 19th century, “The Tenant,” by Anne Bronte, is the first English novel which makes strong protest against the dominate male. “Jane Eyre” was regarded ^ indelicate and as revolutionary. (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) Freshmen Entertain Juniors at Dinner Dancing and Singing Feature of Evening Big sisters and little sisters and food and music and witticisms of Dr. Rondthaler and Mr. Curlee equal good time of Juniors and Freshmen last Saturday evening. As a good ex ample to all sisters, Beverly and Cokey vied with each other in prais ing the other class. According Beverly, the “lowly, green worr :periencing the joy emotion, e so happy they almost went a tangent. Cokey seemed to think the Freshmen were the best little sisters to be found, and after Saturday night all the Juniors agreed with her. Needless to say. Dr. Rondthaler and Mr. Curlee were the most sought after gentlemen of the evening an ual, were the life of the party. They kept the traditional ball of conversa- ■■ I rolling; just ask Jane Williams Margaret Ward. These worthy sires must have learned how to exert power t)ver women i^ast (Thursday night at the lecture on Hypnotism. Between bites of delicious food, ev eryone enjoyed a singing good time with the latest song hits, including “She’ll Be Coming Around the Moun tain,” and “She Died of a Broken Rib”. When there were lulls in the singing Martha Neal disertated on the trials of a housewife. Leaving the dining room fortified with whistles, paper caps, and hatch ets (it wasn’t a scalping party, how ever) everyone went to the recreation of Louisa Bitting, The recreation room of Louisa Bitting, The recreation room was decorated with red crepe paper and pyramids of long, red bal loons. Here, after about an hour and a half of dancing, the family party broke up. EXTRA! EXTRA! All about the big jamboree to be staged Saturday night in the hut—!!—The Sophomore Ball, it is to be called, and a ball it ■will be, too, with toe tickling music by a sho’-’nuff dance orchestra!! And the dancing—what a treat it will be to dance with a gigolo— not one that you read about in Love Story Magazines — but a real, flesh and blood Romeo. And while you’re waiting for your favorite gigolo, there’ll be tables where you can sit and watch him - simply listen to And then the evening will come to a glorious climax with the cor onation of the king and queen— those two mysterious notables whose names as yet remain ques tionable. The nature of the cere mony is not yet to be revealed, but it will be either so ridiculous ly funny that you’ll be in a good humor til Spring holidays, or so amazingly beautiful and impres sive that you’ll forget about May Day. And after the coronation—a surprise—in honor of the king and queen, and for the entertainment and pleasure of our patrons, we shall present a twenty-minute stage show—short ’n’ snappy, but chock full of the latest song hits, clever comedy, and everything that goes to make up peppy, fast- moving entertainment. We’ll ex pect everyone from Dr. Rond thaler to Buddy Downs (or should I say from Buddy Downs to Dr. Rondthaler!) However it is, or whoever you are—we’ll promise you something new and different —something that we ’re sure you ’ll enjoy immensely throughout the evening. Salem Faculty Guests At High School Misses Read and Blair Heard By Local Students IS Hazel Horton Read, head of the violin department of Salem Col lege, was enthusiastically received by the students of the Richard J. Reynolds High School, at their chap el service on Friday, February 16. Before playing each selection, Miss Read gave a colorful and interesting interpretation of it. She was accom panied at the piano by Miss Dorothy Thompson. The program consisted of: At Sunset To the Warriors Cecil From a Wigwam Cecil The Avalanche Burleigh Guitonne Maskowski Allegro from Concerto in D Wieniawski Problems of a College Fresh- i” was the subject of an enlight ening talk made by Miss Marion Blair, registrar and member of the Salem College Faculty, before a meeting of the National Honor Soc iety of the high school on Wednes day njoming. Dealing first with the results freshman in college might expect from his or her attendance there. Miss Blair cited the acquisition of knowledge, the broadening of friend ship and the outlook on life and the development of character and per sonality as predominating. As to the problems facing the Freshman, Miss Blair stated, " will be a greater and keener compe tition, due to the percentage of hon or students from high schools all over the country; a strange environ ment to which adaptation must be made and lastly the fact that the Freshman in a college community be of the same relative portance as in his own community The Freshman must make his way from an even start. NEW EDITORS The success of this week’s paper entirely because of the work of Mar tha Binder and Elizabeth Jerome. They took complete charge and did hard work. How about compliment ing them—they deserve it. Y. P. M. Owing to certain ‘difficulties’, Y. P. M, yesterday was a great surprise. At 11:15 the student body was ex cused for a recess of 45 minutes. We congratulate the new committee. Salem Professors Attend National Meet Classes Will Be Conducted By Visiting Professors The annual convention of research and administrative societies in educa tion which are affiliated with the National Education Association will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, during five days from February 23 through 27, Ralph W, McDonald and Noble R, McEwen, of the Department of Psychology adn Education, will attend as members of the North Carolina delegation. During the absence of Mr. McDonald and Mr. McEwen their Salem classes will be taught by Mr. J. B. Hathorn as visiting professor of Psychology and Education. Professor Hathorn, Dean and Professor of Edu cational Psychology in Sam Houston State Teachers College, HuintsviUe, Texas, is spending this year in the graduate school of Duke University. Messrs. McDonald and McEwen will participate in the meetings of the following groups with which they are associated: National Association of College Teachers of Education; Na tional Society for the Study of Edu cation; Psychological Research Asso ciation; Department of Superintend ence of the National Education Asso- ciatoin; Kappa Delta Pi, national hon or fraternity in education; American Council on Education. They will at tend also the general sessions of the National Education Association. Professor Hathorn will be accom panied to Salem by Mrs. Hathorn. During their week’s visit they will re- the campus. Duke Institute Of Internaltional Affairs Conferences Wll Be Held In June The second annual Duke Institute of International Relations will be held Duke University, Durham, from . 11 to 23. This Institute is under joint auspices of The American Friends Service Committee and Duke University This is a twelve day Conference for _ ^eryone interested in promoting world peace. A program has been worked out arranging for classes in the morning, recreation in the after- -->011, and lectures in the evening. Experts in the fields of Education, Economics, History, Law, Sociology, and Religion will present the problems of International Relations from their special angles. The faculty will in clude such eminent authorities as: Dr. Leighton Richards, of Birmingham, England, upon “The Individual’s Re lation to War;” Dr. Kirby Page, Edi tor The World Tomorrow, upon “A Religious Program for World Peace;” Dr. Grover Clark, national authority upon “The Far Eastern Conflict;” Dr. Dudley D. Carroll of the Uni ver ity of North Carolina, upon “An In dependent World;” Dr. Justin Miller, of Duke Law School, upon “Interna tional Law and World Cooperation;” Dr. Calvin Hoover, famous student of European affairs, upon “European Democracies and Dictators;” Dr. De- (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) International Pray er Observed at Vespers Mrs. Haywood Speaks on The Service of Prayer Sunday night, February 18, Mrs. T. Holt Haywood spoke at vespers on the service of prayer. She explained that real prayer was not simply mut tering incoherent sentences every morning and night. To pray truly we all must pray ceaselessly. She ex pressed very beautifully and very sin cerely the fact that Christ is a twen tieth century man and not merely the man living in the easy first century. If we consider Him as a fellow-man, up-to-date and modern, it will be easy to fall in with His ideas. In our life of every day, we can make our pray ers constant by always having an at titude of prayer. It is impossible to carry out literally the request, but our attitudes often speak more forc ibly than our words. If we live our lives thus, they will become like a tree, she said in closing, ever growing calmer, stronger, and more courageous. Our leaves will be eternally drinking of the water of life. Exhibition At Salem Of German Treasures Original Etchings Displayed For a Week r one week beginning on Tues day, February 27, there will be ex hibited in the living room of the Alice Clewell Building a collection of orig inal German works of art. The Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, which strives to bring about cultural re lationships between Germany and the United States, is sponsoring the ex hibit. Included in the collection are fam- _as etchings, woodcuts, and lito graphs. The exhibit begins with the works of Max Liebermann, born in 1847 and for 30 years president of the Russian Academy. Modern trends in German Art for the last fifty years are also traced. There are represen tatives of the impressionistic era, the school of naturalism, the school of expressionism, and the abstract field. Salem students are particularly fortunate in being able to enjoy this renowned exhibit. Although it is be ing shown all over the country, only six colleges in North Carolina have the privilege and benefit of its dis play on their campuses. There is no admission for the exhibit and gallery talks will be made concerning the various works of art. Dr. Risner Speaks At Salem College Minister Draws Lessons From Exposition On Friday night the Wiinston- Salem Junior Civic Club sponsored a lecture at Salem College, deliver ed by Dr. Henry Clay Bisner, a veteran Baptist Minister and widely traveled publicist. Rev. Gordon Spaugh introduced the speaker. Dr. Risner used as a theme for hia interesting and thoughtful lec ture, the historical, scientific, and spiritual phases of life. He first gave a brief summary of the develop ment of America’s historical events. History is the investigation of how things came to be as they are. He went on to a discussion of Chicago and of the great Exposition which he attended during the past summer. He stated that the slogan of the ex position might well be termed “To Understand What is in Front of Us,” and this, he added, compre hends the essential philosophy of Dr. Risner discussed the stress the exposition laid on science which dis covers cause and effect, but does not give advice. Science played a great and destructive part in the last war. He made mention of great scientists who were memoralized in the Hall of Seniors Advised Of Teaching Position Encouragement Given Primsu-y Teachers The Department of Education and sychology has prepared a bulletin. Suggestions to Seniors Who Desire Teaching Positions, which is available upon request. Mr. McDonald states that this is the season when the pros pective teacher should begin her search for the appropriate position. A fact of encouragement to Salem seniors is that, despite the depression which has upset teaching during the past three years, the demand for Sal- teaching graduates seems to be greater than ever before. The largest per cent of placements has been among the Primary teaching gradu- practically all of whom have se cured positions for the past three years. Eighty per cent of the Gram mar Grade teaching graduates during the same period have secured posi tions. Approximately fifty-five per cent of these certified to do high school teaching have obtained employ ment, although many of the positions secured by these graduates have been in the elementary school. - Such per cents of successful candidates for ' teaching positions are considered un usually high under the conditions which liave existed.

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