Wednesday, January 16, 1935. THE SALEMITE Page Three. SPRING ANTICIPATED IN JANUARY We are standing on the corner in front of the Nissen Building hold- iiijr our hat on with one hand and our pocket-book in the other. Let’s walk just a few steps down the yi reet, and now we are standing with our nose pressed against the plate- sliiss windows of the Ideal, and 1 resto, we are on a golf course. In- s de are some ladies dressed in knit wool golf suits with chamois skin jerkins, one in blue and one in green with the chamois skin of a blend ing tan color. They are wearing man nish, and very chic, “Knox” sport hats of French felt, that turn up in the back and tilt down in the front over one eye. In the other window is a group of new “Pafield” posted felt hats. They are in such colors as Pottery blue, Beige, Aquatone blue or Cognac Brown. It seems that the “Angel face” (off the face) hats, and hats with Russian crowns, the ones which have liigh pointed crow'ns or tucks in the crown, are the in spring hats. Eenieijiljer, girls, these are the hats that the “four hundred” are wearing down in Miami now, so of course they’ll be the ones we’ll all be wearing this spring. In Montaldo’s a “Southern Ee- sort” window is displayed. There is a “ slinky, ’ ’ yet refreshing and youthful, starched white linen lace evening dress. The dress is of very simple and graceful lines, fft is sleeveless and its only ornament is a bunch of white violets at the bottom of a low neck. The dress follows the lines of the figure until it reach es the knees where it flares in. wide sweeping folds to the floor. This dress has a jacket with the new mushroom collar, and when the jack et is worn the dress is changed to a dinner or afternoon dress. Pearls, and a flaming red chiffon handker chief, which adds the only touch of color, complete this suave costume. We turn away from a Florida night and grab our hats' as we move on down the street in a gust of wind. New Twin Sweater Sets Dark and Light Colors Price $3,S0 D. G. Craven Co. EXCHANGE COLUMN Some Hashes from the Intercollegi ate Press last week included the fol lowing; Will Rogers has been invited to attend the Rollins College founder’s day exercises, where he will be given a Bachelor of the Art of Making People Grin, Laugh and Guffaw de gree. Denver University Freshmen males are forcibly ejected from football games if caught bringing dates with them. Students of history are at last getting the inside story on the ‘ ‘ Ala bama Claims. ’ ’ Look what happened at the Rose Bowl on New Year’s Day. • ■ —The Rotunda, Farmville S. T. C. Our New Year’s resolution wag to count three and then shoot the guy who punned on “revolution” just at this time. —The Rotunda. Public Enemy Number Two is the fellow who breaks on you at a dance when you are breaking on another i:ellow. Enemy Number Two will be put on the spot at Mid-Winters when LIMERICKS There was a young lady named Cokey Who thought her hair looked so poky— That she snipped off some bangs. And now the hair just hangs Down in the eyes of Miss Cokey! There was a young lady named Carrol, Whose proportions were those of a barrel. She is no longer stout, ’Cause her appendix is out. And there’s such a change in Miss Carroll. There were some fair damsels of Salem Who thought that good luck would not fail ’em But after exams rolled around, They had to heap up a mound Over tliose fair damsels of Salem. a series of no-break dances will be started. —The Technician, State College, Raleigh. Gewo PtCTURES Makc Settek School PIEDMONT ENGRAVING g. WI N s TON - Salem , N .C. Rothmoor Coats and Suits Final Redu-stion All Selling At Less Than Wholesale Cost Efirds Dept. Store Morris Service “Sodas, Sandwiches a Special” Nert Door to Carolina Theatre . \ A \ V ^ ALL TOBACCO MEN KNOW; wamelsore mode framv finer, . More: Expensive Toboccos—Turkish and Domestic.r- than any. Others popular brand, EDWIN BOYD, ’35—Engineering Student: "An engineering field trip is enough to tire out anybody. When I’m lugging a transit and tripod across rough country... taking the hills as they come...fighting through brush and woods...I’ll admit I often get tired clear through. No wonder you’ll find me smoking a Camel most of the time. For I’ve learned that a Camel restores my energy—cheers me up—makes the miles ahead seem easier. And why not enjoy a Camel whenever I want one—Camels never get on my nerves!” TUNE IN ON THE NEW CAMEL CARAVAN featuring GLEN GRAY’S CASA LOMA ORCHESTRA WALTER O’KEEFE • ANNETTE HANSHAW TUESDAY 10:00 P.M. E.S.T. 9:00 P.M. C.S.T. 8:00 P.M. M.S.T. 7 ;00 P.M. P.S.T. THURSDAY 9:00 P.M. E.S.T. 8:00 P.M. C.S.T. 9:30 P.M. M.S.T. 8:30 P.M. P.S.T. OVER COAST-TO-COAST WABC-COLUMBIA NETWORK NEWSPAPER MAN. Ray Baker says; "Whenever I feel 'all in,’ I can quickly restore my energy with a Camel. Camels bring back my pep. For over ten years I’ve preferred Camels. They have a rich, distinc tive flavor that suits me.” SALES MANAGER. "Long ago,” says Louis Bayard, "I learned that by smok ing a Camel I could in sure myself against the effects of fatigue. I find, too, that smoking as many Camels as I like doesn’t affect my nerves.” GLEN GRAY Copyright, 1935 B. J. Beynolds Tobacco Company Winston-Salem, N. C. \ ' V -i.' r J,'/'' "* {n ^ * '' t, ^ y. ^ ^ • '■ ^ r *’'■ , ' ^ v\^ "" ■ CAMH’S COSTLIER TOBACCOS NEVER GET ON YOUR NERVES!