Page Two. THE SALEMITE Wednesday, February 13, 1935. Member Southern Inter-Collegiate Press Association Published Weekly by the Student Body of Salem College SUBSCRIPTION FKICE $2.00 a Year :: 10c a Copy EDITORIAL STAFF Editor- In-Chief Cortlandt Preston Associate Editors:— Elizabeth Cray Virginia Garner Erika Marx Feature Editors:— Carolyn Diehl Jo Whitehead Senior Feature Editors:— Mary Penn Libby Jerome Martha Binder Margaret McLean ColumnisU:— /r? i Mary Elizabeth Reeves (Exchange) Emma Wargo (Chapel) Poetry Editor:— Margaret Wall LITTLE-RED-RIDING- ON-THE-HOOD Reporters:—* Louise Freeman Anna Ray Fogle Mary Louise Haywoou Gertrude Schwalbe Martha Schlegel Ruth Kuykenda.: Sarah Ingram Libby Torrence Mary Mathews Nancy Schallert Mary Lib Dobbins Margaret Calder Helen Smith BUSINESS STAFF Exchange Mgr Virginia Key CouncU advertising staff Martha Nolan Virginia Fraley Mary Daniel Eloise Sample Mary Coleman Henderson Martha Coons Eleanor Matheson Louise Preas Circulation Mgr w' Asst Cir. Mgr Mary Ruth Elliot CHEERFUL CHERUB SAYS: “My work just worried me today So that I couldn’t do my best Until I liad this lovely thought; The world can stand it if I rest.” ‘BE MY VALENTINE” Once on a time there was a man which had six daughters, one was named Face, and one was named Soap and one was named Charcoal. jS’ow' one of the little girls had such black hair that her father called her Little Eed. The papa he wuz ride on a three legged bycicle and Little Red was ride on the hood so her pa was call her Little Red Riding on the hood. Now one day Little Red’s mama was call her and telling her that her grannia which lived in the valley on yon hill was sick and could not cook her some breakfast for dinner so little Red must carry her this basket of buckets for supper (they wus related to the Goat fam ily). So little Red wus put on her little green ear muffins and start over the hill to her granma’s in the vally and they wus a old wolf (may be it was the big bad wolf) aweb- bing his way through the field and he was a-spid-er and he asked her, “Where am I going are you?” and little Red was a-telling him that she was carrj'ing her granma a basket of buckets for supper on account of she was sick and could not cook her some breakfast for dinner, and when little unsuspecting Red got there she said, “Oh grandmaw what big eyes you have.” “The better to hear you with my dear.” “Oh grandmaw what big mouth you have.” “Tlie better to see you with my dear.” “Oh grannie what big ears you have” “The better to eat you with.” and he was going to eat lier without even saying the bless ing but just then a bird walked in (T guess it must have l)een Admiral Bird), and hit the wolf over the head with a pole (T guess it was tlie South Pole). Xow my eliildren the moral of this story is that a bird in the bush gathers no moss. Xity nite. I’. S.'—And mv last name ain't Stein. REAL PEOPLE Miss Likes -4* i February may chill our toes but it warms our hearts because it brings ttirec anniversaries of pleasant im port. Lincoln’s birthday is less of a patriotic oceasion than it used to be and more of a time for cherishing the common human |ualities. Wash ington’s birthday too, reminds us of a figure who as years pass seems to gain in stature and kindliness. Shall we be thought irreverent if, with these national lieroes we rank Valentine, who slyly slips his special event in between their birthdays^ Til his honor there is no closing o# banks, shops, and schools. No need. He is remembered at all hours of day and night from cliildhood thro sentimental teens to old age. Our first recollection of Valentine celebration was at the age when, having tired of the Christmas doll, we began early in .lanuary to haunt Kresses in quest of boxes of \ alen- tines to be made. After many tedious hours we proudly o.vhibited the fin ished product—a gluey, dirtied lace heart with “,T Love you” laborious ly iirinted across its red surface. The real tlirill was yet to come—the delivering. What was ever more fun than slipping up on a playmate’s |iorch, hastih' tucking the ma.ster- pieee of a missive under the door, and with a ring of the doorbell dash ing away into the bushes? Then came school days and the gailv decorated Valentine boxes stuffed with fancy, elaborately versed greetings adorned with plump, pink cupids and snow white doves. In those days our chief con cern was whether or not we would get as many as Mary and whether or not we would get as many ‘ ‘ bought ones ’ ’ as the teacher. Following were the serious days when we worried lest he would for get the Valentine and the days when we debated the advisability of send ing him one and the propriety of signing it “Guess Who?” (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY FEBRUARY 12TH (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) always very polite. Abrahanl was forced to cut his expressions short because of the scarcity of jyaper in the Lincoln household. This lack was a style-forming factor which may account for the concise com- of his later writings. As a lawyer, Lincoln was no “hick.” Ho rose to the front rank in Illinois. His common sense, his shrewdness, and his effectiveness be fore a jury won him fame. In the “Duff” Armstrong case, he success fully defended a murder charge by using an almanac to refute testi mony regarding moonlight on the Tiight of the murder. Lincoln was called in by the McCormick Reaper Co. when it protested against in fringements of its patents. This case was tried in the federal court at Cincinnati, and wiiile on this case Lincoln suppres.sed his feelings when snubbed by eastern attorneys. Later, .ns President, he appointed one of these—Staunton—to his cabinet. Tn the election of 1800 Lincoln did not rcceive a single popular vote in ten Southern states. His own county in Illinois voted against him. He was chasen president by j)lur- alities in enough states for electoral majority but as for whole pojmlar vote, he was a minority President. When he was forming his cabinet, Lincoln wished to include a repre sentative from the South. .He ap proached .lohn A. Gilmer of North Carolina, but he was disappointed in this. - • During the civil war Lincoln studied militarj- works, all about strategy, campaign plans, battle plans, etc. In 18(i2 he considered taking the field himself. Lincoln took- no regular exercise as President. When under great strian, as he was during the Battle of the Wilderness, he could not eat or sleep, and black rings were no ticed under liis eyes. .Abraham Lincoln’s mental relaxa tion was found in humorous stories and in the repetition of favorable literary ])assages. The poem “Oh Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud,” had a peculiar fascina tion for him. Laughter was an abso lute need of his harassed mind. His People often miss a great deal in life by gazing across fields and mountains far into the distance— so far, in fact that they lose sight entirely of the beauty around their own door, steps. Look around you here in our own Salem campus. Do you realize how many extraordinary persons there are right here living among us day by day? And have you ever considered how very little you actually know of many of the people among whom you live — of their experiences, activities, and in terests? One unusual person we should like to help you know better is Miss Likes. Many students see her only as a neat, white-uniformed, business like, systematic, and efficient nurse at the infirmary. They appreciate hor abilities and her services, but, somehow, they fail to see her as an individual who has lived a full and extremely interesting life. After completing her training at Hlessing Hospital in Quincy, Illinois, Miss Likes did private duty nursing in Quincey and at Wenatchee, Wash ington. From there she went to Seattle where she did post-graduate work in the Firland Tubercular Sani- torium. Not satisfied with the above fields of activity. Miss Likes spent one summer in Juno, .Maska, at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, .luno, accord ing to Miss Likes, is a very l>lea.sant town, similar to American cities, the Catholic hospital was an excellent one, and the summer sea son was extremlj- delightful. The flowers and vegetables were par ticularly luxuriant and In-autiful throughout the entire season. Returning to the United States, she spent some time in Johnston (Mty, Tenn. at the tubercular sana torium, and then she returned to Quincey varying her work by nurs ing at the State Soldier’s Home. Following a stay at the Hoi>emont Tubercular Sanatorium in West Virginia, Miss Likes retu/ned to Illinois again, Ottawa this time, where she was Public Health Nurse. .\fter a period of nursing at St. Cloud Hospital in Orlando, Florida, she changed to school work at the same place. I’articularly interesting, as well, was her position as nurse at the Mountain Park Institute, Located some fifty miles from Winston- Salem, with which many students are acquainted, There and at Crook ed Oak School near Mt. Bethel, Miss Likes rendered invaluable service both to the students and faculty of the schools and to the mountain people themselves. Through her excellent work in these two places Miss Likes became known at Salem, where she is now spending her fifth year. Throughout her entire nursing career, Miss Likes has given lier whole self to her work. Even on vacations, when asked she has will ingly forgotten herself and filled in to help friends. Altogether, she is an extremely interesting and won derful person—always ready and eager to help and sincere in her in terest and desire to enter into the schools activities. Furthermore, and not to be sneezed at either she has a delightful sense of humor and her supply of stories relating to her work and experience is unusually irge and varied. THE OFF-CAMPUS TATTLER Carolina is going to be honored with the presence of several Sale- mites next week-end. Mary Louise Haywood and Peggy Brawlty, for example, are going there for mid winters. Katherine Sissell has recently been elected si>onser for Sigma Pi, social fraternity at State College. She and Marion Mitchell went there some week-ends ago for mid-winters. Miriam Sams departed last Satur day night by going to Greensboro for a Camp Yohnahlahsee reunion. Ruth Norman will be spending next week-end at State College. Query: who comes to tawn to see her everv week-end! Ann Nisbet is going to play as a guest artist at Lenoir-Rhyne in the near future—of which more anon. N. B.—Day Students; This is your column. Please fill it well. JUNIOR JOURNEYS Margaret Sears, Virginia Thomp son, Jean Robinson, and Garnell Rainej- pointed high this week-end— meaning tliey visited in High Point Saturdav and Sundav. Susan liawlings went over to Char lotte to meet her family for the w(>ek-end. Juniors were represented at the “V” Conference in Greensboro by Martha Schlegel and Erika Marks. Wilda ^pent the week-end at liome —wonder if Harold liad any thing to do with her visit? SOPHOMORE - FRESH MEN MERRY-GO-^ ROUND They’ve had a busy week-end, those Freshmen and Sophomores! Rebecca Brame spent the week-end at her home. Helen Diehl was Mary Hart’s guest over Sautrday and Sunday. Jane Boren spent Saturday night at W. C. U. N. C. and attended a camp meeting. Marianna Cassell’s sister, Margar et, spent the week-end at Salem. Mildred Troxler got up at five o’clocic Sunday morning in order to s])cnd as many hours as possible at home. Sara Katherine Thompson’s moth er and father spent the week-end in Winston-Salem. Jlary Coleman Henderson, Helen Preas, Eleanor Matheson, Frances Hodges Carrow, Helen Smith, Louise .Mexander, and Idalyza Dunn went out to Mary Woodruff’s Saturday night. Frances Colo and Grace Parker went out to dinner Saturday night with Grace’s cousin. Tee Little, Mavis Bullock, Titter Daniel and Elouise Sample went to a High School Basket Ball game with Miss At Saturday night. ilartha Nolen and Frankie Mead ows swut Saturday evening at Carol GIvn’s. Virginia McConnel went out rid ing Sunday afternoon. Jo Reece had Aggie Brown, Nancy McNeely, and Madeline Smith out to see her on Sundav. Etta Bert is having a difficult time deciding which Bahnson, Fred dy or Agnew, is better! While friend Marianna Hooks rides out on Sun dav afternoon with a Mr. . Cordelia Lowery w'as out Sunday but her escorts name isn’t known at the moment! Later date maybe. SENIORS! EXTRA! JUNIORS TAKE FIRST BATTLE AS BASKET BALL SEASON OPENS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) G. Bullock Torrence G. Council Brown Cr. Substitutes: Juniors—Wright. Referee, iliss Biles. enjoyment of rough jest is seen in his fondness for Nasby and Artemus Ward. His matter-of-fact secretaries had to endure a chapter from Ward as a {)reface to his reading of the Emancipation Proclamation in cab inet meeting. The 3rd floor of Louisa Bitting has becomt* the knitting circle of Salem College. 7-9 of the inhabi tants of said floor are going to daz zle the college on Easter with their “hand made” suits. Laura Emily Pitts went to Dur ham Sunday with her mother. (From an Alice Clewell Window it looked as though there were three h.andsome boys with her mother). Bessie Lou Bray, Frances Sally, and Jane Ciow and three Juniors whose names don’t belong here had supper out at Jo Reece’s Sunday night. Bessie Lou had to rush back to Alice Olewell for a date which awaited her there. Marianna Redding wont out Sun dav with lier sister. Beverly Little spent Sundav at W. C. U. N. C. Was Pat heartbroken Saturday night when she couldn’t accept a certain date? Yes, sir! Was she heartbroken Sunday because she could? No ma’am. You tell ’em, Pat! Washington was the goal of Cokey and Bnshic this past week-end. Be careful Cokey “Three times a brides maid .... ” Babbie sure is glad she had her wisdom teeth while she was taking exams. Now she is hoping that two new ones will appear before final examinations. Jane Williams sure did leave early Saturday afternoon! Wonder what the big attraction was in Wilming ton—that even Mary I'enn and Rachel Carroll should heed the call ’ !!!!! We wonder what excuse Martha Binder gave the deans when she went out to Mrs. Longs! Yea, we wonder!! Remember that saying “when the cat’s away the mice will play!” Do you remember it M. Ward? .Tack Shaffner is still paying at tention to Josie Chase in spite of a poor Sophomore’s silent prayer. Lillian Smith’s f:imily came up Sundav. It must be nice when someone comes all the way from Kingsport to Winston Salem to see one. Eh, what? Helen Smith and liOuise Preas? Lou Freeman has added one more to her string of letter writers, one more picture to her art gallery of men. This latest addition is none other than Robert Donat, the hero of “Count of Monte Cristo. ” Could he have mistaken Lou for .loan Crawford? Ho singled out two other young Salemites for his favor, Lelia Williams and Louise Preas. One jire-med. student in writing Mary Frances Hayworth sent her an aspirin to abate the shock of the let ter. JEary Frances spent the week end in the Infirmary. Did she talce the pill or didn’t .she? That is the question. Dot Moore’s mother was here and so she has the up-to-the minute gos sip on Curlee. Betty Tuttlo went home to Leaks- ville whereas Ann Vann and Julia Leo Little went to Greensboro to visit friends and relatives. Sara Johnston couldn’t even fin ish her supper last Sunday night— the reason being a certain Ihvid- sonian!

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