Hockey Banquet Sat. Dec. 7 Senior Vespers Sun. Dec. 8 VOL. XVI. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1935. Number 12. STATE YOUTH CON FERENCE HELD IN WINSTON-SALEM Salem Collegfe Well Represented “Christian Youth Building a New World” was the theme of the State- Wide Youth Conference held in Winston-Salem from Fridaj', Novem ber 29th to Sunday, December 1st. With that theme in mind, and a definite aim in view, one hundred and fifty or more young people at tended the Conference Meetings held last week at the First Baptist Church. Young men and women rep resenting their churches and organ izations in their towns, and those representing their colleges, met to gether with older leaders to discuss with them problems, and solutions for those problems, in a rather cha otic world. Dr. Edmund Schwarze welcomed the delegates in the opening session of the conference at 2:00 Friday aft ernoon. He reminded them of the rapid increase of nationalism and the danger of a break with the church in a nation that sanctions it. The way to attack the problem is through the youth of the nation. Dr. Jesse M. Bader, of the Federal Council of Churches in America, de livered the keynote address. He said that youth is on the march all over the world. In Germany, in Italy, in Russia, young people are on the march politically and educationally. Young CommunLsts chant, “We are changing the world. ^ ^ If all the fol lowers of Jesus Christ would say that, it would mean something. Jesus spoke of a New World, in which His kingdom would come. 63 generations have failed to bring in that king dom, and we, as the C4th, can do it if we arc willing to pay the price. What about our own personal relig ious living? How much of us does Christ have? What about our loy alty and devotion to Christ and His Church? We can’t have a New World without Christ and we can’t give to others what we do not have ourselves. Our generation needs Christ more than /any generation ever has, and when we get Him in place, the world will come out all right. Discussion groups were held after Dr. Bader’s speech. The delegates chose the groups that they wished to attend. These groups were led by Dr. Haupert of Moravian College, Dr. Binkley of Chapel Hill, and Dr. Anscombe of Salem College. At 5:.30, a supper meeting was held in the recreation room of the church, and Dr. Harry Holmes, Field Secre tary of the World Alliance for In ternational Friendship spoke. Dr. Holmes is an Australian, and he has recently traveled all over the world. He stated that this is a time of tremendous crisis in the history of the world. We should be thankful that we have freedom of speech, for in no other country could we have a meeting for the discussion of re ligion. In Russia, atheism grows; in Germany, Sunday Schools close and boys are told “You were born to die for Germany”; and in Italy they are taught to die for Italy. We must live for Christ; we must build a new world that way, not by dying. At the evening conference. Dr. G. (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) WEDNESDAY TO BE ‘T” DAY AT BOOK STORE RONDTHALERS RETURN TO SALEM SATURDAY Dr. Rondthaler Conducts First Chapel Service of December After an absence of about five months. Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler have returned to Winston-Salem and to Salem Oollege. Dr. Rondthaler has completely recovered from an automobile accident in London and he and Mrs. Rondthaler have been at Clifton Springs, N. Y., for the past month. Dr. Rondthaler taught his Sunday School Class Sunday and has been in h;s office every day since. Dr. Rondthaler, veteran chapel chapel conductor that he is, opened the program on Tuesday morning as if he had been doing it every day during these past few months. There were so many girls at chapel on this morning that many were afraid we were having Y. P. M. at 8:30 on Tuesday instead of Wednesday at eleven o’clock. The faces of the seniors fairly beamed as these learned folk march ed in. The first Christmas hymn of tho year was played at this first December chapel service. Gertrude Schwalbe asked for a show of a]> preciation which was gladly given by great applause from the student body and faculty. Encore by Dean Vardoll. Expressing his happiness at being home again Dr. Rondthaler thanked Dean Vardell for his co operation, and students for their let ters and messages. “Lately I have been thinking of a verse,’” Dr. Rondthaler stated; “He came unto his own and His own received Him not.” We’should hate to have this said of us. Dr. Rond thaler told of wayside shrines in Europe, and particularly in Switzer land, where travelers stop to worsh ip. “Inner shrines are just as im portant,” he said. “It is wonderful to be at the shrine of Christmas.” Dr. Rondthaler closed the program with a prayer. The recessional was another Christmas hymn. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS EN TERTAINED BY HOME CHURCH TUESDAY Wednesday will be Y. W. C. A. Day at Salem Book Store. Come in and buy your Christmas cards The book store has a fine stock of un usually beautiful stickers, papers, and cords. One can buy books of every sort, as well as many trinkets, which will make attractive gifts. In addition there will be homemade candy on sale. . College and Academy Girls Are Welcomed The Salem College and Academy girls who have become Associate Members of the Home Moravian Church, were entertained at a de licious turkey dinner in the Social Rooms of the Church on Thursday evening, December 5 at 6:30. Holly and pine arranged around lighted red candles adorned the center of the table. Mrs. Scott, of the Women’s Auxiliary Circle, acted as toast- mistress, and made everyone feel at home. Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler also extended a welcome to all the girls, and expressed their appreciation to the Home Church for the lovely en tertainment. A vocal quartet gave several Christmas musical selections, and was followed by the entire company singing Christmas Carols. Everyone CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, December 7th 6:00 P.M.—Hockey Banquet. S'unday, December 8th 3:00 P. M.—Workers Love Feast At Home Moravian Church. 6:30 P.M.—Senior Vespers. Monday, December 9th 8:30 P.M.—Cornelia Otis Skin ner on the Civic Music Series in R. J. Reynolds Auditor ium. Tuesday, December 10th 7:00 P.M. — Psychology Club meeting with Dr. Frazier Hood as speaker. 8:15 P.M.—Student Recital in Memorial Hall. Wednesday, December 11th 11:00 A.M.—Bishop Pfohl in ex panded chapel. Thursday, December 12th 5:00 P. M.—Academy Christmas Pageant in Memorial Hall. 6:15 P. —'Christmas , dinner and party. Friday, December 13th Senior Christmas caroling in eve ning. Saturday, December 14th 1:00 P.M.—Christmas 'holidays begin. MRS. F. F. SCHWALBE SPEAKS ON ALASKA AT EXPANDED CHAPE FEAST OF MAECENAS Alpha Iota Pi Elntertains At Dinner MUSIC HOUR THURSDAY Student Recital Presented A number of college students were heard in a recital Thursday after noon in Music Hour. The program consisted of piano, violin, and vocal numbers. The program was as follows: La Filense BafE Laura Elizabeth Bland Over the Steppe GretchaninofE Dawn Curran •lane Rondthaler Nocturne in A flat major Chopin Laura Emily Pitts On Wingg of Song Mendelssohn-Achron t Margaret Schwarze Scherzo in B minor Chopin Virginia Thompson Celeste Aida, from “Aida” Verdi James Bray Ballade in F minor Chopin Phyllis Clapp An unusual banquet was given Friday night, December 6, by the old members of Alpha Iota Pi in hon or of the bimillenium of Horace and of the new members of the so ciety. December 8 marks the two thousandth anniversary of the birth day of Quintus Heratius Flaccus, and the members of the honorary Latin society have chosen this means of honoring him. The banquet represented a feast given by Maecenas, the wealthy pa tron of Horace, in ancient Rome. Tho guests came as friends of Horace attired in their best togas, stollas, and vine leaves. Tho dinner began with an address to each guest, by way of introduc tion, and each guest replied in Latin more or less appropriate to the oc casion. Melrose Hendrix, as Maecenas, gavo a toast to the new members. Horace, in the person Of Peggy ' Schwarze, honored Dr. Smith, and Ruth Kuykendall toasted Horace. Nancy Scliallert, as Crispins Sal- lustius, and Mary Woodruff as Lydia, dramatized a skit, “A Lov er's Quarrel,” from Horace. An cient Latin airs were sung. Three of the best known of Horace’s odes were read and tho dinner closed with the singing of “Adesta Fidelia” and Exegi Monumentum. Among those present were: Atti- cus (Eleanor Watkins), his wife (Eloise Baynes), and daughter (Peg- gy Bowen), Horace (Peggy Schwarze), Maecenas (Melrose Hen drix), Augustus (Dr. Smith), Lydia (Mary Woodruff), Virgil (Ruth Kuj-- (CONTINUED ON PAGE THREE) INTERESTING FACTS OF ALASKA ARE TOLD BY MISSIONARY “NATIONALISTIC SPIRIT” IS SUBJECT TALK BY MISS FERGUSON World Fellowship Commit tee Sponsors Lecture At the expanded chapel period Wednesday morning, December 1. Mrs. Fred Schwalbe was the guest speaker. She ,told about Alaska and tho work of the missionaries there. Dr. Rondthaler introduced Mrs. Schwalbe with a fitting tribute to her and the splendid work that she and Mr. Schwalbe are carrying for ward. Alaska is over 5,000 miles awiiy and about half of that distance is over the Northern Pacific Ocean. Few people realize the vastness of Alaska and the beauty of its scenery. Visitors usually see only the southern part of Alaska and thereby miss its w:lder northern beauty. Many travel ers remain in the country for only a short while, and then return, to the United States to write books aboiit Alaska. A good friend of tho Schwalbes tells this story about such a writer. “A famous writer from Philadel phia- caniQ to Alaska to get material for a book. At Fairbanks, she wan invited to a dance in the town hall. In the midst of the dance, a pistol shot was heard, and a man near the writer fell to the floor. The man was carried out, and the dancing continued as if nothing had hap pened. It was not until the next morning that the lady found out that the occurrence was a ‘frame-up’ for her benefit.” Ahtska is very proud of Mt. Mc Kinley, the highest peak in North America. The city of Fairbanks is tho heart of Alaska, and there the University of Fairbanks, tho farthest north college, is located. The sum mers in Fairbanks are (juite warm; in fact, one man raises strawberries there. However, in winter it is often 50 degrees or 60 degrees below zero. Many of tho finest people in the world are found in Alaska. Among them are the Germans and the Scan- dinavins who are unfraid and are able to endure hardships. The fwn- ous pioneers of ’98 are beginning to pass away. Unele Sara is beginning’ to take more interest in Alaska, and it is, as a result, becoming moro pto- gre.isive. Airplane is tho chief Miss Isabel Ferguson was the speaker sponsored this week by the World Fellowship committee of the ' ™ole of travel, and even tho Eskimos Y. W. C. A. Her topic was “Na-, travel in this manner. Often PROFESSOR RAY HAUPERT SPEAKS ON “VISIONS” AT CHAPEL The speaker at chapel Saturday, November 30, was Professor Ray Haupert, of the Biblical Language Department at the Moravian Semin ary at Bethlehem, Penn. He spoke on “Visions” which he defined as “the ability to see sooner, farther, and more clearly than other people. ’ ’ The speaker added that it is ability which rises out of dissatisfaction there had a jolly time, and the girls felt more as though they really be- conditions, and that all longed to the church as a result of the fellowship at the dinner. SENIOR VESPERS Senior Christmas Vespers, one of the most impressive services of the school year, takes place Sunday eve ning at 6:30 in Memorial Hall. Sen ior Vespers is an event ■which you cannot afford to miss. It will be necessary that you come early in order to get a seat down stairs. progress in science is determined by vision. Scientific inventions often result from a person’s dissatisfac tion with things as they are. Religion has a function in relation to vision. It should have the power to make one feel that he is not all he could be and should furnish a motive to move one towards a realization of his vision. Religion, stated Pro fessor Haupert is not a repressive force it is a force of self-express ion that gives us a feeling that life is worthwhile. tionalistic Spirit.” After the fall of Rome there was no nationalistic spirit, nor was there any among the early Christians. The spirit developed when the early rul ers of tho world began to advance their own ideas. It became more dominant as other national ideas de veloped. Expansion of Commerce and desire for colonial possessions urged on this spirit. For the United States the term national was not used until after the Civil War. Then it came to be used in connection with our foreign jx)l- icy and territorial expansion. Now our nationalistic spirit is manifested in our immigration laws, our tariff laws, and our foreign holdings. DR. FRAZIER HOOD TO SPEAK TO PSYCHOL OGY CLUB Dr. Frazier Hood of Davidson Col lege is to be speaker at the second meeting of the Psychology Clnb, Tuesday evening, December 10, at 7:00, tn the Kecreatlon Boom ot| Iiouisa Wilson Bitting Building. Dr. Hood is to speak on “Seeing Things. ’ ’ Dr. Hood has been professor of Psychology at Davidson an Eskimo ^vill have an imaginary ache or pain in order to ride in the airplane to a hospital, but the nurse calls it “ airplaneitis ” instead of appendicitis. Along the Bering coast in tho win ter, tho little Eskimos have little to make them happy, for they have no playthings or picture books. Sum mer is a busy, happy time, however, for the men fish for salmon, tfi? women split the fish and hang them., to dry, and the children play all day, long. In the winter the men piit, away the seal oil and bring home firewood, while tho women sow the furs into garments and boots. Tho soles of the boots are tough seal skins which sometimes have been chewed' by the old women to make them pli able. (CONTINUED ON PACE THREE) MRS. RONDTHALER TO BE HONOR GUEST AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Howard Rondthaler will be honor guest at a progressive lunehewn to be held next Wednesday at the Woman’s Club. At this time she will be welcomed back to Winston- Salem by members of the club. Mrs. College j Rondthaler is an active member of since 1920. He spoke to the dub the organization and was the first two years ago on “Dreams.” j president of the local club.

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