VOL. XVIII. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1937. Number 2. LIBRARY FEATURES NEW BOOKS AND KARDEX SYSTEM The Library is getting rather “high-falluting” this year since the new building is almost completed. Miss Siewers has introduced the Kardex to Salem. The Kardex consists of two leath er-bound books which, are on the end of the desk. It contains a list of the reserve books of each course with their call numbers. The librarians have asked that you use these call numbers in requesting a reserve book and that you write them down. Thus they can give you quicker and more efficient service. Of course you can use the catalog to secure the call numbers too. There are also many new books which have been added. Some of the most popular are: “The Years” By Woolf. "The Nile” By Ludwig. “Your Carriage, Madam” By Lane. “The Dangerous Sea; the Mediter ranean and Its Future” By Sloeombe “The Birth of China” By Creel. “And So — Victoria” By Wilkins. “The Wind From the Mountains” By Gulbranssen. And many others which you will enjoy reading . Try some of them. However, the newest things in the Library any September are the Freshmen. But Miss Siewers has done such a good job of initiating them this year that you can almost mistake their library behavior for that of Seniors, or Juniors anyway. One of them though told Miss Mc- Annally, the other day, that she could not find the book she wanted in the History, Eeserve list. Miss McAnally showed it to her The Close of the Middle Ages.” She said no wonder she couldn’t find it. She thought the professor said “Clothes.” She must have had her mind on her latest style dress in stead of the history assignment. We also welcome Miss McAnally as the new assistant librarian even though she is not new to many of the older students who have seen her around doing her share for Salem before. SOPHOMORE CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS Nancy Court New President MAY DAY COMMITTEE HEADS ANNOUNCED Successful May Day Promised succeeds at On Monday at one-thirty Nancy Court was elected president of her class for this year. She Ruth Doerschuk who is now William and Mary. Nancy, a pure science major, is from Glen Head, I.ong Island. Last year she played both basket ,ball and hockey on her class teams as well as belonging to the German Club and being treasur er of the Freshmen Dramatic Club. At the same meeting Mary Eliza beth Hatt, better known as “Be,” was elected to be one of the sopho more regresentatives on the Stu dent Council. She fills the vacancy left by Jo Lea who transferred to the University of Tennessee this year. “Be,” who is from Long Meadow, Mass., is taking an A. B. course and was captain of the fresh man hockey team last year. She is one of the newly chosen members of the Salemite Staff and will be a re porter in the Sports Department. Other Sophomore Class Officei^ are: Vice-President, Margaret Hol brook; Secretary, Jane Alice Dilling; and Treasurer, Virginia Breakell. Margaret Briggs, chairman of May Day, is “on the job.” She has announced the following committees to help ‘ make the wheels go ’round. ’ Nominating: Marianna Bedding, Chairman Evelyn McCarty Leila Williams Louisa Sloan Betty McNair Anna Leak Scott B. Sue Cox Tea Room: Mary Turner Willis, Chairman Jessie Skinner Francis Klutz Virginia Hollowell Jane Alice Dilling Anne Mewborne Mary Kerr Culbreth Publicity; Muriel Brietz, Chairman Nancy Court Cecelia McKeithan Laura Bland Music: Laura Emily Pitts, Chairman Helen Savage Dorothy Baugham Mildred Minter Katherine Snead Costume: Charlotte King, Chairman Pauline Daniel Mary Margaret Johnson Virginia Bruce Davis Bill Fulton Dances: Edith Rose, Chairman Mary Gwynn Williams Frankie Tyson Lenora Rice Anne Cooke Patty McNeely Eunice Patton Flowers: Mary MeColl, Chairman Margaret Ricks Elizabeth Lambeth Sarah Pinkston Jeanne Bradshaw properties: Murtliii O’Keelfe, Chairman Virginia Sisk Lois Morgan Elinor Sartin Betty Bahnson Jo Hutchison Elizabeth Trotman Program: Mary Lee Salley, Chairman Margaret Gillespie Sara Harrison Alice Horsfield Ora Holt Long Dresses: Blevins Vogler, Chairman Mary Thomas Cramer Percival Mildred Troxler Margaret McGehee CIVIC MUSIC CONCERTS Civic Music Association To Sponsor Noted Artists Announcement of the Civic Music Concerts has been posted in Memor ial Hall. Monday, November 3 — Cornelia Otis Skinner. Monday, November 22 — Salzburg Opera Guild. Monday, January a.5 — (Continued on^age Five) SALEM’S FACULH HAS GALA SUMMER Instructors Spend Vacation At Vjiried Places This article should ordinarily be gin with the history of Dr Rond- thaler’s summer; but since he was the last person to be found on this campus during the composition of this list of forty varied rests, stud ies, and adventures of our faculty, he must close the whole series. Suppose I give you the longest account of one vacation first, ,by beginning with Dr. Anscombe. He warned me beforehand that I would need plenty of space for him, and here is his account. He attended graduate coolege at Pendle Hille, Pa. with students from 10 different coun tries; he took a trip up through Pennsylvania to Bethlehem, Dela ware Gap, and Pocono Reserve; he delivered a series of addresses on historical subjects at Fries, Va., and preached nearly every Sunday thro ughout the summer at various places in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jer sey, and New York. Did you know that Dr. Anscombe loves confer ences? Well, you will after this, be cause he went to a world-wide Friends or Quakers conference at Swarthmore College, Pa., with over a thousand delegates from 24 na tions, to a Young Moravians’ confer ence at Lititz, Pa., and another at Hanes Camp, N. C., and to a Young Friends’ conference at Lake Minne- waskia, N. Y. And then sometime before Salem opened again he went to Manteo to see “The Lost Col ony. ’ ’ Several others of our teachers saw the Roanoke Island Pageant too. Miss Barrow spent 6 weeks on the North Carolina coast beside the Neuse River and went ui> to visit Manteo. Miss Perry, our new so ciology and psychology teacher, vis ited Sir Walter Raleigh’s colony, spent two weeks in Norfolk, and went to summer school at Carolina. Miss Blair was fishing at Ocracoke and boated up to Manteo; but the outdoor pageant was rained out, and she drove up another time to see it; sight-seeing in Washington was another part of her vacation. Dr. Wenhold “stayed hero” except for trips to Manteo, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Washington, and Savannah. And here’s a little about Dr. Rondthaler — he was the prin cipal speaker at the Virginia Dare celebration for the week before Pres ident Roosevelt’s address there. Fourteen of our faculty besides Miss T’erry were at summer sclioola. Mr. Owen, Salem’s new education teacher, and Mr. McEwen taught in the Duke summer school at Junalus- ka. Mr. McEwen was also in Durham and in Birmingham and in the hospi tal (with flu). Mr. and Mrs. Hig gins spent their summer in Maine and went to summer school at Bates College. Mr. and Mrs. Downs stud ied at Carolina, kept house there, and had little Johnny’s tonsils taken out when he came back from 6 weeks in Georgia, with his grandmother. Miss Byrd, our new English instruc tor, was in Chapel Hill’s graduate school. Miss Stimpson studied bot any at Cornell. Miss Aggie Brown was in New York for seven weeks at Columbia University, before she came home to Davidson. Miss Knox was here all summer except for 2 weeks at her home in Taunton, Mass.; but for six weeks of her time here she went back and forth each day to summer school at W. O. U. N. C. at Greensboro. Mrs. Meinung observed at Columbia University to check up on her teaching here; she stayed on Long Island and made trips from there to South Hampton and up the Hudson to Hohonk. Miss Covington attended Acadia University at Wolf- ville, Nova Scotia and made trips from there to New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Montreal, and Que bec. Mr. Bair studied in Chicago before he went to the west coast to see Yellowstone National Pork, Hol lywood and San Francisco. He came (Continued on Page Six) SCIENCE NEWS Science Depetftment Offers Two New Courses Two new courses are to be offered in the Science Department this se mester. A course in Physiological Chemistry is being introduced this year for the first time. It is a four four credit course designed primarily for home economics and pre-medical s/tudents. A new laboratory has been equipped and several new pieces of equipment added. The quatitative course has been changed from micro to semi-micro analysis. This is a step along the lines of the modern trend of analytical chemis try — that is toward the use of small quantities in analysis. The equip ment in this course is quite a con trast to that of the former course. The macro-qualitative analysis will be introduced into the second semes ter of the general chemistry. In case you are one of the newer girls on the campus let me introduce to you the faculty members of the Science department. Mr. Charles H. Higgins is head of the department and teaches most of the chemistry courses as well as geo graphy. Mrs. Higgins is an instruc tor in the department. They both spent the summer at Bates College Lewiston, Main where Mrs. Higgins took graduate work in Public Health and Hygiene and Mr. Higgins did special work in Clinical and Bio logical chemistry. Mr. R. J. Campbell, assistant pro fessor of science, spent the summer at Robinhood, Maine. He collected biological specimens and made photo graphs of aiiimals and plants in their natural habitats. iliss Janet Stimpson, instructor in science, took graduate work in Bot any for her master’s degree at Cor nell University, Ithica, N. Y. Miss Carlotta Ogburn, instructor in science, remained in Winston- Salem for the summer. CLASS OF’37 PUTS NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE News From Old Grads MISS PRESTON BECOMES BRIDE OF JOHN CREECH Aliss Cortlandt Preston and John afternoon in Charlotte, with Dr. Edgar Gammon, pastor of Myers Park Presbyterian Church, officiat ing. The ceremony took place at 3:30 o’clock in Dr. Gammon’s study before a small gathering of mem bers of both families and intimate friends t>f tlio For her wedding the bride wore a dark grey tailored suit with grey accessories and a grey poke-bonnet hat with veil. Her blouse was ma hogany satin, and her shoulder cor sage was o forohids. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Preston, of Wash ington, D. C., formerly of Charlotte. She is a graduate of Salem College with the degree of bachelor of arts, majoring in English. For the past year and a half she has been asso ciated with the college as campus secretary and director of publicity. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Creech is the son of Charles Creech, Sr., and the late Katherine Spach Creech. He graduated from Davidson College in 1932 with the degree of bachelor of arts, majoring in political science. He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta. Mr. Creech is affiliated with his father in the furn iture manufacturing business. He is a member of Home Moravian Church. After a brief wedding trip they will make their home at 620 Glade Street in the Park View Apart ments. Present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Preston, Washington, D. C.; Charles Creech, Sr., Winston- Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Shaffner, Winston-Salem; Miss Julia Preston, Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. (Continued on Page Five) Every year it takes “old girls” about three months to get used to missing the preceding year’s senior class, which by that time is out earn ing bread and butter or winning laurels or doing something equally interesting. The class of 1937 lost no time in scattering itself about. Its various members are now doing everything from opening cans for hungry hus bands to practicing bows before the mirror to use on the hypothetical, but wildly enthusiastic first night audience. A very large number of last year’s seniors are now disseminating some of their hard-earned knowledge. A list of these girls and the places where they are teaching, runs as follows: Cordelia Lowry, Bedford Springs, Va.; Ruth Norman, Win ston-Salem; Katherine Sisell, Mayo- dan; Sara Grace Easterling, East Bend; Arnice Topp, Leaksville; Carolyn Byrum, Hiddenite; Bernice Mclver, Hiddenite; Helen Diehl, Winston-Salem; Viola Farthing, Clemmons; Helen Jones, Ashboro; Corrinne Pate, Atkinson; Jeannette Sawyer, Winston-Salem; Margaret Stafford, Mayodan; Elizabeth Tor rence, Candor; Lalya Tucker, some where in Forsyth County; Sara In gram, somewhere in Virginia; Mary Snipes, Winston-Salem. Rose Siewers became the first bride of the class when she married Heg- gie Kapp August 28. She is now keeping house in Montreal. Jane Rondthaler went to New York City to become a groat singer, and when last heard from was preparing to enter the American Academy of Dra matic Art, which opens in October! Ethel J. Highsmith, Alma Cline, and Louise Wurreschke are doing social service work in Fayetteville, Ashe ville, and Guilford County respec tively. Jane Crow is doing graduate work in Home Economics. Eloise Baynes is working for her M. A. in Latin at Chapel Hill, where Caroline Diehl is working for the same degree in Spanish. Other former Salemites at Chapel Hill are Virginia Grump ier and Alice Lee Googe, who are in the school of library science. Eloise McCorkle and Frieda Blumenthal are holding down jobs in Winston- Salem. Jane Leibfried is on the long, hard road to an M. D., and is spreading her own peculiar brand of Leibfried cheer at the Woman’s Medical College in Philadelphia. HINTS TO THE NEW GIRLS Perhaps you’ve heard all your life that if you just get a good start in college everything will be all right. Strange as it may seem to you — that statement is absolutely true. Ask any upperclassman, and I be lieve that she will toll you the same thing. The thing that puzzles some girls is what one means by a “Good start.” At Salem I think those two words mean many things. Some of them are: hard work in your class es; co-operation with the Student Government, with the faculty, with the Cuts Committee, with the deans, with your fellow-students; interest outside a,ctivities such as tl»« publications and athletics which are not recognized; an honest desire and effort “to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield! ” Perhaps you have heard an upper classman suggest cutting chapel. She may say that she has done it several times and gotten away with it. Still, in the long run, your mistakes will catch up with you, then you will com plain and become angry because you must undergo a week’s restriction. Take a hint from an old student — keep in line every Tuesday, Thurs day and Friday at 8:30 and every Wednesday at 11. You’ll see that it p9ys! Besides, chapel programs be come more interesting every day. We hope to have some very well- known speakers this year.