SALEM COLLGZ LIBRARY I Carolina Z 541 VOL. XIX. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1938 Number 2. MISS ANNA'S 52nd ANNIVERSARY Miss Anna Butner Has Lived At Salem For 52 Years Fifty-two years at Salem seems a very long time to those of us who are expecting to spend just four years here. But fifty-two years is how long Miss Anna Butner has liv ed on Salem’s campus. All of the upperclassmen already know “Miss Anna,” for they have seen her m.any,. many times as she worked among her flowers in diff erent spots on upper campus; even the new girls may already recognize her, but probably they, like many of us, will know her by the affection ate ‘ ‘ Miss Anna ’ ’ which she is al ways called. On Septembr 19, 1886 (52 years ago last Monday), Anna Butner came to Salem from her home in Bethania, to be a “dining-room girl.” For three years “Miss Anna” waited on tables and helped thing to move along just right in the kitch en and dining room. And, shall 1 let you in on a secret? Well, Mrs. Jones (Hollywood), who was in chap el the other day, says that she re members many times when “Miss Anna” used to slip little things out of the dining-room to the girls when they were hungry in the afternoon. When “Miss Anna” first came to Salem, the enrollment of students ’was just past the 100 mark. Of course, Salem was then an Academy, and “Miss Anna’s” grandmother had been an early teac.lier here. The dining-room was as big then as it is now and in the same place, but not nearly so full; and the faculty din ing-room was divided into little mus ic rooms. After her dining-rooiu days, “Miss Anna” became a house-girl for six-' teen years. During that time her duty was to keep things clean, for the “room companies” which used to exist here. Then, for 20 years, she was house keeper, and her job was “to see after everything.” Since 1925 “Miss Anna” has been “retired,” but she says that she doesn’t feel much like it. She mends all of the bedding from the infirmary and all of the curtains (except the student ones), from various campus buildings. Her countless lovely flowers alone would be enough to keep a less energetic “JOUBWAI.-SENTIN'EL STAFF PHOTO. person busy, but “Miss Anna” still has time for “everything that comes around.’ ’ She used to have a gard en of her own where the library now stands, but two years ago it was sacrificed to the new l)uilding; and now “Miss Anna” does all of her gardening in the college gardens. Her flowers brighten the corners in nearly every building on the campus — Alice Clewell, Louisa Bitting, Main Hall, Office Building, iiibrary. Sister’s House, the dining room, and -frequently chapel. She usually cuts all of the flowers and arranges the ones for Main Hall and the Sister’s House. Winter is her least busy season of the year, for then she takes care of juat the things in the hothouse. She lives here all year except for occasional week-ends away. \'ou would think, wouldn’t you that “Miss Anna” would have very little spare time, but since last No vember she lias finished four beau tiful afghans. She is now working on a fifth one — vivid shades of orange, green, yellow, and brown — and she’s planning to crochet an other as soon as the present one is finished. Over the easy chair in “Miss Anna’s” sitting room hangs a pic ture of that Salemite as she sits every evening at work on lior bright afghan, and the picture looks iis natural and unposed as “Miss Anna” herself. BACK STAGE WITH THE DAWN PATROL Salemites Crash Stage Door To Interview George Hall, Mrs. Hall, Dolly Dawn, And the Boys Two aspiring young Salemites crashed the stage door of the State Theatre last Monday evening with hopeful intentions of interviewing orchestra leader George Hall and his vocalist Dolly Dawn — and to their very great surprise found themselves warmly received. Not only did they succeed in breaking through the barriers to chat inform ally with George Hall, but also they met Mrs. Hall, who turned out to be a very jolly sort of person, became quite chummy with Dolly Dawn, and as a special privilege wefe allowed to see the evening performance from, backstage! — all of which led them to say that orchestra leaders are human! Off-stage, dressed in sport shirt and smoking his after-dinner eigar, Mr. Hall seemed quite like an ordi nary person, in spite of his mustache and make-up. His likes and dislikes (Continued on Page Five) SALEM GRADUATE AWARDED MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIP Miss Jane Leibfried Receives Scholarship To Woman’s Medical College In Philadelphia Miss Jane Leibried of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, graduate of Salem Col lege, has been awarded a full tuition scholarship for this year by) the Woman’s Medical College in Phila delphia, where she has been a stu dent for the past year. The scholar ship was given her for her outstand ing record in her studies, character, and personality. ' Miss Leibfried is a graduate of the Moravian Preparatory School and attended Moravian College for Women. She completed her colle giate work at Salem College in the class of 1937. This past year was her first in medical college. FIRST FORMAL DANCE INVITATIONS ISSUED Student Goveriunent Asso ciation To Sponsor Dance In Honor of New Students You may admire those who are brilliantly sarcastic, but yon can’t love them. The Student Government Associa tion will open the year’s social ac tivities with a formal dance in hon or of the new students in the gym nasium on Saturday evening, Octo ber first at eight-thirty. The entire student body is cordially invited to attend. Music will be furnished by Claude Little and his Rhythmaires who have played here for several previous dances. The invitations are being issued this week. If any one wishes to invite a guest for this dance please get in touch immediate ly with some member of the invita tion committee which is made up of the following girls: Kate Pratt, Martha McNair, Margaret Holbrook, Marian Johnson and Josephine Hutchison. Dr. Rondthaler Speaks At First Expanded Chapel FIRSTFULLWEEKOF CHAPEL PROGRAMS Students Delighted With Visit of Alumnae •\11 campus activities got under way this week and for the time this year an entire week of chapel programs was carried out. The first 8:30 chapel was on Tuesday morning with Dr. Rondthaler as speaker. Muc-li to everyone’s delight a loyal iilumna of Salem was present also — Mrs. Mattie Woodell Jones from Hollywood, California. She is a member of the class of ’91. '‘If you girls think you know hap piness,” she said, “you should know the supreme happiness that 1 feel at this moment — baflk at Salem, 1 ’d always wanted my daughter to come to school here, .but since I have no girls, my sons have promised me that my granddaughters will come and learn to love Salem as I love it.’ ’ The Thursday morning program was primarily for the Freshmen and new students. Mr. McEwen, head of the department of education and psychology, spoke on adajrting one’s self to the life at college, lie laid stress on establishing favorable at titudes toward the subjects being studied and toward the faculty, and on forming habits that will help rath er than hinder progress. Ho said it was necessary that a student adjust herself to the different physical con ditions on a college cnnipus, and to become accustomed also, to the dif ference in the ways of studying and teaching as comimred to the high school methods. Last ho gave some important note making aids To get the most out of a class “one should,” ho said, “enter into the classroom with an attitude of willingness and of co-operation.” (Continued on Page Five) MAY DAY SUB-COM- MinEE CHAIRMEN ANNOUNCED President Speaks About Early History of Salem Election of Queen and Court To Take Place in Middle of October Maiy Turner Willis, of Now Bern, K. C., chairman of May Day for 1939, announced the following heads of sub-committees: Vice-chairman: Virginia Bruce Davis, Danville, Va. Nominating: Grace Gillespie, Tazewell, Va. Tea Room: .Tano Alice Dilling, Gastonia, N. C. Publicity: Madeleine Hayes, Winston-Salem. Music: Helen Savage, Wilmington, N. C. Costumes: Mary Thomas, Knoxville, Tenn. Dances: Francos Klutz, Salisbury, N. C. Flowers: Forest Mosby, Waynesboro, Va. Properties: Katharine King, Leaksvillc, N. C. Program; Jessie Skinner, Elizabeth City, N. C. Dresses; Kate Pratt, Winston-Salem. N. O. , The members of these'sub-commit- tees will be announced later. Al though May Day is a long way off, plans are now being made for it. The members of these sub-eonimit- tees will be announced later. Al though May Day is a long way off, “Seeing Double” is sometimes a profitable experience, Dr. Kondthaler told Salem College students at the first expanded chapel of the year. It is well, he said to observe what is outwardly visible in a community and also to observe the invisible or historical back ground. Dr. Rondthaler took his listeners back with him one hundred and sev enty-two years, to a cold Monday morning, January (i, 17(i(i, when twelve pioneer men stood on a spot now two and a half blocks from Me morial Hall to hew the first tree of a town dreamed of and already map ped out. Their first act in that dense forest was to open the word of God, by lot, believing that they would be divinely guide| to choose a fitting passage. The chapter to which tliey o|>ened was Lsaiali 37:35 — “I will defend the city saith the Lord.” Upon hearing these words they began to prepare for building. By Wednesday there was sufficient clearage to erect a rough shelter, the beginning of the town SaJem. Salem, named by Count Zinzendorf moans Peace. ’ ’ The town was located on this site because of its googrftphical advantages, topography, and the slope that provided warm sun on winter days. Many springs were available. The Continental plan was followed for the laying out of the town. Ac cording to the Kurojvean village fash ion the buildings woro to surround a sjuare, the heart and center of the town. The oldest surviving of these buildings is the frame one across from the square, and was built within a year and a half of the first rude 8helt;or. This wtts thp CQl'toy of the youthful industry. The next oldest is the Kister’s ITouae, now Hsied as a teacher’s dormitory. The old church house, of which the Louisa Hitting Building is a reproduction, was built in 1770 where Main Hall now stands. It for this reason that Main Hall has the date 1770 on its cornerstone. This early church included the home of the pastor and the first school for girls, which wan opened in 1772. In 17^1, said Dr. Kondthaler, tho peace of the tran(]uil little commun ity was interrupted by six thousand Hedcoats under command of Corn wallis. These soldiers, marching through from Charleston demanded recourses of every kind and stayed for three days. Ten years Inter, continued Dr. Rondthaler, Salem had another visit which was prolonged three days. In 1791 George Washington made his long journey southward and arrived in tho town one May morning. In his personal diary as well as in his correspondence ho wrote of the joy and appreciative interest in what he found. Boturniug to the present. Dr. Rondthaler encouraged the students to live a vigorous present, apprecia tive of the past. Were these pion eer men misguided, he asked, when they oi>ened thei word of God and found written: “I will defend this city to save it for roy own sake, saith tho Lord.” plans ftro now bing miMlo for it The election of tho court and the queen will take place in the middle of Oc tober.