SALEM COLLEGE LIBRARY Winstoa^cm, North Cat^Im* Z 541 VOL. XIX. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1938. Number 3. SOPHOMORE COURT RULES SUPREME Most High Judge of Su preme Court Judges Trial; Freshmen Acquited on Promise of Good Behavior The Supreme Session of the Su perior Sopliomore Court held council Wednesday night, September 28 at seven o’clock to try and to condemn capital offenders in the freshman class. A summons issued Tuesday night ordered all freshmen to assem ble Wednesday at 5:15 on the ath letic field for preliminary jurisdic tion. I’romjrtly at 5:15 they ui>peared — ninety-three strong in chain-gang Jile, and dressed according to court orders: no make-up, hair rolled up in paper, dark skirts (with slips showing all around), one low-heeled- stocking-foot, and one high-heeled- aock foot. For forty-five minutes they bowed, scraped, and chorused praises to the mighty Sophs. Then they were conducted by their guards to the dining-room where their table manners —■ (a little slowed-np by the absence of fork and spoon), and eating habits were carefully super vised by the watchful Sophomores. At seven, offenders fearfully filed into the court room in the old chapel to await judgment. The most High Judge of Supreme Court, Madeleine llayes, garbed in solemn robe and a spectacularly billowing wig took her place on the bench. Behind her stalked the jurors also impressive ly dressed in black robes and caps, the re.-it ijf the prosecutors took their places as gu:irds in the audience to keep order. Court deputy Eleanor (’arr called the court to order. Her Tfonor tlie Judge knocked three times with her gavel. Mumblings hushed and silence filled the court. “First offender, fake the stand!” shouted the deputy ■— then second ofTender, third ofFt>nder, and through the list. Before court ajourned the audience had seen, among other things, Mr. McEwen receiving a stir ring proposal (which he rejected!), an exhibition match of two fresh men wrestling with temptation, three offenders screaming like gold-fish, a tobacco auctioneer — in fact two tobacco auctioneers, the Civil War being fought, a tennis game in the air, a bowling match — and a very enlightening and loyal attitude on the iwrt of certain offenders who ^(Continued on Page Six) FRESHMEN INSTALLA TION SERVICE TO BE HELD FRIDAY NIGHT Will Be Recognized As Members of Student Government The Student Government Associa tion will hold a recognition service Friday evening at 7:00 p. m., in the old chapel to install freshmen as new members of Salem’s Student Govern ment. Annette McNeely, president of the Council, will speak to the fresh men, explaining to them the organ ization of the Student Government and the principle of the Honor Sys tem. Pledge cards will be pas.sed to all the freshmen, and after they have read the pledge silently, they will read it in unison, in resiwnse to Annette McNeely. Each freshman will sign her pledge card in the pres ence of the Council, and will receive a lighted candle. When all fresh men have received candles, and have had the Student Government colors, yellow and white, pinned upon them, the service will close with the sing ing of the “Alma Mater.” TALKING BUSINESS? / —JOUSWAL-SENTINRL RTAFP PHOXa Annette McNeely, presulent of student Government Assoeiiition and 'Maud Battle, jiresideiit of Y. \V. ('. A., stop to chat for a minute on the steps of South Hall. GIRLS UVE IN HOME ECONOMICS PRAC TICE HOUSE Groups of Three and Four TsJce Turns Living In Management Home “Living in the Home Management Houst' is work!” says Evelyn Mc Carty, Bill h^ilton, and Elizabeth Hedgecock, the girls who are living in the Lizora Hanes Practice House for three weeks this semester. But they agree that it is fascinating work — fascinating because what girl has not yearned at some time or another for a home of her own where she can try out her pet con coctions in the skillet and put into practice her secret or maybe not so secret theory of living! And that is what these girls are doing now, putting into practice their own ideas of home management. They are the first group of senior Home Kconom- ics majors to live in the Lizora Hanes House this year. Each year seniors majoring in Home Economics are di vided into groups of threes and fours, and take turns living in the Home Management House. \Vhen a group of three lives in the Home Management House, one girl is hostess, one head cook, and one assistant cook. The hostess is the head of the house, and is in charge of the planning of meals and marketing.. She is the one who sees that the diet is a balanced one. The bead cook rules supreme in the kitchen. In the words of the head cook for this week, Elizabeth Hedgecock, “The hostess says what to do, the chief cook does, and the assistant cook does what the chief cook tells her to do.” Mistakes are made, the girls say— (Continued pn Page Six) SALEM STUDEfT WORKS WITH ASSOCIATED CHARITI S Helen Totten Does Individ ual Study Work Under Miss Mary E. Judy Helen Totten, a senior Sociolugy major is working two days a week this year under Miss Mary E. .Indy; of the Associated Charities in town. She does this work as an individual study course for which she receives credits toward graduation just as she would in any other college cours*>. Slie is the only Salem student duing this work. Helen’s hours at the Associated Charities are from S):rtO till 4:30 every Wednesday and Friddy. At present she is reading up on case his tories and studying ititerviewing to prepare her for handling cases of her own a little later on. Her work is actually un introduc tion to social work and will give lier the background necessary to a social worker because it will familiarize her with such things as community facilities and case w'Ork. Helen intends to go on with her social work after she finishes Salem. Tt is ))artly for this reason that she is being given such a valuable op portunity now. TRY-OUTS Are you interested in writing for the Salemitef Here’s your chance. Try-outs begin today and here are the rules: Chooae the type of article you like most to write — news, edi torial, or feature — and.write a “sample copy.” For subject of a news a’-tiele you may take any event peitainiug to the college. (Continued on Page Six) 1938-1939 Civic Music Concert Series Opens First Of November WAR OR PEACE DE PENDS ON FRANCE SAYSDR.ANSCOMBE Hitler Has Accomplished 17 of 20 Things Necessary for Complete German Restoration Eighteen years ago an .\ustrian citizen named Hitler wrote a book listing twenty things that must be accomplished for complete Germrin restoration. Seventeen of these have been carried through, said Dr. Anscombe in his lecture on the jnes- ent Czechoslovakian situation which he discussed before Salem College and Academy students last Wednes day morning at expanded chap'l. Ilitler, said Dr. Anscombe, res[>ect- ed everything German, and wished that the German people might regain their former place of imiwrtance in Europe. Five years ago, in 1!););!, Hitler be came a German citizen by obtaining an office in one of the small prov inces. Soon afterwards he was iden tified with the Nationalist Socialist j):irty and was jailed for urging Ger- nmns to revolt against enemies. Shortly after he was release, he be came Chancellor of Germany. When Hitler wrote his book, said Dr. Anscombe, he had not imagined himself the leader by whom the twenty jmints were to b(> accomplish ed and he is not eager for [K-rsonal glory but he “sums up the desires, ambitions, and wills of the German l’eoi>le. ’ ’ Czechoslovakia was the .\llie.s after the World War in order to humiliate (Jerniany. Silesia witli the largest sujiply of mineral re sources in the world was taken from Germany and divided between Po land and (’zechoslovakia. The .\llies took from .\>istria, the province of Roh(‘mi:i an d .Moravia which had of the industrial plants owned by .\ustria. Kutheria was taken fron» Hungary and Teschen from I’oland. TIu' ('zechoslovakian ]K)pulation consists of (fzechs, Slavs, Magyars, I’oles, and Germans. It is not the will of Hitler to incor[M)rate the en tire- Czschoslovak state with Ger many. He wants a pure Gernuin state. The (!zechs will eventually have to surrender to Germany said Dr. \nscombe, because their land is al most completely surrounded by Ger many !ind is dependent u()on her for commerce. Hitler and the Germans want the Czech territory that they have demanded because, by gaining possession of it, they will add many Germans to the present i>opulation and they will own Silesia and all its resources. Dr. Anscombe said that he was confident that the present unrest in Europe was due to the steady in crease of German population and de crease of the French. France will not disarm for that reason, and, from fear, has allied herself with Ru.ssia. France will determine whether the crisis will end in war peace. Ger many, he says, can not win a war even though she has Ttaly behind her. England is still powerful on the seas and commands stragetic points everywhere. Italy and Ger many, moreover do not have suffi cient natural resources. VARIED PROGRAMS INCLUDED IN SERIES Kirsten Flagstad and Phil- hsu’monic Symphony To Be Heard Winston-Salem’s li);!S-li)39 series of Civic Music ('bncerts opens around the first of November with the joint recital of two young sing-* ers, Josephine Antoine, coloratura sojirano, and Douglas Beattie, .bari tone from Kan Francisco. Four other concerts are scheduled for the rest of the year: the I’hilhar- monic Symphony with Eugene Or- mandy conducting, December 10; Kirsten Flagstad ,the great Wagner ian soprano, February 11; Arturo Hubenstein, pianist, .March 1. \ fifth concert will be announced later. The Civic Music concerts are run on a membership basis. No single tickets iire available. The member ship campaign closed last spring, but a number of memberships wore re served for Salem (Jollege students. These will be obtainable very soon. BERTITA HARDING’S NEWEST BOOK IS NOW IN THE LIBRARY Mrs. Harding Will Speak at Salem, October 11 The latest book of Mrs. Bertita Harding, noted author who is sched nied to give the first lecture in the ('ollege Lecture Series this fall has just been obtainel by the library and put into circulation. This book “ ^■’nrewell ’Toi’nette,” is a lightly told historical novel which relates the story of Marie .\ntoinette’s wed ding journey from Vienna to Ver sailles, particularly the stop-over at Struttgort. A nui^iber of Mrs. Harding’s books are obtainable in our library. Since her lecture which comes on October 11 is not very far away, it might be of interest to students to begin look ing over her books. {'iincerning “ F^irewell ’Toi’nette’’ .lohn Patton in “Books” says: “There is fantasy here, and farce and history, and pathos, and the fleeting suggestion of romance that never' flowered and the shadow of tragedy ahead. From this short, un ambitious, whimsical and often amus ing story, we shall remember both charm and realitv. DANCE HONORING NEW STUDENTS TO BE GIVEN Student Government Asso ciation To Sponsor Dance Saturday Night The, first big social event of the season, the Student Government dance held in honor of new students, will take place Saturday night, Oc tober 1, from 8:a0 to 12:00 o’clock. The members of the Student Council will be the official hostesses for the evening. The receiving line will include Miss Lawrence, Miss Turl ington, Dr. and Mrs. Bondthaler, and Annette McNeely, president of the Snlen) Student Government Associa tion. Music wUl \io furnished by Claud Little a^id his Uhythmaires. The gymnasium will be decorated with balloons of many colors. Mary Thomas is in charge of the decora tions; Martha 14^cNair is chairman of the invitation committee; and gnes Lee Carmichael is chairniuji f the refreshment committoe.