Z 541 VOL. XIX. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1938. Number 4. CAMPUS Y TO SPONSOR SERIES OF TALKS Discussions on “Foods” and “Dramatics” To Be Given At City Y.'W. C. A. The Industrial Cominittee of the Y. W. C. A., of which Betty Sanford 18 Chairman, is sponsoring a group of talks to be given to the Industrial Girls of the Arista Mills. The talks are divided into two subject groups: “Foods” and “Dramatics,” A talk on each of these subjects will be given every Monday night for six weeks, begining next Monday, at the scont building at the Arista Mills. The Home Economics dub is in charge of the discussions on Foods, and has taken this a.s a club project. A committee composed of Mrs. Eliza- bet^ji Meinung, Elizabeth Iledgeeock and Evelyn McCarty will outline the programs, and eacli talk will be given by a Home Ec senior. Evelyn McCarty will be the first speaker. For the talks on dramatics, Eliza beth Trotman is in charge, and will -be assisted by Mrs. Downs. These discussions will include such sub jects as “How To Give a Play” and ‘ ‘ How a Study of Dramati«s is Helpful.” > OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS ENTERTAIN Mothers aund Faculty Elnter- tained At Tea On Friday aftorniioii, October 7, the off-campus House (Committee en tertained at te;i for the mothers of the l)«y Students and the faculty.. Tl)(' ^niesta were greeted at the door if Honth Hall by members of the council and were received by Miss T\irlington, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Kondthaler, Dr.’ Smith, Miss Barrow, . Annette McNeely, and .Tosephine Hutchison. Tea, sandwiches, and mints were served in the swial room, which was decorated with flowers. Those serving were: Julia McCorkle, Martha Rawlings, Catherine Harrell, •Catherine Bellamy, Helen Lanning, and Virginia Bratton. Helen Mc Arthur and Dorothy Wyatt poured tea. As entertainment, Kathryn Swain and Harriet Taylor sang; Christine Dunn played the violin; and Marion Johnson, Jonsie Moore, and Betty Jane Nalley made up a string trio. Incidental music was furnished by Margaret Holbrook at the piano. After receiving refreshments, the mothers were invited to go through South Hall and Main Hall and see ■with the school. Other members of the House ('om- mittee who served as hostesses were: Mary Davenport, Nancy O’Neal, Sal- lie Emerson, Jane Kirk, Mabel Pit- Sue Forest, Kate 1‘ratt, Sarah Hurrell, Geraldine Baynes and Caro line Pfohl. POLICE ARE NOT SUPER HUMAN SAYS ANDERSON Winston-Salem Chief of Police Speaks At Chapel Through the efforts of the stu dent (ihapel committee, Salem College students were able Wednesday morn- nig to enjoy the long awaited priv ilege of hearing the Chief of the Police Department of Winston-Salem, Chief Walter Anderson. Dr. Bond- thaler introduced him as a “coun^ try born boy, a country reared boy of Davie County. ” And this couii- try boy, when he rose to speak, tow ered way above anyone else in the auditorium ,and would have been the jM'j-fect picture of any little lad’s policeman, or the terror of any criminal. “I have come,” he said, “to dis cuss a mutual pro.blem of the police and the people. People have always wanted to live a peaceful life, and in order that this may be, they have found out that rules and regulations of conduct mnst be enforced. And it is the police wh6 must enforce them. The people dejjend on the police; the police depend on the people. ’ ’ He continued by giving a short history of the police organizations and how the high standards lived up to tolay were started. “The ideals and purpose always depend on the co-operation of the i)eople,” he said. Come down to see us at work — don’t come on business though. Pay :i social call.” He said that the de partment was made up of men and women for the protection of youth and that the employees could either make or break the people. It should be a force for good, and not one that can be gobbled up by political rings. “However,” he said, “the police are not super human, and the days of long coats, glasses, and top hat are passed.” In conclusion he gave several ex amples of familiar cases in the last several years — always stressing the help given by the co-operation of the citizens. DIRECTED TEACHING BEGIDN FOR THIS SEMISTER BERTITA HARDING TO OPEN LECTURE SERIES CHURCH ENTERTAINS PRESBYTERIAN SALEMITES Senior Class Elects Mascot Vernon Lassiter Jr. Selected The class of ’39 recently elected Master Vernon Lassiter, Jr., of Win ston-Salem as its Senior Mascot. Young Vernon, who is the son of l>r. and Mrs. Vernon Lassiter of Mil ler Street, is widely known all over the state because of his connection as mascot conductor of the David son Band for the last two years. Having had experience in public ap pearances Vernon with his winning smile will add dignity to the Seniors '*''hen he appears with them in their traditional activities for the eominer year. ® Annual Dinner To Welcome Salem Girls Home Ec. and Public School Music Teachers Start To Work Because of the unusually largo number of Home Economies seniors that are to do directed teaching this year, some of the girls will do their teaching this semester. The first three weeks they observe, and the second three weeks they teach. ThV girls that observe and teach from October 3, November 11 are: Pivelyn McCarty, Fort Pierce, Florida, under Mrs. Bernice Cum berland at Hanes High School. Helen Jjanning, Wallburg, N. C., under Miss Ruth Helmick, at R. J. Reynolds High School. Carolyn Pfohl ,Winston-Salem, un der Miss Ruth Helmick, R. J. Rey nolds High School. The girls that will do Public School Music in the Primary Grades begin next week, they are: Edith McLean, Lenoir ,N. C.; Frances Watlington, Reidsville, N. C.; June Hire, Winston-Salem, N. C.; Gertrude Bagwell, Winston-Salem, N. C.; Carolyn Creson, Augusta, Ga. These girls have not been placed in the schools yet. SALEM’S PIEST LECTUKER On J)''riday night, October 7, the l’ir.>t l*resbyterian Church entertain ed the Presbyterian girls of the col lege and academy at dinner. This dinner, followed by a party, has be- coine an annual affair at which the college girls can meet the ])eople of the church and become acquainted with the church itself. The Presbyterian girls of the col lege who received invitations were: Esther Alexander, Pat Barrow, Mary Farmer Carlton, Agnes Lee Carmich ael, Eleanor Carr, Carolyn Cherry, Nora Lee Conrad, Mary Jane Copen- haver, Vera Logan Craig, Carolyn (Veson, Mary Kerr Culbreth, Jane Davis, Priscilla Dean, Dorothy Dixon, Rosalind Duncan, Louise Early, An nie Lee Jt’ishel, Betty Gilliam, Emma Brown Grantham, Betty Hardin, Lib Hendrick, Tillie Hines, Betsy Hobby, Dorothy Isley, Louise Jackson, May .Johnson, Mildred Kelly, Dorothy Mc- Ijean, Martha McNair, Patty Mc Neely, Mildred Minter, Margaret Morrison, Forest Mosby, Roberta Kate Nash, Emily Neese, Lucille Pat ton, Clara Pou, Ann Pritchett, Lee Rice, Mary Yen Rogers, Adele Von Seckendorff, Lucille Stubbs, Frances Watlington, Elizabeth Winget, Nell Kerns, Emily McCoj. LIBRARY ACQUIRES BERTITA HARDING’S “PHANTOM CROWN” Cornhill Magazine and Pfohl Prints Also Presented To Library The Library has just ac(iuir»Hl Bertita Harding’s ‘Phantom Crown,’ the story of Maximilian and Carlota of Mexico. This is a dramatically written, vivid chronicle of Napoleon Ill’s attempt to rule Mexico through the agency of the Austrian archduke, Maximilian. The first two sections ot tJie book de.al with Maximilian ’» early life and his mrriage with Car- lota, and with Maximilian’s political plottings which «ent them to Mexico. The rest of the book tells of their brief and disastrous reign, of Maxi milians fall and death, and of C:ir- lota’s return to Europe. Mrs. Harry McMullen of Ohaind Hill, who was Patty Baugham, class of 1907, has given the library a sub (Continued on Page Three) Author of Well-Known Best Sellers Has Had Lite of Romance And Excitement MBS. BEETITA HABBING LHIIAN PARKS TELLS OF EUROPEAN SUMMER Hear Lady Astor At Elmbassy Party Lillian I’arks, daughter of the United States consul to London, was a freshman in Salem College last year and this year is studying at the Academy. She spent her summer in Europe —■ a month in ]./ondon with her parents, a montli in Le Havre, Franco with her grandmother, and several days in i'rench Urittainy with her uncle, aunt, and cousin. Lillian says that the international situation in France and tJngland was serious when she was there, but nothing like the crisis that it be came a few days after sh(! left to come back to America. The ques tion of O/echoslavakia versus Ger many gradually grew in importance during the summer, but only in the pa.st few weeks had there bo(m any thought of war concerning it. Lillian ’« father was given training in gas-mask drills this summer, but (Continued on Page Three) GERMAN CLUB HEARS MR. DOWNS ALPHA IOTA PI HOLDS FIRST MEETING Al])ha Iota Pi held its first meet ing of the year, last Tuesday eve ning. The first part of the meeting was devoted to businest* ,a definite mooting time being arranged and plans made for tho early part of the year. The president, Virginia Brat ton, appointed Dorothy Mullen, chairman of the program committee, with Millicent MeKendry and Lee Rice as members. The latter part was given over to a social hour; re freshments were served, and Miss Hixon told of some of her delightful personal exiK'riences in Rome last summer. CHAPEL PREVIEW Tuesday, October 11 — Miss Hixon will speak on “Rome.” Wednesday, October 12 — Dr. Jordan, speaker Thursday, October 13 — Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen, singer. Friday, October 14 — Dr. Rondthaler, speaker. Speaking to the German Club last Monday afternoon, on his [Ksrsoual impressions of conditions in Ger many this summer Mr. John Downs described that nation a», economical ly weak, striving townrds a self- sufficiency which it may attain through the annexed territory. Ger- niary, as he saw it, is dominated by military discipline and nourished on Naziism. Any remark made openly about tho Nazi government must be in praist' of it. Yet, only a small jwroentage of the German population belongs to the Nazi party. Since the Austrian annexation, Vienna has donned sombre clothes. Mr. Downs says that Vienna, iniitead of >eing the gjiyest Eurofxian capi- tjpl, is now One Of tho soberest and that there is not much difference be- twe)n a Vienna nightclub and a first-class funeral. Disillu.sionment is in tho Austrians’ faces. They re sent the Prussians destroying their conventions and traditions, and Mr. Downs thinks Germany has a large job ahead in Nazifyiug Austria. The attitude of other European nations towards the German form of government is antagonistic. The people merit .sympathy. Mr. Downs concluded emphatically by .»aying that if human liberty means any thing, it wUl be a long time before the German people can be termed happy. Mrs Bertita Harding will be at Salem College, October 11 as the first lecturer in tho college lecture series. Mrs. Harding is the well-known au thor of a number of best sellers, among them “Phantom Oown,” “Royal I^rple,” “Golden Fleece,” and ‘ ‘ Farewell ’Toinette, ’ ’ Mrs. Harding is a true cosmoiwlite. She is of Rhenish and Hungarian an cestry and was born in Nuremberg, Germany with the long paternal name Bertita Carla Camille Leon:irz, and the Magyar title of a. Countess Karolyi. While she was still a baby her family moved to Me.xico on a dip lomatic mission for the Emperor h’ran/. .)ose|)h of Austria. This mis sion concerned the return of the llapsburg crown jewels which be longed to Franz .loseph’s brother, Maximilian. As a result Bertita the shadow of Chapultepec Castle, the Shadow of Chapultepec Castle. Between travels she was educated by a governess in her early child hood. Later she attended tho J'rench Sacre Coeur Convent, and tlien in this country studied at the Drexel Lankenau School for girls-in Phila delphia. She studied .singing under Federico Flores, Mexico’s greatest baritone, at the ^)nservatorio Nac- ional in Mexico City and S[)cnt a term at the University of Wi.sconsin as foreign guest student. There .she met and l>ecame engaged to Jack Harding of England and Indianaii- olis. In aditiou to her literary interests, Mrs. Harding is also keenly inter osted in music. She can sing in fiv^ languages, and whilt> she was still very young was expectel to become a pianist of note. Just a short time ago, tho Monterrey ()p«ra Company in Mexico offered Mrs, Harding the leading role in “Ojirmon. ” When she refused, the opera was scratched from the season’s re|H>rtoire. Much of the success of Mrs. Hard ing’s books is due to her unique background and her personal knowl edge of the characters about whom she writes. She has given now life to events and personalities important in Kiiriipean history. Her pictures are intimate and profound, but this is not surprising ,for she grew up in the shadow of the llapsburg tr.-uli- tions. All in all, Mrs. Harding promises to be a most interesting guest speak- FIRST MEETING OF HIS TORY CLUB OCTOBER 13 Program to Follow Business Meeting The History Club will hold it first meeting Thurslay night October 13, in the Recreation Room of liouisa Hitting Hnilding at 6:45. The moat ing will bo mainly concerned with tho election of officers not selected last year. However, a short and en tertaining program has been arrang- ed too, to follow tho election and other business matters. Several pro jects and plans for this semester 81*6 to be presented, discussed, and de cided upon. Tho Club will meet four times this .semester, the meetings oc- curing on the second Thursday night of each month, at 7:00. Old mem. bers aud now aro requested to be present at this the first meeting es pecially.