Golden Boy 1 Senior Dinner VOL. XX. WINSTQN-SALEM, N: C., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1939. Number A; MR. McEWEN SPEAKS TO SOROSiS CLUB Mr. Noble B. McEwen, head of th« education department of Salem, was guest speaker when the Sorosis Club met this week at the home of Mrs. B. L. Wall, Buena Vista Eoad. Mr. McEwen spoke of the vast field of material from which he could draw in talking on psychol- ogy, the newest of the sciences. He mentioned some outstanding psychologists and the more recent, prominent theories and experiments. By the use of diagrams and explana tion of many interesting experi ments, Mr. McEwen discussed the Gestalt school of psychology in some detail. In closing he spoke briefly on the theory of psychoanalysis. MRS. DOWNS COMMENTS ON WAR POETRY studying war poetry, which as a whole has very little literary value and for the most part reflects disil lusionment, enables one to have a more intelligent approach to the pres ent war, according to Mrs. .John A. Downs, instructor of English at Sal em. She spoke Tuesday morning, at the chapel hour, and after comments on poets and types of subject matter, read several war, poems. War poetry is generally divided into two groups, said Mrs. Downs. There is the traditional romanticist who sacrifices his all for the cause. The other extreme is the realist vyho sees war in all its horror and devas tation. Siegfried S'asson was cited as a violent realist. Wilbert Owens, the English poet who was killed in ac tion and who, prior to his tragic death, was decorated for bravery, displa.yed h;s liatred for war and vain ideals in his poem, “The Great er Love.” , DR. ANSCOMBE CONTINUES EDROUPEAN DISCOSSIO^ In expanded cliapel Wednesday morning. Dr. Francis Anscombe made more interesting remarks on the Polish situation. He limited his re marks to three major questions, namely; the position of Silesia, the question of the ,Tew, and the situa tion of the Ukranians. | Silesia, that southeastern portion of land which penetrates into the border of Hungary, was taken from Germany at the close of the World War and was divided between Pol and and Czechoslovakia. Thus Ger many was deprived of her chief eco- nomis resource, for Silesia had many valuable mines. It was impossible for Germany to regain her former industrial status until she regained Silesia. Dr. Anscombe said that there are more ' Jews in Poland than in any other country of the world, aud of the “professional population” in Poland, 55 per cent are Jews. The Poles control the government, but the Jews control the productive in dustries. Now Poland has recently adopted the German attitude toward this race. The Poles do not want the Jew, but they do not want him to leave for he will take his money and his skill with him. Germany w’ishes to squeeze out the Jew, but keep his money. What is to become of the Jewish people? They will be forced to leave Poland and will,, be frozen out of Germany and Italy- Dr. An- Kcombe said that humanity will de mand a solution, that there are plen ty of undeveloped lands for the .lews to settle. of the Ukranians, the people with out a country or a government, Dr. Anscombe said that one day they will become one of the most import- (Continued on Page Two) Salemite To Publish French Page Beginning with the edition of Oc tober 27, the Salemite will each week devote a column to original French compositions written by Salem stu dents of French. The compositions, written entirely, in French, wUl be made up largely of reviews of current fiction and drama, and contemporary French poetry. The purpose of the publication, which is to be called Le Coin Fran- cais, is to stimulate greater interest in French composition and literature. The idea for the new section of the Salemite originated with the class in French conversation, di rected by Dr. John A. Downs, profes sor of romance languages. Dr. Downs will be faculty advisor for Le Coin Franeais. The new column will be published under the auspices ■ : of Le Cercle Franeais, or Er^jach Club, Editorsliip will rotate every four,weeks among students of the French, conversation class. Gerry Biiynes will be first editor, and she will appoint her suc cessor. Students enrolled, .in; the French conversation class are. G.esry Baynes,, Sarah Burrell, Evelyn M«G«e, Lou ise Bralower, Lena Wiffston Morris, and Gertrude Nierejilberg. Opera to be ^iven Next Thursday “There’s many a‘slip '’twixt cup and lip,” you know'; and that’s just what happened .between the Chapel Committee, thfe Musi'c" Department, and the Salemite'. Liist week’s Sale mite carried an article announcing that yesterday’s chapel program would be the last half of the third act from Mozart’s'operaj '‘‘The Mar- riage of Figaro.’'’'' ';liuf'there was a mifitake the prefetatibri 'of 'that musical* selection is to b^'" next Thurs day in.stead. So, once more we say, we look forward tb'hearing | Kathryn Swain and Carolyn Cresbii at that time. Talk BY Bishop Pfolii We were foit.inat'c ts ' have with us last Sunday night at -Vespers, Bishop Pfohl who talked to us on ‘ Edify One Another.’ ’ , , He' bc^n his talk by defining the word,■‘s'edify ” an explaining the way in which the word was used in his text. It ,?p.ei}i¥, that the word, al- thouglif r.ather uncommon, i.^^ always used ,in a moral sense. It is con- neet^d%ith' the word “edifice” (ex. a great cathedral). The word “edi fy” means to build, in a moral and physical sense. ‘ ‘ We should never forget this text, Edify One Another,” gays Bishop Pfohl, “because it should take place ^itliin college walls; An education is not only a co.Hection, of , knowledge, but is the growth of character and can be likened to an edifice — a dwelling place of God. ’ ’ Bishop Pfohl says that the years sjwnt in college ,-a,re ■ not only for preparation for life but for actuni living and character building. There are three ways in which we can follow Bishop Pfohl’s advice to become better friends and compan ions in a better world: 1. By example — what we are and what we do. Fix our goal on character and seek that which will encourage and influence others around us. 2. By conversation — speak only good of one another. Do not slander our neighbors and try to hear only what is good. 3. By service — help out' neighbor and do all that we can for him. The Gilding of The^ Golden Boy No, girls, the hero’s not married! And he’s plenty cute, don’t you think? We decided he was Ex-cep- tional when we interviewed hiui yesterday afternoon before his beau tiful performance. Of course, you know we mean Eric Linden, the ex movie star and Jo Bonaparte, our Golden Boy. The first thing we found out about the little man was that he doesn’t smoko — he used to, but while he lived in Paris several years ago he couldn’t afford to pay 50c a pack for American cigarettes; so he quit. That was, by the way, in the year of The Crash. Eric was with a company that was doing eight American plays for the American colonjr — all the Americans were down on the Biviera, though; so, the actors played to house.s of French adults and children who wanted to learn conversational English. Mr. Linden was making .$18 a week then and living in an $11 room with a balcony overlooking the Seine and the Louvre gardens; still he saved enough to take a three months bike trip over Europe on a very high, old cycle with handle-bar brakes (It was so high that when he was learn ing to ride and fell off, he had to wheel it along the street to find something to climb on to remount his bike.) Eric played the Golden Boy in London for a year at St. James Theatre. Then he came home to New York and did radio work for' a year and a half for Collier’s Magazine on Sunday nights. His first play in America was George Abbot’s “Lady’s Money” which ran for four weeks in New York; his first movie iv;as “Arc These Our Children?”, the first scene for which he did on July Ist, in very hot weather — a snow storm of cot ton with crawly weevils mixed in. He got into movies by taking a test in New Yotk. He first read a scene from ‘ ‘ Illusion,’ > but his final trial was The Lord’s Prayer, which he did as lie knelt on a cushion and wej>t. The producers sent that to Hollywood and then sent Eric after it. He was twenty years old at that time (1931). He has since appeared in about twenty-four movies. He made “Life Begins” four years ago, and “Ah, Wilderness!” a year and a half ago. Those arc his favorites of the twenty-four. You will see him again in “Gone With the Wind” — he is the young chap who gets his leg shot off,and dies in the war. We’ll let j-ou in on a deep secret: “he’s” been terribly in love twice, once with his leading lady. In fact he Avas so dreadfully in love the first time (in 1933) when the whole affair turned out wrong, that he had to go to Nice to live'for a while to regain his equilibriiini and get a new pro spective on life! Terrific!!! And I wish you could have seen how his eyes got dreamy and far awayish when he told us that. We asked Eric why he had left the movies for the stage. His answer was that he loves the Golden Boy, that when he gave it up in London he felt that he had actually left be hind his best friend. He never tires of the part; ho says it is always so fresh and so dramatic that he must constantly build up throughout to higher .and higher pitch, greater and greater emotion; so that when it is done he is “high as a kite” as though he had been out to have some drinks with a few friends. He told us that, although a movie actor lives his own life to a greater degree, he likes stage life better, for it is warm er, more human, realer. We wondered whether Mr. Linden objected to his audience’s knitting. His answer to that was that his aud iences in London drank tea and ate cakes and so, he wouldn’t be bother ed with anything any more. He does, though, like every good actor, feel (Continued on Page Three) SALEM CROWNS TENNIS CHAMPS mm zmmi I i COURTESY JOURNAL-SENTINEL Kitty McKoy, left of Wilmington., singles tennis champion of the fall tournament at Salem, and Catherine Harr«ll, center and Sue Forrest, right, both of Winston-Salem who captured the dou'blos crown. Miss. McKoy defeated Sarah Bamum, of Southern Pines, in' the singles' finals, 6-3, 10-8 while Harrell and Forrest won from Sally Emerson, of ' Wilmington, and Buth Bchnedl of West Point, Ga., in two out of three sets in the dou'bles finals. Spruill In New York Jane Spruill, daughter of Mr. Wil liam E. Spruill, Bdcky Mount, has enrolled for the fall term at the Washington School for Secretaries, i!47 Park Avenue, New York City. Jane attended St. Mary’s School in Raleigh before coming to Salem last year. While here, she was ac tive in the Tennis Club, the Riding Club, and other athletics. Because of the (Sxcitcment of New York over wartime conditions abroad and the inevitable effects of those conditions on fhe economic and busi ness life of the financial center of the world, .lane, as a student at the Washington School for Secretaries, will be given a special opportunity to study modern-day problems. Wachovia Historical Society Meeting The annual meeting of the W'a- choviii Historical Society was held in the Wachovia Muesum building on Tuesday evening, October 17 at eight 0 ’clock. The subject of the program this year was “Silversmiths of Old Sal em.” Miss Margai-et Leinbach and Fred Bahnson, Jr. read very inter esting papers. As feature exhibits for this particular evening, there were on display: silverware of Salem artisians, loaned fbr the occasion by the owners; a first edition of John Lawson’s “History of North Caro lina,’’ loaned by Burton Craige; and the first public exhibition of “His tory in a Suitcase,” a very unusual, but very interesting exhibition. The museum was opened at seven o’clock. Many members and friends of the Wachovia Historical Society were present. German Dinner On Monday night, October 22, the Gorman Club of the college will have a dinner meeting. The honor guests are to be Mrs. Curlee aJid Dr. Wen- hold, who will speak on her experi ences with the Pennsylvania Dutch language. The dinner will be hold at 6 P.M. in the Recreation Boom of Louisa Bitting Buildin,g. Senior Dinner Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Rondthal- er have invited the senior class to the annual dinner to bo held this Saturday, October 21, in the Old Chapel. This dinner i.s always the first senior social and is looked for ward to with great eagerness. The plans are kept secret, but the plesia- ant surprises are worth the suspense. Miss Barrow Honored at Luncheon Mi.«s Otelia Barrow, who is retir ing from her many years of teaching at S'aloni College, was honored last Thursday lit a luncheon given by Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Rondthaler at their home. At the conclusion of luncheon. Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler presented a gift to Miss Barrow as a si>ecial token of appreciation for her many years of service at Salem. This was an ala baster table-lamp'. Guests included special friends of Miss Barrow; Mrs. Louise Owen, Mrs. .Vilen Owen, Mrs. J. C. Trot- man. Miss Robina Mickle, Mrs. R. P.' Beece, Mrs. C. M. S'awyer, and mem bers of the Salem College faculty. Faculty members present were: Dr. Pearl V. Willoughby, Dr. Minnie J. Smith, Miss Laurie Jones, Dr. Lucy WenhoUi, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Mein- ung. Miss Ivy Hixson, Miss Marjorie Knox, Miss Brona Nifong, Miss Grace Siewers and Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler. After the party at the Rondthaler home, the faculty members who live in South Hall presented Miss Barrow with a kitchen shower for her new apartment on Main Street. Salem is indeed sorry to lose Miss Barrow. For forty-seven years she has taught in the business depart ment at the college, and we looked forward to seeing her quiet, little presence among us day by day. This week she left us and South Hall to move into her own aportment. We shall truly miss her.

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