VOL. XX. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2^. 1939. Number -4r ^ Five Chosen By Who’s Who Yesterday afternoon, five Salem seniors were notified toy mail that they had been chosen to be in this yearns '‘Who’s Who Among Stu dents in American Universities and Colleges.” The girls so honored were Elizabeth Hendrick, Gerry Baynes, Betty Sanford, Louise Nor ris, and Elizabeth Norfleet. “Who’s Who” is a college book, featuring the biographies of out standing students — al limited num ber from each school. Those stu dents, selected by faculty commit- tee.s, are chosen on consideration of character, leadership Ln extra-eur- ricular activities, scholarship, and potentialities of future usefulness to business and society. The purposes of this book, which is to appear in January, are to serva as an incentive for students to get most out of their college careers, as a means of compensation to students for what they have already done, as a recommendation to the business world, and as a standard of measure ment comparable to such agencies as Phi Beta Kappa and the Rhodes Scholarship Award. METHODIST ENTERTAINMENT Last Wednesday evening the Meth odist girls of Salem were entertained at the Centenary Methodist Church. The guests were introduced to the receiving line composed of Miss Grace Lawrence, Miss S'arah Turl ington, Dr. and Mrs. G. Bay .Jordan, Rev. and Mrs. Wannamaker Hardin, and the heads of the departments of the church. In the recreation room a string orchestra furnished music. After several changes of partners to get acquainted, everyone joined in singing songs, and refreshments were served. Afterwards in the main auditorium of the Church there was a half hour of organ music played by Paul Robinson, organist. BAPTIST PARTY On Friday night at 8 o’clock, the young People’s Department of the First Baptist Church had as honor guests all the Baptist students at Salem. Miss Aileen Reich, associate superintendent of the Young People’s Department, made the arrangement for the party; Miss Roxie Bowen planned the refreshments; and Mr. L. B. Hathway took charge of the games. Cars were sent for all those students attending the party. M. K. CULBRETH IN WASHINGTON Miss Mary Kerr Culbreth, daugh ter of Mrs. J. n. Culbreth of Fay etteville, has entered the W^ashing- ton School for Secretaries at Wash ington, D. C., for the fall term. Mary Kerr attended Salem last year and was a member of the His tory and Psychology Clubs. As a student at the Washington' School for Secretaries, she will be at the center of American affairs connected with the war and will have an unusual opportunity to study the actions of this government in pre serving neutrality. With the government service in the National Capital expanding rap idly because of the emergency situa tion, employment possibilities for trained men and women are expand ing, according to a ‘statement made to the FaJl class of the school by Mrs. Adria C. Beaver, director of studies. AUSTRALIA MOVIES AT SALEM In honor of the Freshmen and all “new” girls at Salem, the Library Committee has invited Nona Hanes to come down on Thursday evening, November 2, and shi/w the remark able films that she made while trav eling in Australia this past summer. Everyone on the campus is cord ially invited to see these films which will be shown in the Assembly Room at the Library at 7:15, Thursday evening, November 2. LIBRARY STEPS DEDICATED This week has seen the attaching of a small bronze plate to the gran ite steps of Salem’s Library. Tliat plate reads: “Stei« given in recognition of Otelia Barrow’s 47 years uninter rupted service as tcacher at Salem.” The steps were given to the library by Mr. and Mrs Lewis Owen, Miss Barrow’s brother and sister. Senior Dinner The annual Senior Dinner — gay and exciting, with food and folks and fun — actually and at la.st took place last Saturday when Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rondthaler entertain ed the Salem College seniors. It was a World’s Pair — with the theme carried out in the place cards, the flags of all nations on the posts of the dining ball, tlie central table with its Empire building (the cake) and Trylon and Perisphere ' candles, the various favors, and the ices molded in shapes of flags. There were one hundred and eight people progressing at each course from one small table to another seven times in all. During each course attractive favors and “Dear Teach er” games were distributed. Then at the sixth course the large cake was cut. The ring went to Sara Burrell, the thimble to p]velyn McGee. Wiley Stanford found the button, and Charles Landreth, the dime. At the end of the meal rii>-cords on large balloon l)ags were pulled, and vari-colored balloons floated ov'er the dining hall as the guests departed. A BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY WEEK-END SHELF MUSIC HOUR Thursday Music Hours alTord our student body closer contact with the budding geniuses” of the music school. They are held, primarily, to give students a chance for public appearance, and are not contests where students compete against each other. Lectures on interesting musi cal events often take the place of the recital hour, and the entire stu dent body of the college is invited to participate in as many of these Music Hours as they can. This year the Music Hours will begin on Thurs day, November 2 in Memorial Hall at four o’clock in the afternoon. Academyite Tells On France On Wednesday there wa« a very interesting and attractive visitor on Salem’s campus. And yet, she wasn’t exactly a. visritor, either, for she attended Salem Academy the year ’36-37. She was Miss Cordelia Earle, from Los Angeles, California, and she had some very interesting experiences to tell. Cordelia Earle had been in France since February of this year and had planned to enter La Sorbonne in I^aris, but with tlie declaration of war her plans were changed. So she returned to the United States about two weeks ago, ai’rivjng in New York on the 21st. She sailed on the ‘ ‘ Harding, ’ ’ whicli passed right through the war zone and picked up British sailors whose ship had been sunk by a German submarine. No one liad been hurt, but it was almost a miracle that the “Harding” hap pened to see the sailors floating in their little life-,boats. Miss Earle went on to say that on Friday the thirteenth, the passengers on the Harding saw four British ships on the horizon, and that they received word at dusk that those ships had been sunk by the same submarine that had destroyed the British freighter, the crew of which they had rescued. They also saw a Frencli tanker going down in flames; the crew of that vessel had been rescued by another ship. On the 16th and 17th, the “Hard- Ing’’ passed through a hurricane, which was afterwards said to have been the worst in years. Mis? Earle said that the ship was in great danger of going down, and that few people aboard ever expected to rcach New York. There were various reactions among the passengers to this great fear. Some that she saw were pray ing, others fainting, while some look ed grim, with almost wild-animal looks in their eyes. Some remained comparatively calm, as did Cordelia, by saying that, “If the ship goes down, it goes down, and there’s noth ing we can do about it.” One man lost control of everything and start ed throwing typewriters all over the place! The shi]) was lurching terribly, and when a hundred-foot wave struck the ship from the port side, the “Harding” listed to the star board at a 45 degree angle, and re mained in that position for about five minutes. Passengers were hurt in the first class deck when the pianos, tables, heavy chairs, and all of the other movable furniture crash ed down against the walls. Miss Earle said that everything was a complete wreck and the place was one big mess after the storm sub sided. When asked about the war in Eur ope, Cordelia replied by saying that she had been in Tours the night of the declaration of war, and that the people remained very, very calm. When the soldiers left for the front, it was the exception to see the wom en crying. Everyone has an almost fatalistic attitude, but the people are rather bitter that they must fight a w’ar that they do not want to fight. ‘ ‘ T feel that this bitterness will in crease as time goes on,’> Miss Earle said. Although she feels that this feeling will be changed soon, Miss Earle said that, the Fi'ench felt a sympathy for the German people, realiz'ng that they have been duped by their leader. They keenly hate Hitler. •Cordelia told very interesting and vividly her experiences during the bombing alarms. Everyone, of course, has a gas mask, but there are also many bomb-proof cellars in which everyone seeks refuge during (Continued on Page Four) Medical Aptitude Tests Announced The Medical Aptitude Tests issued by the Association of thei American Medical Colleges will be given at 3 P.M. on November 28th in the S'ci- ence Lecture room. These tests are given each year, and each student who ex{>ects to en ter medical school the following year is required to take the test. Last year 10,411 students at 621 colleges took the test. All students take the tests at the same hour on the same day all over the country. The te«ts are given under the supervision of a member of the college faculty where the student is doing her undergrad uate work. The tests at Salem will be given under Professor 0. H. Hig gins, Head of the Science Depart ment. Margaret Wilson, a Salem senior and Samuel Templeman, a graduate of Turman University, who is taking some special w'Ork at Salem, liave registered to take the test. Margaret hojxjs to enter the University of Pennsylvania next fall, and Sam intends to enter Wake Forest. German Club Dinner Der Deutsche Verein, the German Club, held a dinner meeting Monday evening at 6:00 in the recreation room of Louisa Wilson Bitting Build ing. Dr. Wenhold was the guest speaker. Tlie blessing was given in German by Mrs. Curlee. During the dinner the group sang German songs. Dr. Wenhold gave most interest ingly, “My Experiences With the Pennsylvania German.” .Although her family has been in America 207 year, she is the first generation that did not speak German before Eng lish. Approximately twenty - five years ago, Dr. Wenhold wont to live in the central part of Pennsylvania. In the town in which she lived, Pennsylvania German was spoken al most entirely; only in the chiircli services pure German was spoken. The Pennsylvania Germans are ex- fellent farmers, and they cultivate their farms to perfection. A visitor once remarked after seeing this ter ritory, “They have the largest barns and the smallest schoolhouses. ” Edu cation among these people is a. thing for which one must fight to got. The older generation of Pennsylvania German farmers believe that farm ing had been good enough for them and it is good enough, for their chil dren. Pennsylvania German is very diffi cult to leain, and Dr. Wenhold said that she was never able to speak it, but she could understand to a cer tain extent. In the break-down of a language it is always the hard things which go first. In the case of the Pennsylvania German, the genders were the first to go, the case endings and verb endings, and then the subjunctive and indirect discourse • disappeared. Stome inter esting “carryings-over” are: “Come here once” for “Come here” “The sugar’s all” for “the sugar is used up.” To someone ringing the door bell, and after the door is opened this would be the likely conversation: “Oh, did you bell?’ “Yes, I belled, and I heard you come the stairs down too.” Dr. Wenhold closed by saying that although 'she had never regretted her stay in Pennsylvania, she thought that all people must realize that they are Americans. Auf Wiedersehn was said by the (Continued on Page Four) A. A. Square Dance Freshmen, here’s another fete given in your honor. This time it’s the Athletic Association that is play ing hostess, and the affair will ,be aa old fashioned square dance. Bingo will also be played, so you caa rest up after your exertions. The upper classmen will act as hostesses, and will see that everybody has a good time. So, one and all, big and small, come on do^vll to the gym from 8:00 to 10:30 o’clock Saturday night. W'e’re going to have loads of fun! YOUTH QUESTIONS THE HEADLINES Two hundred and forty representa tive young men and women( includ ing recent college graduates and un dergraduates) — a group of thirty in each of eight different cities in the United States — are to hold a series of conferences in which they are to reveal their attitudes and thresh out their opinions on war and peace, to answer the question “For what are we willing to diet” Parts of the discussion are to be broadcast as a sustaining program over fifty-three stations by the Na tional Broadcasting Company on four successive Monday evenings at 9:30 to 10:00 p. m. (eastern standard time): October 23, Boston and Cincinnati October 30, Syracuse, N. Y. and Portland, Ore. November 6, Milwaukee and St. Louis. November 13, New York and Dallas. The chairman of the conferences in the first named cities is to be Otis L. Wiese, Editor oi? McCall’s Maga zine, and in the other cities, Toni Taylor, Associate Editor. The conferees r.-mge in age be tween 20 and 30. They have been selected as representative of the new “war generation” which would be most hurt if the United States should ’ get into another world war. These young people recognize themselves as a potential “lost generation” if war should come — the men as the hopeless hospital case and the Un known Soldier of tomorrow; the women as the young widows of the 1040)’s and the spinisters of flie 1950’s. The particijxints in the confer ences have been selected by McCall’s Magazine as representing all points, of view, all kinds of background, ancestry, education, political opinion, occupation, faith, income level and personal history. A typical group includes college men studying for various professions, truck driver, clerk, artist, advertising man, college instructor, factory workers, steno graphers, young housewives, W. P. A. workers. None are in the smart alec or flaming youth stage — most have finished their education and are working at their jobs and starting families. All are keen, alert and lively — but also thoughtful, frank and serious. Of the thirty in each discussion group, twelve will speak on the air. According to the plan of the con ferences, the participants will act as reporters as well as fighters in the first line of the home front. Under the constant bombardment of war news, propaganda and oratory, they will stop to analyze their own feel ings. They will report whether they are being carried away by the noise of war or by slogans. They will at tempt to give straight answers to such general questions as: Can we be neutralf What, if anything, will make American youth want to go to warT To what degree are we being (Continued on Page Four)