SECOND SEMESTER OF 168th YEAR IN PROGRESS MASQUERADE SATURDAY NIGHT Z 541 VOL. XX. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1940. Number 14. OUR LIBRARY CELEBRATES ITS BIRTHDAY On February fourth the Salem Li brary will celebrate its second birth day. It seems strange that the beau tiful library which is so much a part of our life at Salem has had only a short .two years of service. But the formal opening took place on the first day of the second semester in 1938; and from that day until now the beautiful building across the street from Alice Clewell has never ceased to be “a thing of beauty and joy forever.” The library is con stantly being used for study and rec reation, the latter usually taking place in the increasingly-popular Browsing Room. This comfortable and restful room has been used very much since the popular magazines were placed there. Last year at this time the library celebrated its first birthday with a party. The presidents of the var ious classes and organizations throughout the college presented at this time birthday gifts of checks and books to the library. And so, at the beginning of its Jl. l;. lxMOL.LlJi:uJKEB Foreign correspondent, who spoke at Salem on Wednesday night. Knickerbocker Analyses European Situation On Wednesday, January 31, his birthday, Mr. H. B. Knickerbocker, . , „ ■ ^ roving correspondent, came to Salem third year of service to Salem Col- ■ CoHege. The Juniors and Seniors lege, every student is indeed grate ful for the beautiful building and for the efficient staff which shows kindness and interest in everyone. “Happy birthday, dear Library!” ”Down Mexico Way” Have you made your plans for your summer vacation? This seems a bit premature, at this time with all of our “below zero” weather and snow and icc everywhere, but vaca tion time will be here before any of us realize it. How would you like to leave North Carolina about the 3rd of July journeying through the South, through the tip of the West, and ‘ ‘ South of the border down Mexico way?” To spend the month of July seeing Mexico City — journeying down to the pyramids of the Sun and Moon —■ across the mountains to the quaint little city of Taxco where all of the silver is made—then on down to the Pacific ocean to the little sea town of Acapulco, where you will enjoy a dip in the ocean. —over to Cuernavaca to see the Az tec ruins, the colonial churches and mansions. A day at Xoehimilco, whose name means “Place of Flowers” — it is more than picturesque, it is unique. You can buy an armful of lovely carnations for about a dime, and if you care to spend as much as a dollar you will literally stagger home under the weight of your load. Seeing Mexico City is really worth the trip down into Mexico, with all of the other trips and sights included for good measure. You will see Chapultepec Castle that was re stored by Maximilian and Carlotta, the National Palace, the Church of the St. of Guadalupe; you’ll be able to bargain in the markets, to witness a real bull fight, to shop at S'anborns and there indulge in the food of the natives, to go into the many, many shops along Juarez avenue and along Cinco de Mayo, to visit the Palace of Fine Arts, to attend a Fiesta- Fair; to dine in the quaint restau rants, to see the tango danced by the lovely Mexican girls ajid boys, and to see many, many sights that are too numerous to mention — to visit a land so entirely different in many respects from our own U. €?. A. and yet to realize the beauty of our next door neighbor and what a lovely and thrilling country that they possess. For the sum of $250.00, which in cludes train and pullman fare. Ho tel, meals, etc., you can make this trip. For all information in detail, see Mrs. Laughlin, who will take a group to Mexico this summer. who are majoring in History were entertained with Mr. Knickerbocker at a luncheon^ complete with a birth day cake. Our guest proved him self to be a charming and entertain ing companion, and a fascinating conversationalist. At 8:30 Wednesday evening Mr. Knickerbocker gave the second in the Salem College lecture series in Memorial Hall. With his speech he held the serious attention of the largo audience for an hour and a half, and then he answered ques tions for interested listeners. Mr. Knickerbocker began by tell ing us of first-hand impressions of Mr. Hitler, the first being in 1923. A student of psychiatry, Mr. Knick erbocker has a genius for analyzing (Continued on Page Four) Second Seniester In Full Swing On Monday, January 30, 1940, Sal em College began the second semes ter of its 168th year, with the regis tration of its students. In addition to the normal registration we have three new students this semester. They are Peggy Garth from Hick ory, N. C.; Marcia Lambert from Hattiesburg, Miss; and Mollie Mae Bennett of Winston-Salem. Peggy is a transfer from Lenoir Rhyne; Mar cia from Duke; and Mollie Mae from Mars Hill. We are very glad to have these girls with us on the cam pus. Along with the newcomers, we welcome Elizabeth Cloninger of Len oir back to Salem. We have missed her during her absence, Not returning to Salem this se mester are Josephine Pope and An nie Lee Masten. We shall miss both of them, and we hope that they will both see fit to come back next fall. SECOND OF FERDINAND THE BULL SESSIONS IS HELD Last night at 6:45 in the Recrea tion Room of Louisa Bitting Build ing, Mrs. Holt Haywood was in charge of the second in the series of “Ferdinand the Bull Sessions.” This discussion was a Y. W. C. A. For um which is to be held each week for an indefinite length of time. Topics of interest to college students of today are brought up. The sessions last only until about 7:30; so every one is asked to arrange her studies that she may attend. This plan is; a new idea to stimulate interest, which will prove whether it is of value to our students. Ten Minutes With Mr. Knickerbocker “I took up the study of journal ism because I could not afford to study medicine” the forty-two year old strawberry blond “lecture-series- er” said. Mr. Knickerbocker sat calm and poised, even though he must have been out of breath. (Ilis tuxedo was delivered to him at six-o’clock and he was down stairs giving the story of his life five minutes later. Globe trotting has taught him more than the inside story of history). By his discussion it seems that he enlisted in the army at the age of eighteen, married a girl from his college town (Georgetown, Texas), while in the service, was discharged from the army at twenty, worked on a milk wagon, and in three months had saved enough money to study psychologj' at Columbia University. Money troubles interfered, however, and he took up journalism for one year. He got a job on the Newark “Morning Ledger; ” and he said, “It was such a terrible paper I became managing-editor in two years.” He was then transferred to the N. Y. “Evening Post” as a “rewrite” man (it seems a rewrite man writes newspaper accounts of the facts re porters telephone in). At twenty-three he went to South ern Methodist University as head of the Journalism Department. This was just “fruit salad” he said. (Continued on Page Four) Founders Day Celebration Is In Progress If you haven’t yet decided on a costume to wear tomorrow night it still isn’t too late. The costume committee members have several good last-minute sugges tions. Don’t forget, you want to show your personality in your costume — S’ee Katharine King, Emily McCoy, or Mildred Kelly, Friday night or Saturday morn ing. Today —■ Founders’ Day — was celebrated as the hundred and sixty- eighth year of uninterrupted opera tion of Salem College. Events in observance of Founders,' Day were the student-faculty dinner at 6:15 in the main dining room and the meeting of the Winston-Salem branch of the alumnae association at 8 o’clock in the Old Chapel. The student-faculty dinner was in charge of the seniors, who acted as hostesses to the faculty. Agnes Lee Carmichael was chairman of the com mittee on arrangements. Assisting her were: Elizabeth Norfleet, Betsy Hobby, and Margaret Morrison, An original skit planned by Mrs. John Creech and Mrs. W. L. Reid was given by the alumnae at the meeting of the Winston-Salem branch. Alumnae taking part on the program were Mrs. R. P. Reece, Mrs. W. L. Reid, Mrs. Dallas McLennon, Mrs. Annis Singletary, Mrs. H. H. Kapp, and two college students, Katharine King and Lee Rice. A talk by Miss Annette McNeely, alumnae research secretary, featured the Founders’ Day chapel program at 8:30 this morning. Miss McNeely related interesting facts found through her recent re search in former alumnae records of the institution. M. WILSON RATES HIGH ON TEST The reports on the Medical Apti tude Tests were received this week. Ten thousand, two hundred and twenty-five students from every sec tion of the country took the test last December. Margaret Wilson, of our Senior Class, received the highest grade ever made by a Salem student. Con gratulations, “Willie!” DID “YOU ALL” ENJOY IT TO? WE DID ;««« .. . JUNIORS TO ENTERTAIN AT MASQUERADE Do you need something to pep you up after exams and the week-end rest? Then come to the Masquer ade in the gymnasium Saturday night, February 3rd, at 8:30. This entertainment, which is sponsored by the Junior class, -will offer dane- ing, fortune-telling, games, refresh ments and a floor- show during in termission — besides the mystery and excitement of costumes and masks. As special features there will be a prize for the most orig inal costume, and the King and Queen of the Masquerade will be crowned. The committees working on this gala affair are: Entertain ment — Frankie Tyson, Marvel Campbell, Sallie Emerson; Decora tions — Betsy O’Brien, Marguerite Bodie, Libby Sauvain; Refreshments — Frances Warren, Pollyanna Ev ans, Kelly Anne Smith; Tickets, — Eleanor Carr, Betsy Hill, Cath erine Harrell, Margaret Patterson; Costume Bureau — Katharine King, Mildred Kellyj EmUy McCoy; Orch estra — Lee Rice, Mary Ann Pas chal, Anne Flowe. B. C. Dunford’s orchestra will play, and the admis sion price is 75c for girl or couple. So to chase away those midwinter blues, come to the Masquerade! Re member, it’s the last dance for the entire student body .before May Day. FINNISH FINISH? NO! Salem’s two most southern girls —• Doris Nebel from Jacksonville, Fla., and Becky Candler, from Birmingham, Ala., really enjoyed the “11 inches of fluffy stuff’ ’ that cover ed-> our campus for the past week. Salem enjoyed the hour of 11 till 12 on Wednesday morning. We were delighted with Mrs. George Transou. In the first expanded chapel of the second semester, Mrs. Transou (o( Winston-Salem) spoke on “The Rus- sian-Finland Situation.” Her de lightful and clever way of express ing herself made her talk both in teresting and educational., Mrs. Transou began by saying that Russia has Finland out-numbered fifty to one. She said that Knland has 148,000 square miles compared to Russia’s 8,242,000 square miles. The chief industries of Finland are wood and pulp. “Sisu” is the only word to describe the Finns — for they are courageous, willing to fight and extremely honest. Mrs. Transou said that Russia claims to be not really fighting Fin land, but “punishing” Finland. She seemed to think that Russia is fight ing at Germany’s suggestion. The Russian attack has taken place at ah extremely unfavorable season •— the frequent snow storms and bliz zards have prevented the Russians from moving their troops and heavy munitions. Thousands of reindeer have been driven from Lapland to furnish food for the Finnish soldiers. However, Russia seems to be of more help to Finland than any other source. When a Russian unit is captured, the Finnsi take the supplies of the Russians. Thinking that Finland would soon be defeated, Russia at first sent only ‘ cannon-fodder” to the front., After seeing that Finland is not to be eas ily overcome, Russia has been forced to send well-trained Siberian troops to the front. Yet, Finland keeps fighting and pushing the Russians back.