STUDENTS DISCUSS CHANGES The Farfrumrite This week plans for the Salem school year of 1941-42 have been completed, by representatives from the a^mstration, faculty, and students of the college. Picti^ed above are, Mt to right, Betsy Vanderbilt, Mr. Tom Holder, member of the dapartment of history—past, present, and Johnson. They are just a small percentage of the large group which has been active in instigating these changes of school policy. Although the fact that Salem is to become, starting next S^ear, a co-educational institution may be distasteful to a large number of students, such does not seem to be the case with the Seniors pictured above. These smiling faces, belonging to Sue Forrest, Sallie Emerson, and Kelly Smith, will accompany their owners back to school next year when the girls return for post-graduate work. The uniforms incidentally are identi cal with the ones to be used for 0. A. A. training next year., (For further information concerning C. A. A., see page 4.) SAUM TO BECOME CO-ED Salem College will become co educational for the year of 1942. The plan had been discussed and considered for many years, but finally a decision was reached by the administration last Wednesday. The voting was unanimous for co education. Accommodations for 600 boys will be arranged before the fall semester of next year. A new dormitory will be built opposite the dining room and some of the old homes on Church street will be transformed into fraternity houses. Scholarships wall be offered for the most handsome, most athletic, and most popular members of the student bodies of many popular male institutions. These will in clude Carolina, Cornell, West Point, Yale, Wake Forest, V. M. I., cita del, Annapolis, Clemson, Princeton, Harvard, Georgia Tech and Brown University. MEN’S JOBS RESTORED Salem College again show’s her self to have a feeling of kinship with the spirit of the good ole days’!!! As you well know, since the Fourth Great Super Allixshire War women have so completely filled the varying positions in labor and industry, that the male species have fallen vicitims to the cooking burns and needle pricks, formerly associated with the weaker (?) sex. However, Salem has agJin shown her colors in the announcement made today by the president of the Y. W. C. A. of the college. The sensation being that on Friday afternoon and night, April the fourth, the young men of “Boys Town” who live in “The House of Eight Gables” will be liberated from their house duties and will give an exhibition of their return (Continued On Page Pour) CLAUD’S CLUB USED AS SEHING FOR PLAY The Pierrettes are taking their prize winning play, Sanctuary to Chapel Hill for the finals next Thursday. Any student who would be interested in accompanying the cast would be most welcome. Spectators will find the play com pletely renovated and far superior to the original version with which students are all too familiar. The play is no longer a tragedy of the Napoleonic era, but a humorous melodrama adapted to modern times. This alteration has naturally neces sitated a change in setting; feeling that the convent atmosphere would be somewhat restraining to comedy, the Pierrettes have decided that the action should take place at Claude’s Club. We feel that this change in setting and period coupled with the inclusion of Louise Miller as Adolph Hitler and the addition of four male members to the cast; to say nothing of the various nuna, will do much to en- liven the plot. Few students, it is believed, are aware of the great importance of this event. John Mason Brown, Kichard Watts and other well- known theatre critics will be pres ent at the finals of this play con test, and the university announces that after much deliberation they have selected Katherine Cornell, Helen Hayes, John Gielgud anifl Maurice Evans as judges. Talent scouts from all the promin ent movie studios will be there with contracts on hand. A very exclusive dance will be held after the preformance for the casts of the different plays. Mr. Tommy Dorsey has kindly offered his services for this occassion. (Continued on Page Three) t VOL. XXI Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, March 28, 1941. Z 541 Number 22. SALEMITE PUBLISHED DAILY NEXT YEAR .-.-.V I R S TO BE CHANGED GREAT CROWD HEARS SPEECHES A large crowd gathered in Memo rial Hall .Monday evening to hear the speakers in the second preli minary Speech Contest. The speak ers w’ere; Wyatt Wilkinson, Bar bara Lasley, Leila Johnston, and that straight-haired wonder, Reece Thomas. The audience made up for any sleep that might have been lost, taking light cuts, during the talk made by Eeece which was bril liant, fluent, and almost never-end ing. Members of the audience who were worried about two of their five senses during the time allotted for Leila’s speech as they could neither see nor hear Leila were re lieved when it was announced that she was not present that evening. Wyatt and Barbara were winners of the contest. Upon the announce ment of the winner the audience in the customary Salem enthusiasm clapped and stamped but caused a portion of Memorial Hall to crum ble. Now the other man who was working on the new dining build ing is busy repairing Meijiorial Hall and many persons are being treated for attacks made on them by the termites who became furious over the damage done to their dwelling. Also there are thousands of homeless cockroaches as a re sult of the damage done to Memo rial Hall. Miss Lawrence stated sadly that there is no room for them in Alice Clewell as every corner and bed in that building are already filled with them. The Junior class is now selling these cockroaches to antique lovers as the little animals have no doubt been w'ith us since 1776 as our great-great-grandmothers diaries have proved. No one would have guessed that the influence of the Speech Contest would be so far reaching in such a variety of irrelevant fields. How ever, the winners of this prelimi nary will enter in the final contest to be held in April. A number of literary critics have been selected to judge in this final contest. Announcement of names and positions will be made later. CIVIC MUSI: HAVING TROUBLE The Winston-Salem Civic Music Association is very sorry to an nounce that the Cleveland Sym phony will not appear in Winston- Salem on Friday evening, March 28, as originally scheduled due to slight indispositions of some of the players. The conductor has deve loped a scalp disease which is causing his hair to fall out and also is slightly palsied in the digits. The members of the string choir all have the measles, and the some of the players of wind-instruments are suffering from bronchitis. Strangely enough the oboe soloist was not stricken until the middle of a concert in Carnegie Hall last week when ho w'as struck with a fit of sneezing right in the middle of a solo. The Harpist fell asleep while waiting for her turn to play and has strangely enough not awaken since. All and all it is a sad plight for this excellent organization. Several Salem girls arc sorely disappointed because the, orchestra will not appear here, because they had been promised the opportunity of conducting the orchestra. The orchestra was planning to play an original composition by Sarah Linn w'hich was to bo conducted by Leila Johnston. In the selection conduct ed by Marie Vaa Hoy, Chubby Hayes had been promised the long awaited opportunity to play the drums. What is more it is muchly (Continued to Page 4) Tuesday after noon, March 25, Carrie Donnell of Thomasville was elected by the Salemite staff to jsueceed Katharine King as editor- in-chief. During the past year Car rie has been jediting the Sun day edition of the [New York Times; consequently, she is well-suited to her new office. jHer opponent w'as Mary Worth Wal ker of Winston- Salem. In addition to her New York rimes experience, ^Carrie served as Ifforeign correspon- ^dent for the |United Press dur- . , .’"S the German llllinvasion of Aus- ||mria. She returned |to America in the liiJfall of 1939 to pursue her course of arts and science here at Salem. Since 1939 Carrie has served as advisor to various editors throughout the United States and in the past year has contributed n great deal to her development of one of the foremost papers in the South—the Salemite. Carrie has formulated extensive plans for next year. Not only does she promise a daily paper with a comic sheet on Sunday, but sho lias succeeded in obtaining the services of such noted newspapermen as Leland Stowe, John Kieran, and Walter Winchell. The size of the Salemite is to be increased to eight pages, with four pages entirely de voted to comics and the other frivolities of life. Of course these few minor changes in the policy of the Salemite will probably affect the circulation of the paper; therefore all subscribers are requested to fill out the coupon to be found on page 10 and take it to the nearest drug store for a free sample of Chewum Bubble Gum. CLUB AHNOUNGEMENTS A great many of the clubs on the campus are withholding special meetings next week. Meetings are of course unrequired but if one feels that she can not possibly stay away she may obtain special per mission to attend by applying to respective presidents. The Latin Club will meet on March 21st, in the Hague. It will be decided then which 110 students (Continued On Page Three) i\ri8s Dorothy Dixon, of Fayette ville, has been elected to preside over the I. R. S. Council of next year. “Dee” has servel on the council this year, as a class repre sentative, on the Student Council her Sophomore year, is a member of the May Court, and is also a member of the Scorplans. The Council, which heretofor has stood for “I Represent Salem,” in the strictest sfiuse of the words, and acts at the “Social Standards Committee” of Salem, is to undergo radical changes in the future. Its main plan will be to inauguerate a new policy. This policy is to be based on the slogan “Comfort for the College Girl.” The main idea behind this change being the plight of the long suffering Salem students, who to date have been forced to wear “hose for din ner, hats and hose for town and so forth. “This new plan will give the girl her chance to give full reign to her desire to do without the above, without tTie fear of study hall, etc., looking behind her. In view of this new policy the “Social Standards Committee” is to be replaced by a new committee, chosen from the winners of a con test to be held on the campus at the beginning of the new fall term, in which a winner from every class will bo chosen for her ability to portray in the best manner pos sible, sheer comfort! (sloppiness will of course be a main factor in judging the contestants) Miss Dix on has expressed the desire that every Salem girl keep this contest in mind, and that she does her bit in attempting to fulfill the re quirement. Remember, there are still two full months of this spring semester left in which you can do your best to obtain these high ideals, and become a member of the I. R. Council. Then you can proudly say I Represent Salem! WAFFLE SUPPER A special variety of very soggy and half-cooked waffles will be served in the damp, cold section of Dormitory Bitting Louisa, known as the basement. The “ help, yourself ” method will bo employed although the batter will already be mixed and the waffles irons will be there, all customers will have to do is to cook the w’affles, get some oleomar garine and sorghum from the table, grab a half a chicken, and pour his own water. Everything will be free except the water which will cost 25 cents. This unusual affair will take place on Sunday night from 5:30 to 6:30 and from 7:00 to 8:00, and everyone who comes is asked to bring $50.00 for the home for Worn-Out, from spring term papers, Salemltes. Helping serve will bo Margaret Sullavnn, Hedy Lamar, and Kristin Flagstaff. ROYALTY ARE GUESTS HERE The Duke and Duchess of Wind sor flew in Wednesday to be the guests of Dr. Pearl Willoughby. They came to North Carolina in order that the Dutchess might en gage an expert manicurist. Upon learning that great admirer of Ed gar Guest, Dr. Willoughby was to give her famous lectures on the “Mortality of the poetry of Edgar Guest,” they immediately flew to Winston-Salem. The Duchess was delighted %vith Salem College. “It reminds me very much of the school I wasn’t allowed to enter in Baltimore, you know. My Aunt Bessie was very particular about those people who wouldn’t associate with me. My education was very much limited, except for law technicalities. You know, special types of law I practice, oh, quite often.” The Duchess is cer tainly a talkative soul. Her Royal Highness, who is most infamous for her clothes was wearing a simple little Wallis blue chiffon dinner frock, a loud green sports coat, and red moccasins. She was also wear ing the famous tin earrings. The Duke is certainly a quite spirit. He either stood or walked, but all the time he was playing with a golf club. Once when the Duke came near to the Duchess, she looked and spoke rather sadly. “I thought I would get a king, but he turned out to be only a Duke— and a golf-playing Duke at that.” The Duke raised his club, but as I said before he was only playing with the club. Finally the Duke said he had an appointment to play a spot of golf with Mr. Tommy Holder on the famous Salem golf links. When the Duke left, I left too. ’Cause he car- red the golf club with him and I was only a Salemite reporter.