AT MEMORIAL HALL: BROWN TALKS TONIGHT LINN PLAYS MONDAY John Mason Brown — An Impression Almost a Salem Tradition, John Mason Brown returns to onr cam pus for his sixth lecture, speaking in Memorial Hall at 8:30 o’clock on Friday evening, April 25. John Mason Brown—pale blue eyes, colorless lashes, storng face —a thinking man. He carries Van Wyck Brook’s latest book under his arm and totes the PeloipoimesiaJl Wars in his shabby brown suitcase, and remarks concerning it: “I’ve never read it before, but it’s re- makable how timely it is!” He puts his horn-rimmed glasses oji when you’re talking—takes them off when he starts—in any case the glasses never stay in one place for very long. “I can’t get ued to the fact that the sun isn’t shining. I’ve never been to Winston before when it wasn’t. He emphatically refutes the statement that he and Nathan didn’t think that anything worth while had been produced in New York this season—“The season has not been particularly distinguished, but it has been extra-ordinarily en tertaining. Whoever made that statement must have been reading PM which newspaper thinks that Nathan and I are too sour to see any good in anything.” Mr. Brown is not sour; he’s grac ious; he’s kindly; he’s witty. He’s humorous with an underlying seriousness. When asked if he would attempt to be cheerful in his lec ture or be “because of the times gloomy” he looked away and said, “I can’t be serious without feel ing that I should bury my head in my hands and weep—you can’t think about it too much.” “I’d rather see Saroyan at his worst than any other modern dra matist at his best. Saroyan does things to one’s emotions — definite ly.” In fact Mr. Brown likes Saro yan and has voted for his plays for three years as the tops. He also likes “Finland Station/’ parts of which give him reason to believe that it is the best book of the year. I like Mr. Brown and so do you, probably. H^ natural; he’s sincere; he’s almost simple. His never fail ing use of wit prevents his state ments from becoming scholarly or professorial. He asks me almost as many questions as I ask him. He’s interested in Salem; he thinks it beautiful. He inquires about numer ous faculty members, calling them by name. We discussed many things from the “Peloponnesian Wars” to the weather, and Mr. Brown summed it all up very neatly in parting by cracking, “I think I shall sleep this afternoon—not even the Pelopon nesian Wars’ ’ would care to set foot out on such an aftemon as this — even with skirts on.” When informed that I had been interviewing him all that time in stead of just innocently chatting as he had supposed, he laughed and said, “Well, if you can make any thing out of that jumble, okay; just don’t tell them that I’m sour!” ACADEMY SERVES AT TEA The students and the faculty of the Academy delightfully enter- (Continued On Page Pour) On Monday night, April 28, at 8:30 p.m., will be presented the third in this years group of final concerts. At this time Miss Sarah Linn, pianist, will play in graduat ing recital. Sarah is a pupil of Dr. Charles G. Vardell, Jr., who will accompany her in the Powell number Bapsodie Negre. The program will include two numbers by Brahms, two by Chopin, Sonata in E flat major Op. 81a by Beethoven, and three mod ern numbers besides the one by John Powell. Th^re will be Pa gode^, Debussy; Seguidella, A1 beniz; and Jeux d’Eau, Ravel. Ushers will be: Marian Johnson, Johnsie Meore Becky Nifong, Lee Rice, Margaret Vardell, and Eleanor Welch. YOFUS ELECTED TO AID INSTON On Friday, April 18, the Y. W. C. A. cabinet chose the following girls for the remainder of its of ficers to serve next year, Pesident Lelia Johnston having already been elected: vice-president, Jennie Dye Bunch; secretary, Frances Neal; treasurer, Craig Carmichael. Other cabinet members for next year will be selected by the in coming president. Jennie Dye Bunch of Statesville, N. C., and a transfer from Mitchell College, was an out standing student there and a mem ber of the Mitchell Choir. A rising senior here at Salem, she is a mem ber of the choral ensemble and has been extremely interested in “Y” work. Frances Neal, a rising junior from Durham, N. C., is a member of the Salemite staff, the German and Math Clubs. Craig Carmichael, a rising sophomore from Bennets- ville, S. C., served as I. R. Si rep resentative of her class this year. Through the wide interest that these girls have taken in Salenl activities, all are sure that they will prove worthy successors to Emily McCoy, Marion Norris, and Sara Barnum, vice-preseident, secre tary, and treasurer,respectively of the “Y” this year. MAYlAYlT FORFJEP.M. On May 3, 1941, Salem College will present its annual May Day Festival in the May Day Dell on the campus at 5:00 o’clock. The theme for this year’s pageant is Beltane or May Festival, at Brit tany when The Prince of Poetic Vagabonds will crown The Queen of the May. First there will be a short introductory play which will intro duce the theme for May Day and then the Queen and her court will descend the hill and the Queen, Katharine King, will be crowned by the vagabond Francois Villon, which part is played by Elizabeth Trotman. After the Queen has been crown. (Continued on Page Three) mtt? Z 541 VOL. XXI WINSTON-SALEM. N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941. Number 24. BARRY MCKINLEY BOOKED FOR JUNIOR-SENIOR DANCES GARDEN PILGRIMAGE HEADQUARTERS HERE Headquarters for the North Caro lina Garden Pilgrimage on April 25-26, in this city is the Sister’s House of Salem College on Salem square. Students conducted visitors from all over the state through the college and grounds from 10 o’clock this morning until 5 o’clock in the afternoon today, and the same hours will apply tomorrow. Tickets may be obtained at the Sister’s House from members of the Garden Coun cil. The fee for the comprehensive tour of gardens and homes is $1.00, or for a single garden or home, 25c. (Continued to Page 4) STEE-GEE GETS mi LEADERS In a recent election of the of ficers for the Student Self-Govern ment Association for 1941-1942, the following girls were chosen: On- campus vice-president—Mary Jane Copenhaver; off-campus vice-presi dent and president of the Day Stu dents—Eugenia Baynes; secretary —Betty Vanderbilt; and treasurer —Elizabeth Johnston. Mary Jane is from Marion, Va., and has been active in the Student Government serving on the Student Council this year. She is House President of Lehman Hall and is a Senior Marshal. In Winston-Salem Eugenia has been well-known and at Salem has served as an officer of her class, on the Student Council, and as treasurer of the Student Govern ment. Also she is a member of the Scorpions. The two vice-presidents are responsible for the editing of the college handbook each year. Betfy Vanderbilt is from Garden City, N. .Y, and has been very ac tive on the Salemite staiff. She promises to be one of the most out standing members of her class. Elizabeth Johnston is another promising student from Winston- Salem. She has been on the Stu dent Council, the Salemite staff, and is a member of the Scorpions. ART EXHIBIT TO OPEN MAY 3 WILL CLOSE JUNE 2 The annual Salem Art Exhibit sponsored by the college will begin on the morning of May 3, and will continue until the close of school, June 2. In the exhibit, staged in the as sembly room on the first floor of the library, will appear work repre sentative of all the stages of deve lopment of the students doing studio work. While the greater number of tudents were beginners in the strict est since when they started study under Mr. Kenyon, a few girls had had a small amount of previous training. Work done by all the people con nected with studio study this year will appear on exhibit. This group will include charcoal sketches o:^ casts, models and still life, Conte crayon drawing of buildings on ^alem campus; cast drawings in Conte crayon; cast drawing in pas- (Continued on Page 4) SISK AND NEBEL TO SUCCEED EARLY AND McMULLEN Tuesday, April 22, the incoming senior class elected Dorothy Sisk of Fayetteville, N. C., to be president of Louisa Bitting Building next year. Dot, as she is better known, succeeds Louise Early, of the pres ent senior class, to this office. Dur ing her three years at Salem, be sides being an outstanding student. Dot is a member of the Math Club, and the Business staff of the Salemite; also she is chairman of the Flower Committee for May Day. She is majoring in Sociology and Education. Also on this date Doris Nebel, a rising junior from Jacksonville, Fla., was chosen president of Alice Cle- well Building for the school year 1941-42. Doris, a home economics (Continued To Page 4) Rice and Moore Receive Week’s Laurals at Brilliant Recitals Lee Rice, pianist, gave her grad uating,recital in Memorial Hall, at 8:30 Thursday night. Lee is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rice of Lancaster, S. C. She has been a pupil of Mrs. Frances Jar- rath Harris, Edwin Hu'ghes, and Dean Charles Vardell. Lee’s program included numbers by Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Liszt, Sawerby, and Franck. Her final number — the symphonic variations of Franck, written for pian» and orchestra was particularly out standing. The orchestra accompani ment was played on the second piano by Dean Vardell. Of particular interest was the selection by Leo Sawerby— “Sun Drenched Palms.” Sawerby is one of the outstanding modern Ameri can composers. Annie Hyman Bunn, soprano, pupil of Cliford Bair, assisted Lee. Annie Hyman sang two groups of songs and was accompanied by Miss Virginia Thompson. Ushers for the recital were: Nifong, Eleanor Welch, Marian Johnson, and Margaret Vardell. Johnsie Moore, Sarah Linn, Becky Johnsie Moore pianist was pres ented Monday evening in graduat ing recital in Memorial Hall at 8:30. Johnsie has been the pupil of Mrs. Viola Tucker Anscombe here at Salem and plans to continue her study elsewhere next year. Johnsie’s manner of playing was said to have been “vigorous and free from rigidity” and the tone to be well under control. She used a great variety and range in dyna mics. She seemed to have a flair for “impressionistic” music and Debussy* and Ibert numbers were “possibly the best interpretations of the evening.” Mrs. Anscombe ac companied Johnsie in the two move ments from the Mozart Concerto in D Minor. Miss Hazel Horton Read, head of the violin department, assisted Johnsie. She gave two groups of violin solos and was accompanied by Miss Virginia Thompson. Johnsie is the daughter of Mrs. Baxter Moore. Ushers for the re cital were: Lee Rice, Sarah Linn, Becky Nifong, Eleanor Welch’ Mirian Johnson, and Margaret Var dell. Tomorrow afternoon and night the Junior class will hold the an nual dances in honor of the Senior class. There will be a tea dance from 4:30 to 6:00, and a formal dance from 8:30 to 12:00. Barry McKinley’s orchestra will play for both dances. At the intermission of the formal dance the following people will ap pear in the figure: Miss Reece Thomas, Rocky Mount, with E. J. Daniel, Durham; Kathryn Cole, Durham, with James Huckabee, Durham; Eleanor Hutchinson, Win ston-Salem, with Everret Force, Winston - Salem; Nancy O’Neal, Winston-Salem, with Floyd West, Winston-Salem; Dorothy McLean, Lenoir, with Gus McLean, Lenoir; Elizabeth Sauvain, Concord, with L. C. Harmon, Concord; Carrie Don nell, Winston-Salem, with Tom Far ris, Raleigh; Kelly Ann Smith, Monroe, with Bobby Menius, Ash- boro; Wyatt Wilkinson, Racky Mount, with Frank Williams, Rocky Mount; Betty Belcher, Blue Field, West Va., with Dan Rogers, Blue Field; Marion Norris, Durham, with Bud Gaston, Raleigh; Betsy Hill, Winston-Salem, with Bill Sprunt, Winston-Salem; Lilly Sutton Fer rell, Winston-Salem, with Norman Stockton, Winston-Salem; Sarah Linn, Landis, with Lane Cox Drye, Landis; Martha Bowman, Lumber- ton, with Hector McLean, Lumber- ton; Babbie Carr, Durham, with Harry Boyd, Fayetteville; Dorothy Dixon, Fayetteville, with Floyd Souders, Fayetteville; Esther Alex ander, Knoxville, Tenn., with Mar vin Ellison, Knoxville; Betsy Spach, Winston-Salem, with Ken neth Clay, Winston-Salem; Marvel Campbell, Winston-Salem, with Phil Holbrook, Winston-Salem. The members of Salem College faculty are to be invited guests at the dances, and the following are the chaperons: Miss Grace Law- rance, Miss Sarah Turlington, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rondthaler, Mr. and Mrs. Brant Snavely, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kenyon, Mr and Mrs. E. D. Cole and Mrs. Bealah Thomas. The committees for the dance are as follows: Dance Committee: Martha Bow man, chairman; Betsy Spach, Polly Herrman, and Barbara Lasley. Decorations Committee: Dorothy Dixon, chairman; Lucy Springer, Mary Worth, and Louise Bralower. Invitations Committee: .Eugenia Baynes, chairman; Doris Shore, Agnes Mae Johnson, and Elvira Erwin. Cards Committee: Leila Johnston, chairman; Dorothy Sisk, and Nancy Chesson. Figure Committee: Mary Jane Copenhaven, chairman; Mary Wil son Wall, and Mary O’Keefe. Refreshments Committee: Wyatt Wilkinson, chairman; Dorothy Mc Lean, and Flora Avera. LIBRARY CONTEST ANNOUNCES JUDGES The Library Committee feels for- tunate is serving the following to act as judges: 1. Miss Laura Sumner, English teacher at Salem Academy, 2. Mrs. Graydon Pleasants (Vir ginia Shaffner), former owner of Ideal Book Shop. 3. Miss Annie Lee Singletary, Eng lish teacher at Hanes High School and author of column “Pin Feathers” in Journal and Sentinel. The prize winners will be an nounced early in May and the win ning libraries w lilbe put on ex hibition in the library.

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