WELL DONE RETIRIN6 OFFICERS I GOOD LUCK NEW OFFICERS Z 541 VOL. XXI. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1941. Number 26. LIBRARY CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED BRAIOWER PRESIDENT OF FRENCH CLUB On Friday, April 29, Louise Bra lower of New York City was elect ed president of Le Cercle Franeais for 1941-42. Babe, as she is better known, is a rising senior, has been outstand ing in French Club activities. She took the title role in the French play "La Farce de Maitre Pierre Patilin.” She was responsible for the organization of the French conversation hour every Monday night. The French column of the “Salcmite” has been edited by Babe this year. However, Babe does not limit her linguistic aptitude to French but takes part in the German and Latin clubs. She is outstanding in both academic and extra-curricular acti vities. She will be Sports editor of the “Salemite” for 1941-42, and Council member of the Student Government Association. She has been on the Athlectic Council for three successive years; she has been a member of both the basket ball and hockey varsity teams. Other officers elected for next year were: Elizabeth Eead, Secre tary and Treasurer; Nancy Me Clung, editor of the French column. TOM HOUTS IN BRILLIANT RECITAL The Salem College School of Music presented Mr. Tom Houts, pianists, in hi.s graduating recital on Monday evening in Memorial Hall. In a program drawn from classi cal and romantic schools, “he dis tinguished himself as a musician of talent and discernment, having at his command a fluent technique and a wide range of dynamics. He utilized ' both consistently for ex pressive and interpretive purposes, never for mere display." The two final movements of Beeth oven’s “Sonata Patheque ’ ’ were outstanding in interpretion and vigor or style; delicate tone coloring was displayed in the Scar latti “ Pastoral! ” and in the Schu mann “Profit Bird." Two Chopin etudes — “Harp Etude" and “Etude in E major" —were played ‘ ‘ with a poetic sense of their melodic implications and a well balanced concept of rulato." Mr. Houts interpretation of Eanvel’s “Eigandon" was said to have been “rhythmically precise and delightfully buoyant." The movement from the Mendels sohn “Concerto in G minor" closed the program and was given a bril- lant preformance by Houts. He was assisted by Dr. C. G. Vardell, Jr., Ms teacher, who played his orchest ral parts at a second piano. James Blair, baritone, pupil of Clifford Bair, and Miss Virginia Thompson, accompanist, assisted in the recital. TEACHERS COLLEGE CONCERT On Thursday evening, May 15, at 8:15 o’clock, the Deep Biver Boys will appear in Fries Auditorium at the Winston-Salem Teachers Col lege. General admission is .50c; re served seats are 75c. These five Negroes “exponents of the classics, spirituals and jive" got their start some years ago at Hampton Institute in Virginia. They sang as quintet to pay their way through college. Today they sing twice weekly over the Na tional Broadcasting Company, Edward Ware, George Lawson, Vernon Gardner, Harry Douglas, Charles Ford are the personnel. BECKY NIFONG’S RECITAL MONDAY SALEM GIRLS GUESTS AT CENTENARY The Methodist Salem girls and faculty members attended the Mother-Daughter Banquet which was held at Centenary Church on Wedne.sday night. After the invocation by Dr. Sitanbury, Sara Stockton gave a “Toast to Our Mothers," the re sponse being made by Mrs. Hast ings. The main feature of the pro gram was a play, “The Dear, Dear Children" by Sophie Kerr which was directed by Mr. Clark Billings. The audience joined in the group singing and the program closed with the singing of “America." About 300 mothers and daughters attended the banquet. Bebecea Nifong, soprano, daugh ter of Mr .and Mrs. T. H. Nifong, Winston-Salem, will be presented by the School of Music in a joint graduating recital with Clara Pou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pou of Winston-Salem on Monday evening. May 12th, at 8:30 o’clock in Memorial Hall. Becky is the pupil of Mr. Clif ford Bair, head of the Voice De partment of Salem College. During her years of study with him she has appeared in a number of out side programs, including a Christ mas cantata in Asheboro in which she was guest soprano soloist and soprano soloist at Reynolds Presby terian Church. While a student at Salem Academy she appeared in several Gilbert and Sullivan operet tas in which she sang leading roles. In 1934 she won first place in voice in the N. C. State Music contest under the auspices of the National Federation of Music Clubs. Clara is a student of Dean Charles G. Vardell, Jr. She is a member of the facultj of Sedge Garden School, where she has taught piano for some time. Miss Pou is also an organist, and has appeared in several of the local churches. Becky’s numbers will include selections from Schubert, Brahms, Marx, Handel, and she will sing an aria from Carmen by Bizet. Miss Virginia Thompson will be her accompanist. Clara will play a program in cluding the works of Bach, Beet hoven, Chopin, MacDowell, Pangren and H. fl. A. Beach. Her conclud ing number will be the allegro from the Concerto in E flat major, by Mozart. Dean Vardell will accom pany her at a second piano, in this number. The general public is invited to attend the recital. Ushers will be: Lee Bice, Margaret Vardell, Marian Jolinson, Johnsie Moore, Eleanor Welch and Marvel Campbell. V i' m I ATALOA ATALOA SPEAKS OF OUR HERITAGE Speaking in expanded chapel Wednesday Princess Ataloa of the Chickasasaws, a tribe of the JIus- cogee nation, warned the audience that race prejudice from within will tear America apart more quickly than any interference from the out side. Of small statute with her hair parted Indian fashion in the middle and braided with beads on the side, she wore a white doe.skin ceremonial dress sewn with senews and deco rated with fringe and beads made with a bone awl. Her cosmopolitan accent surprised and aroused the envy of everyone. 8he said that tradition has it that the best Indian is a dead Indian. When the settlers came over they “first fell on their knees and then on the aborigines." White men shudder when they think of the massacres by Indians but after all the Indian was merely being a good patroit and defending his home. The Indian has not put up monvmients at every spot where Indian villeges have been wipped out by white wen. She was not de ending the attitudes of her ancestors so much as trying to dispell preju dice. The Princess in making her talk was carrying on the torch which had been handed her by the dying Father Murrow, then 90, a Georgian who had married her Jlother and Father according to the Chickasaw rites and had baptised her and tried to help the Indians (Continued to Pagu 4) ACADEMY OPEREHA Saturday night, May 10, at 8 o’clock ,the students of Salem Aca demy are presenting in the Aca demy Auditorium one of the de lightful Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, H. M. S. Pinafore. The operetta is under the direc tion of Miss Helen Copenhaver, of the choral singing and dramatic departments, and has been in re hearsal for several weeks. The entire student body will participate in the operetta. The stellar roles will be taken by the following Salem Academy students: “Little Buttercup," Betty Jo Wright, Baltimore, Md.; “Ealph," Yvonne Stewart, Charlotte; “The Boatswain," Gladys Ogsbury, Dur ham; “Dick Deadeye," Mary Margaret Pack, Beaumont, Texas; “Captain Corcoran," Mary Louise Abernethy, Baleigh; “Sir Joseph Porter," Katherine Craft, Winston- Salem; “Cousin Hebe," Athalea McDonald, Winston - Salem; and “Josephine," Joy Gilbert, Harts- ville, S. C. A small admission will be charged for the performance, the proceeds of which will serve as a contribu tion to the British War Eelief Fund. Mother Strong’s Greeting To Salem Let me grow lovely growing old, So many fine thing do: Laces and ivory and gold need not be new, And there is healing in old trees. And streets a glamour hold, So why may I not grow lovely growing old. SALEM HONORED BY N. C. C. P. A. ELSIE NEWMAN AND JUSTINE JONES PRIZE COLLECTIONS Prizes in the Book Contest spon sored by the library committee of the faculty were awarded in chapel Friday morning by Dr. Eondthaler. First prize, for the best general col lection owned by a junior or a senior, went to Elsie Newman. She was presented a check for $25 with which to buy other books to add to her well-rounded library. Second prize went to Louise Bralower whose library contained an unusual group of French and art books. She received a check for $15 with which to purchase books. This award was donated by Mr. E. D. Snavely of the Salem Book Store. In the second contest—open to sophomores and freshmen—Justine Jones won first prize, a check for $10. Justine’s list of books that she would like to have in her library was judged the best all-round. With her prize money she will bo able to buy several books chosen from her list. Second prize, $5 for the purchase of books, went to Mary Lloyd Glidewell, who had an inter esting list of books in the field of biography and historical fiction. The library committee is greatly pleased at the interest shown in both contests, which were inaugu rated this year to encourage own ership of books. Judging from the 18 book lists and libaries entered, it seems tliat Salem girls have a keen appreciation for books. The judges praised the taste displayed in the libraries and lists and stated that they found it difficult to come to a decision. The committee hopes that the awards can be made annually and that this event will become another cherished Salem tradition. The winning libraries and lists are now on exhibition in the library. NOTICE Room assignments will be made on Thursday, May 15, No rooms will be assigned without a receipt for registration fee of $10.00. This fee is to be paid at the treasurer’s office' prior to May 15. The “Salemite" won second place in th^ B division of publica tions at the North Carolina Col legiate Press Association Conven tion, which was held at tho Eobert E. Lee Hotel on May 1, 2, and 3. Student journalists, representing publications from 17 leading col leges and universities throughout the state, attended the meeting. The delegates from Salem were: Carrie Donnell, Barbara Whittier, Chubby Hayes, Ceil Nuchols, and Babara Lasley, The convention was officially opened Friday morning with a general business meeting, followed by a luncheon at noon. Friday afternoon was devoted to a publica tion—problems discussion conduct ed along the lines of the “Infor mation Please’’ radio program. Leading publishers and newspaper executives made of the board of “experts" whom the delegates questioned along lines relative to the field of collegiate journalism. Friday night a formal banquet was held on the Marine Eoof of the hotel, with Bill Sharpe, Win ston-Salem publisher, as the princi pal speaker. Gold keys were award ed to the editor and business mana gers of the publications judged to be tho best in their class. The ban quet was followed by a dance. At the final business meeting on Saturday morning, the new officers were elected for next year. They are: Johnny Mackinnon, Davidson College, president; Miss Lallah B. Watts, E, C. T. C., first vice-presi dent; Eay Mansfield, Elon College, second vice-president; Miss Rose mary Eeed, Greensboro College, secretary; and Bill Leloudis, State| treasurer. The next convention will be held in Baleigh the first week end in November. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY MEETING TONIGHT Tonight at 8:30 in the reading room of the Salem library the an nual meeting of friends of the library organization will bo held when the new members of the executive board will be elected. Dr. TJrban Holmes, of the romance lan guage department of tho University of North Carolina will speak. There will be an informal reception after wards for those present. The public is invited to attend this spring meeting. Mrs. T. Holt Haywood, chairman of the nominating committee, will present the slate from which the new board members will be elected. Tho present board jnembers are: Mrs. William Hoyt, chairman; Mrs. E. A. McCuiston, secretary; Mrs. Justus Bandolph, Mrs. Bobert Sfhore, Miss Ida Wilkenson, Mrs. Cliarles N. Siewers, IMrs, E. T. Willingham, ^frs. James Early, Mrs. Fred Bohn- son, Mrs, James Dunn, Mrs. Burton Craige, Mrs. Ealph Stockton, Mrs. T. Holt Haywood, Mrs, Bess Gray (Continued To Page 4) HOME CHURCH MUSICAL The Young People’s Organization of the Home Moravian Church are sponsoring a musical program to be given at 7:45 o’clock on Tuesday evening ,May 13, in tho Eondthaler Memorial Building. A program of secular and sacred music will be given bv members of the Home Moravian Church. Those taking are: Margaret Leinback, Jane Frazier, .Tack Holton, Jean Lee Kimel, Katherine Sicoloff, B. A. Nading, Jr,, and Billy Speas, Eefreshments will bo served im mediately afterwards. A silver of fering will be received.