T Friday, May 9, 1941. THE SALEMITE Page Three, Peofiie '*t' READ THE COMICS FOR THE BLUES It was rumored that there was quite a bit of excitement in South Hall the other day when several students discovered through a crack in the floor that there were termites’' working beneath them, ^tat’s more, the termites were building a wall! The Salemites’ spring fever is now getting on everybody’s nerves including the faculty’s , . . The other day Miss Byrd asked Avis Lahey why she just didn’t stop school and get married . . . And ^r. Holder was flabbergasted when Paith Fromhold asked him the as signment just as he finished ex plaining it. “They always told me would have to be plenty thick- skinned to be a teacher,” he said • • • By the way, speaking of spring ^ever, Barbara Lasley certainly is indifferent” to everything and everybody these days. I wonder if feels the same way about that skyscraper gentleman who came in- the library the other day look ing for her. Well, Louise BraTower panicked the French conversation group Mon- •^ay night when she rocked back too far in a chair with no rockers it. I suppose that she deserved *t because she was kidding Le *Ionsieur (pronounced lee monsewer '*nd better known as Dr. Downs) ^out his one strand of hair . . . While we are on the subject of ’’slower, I might add that the S'Japshot of her in the French Club picture of the “Sights and In sights” was not exactly flatter ing. Well, May Day upset the old routine around here so that things have not gotten back to normal yet . . . Harriet Sink is still walking about in a trance thinking about a gentleman whom she describes merely as being “far away” . . . Sara Lindley was wearing her flowers Monday night . .. . Sallie Emerson, after spending the week end in town, returned w'ith circles under her eyes . . . Teenie McGehee decided that her first love was not so bad after all . . . Flosse’s cousin “discovered” Avis Lahey . . . Peg gy Eaton got three orchids, which is entirely too many for any young Salemite sophomore . . . Duddy and Stoney are still recovering from V. M. I., and everybody else is re covering from anxiety which was experienced Saturday afternoon, un til the May Queen reached the bot tom of the hill w'ithout collijpsing. The club elections have quite a bit of interest and excitement— esecially those of the Latin Club. There has been relatively little else going on. School is quieting down considerably now, and the answer to it must be that exams and term papers are staring us right in the face. Before signing off it might not be too bad to give a w'ord to the wise and hope that it will bo sufficient: Elsie Newman had better stop sticking pins in other people if she doesn’t want to find a knife in her back. DEAREST MAW I’m real sorry you didn’t get to '^onie up for May Day. I heard it "'as real good and it certainly ^irouLD have been after all the ®°ise they made about it! i didn’t ^®t to see it myself—my reserve ®eat being on the Academy steps '*t the hordes of humanity in front me seemed to think it w'as fair Srade good. Next year if I can rake a neat box lunch, I plan to ®^unter down into the dell at the bust of daw'n and spend the 'ly there so’s I’ll be stationed ''^^en the five o’clock w'orks come ^^ound—then it’ll most likely rain, something! The dance that night w-as straight ^’^cept that almost all the people ®ut down to May Frolics—which ^Oiindg me that I think Paw is of the biggest heels I have bumped into. Nevertheless, I hoolt; the wrinkles out of that foul '«oking aqua wreck, and meandered , ^'vn to the gym for what might been a red-letter night had fiend Oswald not swan dived into punch. He said he tripped over of my stray ruffles, but you the >ow how he’s all the time passing buck. Anyhow, he went out ^°ors to air out a spell, and the j®^t thing I heard from him was ® following morning when he call- ^ Ole up to tell me that he had ,®Otracted larygitis or whatever it His voice sounded all right to FAMOUS PEOPLE AND THEIR SAYINGS: Mary Lou Brown: “Where are my lipstick and comb?” Mr. Campbell on Monday morn ing: “Close your books — five minute quiz—yes. ’ ’ Marge McMullen: “Dearest Meggs, I enjoyed talking to you so much.” Becky Cozart: “Now really, girls. I’m going on a diet tomor row— ” Sue Forrest at 10:00 a.m.: “Don’t you an.swer the phone— that’s the bank calling me!” but he put up such a pitiful ® that I didn’t feel so bad when said he’d better rush right on to school to the infirmary. Of I suspect that he went to ® infirm via the Beta house for th, Sunday morning pick-me-up ^ Ual—but you ’re the one who told ^ to always take people at their no matter how dubious the thing sounded. pool opened the other day I ** I was mighty surprised to see . ^ many Eskimoes there are j^ong us. I personally stuck one fj® in and as a result I am con- So ^ have strep throat. As as I corner Mary Wilson for Ij ® symptoms. I’m going to the C' ^’’Pita] to pass away. Really Maw, ere a something me—I didn’t awful wrong ' jjnc—J. uiuu L even enjoy allowing those three hot dogs I ® for lunch! K far as I know, there are 5 '*'ors about the campus of exams ^Pproaching. There probably isn’t I) ®h foundation for this, however, j.^^ause I ain’t yet handed in my ■''^ceks reports. Besides I’ve got lastiest type of spring fever to man and I don’t feel like doing anything but sitting under a tree somewhere and looking at nature. Besides that I’ve got wan- der-lust, and I wish you and Paw would please consent to letting me bring that poor feeble Ford up here. I can’t see that it’s doing you any good at home— it doesn't run, I mean—and we could get enough people up here to at least push it around the block every night after supper. Last week the press conference was in town—yi-pee!!! We didn’t learn a whole lot about pressing, but it was an awful lot of fun. One boy there asked me to please be torch singer for his Virginia Beach orchestra this summer—he didn’t ask me whether I could sing or not, but I guess he could tell by looking at me that I was probably (censored) a lot better than Ethel Merman would ever be. That is kind of strange though—not a.sk- ing me to sing, that is—say-y-y-y-y —do you reckon he even HAS an orchestra? We liad an Indian princess doing around in chapel last Wednesday. At first I was a bit doubtful be cause anyone can plaster up with pan-cake make-up—but when she started singing, I changed my mind. My yodelin’ ain’t NOTHIN’ com pared to hers. Maw! You know I don’t like to men tion these subjects which I am about to mention, Maw—but this is a case of absolute necessity. Would you mind awfully if I asked you to please send me my allowance for the • months of June, July, and August? It’s got so I can’t sleep nights without bill collectors and people night-maring up my dreams all the time. It’s not that I owe a few people a lot of money—it's just that I owe lots of people a few money. I'm sure yu know how these things are, Maw—remember that rug you bought on the grocery budget? Love and kisses, Janie Do term papers give you head aches? Are you allergic to exams t Then laugh away your troubles with the comic strips! Isn’t it a scream to read about Seibert’s ingenious murders? (Seibert is the hollow- eyed maniac who runs afoul of the law in “Dctective Tracy”). I thought I’d die laughing when Sei bert polished off the hostess by pushing her in the river, or was it a lake, having first knocked her out with an amusing right hook to the jaw. And good old “Dan Dunn”—you can always count on Dan for the laughs. What could be funnier than the spectacle of the beauteous Kay shedding big tears like this:—for the last two weeks! (She thinks Dan has been done to death by the Skull, but. we know he w'asn’t.) By the way, I hope you took a good look at the Skull before Irwin un. masked him. That face was a riot. W^hat a sense of humor these comic strip artists have! “Orphan Annie” is one of my favorites. I’d recommend “Orphan Annie” as a sure cure for the blues. Plot 1: Orphan Annie loses “Daddy Warbucks. Orphan Annie finds “Daddy” Warbucks. Practi cally hysterical, isn’t it? Plot 2: Sunday Peter La Plata gets an idea for revenge on his ex-wife, who has done him dirt. He spends all week talking about the idea, just to bo sure the readers understand what’s afoot. By the following Sunday the action may start, or it may not— as the case may be. Anyway, one of the reasons I’m so fond of “Orphan Annie” is because the writer has such a high opinion of his readers’ intelligence. As for “Superman”—words fail me. “Superman” makes all other comic strips look like murals for a morgue. I am overcome with par oxysms of mirth as Superman falls into the clever trap laid by the underworld, while Lois Lane, the demon girl reporter, looks on’ hor rified. My day is complete when Mr Chigger accuses KSkeezix of making off with 10 bucks from the office safe. Only a comic strip artist could create situations so packed with humor; 100 guffaw's to the strip count ’em! When the future looks black and life isn’t worth living, then just reach for the fanny papers—and prepare to howl! Of course a few comic strips like “Blondie,” “Thimble Theatre,’' “Lil Abner” aren’t funny at all You won’t find a trail of murder, arson, theft, sabotage or exponage. Pretty dull stuff, if you ask me. —A. K. I DARE SAY That the rapidity with which the time flees between the first of May and the time exams start is really something phenomenal — ’specially if one has a coupla term papers due in. That we nearly expired wih laughter the other day when Dr. Anscombe had been telling us for about fifteen minutes how' much per secution Einstein had endured and how horribly he had suffered all his life, and Leila Johnston piped up and asked if he had been sick or sumpin. That the picture, “Argentine Nights,” did start riots in Argentina ’cause the natives didn’t appreciate Hollywood’s picturization of their country as wild and wooly. Hunh, the Argentines should just oughta see what Hollywood does to Georgia and Virginia, and my cow, those south ern accents. That with the coming of Spring ’er sumpin, the Chapel speakers feel called upon to quote that little gem from Shakespeare about “Ser mons in stones,” etc. Anyhow I’ve heard it used no less than four times since Easter, but darest I to call Shakespeare trite? That it’s funny how many people agree with what Lindbergh has to say, but, oh, boy, are they afraid to say so. We’re really in It now. That you’ve heard about the girl with the three B’s — beauty, brains and Bahnson. Caustic comment on a week-end date: He doesn’t dance, He isn't tall, He can’t romance. And that ain’t all. He’s no Greek god, And he can’t croon, He doesn’t connect. The moon and June. But his Buick convertible Flies over hills, He’s our dream man. He pays the bills. —Flambeau When Up Town Stop In To See Us SWANEY DRUG STORE Opposite Zlnzendorf Hotel MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS CANDY, PERFUMES, COSMETICS Dial 4131 CAROLINA DRUG STORE 4th & Spruce Sts. REZNICK’S 440 N. Liberty Street Hear the Latest Hits On VICTOR, BLXJEBIRD, DECCA, OKEY, and COLUMBIA RECORDS '‘Say It With Flowers” WALKER’S FLORIST PHONi: 7422 115 N. Poplar St. ? A ATTRACTIVE GIFTS FOR MOTHER’S DAY felDEAL 5 . XOAJa*- A4-%^ 04. Weet 4th St. Meet All Your Friends and Relatives at the The Most Up-To-Date Place In The South PICCADILLY GRILL 415 W. 4th Street GRILLED SAKTDWIOHES — FOUNTAIN — MORRIS SERVICE (Next To Carolina Theatre AIR CONDITIONED “Exclusive But Not Expensive” DEPENDABLE KODAK FINISHINO PICTURE FRAMINa Barber Photo Supply Co. Winston-Salem, N. O. Paschal Shoe Repair Co. 219 W. 4th St. Dial 4901 We Also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Onr Line” Sports Equipment TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BALLS GOLF BALLS BADMINTON RACKETS TENNIS SHOES RACKETS RESTRUNO BATHING CAPS SUN GLASSES KODAKS and FILMS SALEM BOOK STORE Salem Campus Square 04iuna VOeLER SERVICE Ambulance Funeral Difectors Dependable For More Than 82 Tears DIAL 6101 ENGRAVING New, Different and Better H. T. Hearn Engraving Co. 632 W. 4th St. MONTALDO’S DEB SHOP TAILOBED . . . TRICKY . . . TRIM . . . Suits for spring follow this formula for smartness. Tweed, navy bine or pastel flannel with pleated or flaring skirt and tailored jacket will an swer any of yonr spring prob- lema PERFECT PRINTING \a plates PibMONT ENCR/VIHCCQ WIN/TON-JALEM IfNCOLN •Hotel m TONY m. WORLKf GREATETT omcCVORSEX HON SALEMITES ‘UP-TOWN MEETING PLACE” ANCHOR CO., Inc. Fourth At Trade Sts. FEATURING “Paradiddle Joe” On Stage — In Person WEDNESDAY, MAY 14 Stage Shows at 2:30-5-7:30-9:30 SPATE THEATRE .SPECIAL This Ticket and 28c Will Admit One Student to the STUDENT’S MATINEE 3:30 ’Till 5 P. M., May 14th Don’t Miss This Splendid Orchestra Direct From Paramount, New York Prices: Mat. 33c — Night 44c