MR. MORGAN WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1941 MR. MORGAN Z 541 Number 3. MORGAN INITIOS LECTURE SERIES BRITISH WHITER IS ON CAMPUS TONIGIIT Tonight Charles Landridge Mor gan, noted novelist and dramatic critic of the Iiondon Times, will lecture in Memorial Hall. Mr. Morgan will speak on ‘ ‘ The Values of Imagination and Rea son.” Mr. Morgan, a Chefvalier de la Legion d’Honneur and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature was born in the County of Kent in 1894. Becoming rather ambitious in early childhood, Morgan, at the ag(? of ig, went to his father and expressed his desire to become a writer. He also aked to be educated for such a profession. His father, who was a prominent engineer and a solid Victorian parent, instead of saying “Pooh, pooh, nonsense! There ha® nefver been a writer in our family, was quite open-minded and told his young son that first it would be necessary for the boy to find a job that would bring him a steady in come, some leisure, and perhaps al low him to travel. S^ill pondering over what his father had told him, two years later young Morgan went again to his fpther, asHing permission to enter the Royal Navy. He had decided to become a sailor, to prepare him self for becoming a writer. The father was rather surprised at this decision and could hardly under stand it, yet he arranged for his son to begin training. And so, at the age of 13, Morgan v^ntered the British navy as a ca let. Here he worked hard and spent his spare time in writing. In an article on Morgan for the New York Times Robert Van Bei der tells of an interesting incident in Morgan’s life as a sailor. Mor gan was serving as a midshipman on a boat about to leave for Singa pore, and from there to China. While the boat was still in the harbor, one day Morgan took out his books and papers and began going, over them in the gunnery. When’ time came for him to go on watch, he left his papers and went on deck. In the meantime, the sub-Jieuten- and noticed the papers; scattered around and took the book of poems to his cabin. The next day Mor gan was told to report to the sub- lieuterfant. Not until the officer asked if he would have Scotch or Irish did the mounting fear in the young author’s mind subside and did he know that everything was all right. It seems that the officer was a descendant of Matthew Arnold and had a great many of the best Eng lish writers as family friends or relatives. Attracted to Morgan’s poems, he offered to send them to friends for criticism. Knowing no writers at all, Morgan was de lighted. Soon he received word that his poems were good and that he had a fair chance to succeed in a career of writing. Consequently, Morgan went to his father a third time and per suaded him to buy him out of the England in 1913, and now prepar- , ing for college, Morgan went back to the Nav.y when the great war broke out. When Antwerp fell in October 1914, the young writer was made prisoner and interned in Hol land for two years. Concerning his imprisonment, he said “There is nothing like a moderately comfor table captivity to help along a writer.” After the war he enterel Brase- nose College at Oxford, where in 1921 he receivel his A. B. degree. Prom Oxford he joined the editori al staff of the London Times as an assistant dramatic critic under A. B. Walkley, whom he succeeded in 1926. In 1923 Morgan took time out of his eventful life to marry Hilda Vaughan, a Welsh novelist. The lecturer is not now working with the Times because there is no longer space for articles on the theatre. Morgan_ points out that one pur pose in coming to America is to let the people know that England is not as interested in hanging on to her property as she formerly was. He says, “One thing we know is that there is to be no reward for us of ease or gain or comfort. Per haps for our grandsons. But we do not seek in victory vengeance, profit or even the preservation of what we possess. All victory can mean is an opportunity to replant, to safeguard the early growth, to leave the maturity to others. We’re dedicated to the future, the only sensible thing to do. What possible use is care for your possessions with bombs smashing them, and flaming bombers dropping into your street I” Especially fond of mystic but popular bouts with love and death as his themes, Morgan has published quite a few books: The Gunroom, My Name is Legion, Portrait in a Mirror (awaded the Femina Vie Heureuse Prise in 1930); The Foun tain (awardel the Hawthornden Prise for 1933): Epitaph on George Moore; Spaxkenbroke; The Flashing Stream (play) and The Voyage. MORGAN’S BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY CHRISTINE DUNN TOGIVERECITilL Miss Christine Dunn, violinist, will be presented in her graduation recital by the Salem College School of Music on Monday evening, Octo ber 12, at 8:30 p. m. in Memorial Hall. Christine will be assisted by Miss Kathryn Swain, professor of voice. Margaret Leinback will be at the piano for Christine and Miss Laura Emily Pitts will accompany Miss Swain. Christine, who lives in Winston- Arts degree from Salem College in Salem, received her Bachelor of 1939. She was to have completed her Bachelor of Music in 1940 but on account of illness was unable to give her graduation recital, the last requirement for a degree. Since that time, Christine has been teaching Public School Music in Rich Square, N. C., commuting for occasional lessons with her teacher. Miss Hazel Horton Read. The program is as follows: Christine will play the Adagio, Larghetto and Allegro movements of Handel’s “Sionata in D Major” after which Miss Swain will sing “Care Selve” by Handel, and “Come, O Come My Life’s De light” 'by Harty. Beethoven’s “Romance in F”, Elgar’s “La Caprieuse” and Bridge’s “Mato Perpetuo” will be played by Christ ine. Miss Swaim follows with Mozart’s “O What Grief” from II Soragilo. Christine’s last group will include the “Concerto in B Minor” and “Maestroso Allegro Non Troppo.” Dean Vardeil Presents ^^The Shelf Behind The Door” JOHNSIE MOORE WINS SCHOLARSHIP Miss Johnsie Moore, of this city, who received her Bachelor of Music degree from Salem College in June, 1941, has been awarded a scholar ship for a year’s study at the Juil- liard School of Music in New York. She was given an audition at the school last week at which time she played the following selections: Prelude and Fugue in B flat Minor by Bach; Sonata, opus 31, unmber 3 by Beethoven and Nocturne in B, opus 32 number 1 by Chopin. Johnsie was a piano pupil of Mrs. Viola Tucker Anscombe. While at Salem, Johnsie studieil violin with Miss Read and was in the college orchestra. HOME EC. MEET TO BE AT SALEM SALEM TO GET ALUMNA HOUSE Plans were voted Monday by the executive board of the Salem Col lege Alumnae for an alumnae house with a “side-saddle” room. If these plans are carried through, Salem College will soon have the distinction of being one of the v^ery few, if not the only, colleges in America with a room provided for the exclusive use of “side-saddles.” The executive board voted to raise $10,000 to restore one of the oldest buildings on Salem campus. This building will be the proposed Alumnae House. The “side-sad dle” room will be on the top story of the Alumnae House. The building, directly east of South Hall adjoins the building and until this year used as the col lege dining room. The architect’s drawing for the renovations in cludes offices for the alumnae sec retary, a lounge, bedrooms, and the saddle-room. “In days long past, pupils at Salem Fenmle Academy often rode to the school on horseback. Fre- quenlty a young lady arrived on her own horse, and though there was no provision at the school for keep ing private horses, she was allowed to keep hcT side saddle against the day when she would have finished her courses of instruction and was ready to ride homo again. Fathers or brothers who escorted the girls to Salem, often from- as far away as Mississippi, led the riderless horses Thii^ week the College Lecture Series presents Mr. Charles Morgan, novelist and Dramatic Critic and the library is privileged to present his three best known w'orks, namely The Fountain, published in 1932, Sporkenbroke, 193(5 and The Voy age, 1940. The Fountain The .scene is Enkendael, the castle of the Van Leydens, a Dutch family of ancient lineage. To it comes Lewis Alison a British officer in terned for the duration of the war. Here he will write his story of the contemplative Hfe, ponderisg the while the meaning of existence, but here he finds .Tulie, step-daughter of his host. She is the English wife of a Prussion nobleman—an officer at the front. First an interloper, then an interlude, Julie becomes luu luu liuciicas finally and completely the ''''hole | returned, sometimes not meaning of Alison’s life. And then (.jugp or four years, with extra The North Carolina Student Home Economics Club Association will meet here at Salem October 24th and 25 th. This organization is made up of High School and Col lege Home Economics clubs throughout the state. Members of the association are members of both state and national associations. Approximately two hundred mem bers are expected to attend. The main theme of the meeting is Food as a Part of National De fence.” One of the main speakers is to be Miss French Boyd who is nutritionist, of the School Health Coordinating Service in Raleigh. Her topic is “What Can Home Economics Students Do to Improve Nutrition in North Carolina?” An other speaker is to be Miss Moor ing from City Hospital. While the girls are here they will go sight-seeing over the campus and will visit the Wachovia Museum. A movie on nutrition, released by the United States Department of Agriculture, w^ill be shown. Also a panel discussion on available vo cations for Home Economics gradu ates will be hold on Friday night. There will be a formal banquet in the Refectory. An interesting var iety of exhibits is also being plan ned for the meeting. Lois Swain of Salem is the presi dent of the association. Edith Horsefield is reporter. Various students serving on committees are: Flora Avera, Dorothy McLean Struven and others to bo appointed Struven and others to be appointed soon. On Tuesday, Oct. 7, Salem College students and faculty had the privi lege of hearing Dr. Charles G. Var deil, Jr.’s initial performance of his newest composition. This work is the story in music of Dr. Var deil’s impressions of the old camp meeting song, “The Shelf Behind the Door.” In it are the charac ters who are involved in the story of the shelf and what it means. Dr. Rondthaler introduced Dean Vardeil as if he were a stranger coming to Salem, a artist giving his ' concert at the college. He told of the rich educational back ground of the musician, his liberal arts foundation, his w^ork at Prince ton, and the wide recognition given his symphoviy, The Carolinian. Miss Mar*garet Vardeil, at the second piano, did a brilliant piece of work assisting her father. “The Shelf Behind the Door,” is a hiding place where one’s sins and vices are tucked away, and when on% gets religion the shelf is sup posed to be discorded and not used again, according to Dr. Vardeil. The composition opened with the theme playel in three part harmony followed by the seven character variations which contribute to the story of the shelf and its use. The music describes the psycho logical appearence of: Gambling Sam, light, fingered and debonair; Squire Hard Fist, mean and stingy; Widow Meekins, aggressive, with a whining voice and the ability to absorb one with hi*r troubles; Fid- din’ Gus’ who with the “devil’s instrument,” bring in 3 folk tunes; snake-tongued Sophie, evil and vicious; Amen corner, dignified and sincere with ponderous hypo crites; and Frankie, who is weary, teary, and beery, and comes in with the familiar strains from “Frankie and Johnny”. In the dramatic finals there is a stirring exhortation to turn from sin, repent and discard the shelf. Thue music ends amid shouts of “Hallelujah.” EVER-GREEN GARDEN TO BE STARTED MAY DAY COMMITTEES ARE ANNOUNCED suddenly the husband returns verv wraith and shadow of a man. A strange and a strangely love story theirs — in a setting strange and far away. Sparkenbroke Piers Tenniel 12th Baron Spar kenbroke, the hero of this long meditation novel, w’as concerned (Continued to Page 2) mounts to bo provided with the side-saddles brought down from the ston'r^om.” CHAPEL PKOGEAM Oct. 14—Dr. Stanberry—-Metho- dist Church Oct. 16—Dr. Harrison—Bowman Gray Med. School. This week Wyatt Wilkinson, chairman of May Day, announce^i tho chairmen of the various May Day committees. The chairmen are as follows: vice-chairman, Margo Ray; music, Margaret Leinback; dances, Margaret Bettinger; dresses, Elizabeth Welborn; Woe Blue Inn, Vivian Smith; flowers, Becky Condler; costumes, Flora Avera; programs, Agnes Mae John son; nominations, Allene Harrison The chairmen for the publicity and properties committees h^ve not been appointed. At the Winjstou-Salem Branch Association meeting of the Salem Alumna held on October 3, Mrs. T. Holt Haywood very generously do nated several hundred dwarf box woods to be used in laying out of an ever-green in the court-yard be hind South Hall and in front of the Day Student’s Activity Center. STEE-GEE DANCE IS SATURDAY Salemites, new and old, are con scripting their men for the Student Government dance Saturday night. The call was issued a few weeks ago in chapel by Reese Thomas, student head. Mary O’Keefe says that Shirley Smith and his orchestra wiH play. All would-be punch spikers see Dorothy McLean, in charge of ref reshments. Responsible for the red, white and blue decorations in the gym is Mary Jane Copenhaven. The invitation committee was headed by Minnie Louise Westmore land. There will bo four no breaks and a special dancer who will replace tho figure. All faculty members will act as chaj>erones.

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