NEW STUDENTS BECOME SALEMITES I NEW $TUDENTS BECOME SALEMITES Z 541 VOL. XXII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1941. Number 4. New Students Become Salemites On Thursday night at 6:45 o’ clock in the Old Chapel the new students, freshmen, transfers, and business students became official members of th(? Student Self-Gov ernment’ Association. It was very impressive sight with all of the girls in white, carrying lighted candles. The members of tho Student Council came in, with their lighted candles; they were arranged ac cording to class standing. After a short talk by E'Ceee^ Thomas, presi dent of student self-government as sociation, each new student camef to the center table where she signed her pledge thus befcoming a mem ber of the organization. Her can dle was lighted by one of the of ficers of the school and she re turned to her place. When all had signed tho, pledge the induction Service was completed with the singing of the Alma Mater. The new members took the fol lowing pledge: Upon g'iving this pledge, I pro mise to become an honorable member of the Student Self- Government Association of Salem College; to obey its rules and to uphold its highest prin cipals and to the best of my a- bility influnce others to do so. HOME EC. CLUB ENTERTAINS In honor of the freshmen, the Home Economics Club entertained with a picnic at the fireplace on the hill last Wednesday night. The party began by dividing three groups of four each for a treasure hunt. They were sent first to the Old Chapel, from there to the gym, and finally to the fire place where the old members awaited them. The girls themselves kindled the fire and fried the ham burgers. DAY STUDENTS GIVE TEA FOR MOTHERS A SALEMITE REMEMBERS MORGAN Ir I had met Chales Morgan on a head hunting expedition ii. the heart of the Amazon jungles, I Would hiive known that ho is Bri tish. TheTc is about him that in definable air of reserve which we' This afternoon from 4 o’clock to 5:30 parents of day students and faculty members were entertained in th^ Student Activity Center. Members of the Day Student House Committee served as hostesses. Music for the occasion was fur nished by recordings. Hostesses serving were: Eugenia Baynes, Elizabeth Johnston, Mar garet Moran, Minnie Westmoreland, %ara Hester, Mildred Av«ra, Julia Smith, Nancy McClung, Sarah lands, Betty Yates, and Sebia Mid- yette. CHRISTINE niNN Soph GIVES lEITAL lomore Court “Y” HOLDS RECOGNITION SERVICE In order to recognize the new students at Salem the YMCA is conducting special services this Sunday night in the Old Chapel. Americans label as peculiarly Eng-1 The service is^an annual affair, one lish, and his mannerisms of speech^of the traditions dear to the hearts are such that afti'T a few moments ^ of Salemites, who grow misty eyed of conversation with him one has when they remember the impressive an irresistible desire to say "Eaw- candle light program, ther, ole chap! You’ve bean there Leila .Tohnston, president of the really?” He has tho Britisher’s a- loof interest in his surroundings Snd a refined inquisitiveness which •lever amounts to curiosity. His presence could not fail to go un noticed, yet would never ^be i(e-, sented. Morgan is very British in every sense of the American ideal. Upon first glance at the man one is not deeply impressed but, for Some strange reason, is tempted to look again. Although Morgan is rather tall, he seems otherwise be cause of the slight stoop of his shoulders and tho unobtrusiveness of his bearing. His graying hair 8nd sallow cheeks offer sharp con trast to his eyes which are inten sively alive yet possessive of Certain remoteness. I never kne ^’hat color they are, for when Mor gan talks, his glance wanders sff 'nto space, resting only briefly •ipon a single object, and he some how manages to escape direct ob Nervation — leaving the impression of deep thought and serious con centration upon even the most •ainor of subjects. ■ Having read his books, one can •>ot fail to notice how much of him self is in his characters. Morgan belongs to the school of ideas and, I’ke Sparkenbroke, Barbet, or Lewis, 's capable of immediate transition ^rom commonplace to abstract. In otie moment he glibly explains the relative merits of British and , A^merican beauty, and in tho nevt he plunges into a deep discussion of the philosophy involved in The ^ogage. Morgail possesses the dis turbing quality of forcing his list eners to think, and although one *nay not understand him, there is always a desperate attempt to fol low his thought. Morgan is an odd paradox — a strange combination of mystic, ’’omantical, and realist. One never 'I'lite understands the man until '*>ie realizes that Morgan is both '*'Ctor and spectator, that he al- '^ays witnesses the particular little ^rama he happens to be enacting. YWCA at Salem, asks that all girls wear white. Old girls will renew their pledge and new girls will give the pledge for the first time. “We do not want you to think that you are being invited to come to a prayer meeting,” Lelia stated. There are many opportunities for Miss Christine Dunn, violinist, was presented by Salem College school of music in her graduating recital on Monday night in Memor ial Hall. Miss Dunn has been a pupil of Miss Hazel Horton Bead, head of the violin department, for several years. The recital was characterized by interpretations of a highly indiv idual and personal nature, indicat ing a background of intelligent musicianship on the part of the performer. Tone quality was uni formly pleasing and well handled in connution with dynamic con trasts. Technical difficulties wer' overcome with such apparent ease that the recital as a whole was brillantly effective as well as en joyable musically. Miss Dunn’s pro gram was: Sonata by Handel; Eomance ir F by Beethoven; La Capriceuse by Elgar; Moto Perpetuo by Bridge and the Concerto in B Minor by Saint-Saens. Miss Dunn was ac companied by Margaret Leinback at the piano, ‘ ‘ who did a fine piece of work with some difficult arran gements. ’ ’ Miss Kathryn Swain^ soprano, ac companied by Miss Laura Emily Pitts, assisted with two vocal groups. Miss Swain’s voice was ‘flexible, freely produced and of ich quality.” Miss Pitts provided ‘well balanced and miisicianly ac compainments.” Holds Forth MUSIC DEPARTMENT RECEIVES RECORDS CHAPEL PROGRAMS Oct. 21 — Mr. Carroll — Com munity Chest. Oct. 23 — Mr. Kenyoni-Rem brandt. as religious. Every girls at Salem is automatically a member of this organization when she pays her budgef. If your money is support ing it, why not let your heart sup- Dort it too.” This week the record library of the Music Department has been greatly supplemented by the addi tion of about $800 worth of records received through the Carnegie Foundation. The records range from early fifteenth century music, through the works of Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, and Wagner. The collection includes music from the works of snch mo dern composers as Bartok, Stravin sky, and Gershwin. The complete set covers examples from the works of 15-i composers. Other new additians are a new cabinet and record player, and a six volume set of Grove’s Diction ary of Music and Musicians. In order for the students to take full portunity, arrangements will be made for “listening hours”, when any girls who wish may have a chance to hear the records. UNCLE SAM DRAFTS SALEMITE Salem College, liberal arts col lege for women, includes in its an- xiual enrollment a limited unmber of masculine co-eds and graduate co-eds, one of these William L Wyatt of Winston-Salem, was in ducted into the United States Army on October 1-1, and reported to Fort Bragg for active duty. William attended Salem for four years, receiving his bachelor of arts degree in 1030, with a major in history. He has since taught school at .Tamestown, N. C., and The program in the Old Chaoel. will start at 6:30. There wiVi De. pursued graduate study at Chapel service and new knowledge in in-! special music arranged by Lindy Hill, dustrial and social fields as well Stokes. LIBRARY GETS NEW BOOKS This week the Salem Library added many new rental books to its collection. These are the ne'v^ books with reviews on each book WAKEFIELD’S COITKSE Mazo De La Eoche This latest novel of the White- oak family begins in the spring of 1939 at Jalva. Benny is eager to sail for Ireland with his small daughter, Adeline, to buy a race horse, but he is more eager to see Finch and Wakefield, who have been living in London fOi some time pursuing their separate careers of music and the theatre. On his arrivel in London, Benny sees at once that Wakefield has fallen in love with a young actress. There is something about the girl that troubles Benny, and the cause of Wakefield’s love affair, which also involves B-enny, becames the center of this inoving story. When Canada begins to play her part in the new war, the White- oaks connot stand aside. First to enlist is Wake, who joins the B. A. F. Benny and Wragge join up with their old regiment. Piers, too, en lists, and Finch plays his part in the heroic epic of Dunkirke. At Jalva, the Whiteoaks, old and young, live for the news from day to day. But their hearts are ligh tened when Wake is awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross and with faith in the future they wait for tho return of their men. This is Miss de la B.oche’s eighth book in the Whitcoak saga and as a story of the old and new genera tions facing the problems of today, it more than fulfills the expecta tions of the reader. You ridge’s course! BIG FAMILY Bellamy Partridge remember Bellamy Part- ‘ ‘ Country Lawyer, ’ ’ of It was the best loved best seller of 1939-40. Now Mr. Part ridge has written “Big Family”— a bigger book and full of even more side-splitting anecdotes. Here you’ll read about the lawyer’ family — wife, three daughters, five sons— the typical big and boistefrous family of the ’80’s and ’90’s. There was nothing routine or dreary about the Partridge family, and as you read this book, you will loarn about and yearn for the old- fashioned family life of a day gone by. BETWEEN THE ACTS Virginia Woolf Tis new work of prose fiction by the late Mrs. Woolf is a literary event of the first importance. It was completely written, though not completely revised, at the time of her death, and has been prepared for press by Mr. Leanord Woolf. The scene is an English village, and the action takes place on single summer’s day when the local pageant is produced. MARRIAGE IS A PRIVATE AFFAIR Judith Kelly When Theo Seafield married Tom West, tho she had seen unhappj narriages enough, she believed that theirs would be ideally happy. But the psychology of the times, and Tom’s absorption in business, makes Theo restless and unhappy, she takes a lover, and then finds to her dismay that she has wrecked something very precious. It takes a near calamity to put things right in the end. ABOVE SUSPICION Helen Maclnnes Because of their amateur stand ing as spies, a young Englishman and his wife are chosen to track down some information in Germany while posing as tourists. At first their efforts are successful, but soon suspicion is aroused, the ten sion increases, and the action gains momentum on each page.' Good entertainment for readers who en joy novels of adventure and in trigue. MY FRIEND FLICKA Mary O’Hara Ken had an understanding mother but his father had no patience with . , , . , . Sophomore court is over, and a day-dreaming son who was out of . (Continued on Page Three) (Continued on Page Three) «■ The ‘ ‘ scintilated soul satisfying Sophomores” reigned supreme all day Tuesday on the Salem campus. Even Juniors and Seniors were sub ordinated with a sense of left-out- edness, for they could only watch from the sidelines. Tho bewildeded freshmen were not allowed to for get their lowly state for ev«n a second on this, tho Sophomore’s day of superiority. Freshmen were given their sum mons Monday nite when ghostly Sophomores raided third floor of Clewell. At the sound of the mea sured tread and the chanted funer al dirge some freshmen suddenly feeling very very low found the dark place under their beds most inviting. After seeing that each freshman was the proud (I) posses sor of a dreaded summons, the Sop homores retreated to second floor to await results. Tuesday morning sleepy Salemites were awakened by shouts of “air raid! air raidl” They rushed to the windaw to see only meek freshmen flattened to the ground humbly awaiting the Sophomore’s call of “all clear.” They then realized that “rat” day had really begun with a ‘ ‘ bang. ’ ’ All day Tuesday strange sights were to be seen on the campus. Freshmen with their book satchels (suitcases produced at the request of their dictators) wended their weary way from class to class hop ing upon hope that they appeared just as in.significant as they felt, and that no S[Ophomore would see them and demand obedience and dutiful respect. By five o’clock, activities were in full swing, and all freshmen were escorted to the hockey field by the Sophomores. And oh! what a sight! Starting from tho feet up each freshman was bedecked in a large brown grocery bag covering the leg from calf to ankle, a pair of pink knit drawers (size 48) and a plain swea ter with long sleeves. Each fresh- face had been made over by the artistically (?) inclined Sophomores with the use of lipstick, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, and shoe polish. Some luckless freshmen completely lost all idrtitity when tho Sopho mores proved themselves excellent plastic surgeons and designed and molded new noses for their humblo victims. To top this gorgeous array of beauty each Freshman, true to the trend of showing more hat and less hair, hid their glistening locks iindiT shower caps. After parading around (mostly by moans of hands and knees) the lovely creatures were finally allowed to eat supper. Then at sev’cn o ’clock things really began popping off. The Old Chapel overflowed with Salem stu dents and faculty avidly awaitcKl the extemporaneous performance of the freshmen. On the stage sat tho oxccutivo, legislature, and judicial departments, and directly below them on the floor at the foot of the stage sat the respectful fresh men. During the course of the even ing’s entertainment the revered judges handed out sentences and verdicts to a hundred or more af- fenders. As time passed th«. audience Was gazed upon from a “ physchological angle”, heard Chinese chanting, vocal renditions, soap box oratory on such deep subjects as “The Shelf Behind the Door, Why one and one make three”, and “My Latest Visit to Claude’s Place.” The on-lookers also witnessed a tooth paste battle, an exhibition of postage stamp adherence, and' nume rous Freshmen showing their latest "Miss America” strut — and so on ’til tho very last girl was strictly accounted for, and the court ad journed. omore cov

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