Twenty Days 7Tl 1 Fifty-Six Days Until Thanksgiving VU^jlF Until Christmas Z 541 VOL. XXII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1941, Number 6. UBRARYRECBVES-REVIEWS_ G. L SMAVELErS BOOK The Library is happy to present this week a Book Rev'iew on Mr. Guy Snavely’s book, “Chooscf and Use Your College.” Mr. Snavely is the father of our Mr. Brant Snavely. Guy E. Snavely. “Choose and XJse Your College: How to get thc> most out of College,” (New York: Har per and Brothers, 1941) “Selection of a College” and “orientation into college? life” are two topics of paramount importance to the youth in America. For over thirty years, the author has been identified as teach(?r and adminis trator in three colleges and as an executive in leading professional associations. The author of Choose and Use Your College has the neces sary experiential background to an swer’ adequately tli(? following practical questions: Should I a,ttend college? Which college should I attend? How may I finance a col lege education? What subjects should I study? How may I improve in my techniques of study? Should I expect to be trained directly for a vocation in a liberal arts college? How mav I win friends on tho col lege campus? How can I obtain a recreation while in college? And what “point of view” should I achie^•c in my four years of college life? In tlie appendix is giv^en a list of colleges fully recognized by the regioTial- accrediting- associations. There, too, is a list of thirty-right college loan funds, such as the Hattie :Nf. Strong Foundation, and the Pickett and Hatcher Education al Fund (ailiiiinistered by the author’s eldest son). For tho college student, the peak of the intimate “fireside chats” ghould be the chapter entitled, Careers (Chapter VI), though any college person will particularly en joy the discussions on College Jjife (Chapter IX) and Life Outlook (Chapter X). For the senior in high school and for his parents, the first three-chapters should be very helpful in the wise choico of au institution of higher learning. In terspersed throughout the ten chap ters are the author’s theories of college administration. So the book should appeal to the administrator as well as to the college tcfticher. The author is known on the local camptis as a chapel speaker, as the Executive Director of tha Associa tion of American Colleges, and as the father of our Associate to tho President. One reviewer has given the fol lowing terse (^valuation: “No one can write a guidebook to a foreign country 'without visiting it and knowing it intimately. College life is a foreign country to the average high school graduate?, even whem he becomes a college freshman Here is a guidebook written by one who has long been acquaintftl with the main paths, the by-ways, the customs of the country, and the means of travel in the particular civilization which is called college life.” PRESBYTERIANS HONOR STUDENTS The Presbyterian Church was host Tuesday night at a banquet; guests wore all the Presbyter ian Academy and Salem College girls and faculty, and the students from tho Bowman Gray School of Medicine. The guests of honor were Dr. and Mrs. Van\i from the Medical School. With th(? Halloween theme, the decorations were in yellow and white. The tables were decorated with pumpkins which wore filled with fruit. A runner of autumn leaves and nuts extended down the length of each table. Bowls o f yellow and white chrysanthemums mixed with gay autumn leaves de corated the platform. After a buffet supper a program was presented. Mr. J. C. Blair gave three vocal numbers and Mr. W. C. Stringficld presented several piano solos. Skits were given by the Academy, Salem College, and the Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Salem Academy won the prize which was a large pumpkin. FRESHMAN DRAM. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS IN AND ABOUT CLUB HOLDS FIRST MEETING STUDENTS ATTEND METHODIST PARTY Tonight the Young People of Centenary Church are entertaining the Methodist .students at Salem and at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine. The group will go on a hayride to Camp Hanes. After having a steak supper, the rest of the even' ing will be spent in square danc ing. Becky Nifong is in charge of ar rangements. Tho Tri-City Musical Education Club held its first meeting Tuesday evening at Salem College. Miss ilaynie Porter, president, presided. Dinner was served from attractive ly decorated tables. The patriotic theme was used and tho members found their places by matching pa triotic songs. About fifty-three members attended. After dinner “group singing” was enjoyed by all under tho direction of Miss Grace Van Dyke More. Later s()uare dancing was enjoyed in tho gyni with music furnished by a string band. Afterwards Inuch was served to the members. The club will hold its next meeting on December first at Woman’s Col- ege in, Greensboro. Last Thursday, October 23, the Freshmen Dranmtic Club held its fourth meeting in the Old Chapel. Frances Yelverton, Vice President of the Pierrettes, presided over the meeting while the election for the yearly officers was being held. Mary Yaw was elected President; Mary Formyduval, Vice-President; Betty Grantham, Secretary; Elizabeth Gudgor, Treasurer and Marilyn Strs- low, Publicity manager. After the elections were completed Wj'att Wilkinson gave a delightful talk stressing the main points im portant to Dramatics They dealt mainly with Setting, Characters Plot and Theme. Despite their in experience, however, the freshmen are quite enthusiastic about the forth coming program. Under Mrs. Will iam’s expert guidance they will open the season with a comedy. The club is increasing weekly in its number of members and many of them show great promise in acting. Among these are: Mary Ellon Bay- ley, Margaret Bullock, Joyce Car penter, Frances Crow’ell, Luanne Dav is, Mary Eaton, Mary Formyduval, Genevieve i'rasler, June Evans Fra zier, Betty Grantham, Henrianna Leigh, Marjorie Moore, Hazel New man, Peggy Nimochs, Mary Louise Rhodes,, Ann Sauls, Sis Shelton, Lu cille Smoot, Angela Taylor, Betty Withers, 1‘atricia Woltz and Mary Vow. Other girls who would rather display their talents thru stage-craft are Molly Boseman, Elizabetli Gud- ger, Nancy Moss, Dorothy Stadler, Jane Strohm and Barbara Humbert. The writing department also in trigues two members, Marlon Gold berg and Alary Hampton Scott. According to Mrs. Williams, the dramatic coach, all these talented and enthusiastic girls working to gether one can be sure that the Freslimen Dramatic Club will offer the student body of Salem College a very delightful experience at the presentjition of its first play. CHAPEL PROGRAM Tuesday, Nov. 4 — Student Activities Thursday, Nov. 6 — Mr. Clif ford Bair DR. ARCHIBALD RUHEDGE SPEAKS AT SALEM COLLEGE LATIN CLUB HOLDS MEETING On Wednesday night in the Re creation Room of Bitting members of the Alpha lotit I’i and students of the entire Latin department fell into the spirit of cats, witches, ghost stories and such things characteristic of Halloween. The main purpose of tho meeting was to introduce Latin students to the organization and to place be fore them the importance of a high scholastic average in Latin neces sary to become a member of the club. The new students were wel comed and made acquainted with tho organizations’ rules by the president Mary Worth Walker. After a few ghost stories, derived from Pliny’s letters and recounted by Dr. Smith, a .sponsor of the club, guests were invited to have their fortunes told by consulting the Virgilian lots, bob for apples, and to be carried across tho River Styx by Charon, tho boatman, into Hades, where they met in person -he departed spirits of the dead. Refreshments in the Halloween motif were served during which time the quests displayed their skiU in doing small tasks drawn from lot. Serving on committees were pro gram, Eugenia Baynes, Peggy Jane White, Doris Shore, and Mary Worth Walker; refreshments, Antoi nette Barrow, Margaret Moran and Mary Jane Conley; Invitations, Marjorie Reavis; decorations, Betsy Spach, Louise Bralower and Alary Worth Walker. MUSIC HOUR HELD ON SUNDAY The second in a series of trial Sunday afternoon ' “listening hours” will bo held Sunday after noon from 2:00 to 3:00 o’clock in tho “listening” room in South Hall, according to Lindy Stokes chairman of the music committeo of the YWCA. Sponsored by the “Y” for tho entertainment of students and faculty of Salem College tho«o pro- (Continued to Page 4) LIBRARY GETS NEW RENTAL BOOKS The Salem library is increasing tho number of new books on the rental shelf very rapidly. The fol lowing books are some of the newly acquired ones: Saleni College was honored on Tuesilay, October 28, with a visit and a lecture from Dr. Archibald Rutledge, a writer of prose and poetry, lecturer and plantation suiiervisor with innumerable in terests. Dr. Rutledge was intro duced by our college President as • being “the best-known South Car olinian” and a distinguished and already beloved visitor to Salem College and to this city. Dr. Rutledge was accompanied by * Re. . Douglas Rights, who is presi dent of the Wachovia Historical Society and a well-known Moravian minister. Dr. Rutledge spoke to tho Historical Society on Monday night previous to his talk in chapel Tues day morning. Tho subji>;t of Dr. Rutledge’s lecture was “sources| of| Inspira tion.” He named five such sources which he declared have kept him going and upon which ho will rely in the days to come. He said that “man cannot live by broad alone” but that there are many things in life more valuable than bread from which we can receive inspiration. One source of inspiration cited by the speaker is nature. He spoke of his great love of nature and re lated amusing and interesting anec dotes to illustrate his message. He said that animals obey the laws of nature faithfully,. that animals aro always tenip(*rate, and that they use their full capacity of intelli gence. “If every g^irl hero used her full intolligi'nce e\j>ry minute of her life,” said Dr. Rutledge, ‘ ‘ Salem would be the greatest col lege on I'nrth.” -\nother source of inspiration is listening to humble voiceij. lie ad vised Salem students to got tho view point of all the people around them regardless of their station in life. A consciousni'ss of tho pri'sence of an invisible world from which music, poetry, and all better thoughts come, is a great source of inspiration. After pointing out a number of sources from wliich inspiration is received, tho Hi)i*aker said that hunuin love, a transforming power which grows in strength and beauty like au oak tree, is tho greatest source of inspiration. Dr. RutUMlgw concluded his charming and in structive lecture with one of his short poems, “A Song of Love”. TAB HEELS Jonathon Daniels This is a story of the State of North Carolina — its historical be ginnings, its present day peculiari ties, and its place in the scheme of the United States. In order to give a sense of history he describes his own visit to Roanoke Island to see Paul Green’s dramatic pageant of the Lost Colony. He conveys in quietly written prose, spiced with plenty of anecdotes, tho characteris tics of various parts of the state, tho aspects of state politics, journa lism, education, cookery, racial re lations, agriculture, industry, etc. THE SKIES OF EUROPE (Frederick Prokosch) This story carries a young Ameri can writer named Philip back and forth across Europe—Paris, Munich, an Austrian town, Barulova, Flo rence, Monte Carlo, Marseilles, and so forth—during' the two years be fore September 1939. He encounters a heinously beautiful Ruthenian girl, an old-school Austrian noble woman, Ignac the Burgundian, a redoubtable Spanish soldier, and a Munich family under Hitler, among others, and in some longish, didac' tie passages he muses on Europe, American, life, death, the future of warl THE SOONO SISTERS (Emily Hobu) Story of the lives of three famous modern Chinese women, Mme Sun Yat-s«n, widow of the father of the Chinese revolution, Mme. Kung, wife of China’s financial wizard, and Mme. Chiang Kai-shek, wife of the Generalisgmo. Tho book be gins with the story of Charle Soong, the sister’s father, and his friendship and collaboration with Sun Yat-sen. The book also tells informally the story of the Chinese revolution and the parts played by various members of the family. CAPTADT PAUI. (Edward Ellsberg) “The story of John Paul Jonefl, an unfortunate, erratic patriot, is well told in this swift, dramatic historical novel. The narrator is a Nantucket boy whose first voyage was on a whaler. He met Jones in the West Indies, sailod and fought with him in famous battles, and supported him staunchly all his life." MUSIC GROUP GOES TO RALEIGH THE BLIND MAN’S HOUSE (Hugh Walpole) “Julius Cromwell, blinded in the last war, returns with his beautiful childish bride to the village where he spent his boyhood. He is mature*, set apart by his blindness, and pos sessed of intellectual and spiritual resources incomprehensible t o his undisciplined, possessive wife. Their difficult adjustment is worked out among the inanities and petty bickerings of village characters. THE CAPTAIN PROM CON NECTICUT (C. S. Forester) “Daring sea raids against British shipping are just a part of the daily routine for Captain Peabody’s American frigate “Delaware” dur ing the war of 1812. His job was to break the British blockade against overwhelming odds, and hO was remarkably ' successful until cornered by tho British in French Martinique. There he fouiid ex citement of another kind—the beau tiful Ann de Villebois. A good novel adventure story.” Next Monday a group of Salem musicians will go to Raleigh to pre sent a program for the music clubs of Raleigh. Mr. Clifford Bair will give a talk on oj)era, tracing tho development of opera dramatics techni()ue. Special emphasis will bo placed on the work of tho Festival Opera Group last summer. The lec ture will be illustrated by several opera eicorjrts. A scene from Mo zart’s “Bastien et Bastienne” will be given by Becky Nifong and Peg gy Eaton, soprano. Arias from “The Bartered Bride” by S^ietana, and Mime’s narrative from “Siegfried’' by Wagner, will be sung by Mr. Bair The accompanist for tho excerpts will bo Margaret Leinbach. The same program was given in Burlington last Saturday for tho Piedmont District Convention of tho N. C. Federation of Music Clubs. Watch for the Little Red Man