^ „ COU.EGEUI^'' Z 541 VOL. XXII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 194L Number 8. Opera Group Presents ''The Bartered Bride^^ The Festival Opera Group will present two performances of “The Bartered Bride” by Smetara, in. Greensboro next Monday, Novem ber 17. The opera was giv«n in both High Point and Winston-Sa lem last summer, and was enthusias tically recfi. ed by capacity audi ences. The opera is directed and produced by Mr. Clifford Bair, head of Salem’s Opera Dramatics Department. Mr. Paul Oneley of W. C. U. N. C. will conduct the performances, and a cast of North Carolina musicians from the gene ral vicinity will appear in the opera. The opening scene? of the opera is laid in the Inn courtyard of a small Bohemian village. It is feast day, and everyone is happy and gay save Marie, who is quittf dejectel over the fact that her per- ents, Ludmila and Krushina, with the help of the marriage broker Kezal, have chosen a husband for her despite the fact that she loves Jenik, a handsome? lad of the vil lage. Marie has never seen this chosen suitor whoso name is Vas- hek, son of a rich old farmer Micha, and shef violently objects to mar/y- ing him. Jenik persuades her Mo be calm and to trust in him. The crafty marriage broken Kezal, however, plans to persuade? Jerick to sell Marie to Vashek. When Jenik discovers that Vashek is Micha’a son, he agreiw to relinquish Mario for the sum of 300 gold pieces. Meanwhile Marie has met up with Vashek who is in reality half-brothc'T to Jenik. The shy girl tells him that Mario will surely poison liim. Vashek, not knowing that this is Marie, swears that he’ll not marry Marie. To add color and interest, a traveling circus group enti'rs, and an amusing scene with Vashek ensues. Finally, Marie, crushed from hearing that Jenik has sold her lov«, agrees to marry Vashek, anil the families are called in. Jenik appears and is re cognized by Micha as his own son (by his first wife) who had loft home many years pre.ious. Thus .Tenik, as Micha’s son, claims Marie and the opcTa ends with everyone happy. The cast for the afternoon per formance will include Margaret Bagby of Winston-Salem as Marie; Frederick Loadwick of Elon Col lege as Jenik; Jack Houts of Spray as Kezal; Maurice Couturier of Burlington as Va.shek; William Gossard of High Point College as Micha; Louise Norris of Durham as Hata (Vaschek’s Mother); Giles Smith of Winston-Salem as Krushi na; Doris Marshall of Welcome as Ludmila; Thelma Parnell of High Point as Esmeralda (member of circus group), and Wade Kourtz of High Point as the Principal of the circus group. The evening performance at 8:30 at Aycock Auditorium, will feature Amelia Cardwell of Greensboro as Marie; Durward King of Leaksville as Jenik; Clifford Bair of Winston- Salem as Vashek; William Gossard of High Point College as Micha; Catherine Johnson of Winston-Sa lem as Hata; J. B. Hensley of Hi'Rh Point as Krushina; Doris Marshall of Welcome as Ludmila; Jane Fra zier of Winston-Salem as Emeralda, and Wade Kountz of High Point as the Principal. Mr. Paul Oncley will conduct the performances. Chorus Masters are Vera Whitlock of High Point and Flavella Stockton, Grady Miller, and Arthur Steer of Winston-Salem. The Ballet Corps will be from W. C. U. N. C. The orchestra will in clude musicians assembled from the entire state. Edgar Alden of Ra leigh will be concert master. The chorus is from Winston-Salem and includes the following girls from Salem: Kuth Hege, Ella Lou Tay lor, Eloise Hege, Mario Van Hoy, Doris Shore, Betty Withers, Marian Gary, .Tuanita Miller, and Carolyn Pratt. Accompanists for rehears- al.s have been Laura Emily Pitts and Margaret Loinback. Costumes are by Van Horn and Co., in Phil adelphia. The sot was made by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lofton. Tickets for the evi*ning perfor mance are on sale in the Dean s office. Reserve seats from fifty- five cents to one dollar ten cents are still available. The afteroon ]>erformance is already sold out. Tho opera is being sponsored by the Euterpe Club of Greensboro and the benefit will bo for musical equipment at army camp recreation centers. W. s. SHOWS ART EXHIBIT From November 17 to 21 students and citizens of the city will have the opportunity of viewing the first comprehensive cross section of Win ston-Salem art, including Salem work in the Primary Building of the West End School. The exhibi tion hours are from 10:00 a. m. to 8:30 p. m., according to Mr. Law rence Kenyon, of the S^lem art de partment, who is on tho art exhibit committee. The scope of the community c.\- hibit is as wide as could possibly be made. Mural designs, portraits, still life, imaginative, and land scapes will bo exhibited—done in charcoal, pastel, conte crayon and oils. All works will be original — no copies of otier paintings. The w’orks will be numbered as they are hung and a catalogue will be furnished to visitors. Salem, community, and amateur work, will be downstairs in three rooms. The committee estimates that tho down stairs exhibit will contain 60 paint ings. For the amateur show first and second awards will be made. ■The professional artists will ex hibit upstairs. Approximately 70 paintings aro expected by Dick Lofton, Irene Price, Bill Pfohl Mrs. John Ogburn, Mrs. Boyd, Mr. Kenyon, and Mrs. Graham. The fivfl awards for Salem Col lege, Community Art School and amateur work will be decided by popul.ir vote. Tho public will be provided with ballots when they enter the galleries. Mr. Kenyon urges Salem girls to go and “vote for the pictures, not for your friends.” Dick Lofton is chairman of the exhibit committee. Other members are Hill Pfohl, Lawrence Kenyon, Mrs. Simnuina, Mrs. Efird. SAIEMITE REPORTER OUTWITS CITY REPORTER by ceil Nuchols “Robert E. Lee Hotel .... and PLEASE hurry’ ” The cab jolted forward and your reporter jolted back against the seat . . . puilling up her stockings and combing her hair as the cab wove through unbearably slow traf fic. “Robert E. Lee, lady.” The cab door opened and your reporter tumbled out, flew through the lobby, disappeared in an eleva tor, and was gone. When the elevator door slid open again, out stormed the reporter: “But they’re NOT in 946.’ ” “Well, maybe they’re on the mezzanine then.” Once again the lady of the press was off. She marched on the mez zanine just in time to catch a glimpse of a coat-tail rounding the corner. With her eye on the coat tail, she continued to morch . . . until she collided with a camera, a photographer, and a huddle of re porters. “Your’re from the SALEMITEf” “Un-hun.” “It's three-thirty.” “Un-huh. I couldn’t get here at three.” “Well, the interview is over; but you can get all the information you’ll need from the JOUENAL- SENTINEL.” “Gee thanks.” The impatient journalist whipped downstaires, tlirough the lobby, and out into the street where sho spied the rest of what went with the coat tail. He wa-s a square little man in a long, long grey coat . . . and he was so important to the repor ter that she walked along behind focusing hw attention on hisgontly- curling yellow-grey hair! and when he turned his head to speak with tho tall woman in a fur-col lared tweed, she caught sight of a fat little profile and a yellowed ivory cigarette holder. Taking a deep br(ath the reporter made her decision and overtook the couple. “Mr. Luboshutz?” The little man wheelel about ex tending his hand pleasantly. “Hello, Darling” each syllable was measured and distinct. He was a precious little man who scarcely came to the reporter’s shoulder. As he shook hands, his eyes twinkled and his lips played with a smile around the holder. The reporter turned to the woman: “Miss Nemenoffi” She was a lovely delicate creature with exquisite rich creamy skin and luxuriant chestnut hair waving casually out from under a saucy brow off-the face hat and a still sauicer brown tie-undor the - chin veil. After explaining whom sho was, the reportiT joined in w’ith the hike up and down in front of tho hotel chatting with Miss Nenienaff, who is really ^frs. Luboshutz, about music and books and smoking and numerous triffles. Miss Nomenoff wash(*s her oVn hair, writes all tho letters for tho family, keeps house, and smokos Cnmels. Sho collects books of which she has “stacks and stacks” . . . sh(' plays, not popular music, but a little modern music. Pierre Luboshutz collects cigar ette holders and lets his wife take care of them . . . despises letter writing . . . refuses to talk about Russia’s part in the war except to say that he’s proud of the way his native land is holding out . . . and adores Geina Nemenoff. ' Tlieir marriage has been idyllical- ly happy for ten years . . . you’ve heard how Pierre met Genia in a class in Paris, fell in love with her tho second time he saw her, and married her the tenth time ho saw her . . . how he had to leave im mediately after their wedding to go on tour . . . and how th^ de cided then to become a duo-piano team in order not to bo separated again. Both Luboshutz and Nemenoff are charming people. Their sense of humor is keen . . . their accents delightful .... and their gracious ness overwhelming. With a glow of satisfaction, the reporter took leave of the Lubo- shuts and settled back in another cab to smugly gloat over having outwitted the reporter who advised: “Got all the information you’ll need from the JOURNAL-SEN- TINEL.” Girls Discuss Salem’s Defe nse Program ‘Do your part in defense” was the main theme of the Armistice Day hapel program last Tuesday. Tlie speakers, led and introduced by Reece Thomas were Marlon Burven- ick, Mary Ellen Carrig, Betty Van derbilt, aii(I Barbara Lasley. Barbara began the program by re viewing tho background of tho na tion’s preparation and summarizing what is being done now in America for defense. Mary Ellen Carrig told tho student body what other universities and colleges are doing in the way of de fense. Sho mentioned R. O. T. C. units, aeronautic.s training schools and a wide variety of activities in laboratories that are all doing their imrt. Marion Hurvenick very interoat- ingly siKjke about womon in defense. She explained what other women’s colleges aro doing for tho defense program. Among other things, she mentioned that some college book stores aro selling bracelets, cigarette cases and compacts for national de fense. Betty Vanderbilt closed the formal part of the program by telling S’alem students that they should do more if other colleges can. She remised them of things that were done last year, such as the World Christian Federation, knitting for the British, the Chinese starvation supper and tho ambulance fund. The Fresh man history class is co-oporatingi by making a study of what is taking place by reading current events and contemporary history. At the end of Betty’s talk an Oi>en Forum was held, with Koeco Thomas presiding. Several interest ing suggestions were made. It was suggested that there bo a series of compulsory lectures on current event.-i led by ai member of tho fac ulty. Another suggestion was that there be a dessertless dinner every once in, a while and that tho money go for national defense. Someone else suggested that Salem entertain soldiers over tho week-end. Salem book store will also probably obtain some of tho bracelets and cigarette cases of which Marion Burvenick spoke in her talk. Miss Averill an nounced a Itod Cross first aid course which will be organized soon. It was finally decided that a de fense committee should bo chosen to work on the suggestions that were made and to figure out plans for a program tlint will bo launched soon at Salem. COVINGTON RECEIVES HONOR Miss Evabello Covington of tho economics department at Salem, has b(»en appointed to the North Caro lina Unemployment Compensation Commission by Governor J. M. Broughton it was learned this week. Miss Covington will serve on the advisory council of tho local com mittee. SENIORS PLANT TREE AND IVY The traditional Ivy and Tret' Planting ceremony by tho senior class will take |)lace as a chapel program Thursday, November 27, according to Margo MacMullen, president of the class of ’42. Afembi'rs of the senior class will officiate as tho student body and faculty take part in the singing and procession. The ivy will be planted beside the llaftio M. Strong refectory. The committee has chosen a Magnolia, which Mrs. Howard E. Rondthaler has been raising, for their class tree. Last year’s graduating class planted a weeping willow tree on tho athletic field near the water fountain. Ivy and tree planting is a tra dition of 40 years standing. The class which established tho custom presented a polownia tree which stood in front of the Lizora Fortune Hanes home managonient house next to the President’s Residence. This tree is a native of North Carolina. It grew to be quite large before it finally died and was cut down eight years ago. There are a great many class trees standing about Salem’s beautifully wooded campus. Tho big Magnolia which stands near the .science building, Park Hall, was planted by tho class of 1015. It is said that the reason the tree has flourished throughout the years is because each girl in the class buried a penny at tlie Magnolia’s roots. The class of ’42 gave no hints as to buried treasure. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT Have you heard about th« lit tle' Red Man yet? You still have time. The Candle Tea Is being held until 9:00 tonight at the Brother’s House. Be sure to go over and pay thfl little Bed Man a visit. WHITE COLLAR CLUB GOES ON TOUR Through tho courtesy of Mr. Frod S. Hill, trca.surer of'the R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Company, tho White Collar Club of Haloni College made a research trip through the filing, auditing, bookkeeping, billing, and tabulating departments of tho R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company last Thursday afternoon, November 6. With tho able assistance of Mr. C. T. Cooper, .Mr. Frank George, and Mr. James Mclver the various business iimchines and other aspects were domonstrated. The White Col lar Club is very grateful to tho four above mrtitionod men for their help in making tho trip such an educational and interesting one. MRS. RONDTHALER ENTERTAINS .Mrs. Theodore Runthaler will en tertain the White Collar Club at a hay ride and stpiare danco tonight. The truck will leavo from Main Hall at seven thirty and go to tho Grange Hall at Clemmons for tho square dance. Wake Forest Medi cal students and other young men have been invited as guests of the girls. Refreshments will bo served. COMING EVENTS Nov. 17 - 20 — Winston-Salem Art F^xhibit. Nov. 17 — “Bartered Bride” in Greensboro. Nov. 18 —i Dr. Rondthaler. Nov. 25 — Paul Green Ijocture. Nov. 27 — Senior Tree Ivy Planting. Nov 27, 28 — ‘' Stage Door ’ ’ presented. MEINUNG GETS APPOINTMENT Mrs. Elizabeth Meinung, head of tho Salem home economics depart ment has been named chairman of the professional education section of tho North Carolina Dietetic Associa tion according to an announcement from tho ofFice of tho registrar.

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