ENTER LIBRARY CONTEST MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR Z 541 VOL. XXII. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1941. Number 1 1. MRS. STRONG VISITS NEW STRONG REFECTORY As guost in the Hattie Strong Ee- fectory on Sunday, Deeember 7, Mrs. Strong in pcTson en route to Washington for the Christmas holi days, was presented and introduced to the students and faculty by President Kondthaler in the follow ing words: ‘ ‘ I am happy to present to you our guest of honor, ‘Mother’ Hat tie M. Strong, who as you know, is tho donor of this beautiful memorial building and who for the first time is present iu the completed struc ture which bears her name, and which has become already an in dispensable and beloved part of this institution. “ ‘Mother’ Strong, whom we also love to know as ‘Sister,’ ‘Aunt,’ and now Trustee, has asked me to voice for her the great joy which fills her heart today and h(*r en tire happiness in the beauty and completeness of this building. “You will be glad to know that the building has more than fulfilled her expectations and that she deeply realizes how appropriately its structure fits into the time-hon ored architectural plans of Salem College. Thcfre is not only the friendly beauty which characterizes the ‘Salem type’ of building, but there is al.'io the gentle strength which is so pronounced a charac teristic of these structures. ‘ ‘ Our guest of honor was last week elected to the Trusteeship of Salem College so that in a new and v ry infiuentiiil way her presence here is boih the presence of a lov ing donor arid of an influential member of the Official Staff. More than a year ago ‘Aunt’ Hattie rcf- ceived honorary membership in the Alumnae Association of S,alem Col lege and when as we hope she at tends the Trustee meeting which will be in session on Friday of this week, December 12, she will be as sociated with this additional and responsible relationship to our in stitution. “ ‘Sister’ Hattie has asked me not to call on her for formal re marks today but nevertheless I know that in her heart there are thoughts and voice which we would appreciate hearing, and, therefore, I am now asking her to say just a few words in this informal gath ering.” Mrs. Strong graciously and cheer fully responded to President Rond- thaler’s invitation and in her char acteristically friendly manner said: “It is always important to realize that bricks and cement, tiles and steel, do not really make a build ing; they supply the framework. But the real building is the ‘spirit’ which abides, and you as students of Salem have within your power the making of this building and I feel very happy in the full belief that you will give this structure the real Salem spirit which is what most of all should characterize the campus and all its structures. “I am delighted with the beauty and friendliness of this new build ing, and I am most happy to have had a part in its erection and com mit it t() your loving care in the spirit of this great institution.” BRIETZ ELECTED PRES. OF NEW SPANISH CLUB Betty Hrii'tz was elected presi dent of the newly organized Spanish Club at its initial meeting on Tues day night. Other officers elected were; Harriet Sink, vice-president; Martha .lones, secretary; Normie Tomlin, treasurer; Katharine Mc- (Jeachy, program chainmn; Kuth O’Neal, publicity chairman. Dr. Wenhold and Miss Vest are club 8])ansors. After singing several songs in Spanish and playing a Spanish game, the meeting closed with a “pirate.” The “pirate” is used to celebrate Christmas in Spanish speaking countries. A person is blindfolded and with a long stick tries to break the colored bag which contains balloons anl candy. Forty-two members were present. LATIN CLUB HAS PARTY A Christnms program was the en tertainment for the members of Alpha Iota Pi at their meeting Thursday night in the Student Ac tivity Center. The program was begun by the singing of Chri.stmas carols, in Lat in, with Mary Joe Conley accom panying at the piano. Following this, the officers of the organization wont through the ceremony of light ing the Christmas candles, each of ficer saying “lo Saturnalia,” Latin equivalent for “Merry Christmas.” Peggy Jane White gave a brief talk on the Koman Saturnalia, tell ing how some of the modern Christ mas customs find their origin in the ancient civilization. Antoinette Bar row read the Christmas story from the Bible in Latin. After an interesting contest re freshments were served, featuring the famous “Christmas punch” of Dr. Smith. The meeting was closed with the singing of more Christmas carols in Latin. The program and invitations were in charge of Mary Worth Walker, President. THE STRONG REFECTORY The honor guests for dinner Sunday, December 7, wore: Mrs. strong, Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler, Mrs. .Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Claric 5tarbuck, Miss Addie Allen, Miss Turlington, Miss Lawrence, Reei’O I’homas, .Vancy Downes, Martha Bowman and Miss N’ettie Alli'u I'homas. SENIORS HOLD VESPERS SUNDAY Sunday, December 14, at 7:00 o’clock, the Seniors of Salem Col lege will conduct the traditional Christnms Vespers in Memorial Hall. All faculty underclassmen, friends and families of the Seniors are in vited to attend tlie candle service. The program opens with a pre lude, “Carol Fantasy on Thre> I’ro- encal Noels,” played by Dr. Charles G. Vardell, head of the School of Music. The Seniors enter with the processional, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” after which Dr. Howard Rondthaler, president of Salem College, will lead the scrip ture and give the invocation. The Seniors stand to sing “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear,” with the ‘ongregation and remain standing for their own .song, “While Shep herds Watched Their ' Flocks by Night.” Remarks and a poem read by Dr. Rondthaler follow. Jennie Linn will give the vocal solo, “Oesu Bambina, ” by Yon. During the dis tribution and lighting of the Christmas candles by the Seniors and their Sophomore pages who are dressed in white. Dr. Vardell will play. Then follows the antiphonal singing of the hymn, “Morning Star” with Sophomores and congre gation seated. The Seniors file out with the rec(*ssional, “Silent Night.” Dr. Rondthaler will give the beneliction. The Seniors and pages stand in the lobby until the postlude, “ This Day that is so Rich in Joy” is finished. WILL THERE BE PEACE? . . . The days of agonizing uncertainty are over . . . war has been declared . . . the angels sang "Peace on earth, good will to men" . . . oh a long time ago, but the only peace to be found today is in our own hearts . . . H^e must jace this fact calmly . . . but all the while we must realize the importance of this fact of war . . . IVe must go on living and thinking . . . even more than before. It is our responsibility to keep the world sane, we the thinking, intelligent people . . . The dreams, the aspirations, the hope and the ideas of the immortal spirit can not be destroyed by guns and poison gas. 7 he spirit which created all the cathedrals and the priceless treasures of the past which are being destroyed today will be able to build others as great. There will be untold horrors of blood shed and loss of life, but there has been and there will always be the invincible spirit in mankind that will not die. If we can realize this, we will have the strength to remain calm in these trying days . . . Is it asking too much then, of we, ihe people who are to sit around the peace table of this war, remember this Christmas that what to do with it ... IVars may be won by "national unity" . . . but not until there is spiritual unity of man will there be peace . . . CLASSES ENTERTAIN SENIORS SATURDAY Another Salem traditions is the Christmas party which the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes are giving for the senior class this year on Saturday night in the refectory at ();!.'>. To (juote Sara Henry who as junior class president is mistress of ceremonies, ‘ ‘ Everyone is invited to come to a formal dinner to help the class of ’42 celebrate its last Christnms at S'alam.” The seniors will receive presents and there will be singing of Christnms carols throughout the meal. Other enter tainment will be a surprise. The cozy atmosphere of the old (Continued On Back Page) GERMAN CLUB CHORAL ENSEMBLE SING TUESDAY The chapel program for next Tucsdaj’ is one that Salem students look forward to each yilir. As has been the custom of the past, the last chapel before Christmas vacation is given over to the (lernuin club, whose members will sing favorite Christmas carols in German. The girls will w(>ar the customary “robes” for the occasion and the same melodian played by Margaret Vardell usel for many yrtirs will again accompany them. “Stillige Nacht, Heilige Nacht” and “O Tan- nonbainti” are among the old fa vorites to be sung. Following these carols, the Choral Ensemble w'ill sing s(^■eral Christnms numbers, some of which will be “What Can This Mean,” by Staley, “The Pray er of the Norwegian Child,” by Kountz, and “Say, O Shepherd.” by Dering. Mr. Bair will conduct the tTnsemble. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE With the Latin Club party hold Thursday night, Dec. 11, in the Student Center, Salem began a round of festivities which will continue through W(*dnesday, Dec. 17. The events are: Friday, Dec. 12—Home Fco- nomics Club Christmas tea in the Lizora Fortune Ilanes House for faculty and friends, 4:00 - 5:30 p. m. German Club Christmas party Ohristmas party including facul- 8:00, Friday night. Saturday, December 13, College ty, boarders and senior day stud ents. The party is in honor of the seniors. Sunday, Dec. 14 — Christmas Vespers in M*morial Hall, 7:00. Tuesday, Dec. 16—The German Club sings carols in Chapel, 10:20 j. m. Wednesday, Dec. 17 — Senior Caroling. GERMAN CLUB HAS PARTY To celebrate the Christnms season. Dr. Smith and Dr. Wenhold, sponsors of the German Club, are giving a party for the club members. The program begins at 8 o'clock iu the Recreation Koom of the Louisa Wil son Bitting Building. The party will be d'xtinguished by the singing of (Christnms carols i;i German, a reading of the Christmas story in German by Kugenia Baynes, and a discussion of Gernmn Christ- mils customs by Margaret Moran. According to Marie Fitzgerald, presi dent of the German (!lub, “The re freshments will include authentic Gernmn sugar cakes. We have them every year on this occasion.” MUSIC HOUR HELD THURSDAY The following students’ recital was lesird yesterday afternoon, December 11, at the regular Music Hour. l’articii(atiiig in the recital were; Margaret .\nna Winstead who played “Sonata in A Major” by Mozart; Jtmnita Miller, ''Ijascia Ch’io Pian- za” by Handel; Uiith Heard, “ Rig- aUdon" t)v .Mac Dowell; Klizabeth SwinsoM, “Andante” by Vivaldi Bach-l’ochon; Krwin (\>ok, “Ondoie- ment” by Ferrari; .lohiisie Hason, “A I’a.storal” by (,'arey; and Kdna Baugham, “ l''n(|ue in K Minor by Biich. HOME EC. CLUB HOLDS TEA Unique decorations were useil at the t(*a given by the Houu' Econom ics Seniors this afternoon. The tea, which was held from 4:(H) to .5:30 in the Lizora Fortune Hanes Building, was given for the members of the faculty and the ailministration. The guests were greeted at the door by Flora Avora. Marguerite Bettinger, who was in the hall, took the guests into the living room where they were grerted by Afrs. Meinung, Marge McMullen, Goldie Lefkowitz and Dot McLean. In the dining room, Mrs. Ball poured cof fee, and Miss Crow and Edith Hors(*field assisted. Christmas decorations were used throughout the house. Besides a large Christmas tree in the living room, the mantel was decorated with little angels holding hymn books, candles, and stars, represent ing “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.” One of the small table dec orations was a center piece made of a combination of things picked up from the campus and then painted, such Hs tulip poplar and dogwood. Also, on display were Christnias packages, originally wrapped. The dining room table was decorated with candles and Christmas grcons. The seniors ware assisted by the juniors in the Homo Ficonomics De- -partment. LIBRARY HOLDS CONTEST FOR STUDENTS The library announces that the Student Library (Contest will be held again this yrtu to encourage and stimulate Salem students in buibling up personal libraries. The contest, held last year for the first time, nu*t with an encouraging re sponse of interest. Eighteen girls enterel their libraries or lists of books which they would like to have in their libraries. All the li braries and lists showed discrimina- ti(m in selection. KIsie Newman won first prize ($25); Louise Bralower won second prize ($15) in the Personal Library Contest open to Juniors and Sen iors. .Tustine Jones won first prize ($10) and .Mary Lloyd Glidwell won second prize ($5) in the contest open to Freshmen and Sophomores. Prize money in each case was used by the girls to purchase books they wanted to own. The general rules for the contest, practically the same as last year, are printed below. The names of those who wish to enter should be given to one of the Librarians by May 1, 1942. Last year’s winners will not be eligible for prizes this year. Awarils will be made around May 15, and the winning libraries and list will be put on display in the Library. Junlora and Seniors—Personal Library Contest 1. Number of books to be en- tereil: ma.simum—30. 2. All books must be the prop erty of the stud«'nt entering the contest iind so marked. Textbooks designed primarily for classroom use may not be in cluded. Prizes offered in this contest are: 1. For the beat general collec tion of cultural and practical na ture, $2r) for the purchase of books. 2. For the .second best collection, which may be a specialized collec tion, $15 for the purchase of books. Freshman and Sophomores—Person. al Library Contest I. A typewritten list of not more than 30 books, cultural and practi cal, which the student desires to have in her pt'rsonal library. Give author, title, publisher, price, with brief notes stating the reason for choice of each title. Prizes offered for this contest are: 1. For the best general list, $10 or the purchase of books from the list. 2. For the second best list, which may be a list for a special group of books, $5 for the purchase of books from the list. ACADEMY HAS PAGEANT The entire student body and fac ulty of Salem Academy will partici pate in the anual Christmas pageant to be given at eight o’clock on De cember 10 in the Academy Audi torium. The theme of the imgeant will bo the celebration of Christmas in Me dieval England around 1400. It will take place on one of the ancient estates. This pageant will bo tho result of the combined efforts of the choral singing, dancing, and dramat ic groups. Fourteen carols will bo used as a basis, and they will be intersporsel with dances. These dances will form ai part of the entertainment for the lords and ladies at the English man or However, there will bo some speaking and more action than in the pageants of past years. The picturesque costumes of medieval England will contribute greatly. The last scenc will be tho tra- (Continned on Page Six) ll 'IVI' ‘Hiwi Ittll

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