BUY BONDS KEEP ’EM FLYING / S4I VOL. XXII. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1942. Number 1 5. • • MERLIN DIARY • • • ACT I The scene is laid in King Oughter’s Knight Club. On the rear wall is a large parch ment sign bearing the name of the club with illuminated let ters. In center back is a dias upon which is a table for two 'covered with a ted checked tablecloth. In the front left is a large round table set with soup plates and coffee cups. There is also a dinner bell on the table. About the table are four benches. Bright colored tapestjries adorn the wall. When the curtain rises King Oughter and Queen Grinydean are discovered sitting on the dias at the small table. King Oughter is slumped in his chair with one foot up and reading the Camelot Observer. Queen Grinydean i s embroidering tapestry. Both are wearing ap propriate crowns. King Oughter: (throws the paper down and sings) Tune: Soloman Levi: The times are medi-evil and we’re in a sorry state When editorial comment says that Knight Clubs do not rate! The Camelot Observer even dares to drop a hint That some imply romance may dye since Thursday’s out of print Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, etc (Rises from the table, steps from the dias and paces the floor). Repeats: The times are medi- evil, etc. Queen Grinydean: Just keep calm. King Oughter, your knights are still hot numbers, and may win fame and fortune any day now. King 0.: Well, anyway. I’m getting hungry, and I wish the boys would hurry. (He sits again at the table reading the Observer). (Enter Dancealot dressed in evening clothes, but wearing knightly helmet and carrying shield ai^d spear. With him are Sir Twistum and Sir Percev- erin’ dressed in full knightly costumes. They wave to King Oughter and Queen Grinydean and March to the front of the stage. They sing: Tune: Here Comes three Dukes a’roving): Here come three Knights a-rav- ing, a-roving, a-roving, Here come three Knights a-rov- a-roving. With their Knightly chivalry. Dancalot: I am famed Sir Dancealot, Sir Dancealot, Sir Dancealot, I am famed Sir Dancealot, with his Knightly chivalry. Twistum: I am called Sir Ti’istum bold. PLAY (In Three Acts) Produced by the Medi-Evil Opera Company of Salem College And Salem Academy Dramatis Facultae King Oughter Queen Grinydean Sir Dance-a-lot Sir Twistum Sir PercTverin’ ^^"'§^‘® Oughter’s Court Sir Kayper Lilyrtiayd of Astolat Maid Marian Lady of Shalott Two Pages Gadabout, Knight of King Oughter’s Court Lynette, Leader of the Chorus Girls Nine Chorus Girls, Enough said! A quinas \ Scholastic Philosophers B-quinas ) TTiree Little Monks Merlin. Magician — Yes. and correspondent! Scribe — A-Line-A-Day! Queen Morgan le Fay, Queen of the Evil Forces The Six Deadly Sins * The Lesser Evils Messenger The Black Knight Castor ||) Damsels in Distress Stars, of course! Pollux ) Vivien, the Sorceress Marco Polo, disguised as Friar Herald A Palmer * The Seventh absent but unexcused! Any resemblance to persons medi-evil or modern is purely intentional. Sir Twistum bold. Sir Twis tum bold I am called Sir Twistum bold, with my Knightly chivalry. Perceverin’: And I’m Sir Perceverin’, -ev- erin’, -everin’. And I’m Sir Perceverin’ with my Knightly chivalry. King 0.: Hello, boys! Soups on, and I’m starved. We won’t wait for the others. Queen G.: W’^here have you been, Sir Dancealot? Sir Twistum: Oh, he’s just been Scouting around! Dancealot: Sorry to be late but I’ve just learned a new step. ,1 (He tries to persuade Grinydean to dance, but she looks at Oughter and refuses. He does a step or two of a dance and then the three Knights pub down their shields and spears and sit at the Round Table). (Enter Sir Kayper carrying an immense dish of meat, and pointing his toes in the air as he takes each step. He is wear ing an apron over his knightly garb). Kayper: (Sings to tune: “When I was a Lad, I served a turn”): When I was a lad I served as Squire To the Knights and the King until I rose higher Now I see that the viands do not fall And polish up the pewter for the good brown ale, I polish up the pewter, but I’m not so hot it’s true When it comes to joining Knightly jousts or deeds of daring do. (He places the meat on the Round Table and does a caper as he repeats); I polish up the pewter, but I’m not so hot it’s true When it comes to joining knightly jousts or deeds of daring do. (He sits at the table with the other three Knights). Sir Dancealot: Let us drink to King 0. and his noble Queen (he makes a sweeping bow toward Queen G.) Queen 0. to King 0.: It’s Sjinka and won’t disturb your knight’s rest. Knights: (stand with raised coffee cups and sing): Tune: Drink, Drink, from The Stu dent Prince: Drink! Drink! Drink to King Oughter and drink to the Knights of his table so round, “Drink, Drink,” from The Stu- lady whose equal can never be found. (The Knights sit down and begin to eat. There is a wail ing. In comes Lilymayd in an evening dress, in her right hand a lily and in her left a letter from the Cuts Commit tee.) All: Why, it’s Lilymayd of Astolat! Sir Kayper: In distress as usual. Lilymayd sings: (To “El mer’s Tune”): I don’t want knowledge at col lege, just frolic and friends I’m all forsaken, they’ve taken my cuts and week-ends. I went to Claude’s place, such disgrace. Who will make amends For my tragic doom! Dancealot: Would ye noble Lord, but bid me rise from this bench that I without discour tesy may leave the table and not displease my leige lady, I would come to the aid of the fair damsel yonder. King 0.: Sure, I’d like to do it myself, (Queen G. frowns, extends a restraining hand), but I suppose it wouldn’t do. Sir Dancealot (kneels before Lilymayd: I shall seek out your cuts and week-ends and restore them to you again. Lilymayd sings: If you’re not kidding, I’m will ing, come give me your hand (he rises; The cuts committee lacks pity, but you understand — Lets dance the Samba, I am a partner that’s grand T’will lighten the gloom. (They dance the Samba to gether. At the end of the dance they move to one comer and talk). Enter Maid Marian, weeping, (Continuud on Page Two)