• Felix Knight • Library Adds Data • Dehydrated News • A A Offers Tournament • Poster Workers Win Honor • Dr. Vardell Talk on Music ZTJl VOL. XXIII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, JANUARY 15. 1943. Number 11. Salem Poster-Makers Win War Honors Four States Covered By Moore and Whittier Did you know that the Salem College Art Department almost got the Government “E” for its con tribution to the war effortf It all came about when Mr. M. J. Mc- Auliffe, Director of the Fourth Civil Service Region covering North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and District of Columbia, told Mr. Kenyon of the great need for men and women in the field of Civil Service. Mr. McAuliffe then asked Mr. Kenyon if he would have •lis students of Studio Art design ^ poster to inform the public of this immediate and vast need. So through the artistic talents of Bar bara Whittier and Betty Moore a poster was designed^ and accepted. The poster is headed with a sample of Gregg and Pittman shorthand, and underneath is asked: “Can you transcribe this?” Incidentally, when the poster was sent to Washington for approval, three secretaries were called in to transcribe the shorthand, just to make sure it wasn’t Japan ese! The poster will be displayed on the bulletin board in the library. Mr. Kenyon has announced that there will be more posters made, and we praise the Art Department for their contribution to the import ant war effort! Library Adds Data On Women’s War Jobs The following material on War Jobs and Volunteer Services for Women has been assembled in the ■ Library and is now ready for cir culation: Books: 1. Meyer: Needed—Women in Government Service. Sketchy in formation about the work open to Women in various branches of gov ernment service. Useful as an in dication tff the scope of the civil service field, rather thanfor definite data. Contains sample examina tions. 2. Ayling: Calling All Women. Comprehensive survey of the work American women can and are doing in the war emergency. 3. Baiming: Women Tor Defense. Serious appraisal of woman power and its usefulness in this war. The author discusses the woman’s part in the first World War, in other countries during the second World War, and in the TJ. S. Pamphlets and Leaflets:. 1. Women’s Work in the War (XI. 8. Women’s Bureau Bulletin.) 2. Your Questions as to Women in War Industries (U. S. Women’s Bureau Bulletin). Bee—LIBEAEY—^Page 4. MAY HE HAVE A DANCE? Even if you haven’t a date for tomorrow night, stags will be wel come at the formal dance to be given in the gym by the Signal Corps School boys. The dance, spon sored by the I. R. S., will last from 8:30 to 11:45. Music will be by the nickelodeon, decorations will be patriotic and refreshments will be served. Receiving will be Doris Nebel Beal, head of I. R. S., Miss Lawrence, Charlie Linville, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bond from the Signal Corps School. DEHYDRA.TED NEWS REVIEW Sorry You Went? A French film, “Jeunes Filles de Paris,” was presented Thursday night by the French Club. The feature-length movie was a film of Parisian life and had shots of ac tual buildings, monuments, and streets. There was French dialogue throughout the picture. In addition, a short American comedy added humor. Or Glad You Did? Two films, “Strange Gods of India” and “Synthetic Rubber,” were sponsored at' Salem College by the Esso Marketers Wednesday, .January 13. The first, a travel talk in techni color, featured ancient temples in Ceylon and India, sacred statues of historic deities, fascinating me?th- ods of worship and self-torture^ and customs and economic problems of the Indians. Synthetic rubber, one of the most promising discoveries of twentieth century chcmistry, was the theme of the second film. In this was explained the complicated process of the development of syn thetic rubber in the Esso Labora tories. AMERICAN FRONT— Major General Carl A. Spaatz has been named commander-in-chief of new Allied air force in North Africa. U. S. bombers have con tinued mass attacks on German communications and supplies in Tu nisia, destroying railroad yards and oil storage tanks. French forces have captured a strategic mountain pass in Tunisia. Axis air bases near Tripoli have been bombed, de stroying 34 enemy planes without loss of single Flying Fortress. PACIFIC FRONT— American fighters destroyed oil stores on Burma Eoad. New ad vances were made into Jap held ter ritory on Guadalcanal. The Navy announced sinking of aircraft car rier Hornett on Oct. 26 in Battle of Santa Cruz Island; also 3 cruis ers and 7 destroyers identified. U. S. bombers cut vital communications line in Burma, destroyed bridge on Irrawaddy river near Mondalay. On Tuesday, the United States at Washington, and Great Britain at Chunking, signed treaties with Chi na abolishing aU their extra-terri torial rights in China. P-T boats scored hits on two, possibly three, Jap destroyers off Guadalcanal. Be lieved that U. S. forces on. Guad alcanal are preparing for large scale drive to wipe out isolated Jap troops still on island. RUSSIAN FRONT— Russians are gaining all along the front. Have recaptured 6 Cau casian cities along road to Rostov, advancing 112 miles in 18 days. Reds captured German conceniratioi camp and released Red civilians held by enemy. EUROPEAN FRONT— Flying Fortresses and Lockheed Flying Fortresses and Lockheed Lightnings have continued raids on Europe this week with raids upon Nazi targets in North France and Holland. Docks and shipping at Naples blasted and the Essen area of Ruhr industrial center. AMERICAN FRONT— President Roosevelt asked for 109 billions in war budget. U. S. government protested to stationing of El’te Guards around quarters of interned American civilians at individualsotlK etaoi shr shr cmfw2 Lourdres, France, and report that they are to be taken to Germany. Further bans on pleasure driving. Argentine government requested the German government to withdraw its naval attache formally charged with espionage. FELIX KNIGHT STEALS HEART OF [NTERVIEWING REPORTER A. A. Offers Tournament After Exams. After such a successful hockey season, sport enthusiasts are delight ed that the badminton and ping pong tournaments will begin direct ly after exams. Having exercise more strenuous than folk dancing will be delightful. As yet all entrants have not signed up, but enough have to as sure some very spirited competi tion. Those signed for badminton are Normie Tomlin, Rosiland Clark, Caroline Bennett, Cameron Donald son, Joy Flanagan, Carlotta Carter, and Coil Nuchols; with Katherine Traynham and Normie Tomlin, Joy Flanagan and Ceil Nuchols also en tering in the doubles competition. Caroline Bennett, Lois Wooten, Martha Sauvain, and Carlotta Car ter have entered the ping pong tournament and quite a few more are expected to enter. Judging from the people who will play, the games should be far above average. Now is the time for those of you who think games too strenuous, to enter the ping pong tournament; and for those who think games too slow, to enter the badminton tournament. It is also an excellen escape frm thinking what" a miserablei mess you made on your exams so come one, come all; or at Jeast watch your more eneregetie friends if you are indisposed. Czech Accompanist Does Real Well, Too Promptly at 7:30 we crept in the stage door of the auditorium. There stood two little men in tuxs talk ing together and apparently having a fine time all by themselves. We hesitantly walked towards them — looking from one to the other and wondering if either of them were Felix Knight or not.. Finally, after many questioning glanccs, the little man with the ‘ ‘ Pete Impish’ ’ ex pression pointed to the other one and sighed, “That’s him.” We shifted our glance to the 5’-8” man with green twinkling eyes and long black lashes. In a mock gegt- Dr. Vardell Talks Of Music vs. War NOW’S YOUR CHANCE TO CO AND LEARN POSTURE’S THE THING Susie Slump, Mazie Slouch and Jenny Amble-Along chrnge quickly when they see themselves as others see them. That’s an established fact at Sa lem College where the new mirrors and the rearranged physical educa tion program have accomplished re sults that can be seen by the most casual observer. Under the new ar rangement a portion of this period is given to limbering-up exercises and calisthenics. Special emphasis is placed upon posture, and how to sit stand and walk correctly. 'The full-length mirrors installed in the gymnasium were bought with prize money awarded Salem for sports pictures. These were made by Albert Oerter, who at the time was business manager for the col lege. (Ed. Note: Since the Moravians are having a Lovefeast on Sunday, at 5:00 p. m., the Salemite publishes the following . . . hoping to clarify certain points about the origin and the meaning of the celebrated cus tom) . On one bleak November evening in 1753 after a Communion service, many people in Harrnhut, Germany, lingered and either prayed or dis cussed Brother Grube’s condition or Sister Dober’s cooking. Realizing that nobody wanted to go home, th(eir leiader. Count Zinzendorf, went to his manor house and brought great quantities of food to the peo ple. As Zinzendorf saw them en joying the meal, he remembered the Agapae, or the “meal in conamon^ of the early Christians. (In the olden days, after the Apostles had communed, they frequently ate their meals together). Zinzendorf ex plained all this to the people, who, incidentally were delighted. And there began the first Lovefeast, which is a favorite and distinctive See—^LOVE FEAST—Page 3. Thursday afternoon at 4:00, Dr. Charles Vardell, Jr., gave a most in teresting lecture on “What is the music student’s place in the war ef fort!” Dr., Vardell began by say ing that everyone was now asking, “Is what I’m doing right now any good in the war effort t Can I be of any nse to my country by con tinuing my musical career?” In war time, music makeb civilians more patriotic—it stirs and touches their hearts and even their pocket- books. Music makes one commun ity conscious. For example: a com- mnnity-sing or a concert. Music en tertains—we all must have “our lighter moments” in the midst of this war, and music can help give much-needed escape from reality. For our soldiers, music is one of the most vital parts of their life. It keeps their spirits high and takes their minds off of things that would make them unhappy. What has all this got to do with the music student! Musicians can work with, the U. S. O., can organ ize community concerts and vic tory sings can help train bands and choruses, and can take part on ra dio programs. The latter is one of the things that Salem Music School has done for the war effort. Foi the other parts that the music student might play in the war. Dr. Vardell pre sented an outline of objectives for the second semester. The choral ensemble and Glee Club will make a specialty of learn ing and performing patriotic songs, both in concert and on the radio. Also, the Choral groups 'Will serve as a “laboratory” for young con ductors; so that they might have See—MUSIC HOUR—Page 3. ure of grandeur, he made a low sweeping bow and said, ‘ ‘ Felix Knight at your service, mam.” Then he laughed and that cleft in his chin deepened considerably. He looked at us closely and told us that there was nothing to bo afraid of and that he would be only too glad to answer some questions for us. At that point of the game, we became most embarassed; for, as wo told him, it was our first real interview and we couldn’t think of a single thing to ask him. He grinned and started in. Felix Knight was born at Macon, Ga. When he was five, he moved to Florida. It was there that he won his first singing contest. The prize of $15 was used to buy his first pair of long pants. When he was See—FELIX KNIGHT—Page 4 WHAT, WHEN, WHERE W^AT: Slpanish Club. WHEN: Tonight 7:30 p. m. WHERE: Bitting. WHAT: Signal Corps Danee. WHEN: 8:30 Saturday night. WHERE: Gym. WHAT: Love Feast. WHEN: Sunday 5:00 P. M. WHERE: Home Morarian Church. WHAT: Rev. Turner. WHEN: 10:20 Tuesday. WHERE: Chapel. WHAT: Mr. Weinland. WHEN: 10:20 Thursday. WHERE: Chapel. WHAT: Reading Day. WHEN: Friday, January 22. WHERE: S^em College. WHAT: A Registration. WHEN: Feb. 1, from 2:00 to 6:00. WHERE: Salem College. WHAT: Badminton Tournament. HEEN: Sign on bulletin board.

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