• Flopped—Sports • Flopped—Vespers • Flopped (?)—Elections • Welcome, Miss Dolch • Hail, the Bond Queen • Cheer, Jr.-Sr. VOL. XXIII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., FEBRUARY 26, 1943. Number 14 STAFF NAMES CANDIDATES FOR CAMPUS BOND QUEEN CONTEST As announced last week, -the Sa- lemite is sponsoring a Campus Bond Queen contest in conjunction with the A. 0. P. and COLLEGIATE DI GEST. This contest will begin to morrow and close on March 19th. At the end of that time, the con testant having the most votes will be 'Campus Bond Queen, and her picture will be entered in the na tional contest. The winner of the national contest will receive a $50 war bond, and her picture will be on the front of COLLEGIATE DI GEST. Stamps and bonds will be sold ev- ery day after lunch in the dining room and every Friday night by the distributors of the SALEMITE. Each 10c stamp counts 10 votes; each $18.75 bond, 1875 votes. As you buy your stamps or b*nds, you designate for which candidate you are voting. In order for a Salem candidate to enter the national con test, she must have a minimum of 1,875 votes. The S*ALEMITE staff has select ed four initial candidates, chosen on points of beauty, personality, populartty, and versatility. In or der for a new candidate to enter the contest, she must receive an initial total of 250 votes or $2.50 in war stamps. The four candi dates now in the contest are: rran- ces* Turner, Julia Garrett, Peggy Nimocks, and Jean FHilton. As many new candidates may enter as can meet the requirements; so put up other girls if you wish. ■Come on^, come all — faculty and students alike. Buy stamps and vote for your candidate. Elect her Salem Bond Queen, and enter her in the national A. C. P. contest. Let’s put Salem in the National I spotlight. ANOTHER WAR; ANOTHER WIN JR.-SR. SCHEDULED FOR NEXT WEEK MISS DOLCH ASSUMES PUCE LEFT VACANT BY MR. KENYON Formal Concert Goes Over Big One of the loveliest recitals of the year was presented on Monday evening, in Memorial Hall. It was the music department’s second form al e.oncert of the year. Cathrine SSvinson gave an artis tic rendition of the brilliant com position, ‘'Polichinelle,” by Each- maninoff. The beautiful “L’amero Sara Constante,” by Mozart, was sung in excellent style by Jane Gar- rou. Margaret Winstead truly achieved the delightful atmosphere of Debussey’s “En Bateau.” Mar ian Gary sang Faure’s “En Priere,” with charm and grace; and Chopin’s lovely Nocturne in E Minor was skillfully played by Lacy Lewis. One of the most interesting num bers on the program was Dr. Var- dell’s own composition for organ, “Skyland, ” which Mrs. Purcell gave a magnificent performance. Polonaise in C sharp Minor by Chopin, was expertly rendered by Aline Shamel. Lindy Stokes ex pressively sang the flowing and de scriptive “Serenade,” by Richard Strauss. A poignant, moving spell was woven by Margaret Leinbach as she played Griffe’s “The Foun tain of the Aequiea Paola.” The highlight of the program was the first movement of MacDowell’s “Concerto in D Minor, op. 23,” which Elizabeth Johnston played with Dr. Vardell playing the orches tral accompaniment at the second piano. Lib gave further proof of her excellent musicianship and great talent, by playing a superb perform ance of the concerto—a truly mag nificent ending for an inspiring con cert. FROSH PREPARE FOR WEE DRAMA Hear ye! Hear ye! Monday night at 7:30, purely for your entertain ment the Freshman Dramatic Club will present two plays—“White Iris,” and “The Little Prison.” Go back a few years to 1890 — imag ine an elderly lady and her younger crippled sister — add an old col ored woman who believes in and reads death in the tea leaves! Well, if you want to know how it comes out, you will have to come and see Edith Langest as Marcia Doon; V^awter Steele as Jesemy, her younger sister; Peggy McLelland as Dorcus; and Senora Lindsey as Lucy in “White Iris.” The second play, “The Little Prison,” takes place in an elevator. In five minutes, each occupant must be at an important place — what would you do if the elevator girl refused to budge? Come and see what Sara Merritt as Daisy; Ann Caldwell as Pearl; Mary Miller as Miss Ellison; Ethel Halpern as Mrs. Richardson and Betsy Stafford as Miss Bundy do in “The Little Prison.’ ’ WHAT, WHEN, WHERE WIIAT: German Club WHEN; Tonight, 7:00 P. M. WHERE: Bitting’s Basement. WHAT: y Carnival WHEN: Saturday, 8:00 P. M. WHERE: Gym WHAT: Miss Turlington WHEN: Sunday, 6:45 P. M. WiHERE:, Bitting’s Basement WHAT: Allied Nations’ Music. WHEN: Sunday, 9:00 P. M. WHERE: Over WSJS WHAT: Freshman Plays WHEN: Monday, 7:30 P. M. WHERE; Old Chapel WHAT: Trauares WHEN; Monday, 8:00 P. M. WHERE: Memorial Hall. WHAT: Student Activities W;HEN: Tuesday’s Chapel Hour WHERE; Memorial Hall ^VHAT; I. R. C. Meeting WHEN: Wednesday, 6:45 P. M. WHERE: Bitting’s Basement MUSIC STUDENTS FINISH PROGRAM OF ALLIED SONG After a pretty heated battle be tween the patriots pro-morale and patriots pro-bonds Junior-Senior was again sanctioned by the majority vote to come off on March 6. The Juniors were set to hustling with only two weeks in which to prepare. But they’ve come out with some promising plans: the tea dance Saturday afternoon, the card dance Saturday night, and the mid night spread (this last of strictly dietetic variety). The hostesses are plenty proud of the orchestra they’ve lined up. Just to cite a few: Glenn Miller, Harry James, Claud Thornhill, the Dorsey brothers, and as many more as the nickelodean will hold. Whal with a premium on decorations and the new foodstuffs point system, the Juniors don’t promise too much . . . but they guarantee that March 6th will mark the biggest week-end of the year. For the evening dance there will be a figure of the class officers who are: Senior: Betsy Vanderbilt, Ruth O’Neal, Carlotta Carter, Aline Shamel; Junior: Lucy Farmer, Char lotte Richards, Katherine Trayn- ham, Barabara Weir. Dance com mittee chairmen include: Music, Mildred Lee; Decorations, Mildred Avera; Card, Mary Lewis; Refresh ment, Aileen Seville. SHOW GOES ON; HUGE SUCCESS The Salcto Music School adds a further contribution in its war ef fort when a program of music rep resentative of the Aljied nations is presented Sunday night at 9 o’clock in Memorial Hall. iTMs is another in the series of weekly WSJS radio broadcasts, “From the Salem Mu sic Hall.” Students of voice? and piano wiU perform compositions by composers of the Allied nations. America will be represent€fd by “The Foun tain of the Acqua Paola,” written by Charles Griffin and played by Margaret Leinbach. Jane Frazier will sing an Old English composi tion, “A Pastorale,” by Carey. Russia will be represented by “Poli- chinelle,” by Eachmaninoff, played by Cathrine Swinson; and Poland by Aline Shamel playing Chopin’s Pol onaise in C Sharp minor. Marian Gary wi]! sing "En Priere” by the French composer Fauref. China will be saluted by the singing of the “Chinese Marching Song.” Those singing will be; Marian Gary, Jane Frazier, Annie Hyman Bunn, Peggy Eaton, Ella Lou Taylor, and Mar garet Leinbach. A cordial invitation is issued to all who desire to actually attend the? program in Memorial Hall. They are requested, however, to pjease be there before 9 o’clock in order not to interrupt the broadcast. DEHYDRATED NEWS REVIEWS IN AFRICA: After a bitter three-day battle in Tunisia, the Germans have been forced back 14 miles. The Axis forces had advanced to within three miles of Thala, key road junction of upper Tunisian plains. Follow ing this retreat of Rommel’s tank divisions on Wednesday, February 24, Allied artillery hurled tons of explosives into German forces with drawing through Kasserine Pass. This is the first great setback of Axis trooiw in Tunisia -since their attack 11 days before. F^esh fighting units are reported to be reaching the British forces in Southern Tunisia. FROM AUSTRALIA; General MacArthur’s bombers continue raids on enemy shipping lanes at RabSul and drop ihore ex plosives in Northeast New Guinea. IN RUSSIA; The Red Army, in its forward race against spring thaws, has upt set several more Nazi strongholds on the way to Ukraine rail junctions which guard the German Dnieper River line. Russians report new gains in their efforts to surround Orel, the hub of southern and cen tral fronts. The Reds have trap ped approximately 1600 Germans in the western Caucasus which they are reported to be annihilating as a result of the Nazi’s refusal to surrender. FROM LONDON: Prime Minister diurchill’s con finement to his bed for the past sevV era! days, at first described as ca tarrh, has been declared to be pneu monia. Doctors state that the ill ness is clearing but that the Prime Minister’s temperature has not set tled. Plans for the establishment of an emergency war cabinet in his absence are underway. The Opera Group, composed oi’ several city organizations and local singing talent, under the direction of Mr. Clifford Bair of the Sa'eni College School of Music, presented Hansel and G-retel, a folk opera by Humperdinck, on Thursday evtning in the old chapel. Two Salem girls had the title roles —Mildred Transou as Hansel, and Peggy Eaton as Gretel. Both sang with ease and assurance. Peg gy was hardly recognizable in long yellow curls; but, as always, her voice “ did something to us” when she sang the children’s prayer. Ella Lou Taylor almost stole the show as the “big, bad witch.” Her acting as well as her singing, was excellent. Mrs. Nell Starr of the School of Music faculty, proved to be a real trouper by improvising a strawberry basket out of a plate—the basket being nowhere in sight when men tioned! The singers had the unique expe rience (at least, unique for this vicinity) of singing with an orches tral accompaniment—the orchestra being very ably directed by Mr. Arthur Sture. Several S’alem girls and faculty members gave able as sistance in the orchestra. They in cluded: Miss Hazel Read, Laura Emily Pitts, Eugenia Shore, Eliza beth Swinson, and Margaret Lein bach. Our sincere admiration goes to the production staff headed by Mr. Bair and assisted by Annie Hyman Bunn, Jane Garrou, Marian Gary, and Lindy Stokes . We vote or chids to Mr. Bair for his unceasing efforts to give experience in opera dramatics to his pupils, and we wish him to know that we appreciate it as well as enjoy it. AVe wish to salute also J. Gar rou, A. H. Bunn, M. Gary, and L. Stokes for stopping in and “putting the opera on’' with excellent per formances in spite of the absence of the director and producer, Mr. Bair. The whole cast, as well as those mentioned above, shouldered the responsibility and worked hard to give the performance an incom parable delight to the audience. My curiosity had reached its peak and my anticipation was grow ing steadily, as I patiently waited after supper on the outside of Clew- ell in order to catch Miss Marguar- ite Dolch as she left the dining hall. All day, tongues had been wagging about her, heads had been stretch ing when she entered the dining hall, and eyes had followed her critically as she went to her classes. The numerous questions in all our minds were still unanswered. Then I saw a tall, slender fig ure walking slowly towards me. The last, faint rays of the setting sun cast an auburn tint on her natural, wavy brown hair; and her deep ex pressive eyes were dark brown. In a quiet and .pleasing voice, with only a slight trace of a northern ac cent, she answered my questions. This is not her first visit to Salem College; for several years ago she stopped by on her w^ay to Chapel Hill, never dreaming that one day she would be teaching here. SThe confessed to me in her friendly, yet reserved manner, that she was still confused over the many halls, class rooms, and foot-paths to certain buildings — and no wonder! Miss Dolch likes sports; and admitted shyly that she received her Junior- Life Saving Badge in high school, but that she would not .be responsi ble for anything she might do in an emergency. She agreed with me whole-heartedly on liking the South, its warm climate, and budding flow ers — so different from her birth- See—DOLCH—Page 4 Trayares To Speak On Series Monday DR. ANSCOMBE TELLS OF STALIN, THE FOX “Stalin . j ■ the one statesman who outsmarted the ambitious Hit ler,” was the topic of Dr. Ans- combe’s lecture to tie internat ional Relations Club meeting Fri day night. Rather rapidly. Dr. Anscombe outlined the history of the relat ion of Germany and Russia as a background to his conclusions that Stalin has outsmarted Hitler. Since the Rapillo Pact in 1920, the two nations have been warily Watching each other. Russia’s pro blem was the lack of an outlet to the sea; Germany’s aim was to ex tend her territories eastward, and confiscate Russian oil fields. Stalin first fooled Hitler, when he followed the German lead and occupied East Poland within a month of the German invasion (which incidentally was a violation of the mutual peace pact drawn up by the two nations). Stalin next fooled Hitler whin he anticipated See—ANSCOMBE—Page 4. “Late News Bulletin” Flash: Dr. Hernane Travares of Brazil will arrive on Salem campus tomorrow, and will stay through Tuesday, after lecturing Monday night. His speech is to deal with wartime international relations be tween North and South America, and he will have informal discuss ions with students. Dr. Tavares, Brazilian author, scientist, and columnist, is the third speaker of the Salem Lecture series. He is an authority on South Amer ica; and in the United States, he is working under a scholarship provid ed by the Institution of Internat ional Relations. Dr. Tavares, who received the de gree of Docteur en Medecine at the University of Louvain,. Belgium, in 1935, has visited many college campuses in America collecting mat erial for his book, “Dear Neigh bor, Here Is Brazil.”

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