• Spongers • Senior Dignity • Still on Grass • Carnival—Success • Change in Jr.-Sr. • Photography—Wow! Z 541 VOL. XXIII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MARCH 5. 1943. Number 1 5. DEHYDRATED NEWS REVIEWS IN AFRICA— Over the week-end Allied forces in Tunisia repulsed Axis attacks and made several gains along the front. On Monday, Nazi infantry adn tanks switched their attack to the northern sector of the Tunisian front and pushed a short distance into the Allied lines. The Allied forces moved forward in central sectors the same day. It was an nounced on Tuesday that the forces of Nazi Marshal Rommel continues to abandon ground won in Central Tunisian drive as the,British First Army stopped Axis attacks at the northern end of the front. Rom mel’s forces seem headed for the sea. Throughout the week, the American forces in Central Tunisia continued their advance against the Axis as the British First Army re pulsed further Axis armored at tacks in Northern Tunisia. IN EUROPE— R. A. F. and American bombers have continued their around-the- clock raids of Nazi targets all week. The Nazi U-Boat base of St. Nazaire was bombed heavily the first of the week, and on the night of March 1 Berlin experienced its heaviest raid of the war. lliis was the sixth attack in a row of Berlin by the Allied Air Forces. IN RUSSIA— Russians, fighting desperately to drive the Germans from the rich Bonets basin, encounter increasing resistance as Nazis .throw French troops and armor into the bitter struggle. Marshal Timosiienko is leading the new drive along the Leningrad front, and the German 16th Army has been defeated in that area. Gains have been made by Russian armies on four fronts, and latest reports say that fierce flghing is still rging in the Donets area. IN PACIFIC— Tie American air force in Burma and China have made several suc cessful raids on Jap territory this week. On Tuesday, General Mac- Arthur announced that a Japanese convoy was approaching the north ern coast of NeB Guinea and that the Allied air force was now pre paring to attack it. This convoy Was met and attacked by Allied bombers, and 4 of the 14 ships ^ere sunk. 13 Japanese planes Were shot down in the battle. IN UNITED STATES— Point rationing of food became effective on Monday. President Roosevelt asked Americans to give 125 millions to the Red Cross for its greatest wartime program. Tuesday, March 2, OCD Chief Lan dis warned Americans that the dan ger of air raids is not past, citing German threats to bomb American cities in retaliation for raids upon Germany. The income tax bill> is still being disputed in the Senate. MISS PORTER TO GIVE RADIO CONCERT SUNDAY CARNIVAL HITS NEW HIGH IN CAMPUS ENTERTAINMENT STRUVEN IS QUEEN GARRETT LEADS AS BOND QUEEN As the Salemite-sponsored Bond Queen Drive ran for the fifth day, the reports showed a rather cool reception from the students. Con trary to the very successful drive sponsored by the Defense Council, this new drive to elect a campus personality to enter the nation wide A. '0. P. contest, has gone ‘ ‘ ka-flooey.” To date only eight hundred and eighty votes have been cast which means that only eight hundred and eighty-eight pennies have been spent in five days by the some three hundred students at Salem. That would roughly figure down to one-third a cent a day per student toward the war effort and victory. (This contrasts rather sadly with the $19,000 rolled up in bonds and stamps by the school children in Winston-Salem). As yet only the four entrants named by the Salemite are con testing. They stand in vote: Julia Garrett, 695 votes; Jean Fulton, 75 votes; Peggy Nimocks, 60 votes; and Frances IVirner, 50 ■votes. The drire will last only fourteen more days, in which time some one girl must be backed by at least eighteen hundred and seventy-five votes. And, in case you haven’t been keeping up with the contest: It is open to both students and faculty; each penny spent for bonds or stamps count for one vote; a new contestant must be backed by at least two hundred and fifty votes to enter . . . this' campus contest is a part of a nation-wide contest which has a fifty dollar bond as prize. MUSIC HOUR IS SUCCESS AGAIN A most interesting program has been arranged for the weekly broadcast “From the Salem Music Ball” over WSJS Sunday evening at nine o’clock. The program will feature Miss Mayme Porter in a piano recital, and the public and students are invited to attend, ^ss Porter is a most accomplished artist, having studied for some time with Rosa and Joseph Lev- iinne, in addition to receiving her A., and her B. Music and Master of Music at Northwestern Univers ity. Her selections are varied and interesting and the program will include: Scherzo in B Flat Minor, Chopin; three Intermezzi, Brahms; and Etude, Stravinsky. This will be the fourth in the Music S'chool’s Hew series of broadcasts. A varied and interesting program was given yesterday afternoon in Memorial Hall, at the weekly Mu sic Hour. Marie Fitzgerald Jones opened the program with Bach-Pir- ani’s Arioso. Fitzy displayed the poise of a seasoned pianisr. and played with lovely tone and phras ing. Juanita Miller sang Schu mann’s expressive “Du Ring an Meinem Finger.” Juanita had very good breath control and sang with a smooth legato time. The de lightfully descriptive “Norwegian Briial Procession,” by Grieg was well played by Sara Haltiwanger. Tim Cahill, town co-ed pupil of Dr. Vardell, played the familiar “Dag ger Dance,” by Victor Herbert. Tim played exceptionally well and shows much talent. Jane Garrou added another to her large number of music Hqur appearances and sang Frescobaldi’s “Se L’aura Spi- ra.” We thoroughly enjoyed this Italian number in the cantabile style, due to Jane’s delightful in terpretation. The organ number of the afternoon was furnished by Josephine McLauchlin, who ably performed the Prelude and Fcgue in G Minor by Bach. Jane Fraz ier’s glorious voice was displayed to excellent advantage in Mozart’s aria “’Tis a Madness” from “The Marriage of Figaro.” l>he diction was very clear and the difficult echo effects were done especially well. The program closed with the Schumann Novelette in B Minor in which Aline Shamel displayed effec tive singing tone and appropriate expressiveness. The recital was thoroughly enjoyable and we antic ipate the next one. (By Nell Griffin) “Do you have any vile looking heads the snake woman can wear tonight?” shouted one frantic fresh man. Her voice trailed off into a gasp as she ran headlong into a high yaller struttin’ around the corner in Clewell. Quick as a flash, both disappeared behind “Busy” doors, from whence came alarming ly peculiar sounds to go with ordi nary dressing. Such was only a small part of what went on in the dormitories from seven to" eight o’clock last Saturday night in preparation for the “y” Carnival. All afternoon hustling student decorators strung crepe paper, pinned up sheets, and decked the gym out with varicol ored booths. Around eight o’clock, the gym doors were thrown open and the “free for all” began. No admis sion was charged, but the Stee Gee was right on hand with a judge plus a whacking good police force to let nobody escape without being arrested for whatever their idiotic brains could think up. Everyone who came succeeded in getting unsuccessfully past . Ithe “We Guess Your Weight For Four Cents” booth and invariably stroll ed up to, into, around through, and out of the hall of mirrors for only a few copper pence. Many a pretty penny left many a pretty hand to elect the Carnival Queen, while in contrast many a fistfull of darts “pffted” Der Fuehrer’s Face through the cour tesy of the German Club. A peek into the future lured hordes to sit patiently on a hard bench jwith a barker yelping in their faces about his “snaky, snake eating wife,” curling his mustache all the while. The booth marked ‘Pool” disappointed many when it turned out to be only a modification of fishing pool. Shame on some body! Up on the terrace, the French Club served refreshments under a breezy-looking awning, and just next door the A. A. encouraged eat ing popcorn for health’s sake. Ice See—CARNIVAL—Page 4. CHECK UP MADE ON SEWING ROOM Have yoc been,up to our Red Cross Sewing Room? Do you even know where it is? This sewing room is under the direction of the De fence Council and under the sup ervision of the Home Economics Club, but it is our project-an op portunity for each one of us to contribute to the war effort. Yet, what have we done about' it ? A trip to the sewing room, which is now located on the third floor of Main, reveals only four or five should be a dozen or more others helping them. 1^686 few college and academy students and faculty mem bers, who have been working, have already completed two hundered pin holders and spools, eight infant slips, four gowns, ten dozen diapers, and are working now on hospital pillow covers and infant quilts. ■ With the cooperation of the en tire student body this amount of work could be tripled. If you can’t sew, there are other things you can do-cutting, tearing, clipping, or folding hems. One hour a week means little to us; yet it can mean much towards completing this work. The success of our sewing room depends on each one of us. Let’s don’t let it down! CHANGE MADE IN JUNIOR-SENIOR At a joint meeting of the Junior and Senior class after chapel last Tuesday, the two classes decided to make a few changes in the Junior Senior dance scheduled for tomor row night. Previously, the two classes had planned a card dance for the Sat urday night affair; and the Tea Dance Saturday afternoon was scheduled a girl break. Now, however, the Saturday night dance will be a card one from 8:30 until 10:15, intermission time. After intermission all Juniors and Seniors with or without dates are invited to the gymnasium for girl break dance. In addition, Mrs. Stockton has invited both classes, with or with out dates, to the club dining room for refreshments during intermis sion. And by now, all of the dance cards should be in the hands of the dance committee; however, if for any reason, anyone has failed to turn in her card, please attend to it immediately. DR. TRAVARES VISITS SALEM LIBRARY PLACES BOOKS ON RENTAL COLLECTION Here are four more new books which have been placed on the rent al collection in the library: Headhunting In the Solomon Is lands by Caroline Mytinger. Aside from the coincidental interest of its geography, here is a travel book which gives an amusing account of the impact made by a semi-primi tive civilization on two highly cov- ilized young Americans who were quite free from race snobbism. Japan Rides the Tiger by Willard de Mille Price. Here is a book that gives an intimate account of Jap anese psychology at home and in her worldwide expansion career. These first-hand observations, convoyed in a vivid, popular style, make inter esting reading. Suez to Singapore by Cecil Brown. This book tells the adventure, set See—LIBRARY—Page 4. IF YOU CAN CETTO IT NOW Hear ye! Hear ye! all poets and budding composers. Put on your thinking caps and get down to busi ness. Your name will be in lights; Why it might even mean the be ginning of fame. Our new con test for an original patriotic song promises to be most exciting. That prize will be won by someone so Why not try for it? The contest is open to all students in the reg ular courses of the college and Academy, and the closing date is March 23. The words and music of the song may be written by the san^ person or by two people, but Jnust be original. The music may be written in four part harmony .or for a single voice with piano accompjaniment. Humorous songs, serious ones, hymn-like ones, or those of the “ditty” variety are all acceptable. There is an oppor tunity for all of us; a mood to suit each of our tastes. The prize- winning song will be performed over the radio and will be featured at a public community sing. Let’s contribute our political and musical talents to this enterprising effort of the Music School. There may be a Francis Scot Key hidden among our virgin trees. “Oh yes, we have a weekly news paper, The Salemite, which comes out on Fridays,” we assured Dr. Travares, S^inday night at supper, somewhat grandiously adding that there would probably be someone around to interview him soon—inti mating of course that the ‘some one would not be us. Ah, the irony of it all! Behold, our assignment this week |to interview said Dr. Hernance Travares, Brazilian stud ent of international relations. It seems that Dr. Travares arr ived on the campus late Saturday night. We did not meet him until the next day, however, when we were among those who took him in to Sunday night supper. (Had you heard that he disappeared for about an hour afterwards in the direction of .the Robert E. Lee Coffee Shop?) We waited nervously in the lobby of Main Hall wondering what he would be like. On being informed that we were to take him to supper we had hastily scranned last week’s Salemite for information discover ing that he was a Brazilian. Well, if he speaks English like a notorious lecturess of two winters ago, we thought, maybe we can gibber in Spanish^—and then came the horri ble thought that Brazilian speak PORTUGUESE! He soon arrived to dispel all our worries, however. He wore his dark blue suit with the nonchelance which can be expected of one who has lived out of a suit case for over a year. ‘■“Yes, ” he said, (in perfectly good English), “I enjoy traveling. It is very interesting to see all of the states.” He has been in 44 of our 48 states. During 1942 he was making a study of the American system of higher education for his government and since December he has been lecturing on his own. “Don’t you get tired of travel ing?” we asked. “I may be overdoing it a bit,” he answered, “but I am returning to Brazil in a few months.” He lives in the modern Sao Paulo apartment with black glass corners and “versital” awnings pictured on page 132 of the October 26 Life magazine. Asked what he expected to do at home, he replied that he Wight go into the army as he is a young bachelor with no dependants. “Since 1910,” he in formed !us, Brazil has had compulsory mili tary traning for boys at 20 years' of age..” He has published one book in Portuguese and expects his next. Dear Neighbor, Here Is Brazil, written in English, to be out soon. We asked if it were light reading. He raised his eyebrow, a habit of his when trying to think of ade quate answer for our numerous questions, and finialy said, diplom- See—TRAVARES—Page 4. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE W^AT: Salem Academy Operetta. WIHEN: 8 o ’clock Saturday nights WHERE: Salem Academy. WHAT: Junior-Senior Dance. WHEN: 8:30 Saturday night. WJHERE: Salem Gym. WHAT: Miss Porter. WHEN: 9 o’clock Sunday night. WHIERE: Over WSJS. WHAT: Dean Vardell. WHEN: Tuesday. WHERE: Chapel. WHAT: Lent begins. WHEN: Wednesday. WHAT: Rev. Rights. WJHI5N: Thursday. WHERE: Chapel. W|HAT: Music Recital. WHEN: Thursday, 4 P. M. WHERE: Memorial Hall.