• Student Urges Voters • Strongite Pleads Case • Staff Thanks Buyers • Dr. Hart Visits Campus • Musicians Play in Greensboro • Song Writers Join Contest 2 541 VOL. XXIII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., MARCH 19, 1943. Number 1 7. LUCY AND JULIA CARRY OFF HONORS AS ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ STEE-GEE PRESIDENT AND BOND QUEEN VERSATILE JUNIOR PRESIDENT EMERGES VICTOR OVER COZART NEWMAN SCANS SALEM OF '18 Lucy Farmer of Eockingham, N.¥ C., defeated Becky Cozart of Fuqua Springs in the election for Student Government President, which was held ITiursday, March 18. LUCY FABMER Lucy, president of the Junior Class, is majoring in English and minoring in b'ociology instead. We have no trouble in finding Lucy on the Campus. She is rather short, has blond hair with bangs in front, and has blue eyes and a turned up nose. As a freshman Farmer was the cause of many rushes on asperin. Lucy was then the much-restricted “Salem Brat.” As a sophomore Lucy shone forth as the “Salem Eat” at Sophomore Court. One of the faculty member’s close relatives fell victim to the ingenious Lucy. Later in her sophomore year Lucy met with a dire acciden*t. She and the posterior extremities of a horse got a bit too intimate, and Lucy spent weeks in the hosipital. This didn't affect Lucy’s love for horses, for she is still fond of horse back riding . . . and another favorite is tennis. As a sophomore Lucy was assistant tennis manager. And even Eee—LUCY HEADS—Page 4 April 6, 1917, United States has declared'wan on Germany. War! at Salem! In that short year and a half we realized what war really was. There were many things to be done and we did them! We had no rationing then but we realized the shortage of food and other things. Inch by inch our skirts were upward bound — then short skirts became the fashion. The war hit »s harder in other ways. There were times when we had to organize voluntary War Service Bands to replace our servants. We rolled up our sleeves — put on our aprons — kept the dorms clean and helped in the kitchen. We did weeks of service at a time, and maintained Salem’s tradition of not closing even for wars. There were . other important thing.s for us to do. The govern ment, to borrow money from us, is sued Liberty Bonds. For the first drive we raised $500 on November 15, 1917.; It wasn’t easy for us to buy these bonds. Most of us were on allowances; so to help ourselves help others we devised methods to raise money. Manicuring, shampoo ing, patching, and darning ran along lines of conventipnal profit. Our chief interest — she polishing — failed because of the price of pol ish. For the most part, we got along much the same. There was only one serious casualty. Among the fifty-odd stars on our service flag, there was one gold one. That was for Alice David, class of 1920^ whose brother had been killed in action. That one gold star seemed t- guids us in everything we did. It seemed to hold in its center the Eed Cross of mercy. We realized the urgent need that our foreign war was forcing upon us. We or- See—NTEWMAN SCANS—Page 4 DEHYDRATED NEWSJEVEW IN AFEICA— Allied air forces pound away at Eommel’s Mareth Line in prepara tion for the drive of the British Eighth Army which appears to be British bombers have attacked the Axis reinforcement port of Gabes, striking railways and highways. A recent radio report from Algiers stated that Allied planes had inter fered with Rommel’s only north- south line of communication by cut ting the Gabes-Sfax railroad in several places. Three barges in Eommel’s line of sea communications have been set afire by American Flying Fortresses. IN EUSSIA— Eeds make comeback! After a retreat which cost them nine Im portant bases including Kharkov, the Eussians have now taken the offensive and driven German troop’s from hills in the Ukraine. Divis ions of Eed Army are barring rivfr passes in an attempt to isolate Axis divisions. A communique of Tuesday night said that Eussian forces in a southward movement had captured thirty-two inhabited towns. Vil lagers of one town in the Donets basin are reported to have helped route the enemy with pitchforks and hammers. IN THE PACIFIC— On Monday, March 15, American airmen attacked Kiska \ Island, in Japanese possession, six times; while American warships bombarded that portion of the Solomons held by Japs. General Douglas MacArthyr’s bombers recently destroyed twenty- two Jap >ships in the Bismarck Sea. Only five of the 15,000 on board the ships survived. STUDENTS RACE FOR BONDS AS CONTEST FINISHES LAST LAP Director Seeks Aid The Public Eelations Department, now under the direction of Miss Edith Kirkland, is located in Main Hall, adjoining Miss McNeely’s of fice. The Public Eelations Department is interested in the activities of the individual student and of every campus organization. Its objective is to present to the people of this community and all of the states represented in ■ the student body, a sincere picture of Salem life and work as shown through her activi ties. Its purpose is twofold: (1) to make the name and accomplishments of this college better known so that our students will be accorded their rightful places in whatever commun ities and careers they choose fol lowing graduation. (This is a tre mendous job and requires the co operation of every Salem girl and campus organization. The Public Relations Office suggests that each club elect a publicity chairman, or committee, responsible for reporting group activities to this office. Home town newspapers are eager* for news of students away at college, and we desire to inform them of the campus representatives from their cities). (2) To draw and hold the at tention of girls getting ready for college, who have the most to of fer Salem and its students. A vital contribution of any young woman to her college is to hold herself personally responsible for the enroll ment of representative students and to keep tke quality of her Alma Maters achievements at a high stan dard. I'he Department of Public Eela tions makes it possible for every “Salemite” to do her share in this important' phase of college life. Simply drop by the newly located office in Main Hall and give names of any desirable prospects to Miss Kirkland. . If you are interested in having your college become more widely recognized and the quality of stud ent accomplishments increased yearly, use your Public Eelations Office. IN NOEWAY— A message from Stockholm on March 17 reported that Germany is assembling her capital fleet of three battleships and two aircraft car riers on the northern Norwegian coast. FEOM LONDON— General Charles de Gaulle and General Henri Giraud, French high commissioners of North Africa, are expected to meet soon in Algiers to confei* on a union of all Frenchmen who are opposing the Axis powers. AT HOME— The O. P. A. has lifted the ban on pleasure-driving and halved the value of “A” gasoline coupons. This measure is effective March 22. SALEM DOOSTS CAMPUS GUEST Threee years ago, Dr. Hornell Hart was the guest of Salem Col lege. Since that time everyone has clamored for his return, and next week, which is religious emphasis week, Dr. Hart will return to the campus. As before, he will be avail able for individual conferences. Famed as one of the country’s best writers and speakers in the social studies field. Dr. Hart joined the Duke University faculty as soc- iiogy professor in 1938. Also he is associated with the school of relig ion as a social ethics professor. He has degrees from both Oberlin College and the University of Wis consin, and h£ holds a doctorate from the University of Iowa. Before becoming assistant research pro fessor at the Iowa University in 1920, Dr. Hart was engaged in civic work in Milwaukee. In 1924, and for nine years fol lowing, he was professor of social economy at Bryn Mawr. Five years prior to his going to Duke, he was professor of social ethics at Hart ford Theological Seminary. That he made a definite impress ion on the ’40 freshmen is unquest ioned. Said Barbara Whittier: “He cap tivates even indifferent hearers with the vitality of a religious' belief See—SALEM BOOSTS—Page 4 ^ In one of the all-time hottest battles ever to be waged on Salem Campus, Julia Garrett was elected bond queen last night. As chair- man-of-the-drive Schaum frantical- SENIOR DINNER TO BE TOMORROW NIGHT Why does a senior beam when you mention March 20? Could it be that she is excited about that very special date—a date she has looked forward to since she was a fresh man? Also when this Saturday night is mentioned, Dr. and Mrs. Eand- thalter show little smiles. Mabe the Randthalters ’ mass date with the Seniors class for the annual Senior Dinner could explain all the excite ment. All the mystery about the plans for this gala affair will be un raveled at the President’s home to morrow night at 7:30 . . . See you there, Seniors! COMPOSERS TO STRUT IN GREENSBORO SHOW On Saturday, March 20, at the WJoman’s College and Greensboro College, Salem composers will “strut their stuff.’-’ Three mem bers of Dr. Vardell’s composition class will “show off” the ability of Salem’s musicians at the Young Composers’ Forum. Elizabeth Johnston’s contribution will be two piano solos, “Prelude” and “Mood Caprice.” Margaret Leinbach will offer “Circus Day in Pumpkin Center” for the piano, and “Snow Towards Evening,” a vocal solo to be sung by Marian Gary. Marian Gary, a voice major, proves that she is not confined to vocal composition in her piano solo, “Tom Cat” (which will be played by Margaret Leinbach). Marian also ■will sing her vocal number “Smells.” Elizabeth Johnston’s style is original and she possesses a wealth of different ideas and inspiration. Her compositions are in the mod ern idiom. She has written,a “Min uet for Inebriated” (with sincerest apologies to BeethoTen), but, with the help of her professor, she de cided she had better not play it; but rather, she chose her distinctly modern “Prelude,” and her perky and settled “Mood Caprice.” Mr. Burrill Phillips, a composer and a teacher at The Eastman School of Music, will lecture Sat urday morning, and will be a spe cial guest at the recital in the aft ernoon. The recital will be made up entirely of students’ composi tions from colleges throughout North Carolina. JULIA GARRETT ly tried to wind up the four weeks’ contest, ballots still deluged her . . . ballots that turned the whole contest up-side-down once every ten minutes. Hysterical solicitors stam peded key holes to learn whether or not they’d have to go on bleeding people for stamps . . .nervously wrecked editors screamed for mor phine . . . poverty stricken voters looked wistfully at their last fifteen cents and sighed, “Ten votes for Nimocks and a coca cola, please!” It was wonderful ... it was com pletely insane! Off to a rather slow start, the con test saw its first prospective! queen in Jean Fulton . . . she of the gorgeous dark eyes and modest ways. As the second week unfurled, however; a'new-comer to the roster assumed prominence . . . Mae Mc Lendon, whose glory is in her hair and in her eyes. And in the third week, vivacious little Peggy Nim- ocKs pulled in votes enough to make catching up with her well-nigh im possible. Since then. Lea Sullivan came from nowhere to third place . Julia Garrett slipped to fourth See—JULIA WINS—Page 4. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE WHAT: The Corn Is Green. WHEN: 8:00 p. m. tonight. WHEEE: State theatre. WHAT: The Senior Dinner WiHEN: 7:30 p. m. Saturday WTIERE: President’s House WHAT: Vespers WHEN: 6:45 p. m. Sunday WHEEE: Bitting basement WiHAT: Salem Broadcast, Mr. Bair WHEN; 9:00 p. m. Sunday WpBEE: Over WSJS WHAl': Spiritual emphasis week, Dr. and Mrs. Hart WHEN: All week WHERE: Salem Campus WHAT: Dr. Hornell Hart WHEN: 10:15 Tuesday WHERE: Ciapel