VOL. XXIII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1943. Z 541 Number 23. STUDENT PASS THREE OF FIVE Three of the five amendments to the Constitution presented to the Student Body on Tuesday were pass ed by a two-thirds majority. These measures were passed by the Legisla tive Committee, and were approved by the Administration. Tlie three that were passed were: 1. There shall be created a Fi nance Board. 2. A student in order to be eligi ble for a major office must have an average of a C for the previous semester. 3. The Class Presidents shall be elected after the major offices and before the Chief Marshall. The two measures that were not passed were: 1. The editor-in-chief of the Sights and Insights shall be elected by the entire student body instead of by the Junior Class. 2. The editor-in-chief of the Sa- lemite shall be elected by the entire student body instead of by the staff. Another measure that was passed by the Legislative Committee and the Administration was: 1. Baths may be taken until 11 p. m. on weekdays and until 11:30 p. m. on Saturdays. SHAMEL GIVES PIANO PERFORMANCE AWARDS ARE Barbara Whittier, Margaret Lein- bach, Mary Ellen Byrd and Mary Alice Neilson were in the limelight at Tuesday’s Chapel when they were announced the winners' of the Li brary awards. Dr. Tinsley Harrison was the speaker at the presentation of the awards and said that to him college students could be compared to Caesar’s Gaul. They could be divided into three groups; namely, those who like books, those who don’t, and those who are in doubt. It was to this last class that he addressed his remarks. Dr. Harrison developed several topics. First, why read books? The external reasons are: (1) Makes you more attractive to men. (2) You have something to talk to your husband about. Internal reasons are: (1) Makes one feel superior. (2) Gives one a great deal of pleasure. (3) Reading make.s for happiness. Second, how to read. You should buy individual books, not sets. Buy small books that you can carry in your pocket. You are more apt to read these. It is not wrong to mark your own book. In later years you can reread your comments and note your mental developement. You can obtain many of the newest and best books for low prices. Buy these and you can buy more. Third, what to read? People have different tasts. Dr. Harrison agrees'with Bacon that there are books “worth chewing and digesting”. Some of the books that he likes are: (1) The Bible and fvhakespeare. (3) Poetry—Faust, Browning, Byron, Kipling, Poe, Ku- pert Brooke. He definitely and vio lently dislikes most modern poets. (3) Novels—Tom Jones,, Of Human Bondage. (4) Biography and history —Plutarch’s Lives, Education of Henry Adams. (5) Political science and economics—Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations; Karl Marx, Das Kapital; Bernham, Managerial Bev- olution; James Truslow Adams; John Gunther. In conclusion. Dr. Harrison said that the future husbands of the present generation of college girls belong to the “Lost Generation”. The lights are going out all over the world. It is up to us, by our reading, to bring culture to the world and future generations. “It is better to be a bookworm than See—LIBRARY AWARDS—P. 4. A small, dark-eyed girl, wearing a lovely pale, blue dress with satin top and net skirt; plumes in her dark hair, and a gracious smile breaking forth at the burst of ap plause gave a most brilliant per formance in her graduating recital last night. Aline Shamel showed skill in interpretation throughout the evening; and her technique hinted of many hard hours spent in a small practice room. A bouquet of red roses, one of yellow roses, a spray of mixed flow ers, and a nosegay of red roses and white carnations were her beauti ful flowers! The program opened with the fa miliar Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Bach-Hess. Aline portrayed a lovely singing tone. In contrast, she played Jig, by Mattlieson, a num ber calling for many technical achievements. This number was brilliantly performed. An interesting and well-performed number was Schumann’s Novelette in B minor. The two Chopin pieces, S'ee—SHAMEL—Page 3. ACADEMY PLAY IS TOMORROW “Pat, pat; and here’s a mar vellous convenient place for our re hearsal, this green plot shall be our stage, this hawthorne-brake tiring-house; and we will do it in action as we will do it before the Duke,” says Quince to Snug, Bot tom, Flute,. Snout and Starveling. Quince picked out the woods for his drama but in the portrayal of Shakespeare’s ‘ ‘ A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Salem Academy picked out the May Day Dell. With this hour of entertainment Salem Academy will pay their tribute to the coming of Spring. The drama will be a cut version but it will still have all of those best-known and loved characters that Shakespeare created—devilish Puck, wise Bot tom, Oberon, King of the fairies; Titania, queen of the fairies; Thes eus, Duke of Athens and all the est. The scene of action takes place n Athens and the woods nearby. There the fairy folk plan to enter tain the Duke of Athens and his bride with their drama of gaiety. There is a large cast—those taking speaking parts are Phyllis Hude as Demetrius, who is in love with Hermia; Margaret Duncan, as Ly- sander, also in love with Hermia; Mary Catherine Brocken as Philas- trate, master of the revels to Thes eus; Rose Ann Jarden as Hermia; and Julia Harris as Bottom the LIHDY STOKES PRESENTS RECITAL Every blue Monday in Music Hall becomes a bright Monday as soon as Bunny steps off of the elevator. Her cheerful, gay voice, as it echos through third floor of Memo rial Hall, cheers all of us, who are slaving, to practice harder. Bun ny’s niai ninterests are Tommy and horses—but Tommy always comes ^■"st! She enjoys reading poetry and making scrap books. Sint^e Bun ny has the walls of her room lined with pictures, I decided that she has an interest in phptograi)hy, too. Bunny has shown her versatility during her four years at Salem by being acti\»e on many cabinets and committees. Bunny’s recital is next Thursday night. May 20, at eight-thirty in Memorial Hall. Her program in cludes numbers from many schools of writing ranging from early Ital ian to contemporary composers. Bun ny will sing for her first group three numbers in foreign languages, “Deh, Rendetemi” by Provenzale; “Se Tu M’ami” by Pergolesi; “Voi, che s apete” from the opera “Le Nozze di Figaro” by Mozart. One of Beeth oven’s best known works is his song cycle “To the Distant Beloved.” This cycle is composed of six songs and will be Bunny’s second group. For her thjrd group. Bunny will sing the aria, “Si mi chiamano Mimi” from “La Boheme” by 6. Puccini. The concluding group of the recital will be four numbers of more recent schools. “Mists” by Ottorino Res pighi, “Mountain Snowfall” by Margaret Vardell, Salem class of 1942, “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” by Robert Mac Gimsey, which Bunny will sing unaccompanied, and ' ‘ Eve ning Prayer,” by Modest Moussorg- sky, which is the prayer of a small boy. To bring her program to a close. Bunny will sing “Rhapsodie” by Campbell-Tipton. The costumes are being made un der the direction of Miss Florence Edmunds of the Home Economics Department. The music of Mendel ssohn will be used as a background of the drama. The public is cordial ly invited to come and see “A Mid summer Night’s Dream,” Saturday, May 15, 7:15 P. M., in the May Day Dell. BUNNREOITAl ENDS SEASON DEHYDRATED NEWSREVe ON THE AFRICAN FRONT’— On Wednesday night at approxi mately 0:00 E. W. T., the Nazis agreed to surrender unconditionally. This marked the end of two years of strenuous warfare on the African front. The Allies captured 12 Nazi generals including Gen. Von Arnirn, about 150,000 men, and vast quan tities of supplies marked: made in Germany. In addition to ending the actual fighting, the Allies inherited a tremendous headache. The prob lem of feeding these prisoners is a baffling one in an. already-hungry Africa; also Tunisia is a sore spot itself, for all its inhabitants are mbued with Fascism. But latest reports indicated that the captured Germans might be sent to Canada and the TJ. S. to work on farms. ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT— Russian guns have spent the last week firing away at Nazi concentra tions on the Black Sea port, Novor- assisk. The Russians claim they ave slowly driven the Germans from this stronghold. Latest communi ques stated that the enemy had evacuated its position in Kuban bridgehead, leaving big tanks and guns in this area. ON THE PACIFIC FRONT— The Allies are still ‘ ‘ sitting tight” in this war theatre. Other than a Jap'^ttack on Dutch New Guinea Tuesday, litle else has happened. The IT. S. has admitted the loss of de stroyers in this area on April 7. But the Washington Conference now in session promises immediate action in this war zone. ON TOE EUROPEAN FRONT— To celebrate the Allied victory in See—DEHYDRATED—Page 3. •Amidst a generous burst of ap plause, Lindy Stokes made her en trance at her graduating recital Monday night, looking very lovely in a becoming pale blue gown. She captivated the audience with her stage personality and poise even be fore she began singing. Evidence of her lovable disposition was the presence of her entire dormitory in a body. The varied program gave opportunity for the display of her “coloratura versatility and rich lyr ic tone quality.” The program opened with “Vag- hissima sembianza” by Donaudy in which Lindy expertly portrayed a quiet mood, followed by a pastorale “Nymphs and Shepherds” by Pur cell. Lindy demonstrated her dra matic ability in the humorous aria: “Stizzosa mio stizzosa” (La serva padrona) by Pergolesi. The second group, including songs from the Romantic period, began with Roger’s “Maria Wiegenlied,” a lullaby. ‘ ‘ Serenade” by R. Strauss and “Vie soli ich die See—STOKES—Page 3. BETTY MOOREIS NEW MANAGER OF SALEMITE Next year the Business Staff of the Salemite will be in capable hands when Betty Moore, the newly- elected Business Manager, takes over. Hard-working, energetic Bet ty is an old hand in the game, for this year she was advertising man ager for the paper and gained much valuable experience. According to Mary Margaret Struven, the retiring Business Manager, Betty will be able to organize and systematize things, and hopes she will be able to keep the Sun’s printing bills from being high. Betty has a willing and a depend able staff to work with this coming year. The Assistant Manager, Sara Lindley and the Circulation Mana ger, Elizabeth Bernhardt are old workers on the staff, while the new Advertising Manager, Emily Har ris, has something in store for her. The rest of the staff, selected by Betty, include “Wink” Wall, Lucille Newman, Aileen Seville, Ruth Max well, Nancy Kenny, Adele Chase, Edith Shapiro, Lib Beckwith, Edith Longest, and Barbara Watkins. Any one who is interested in working on the staff is urged by Betty to see her this year or the beginning of next year. JOHNSTON GIVES PIANO RECITAL Some people call *her ‘ ‘ Lib,” but I call her “Pokey” because of the way she walks. Not only would I know her for her walk, but also for her slow, infectious grin and big, dreamy eyes. Those eyes should be the eyes of a poet, and often I had wondered what “Pokey” was think ing about when she got that far away look in them, and now I know •foodi Ice cream has become very scarce but not because of the war. If you can’t get your ice cream there is just one reason: Miss Elizabeth Johnston often consumes (and at one sitting) a pint of ice cream. Believe it or not! She is known and loved in Music Hall for her good nature and friend liness, and when she laughs at a joke the very portals of Music Hall seem to shake. Lib is giving her graduating re cital Monday evening. May 17th, at 8:30 in Memorial Hall. She will present the following program: Sonata in F sharp minor, op. 78, (Beethoven); Adagio cantabile; al legro, ma non troppo; Allegro assai. Impromptu in F sharp major, op. —Chopin. Etude, op. 10, No. 5 (Black Key) (Chopin). Scherzo in C sharp minor, op. 39, Chopin Intermezzo in E flat major, op. 117, No. 1 (Brahms.) Capriccio in B minor, op. 76, No. 2 (Brahms). A Dream Fantasy (Mrs. Crosby Adams). Etude in C Minor, op. 2, No. 4 Prokofieff. Concerto in D Minor, op. 23 (Mac- Dpwell); Larghetto calmato; Presto giocoso. Orchestral accompaniment at the piano, Dr. Vardell. NEW MARSHALS AREELEniD Salemites, here are your Junior ..larshals for 1943-44, chosen by the •ising Senior class. Wandering oyer toward Strong, I •an into Mary Prances McNeely, liat tall, brown-haired, green-eyed A’ith the long eye lashes, ever popu- ar, ever smiling specimen of fem ininity who hails from Mooresville, N. C. She has grace and ease in her walk and would fulfill anyone’s idea of the perfect marshall. Mary Frances was on tlie I. R. S. Council this year, and was secretary and treasurer of Strong Dorm. Basket ball is her favorite sport. She is a conscientious student majoring in ociology asd economics. While over Strong way, I also ound Elizabeth Gudger who comes from “The Land of the Sky,” Ashe ville, N. C. “Gudger” is the gal with the blue eyes, brown curly hair, and peaches and cream complexion. She has proved Iierself a very capa ble person by serving on the I. R. S. Council her freshman year. She is jecretary of the sophomore class this year, and treasurer of the “Y.” Again next year she will be secre tary of her class. “Gudger’s” fa vorite sports are swimming, tennis, and horseback riding and she is a glutton for Toddle House chocolate pie. In Clewell, I saw that ever-capable ind dependable Frances Jones. We sometimes marvel at the way Fran ces gets around to do all that she has to do. Petite yes, with blond hair and blue eyes, but being short doesn’t stop Frances. She has worked on the Salemite Staff, and in the “Y” Cabinet for two years. She will serve as secretary of the “Y” next year. Frances has a friendly word for every one. When you look for efficiency, look for Frances. Next I find myself staring at that striking-looking, tall, blond bomb shell Betty Jean Jones. Betty Jean is a Winston-Salem girl. She came to us this year, transferring from W. C. A Home Ec major, she is the type of girl that her friends like to be around because of her good sense of humor and her sympathiz ing nature. At the Day Students’ Center I. found the cozy, smiling maiden known as Mary Lucy Bavnes. She See—MARSHALS—Page 3.

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