VOL. XXIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. G, OCTOBER 8, 1943. SALEM DOORS nOPEN DESPITE WARS Tuesday morning in Chapel, Dr. Eondthaler made an inspiring talk on the fact that Salem College has faced four wars without closing its doors a iingle day. Dr. Eondthaler spoke briefly of the liistory of the Salem community since its establishment in 1766, and , the history of Salem College through its one hundred and seventy-seven years of active? service. In 1781, dfuring the Revolution- r;” ary War, four hundred troops of Cornwallis’ army and two thousand camp followers came through Salem. They didn’t harm the school, al though they raided nearby Bethan- ia during a Passion Week Service. Salem was the only school in the South which kept its doors open during the Civil War. There were many refugees from all parts of the South here, and as Governor Zebu- lon Vanee said in a lettw authoriz ing the purchase of food for Salem, “It would be a public calamity if this institution ceased to operate.” During World War I, conditions were similar to those of today. The girls helped the war effort by rol ling bandages, observing meatless, wheatless, and breadless days, and cooperating to meel; the servant shortage by serving their own tables. Dr. Eondthaler concluded his ad dress by asking the students this (luestion, ‘ ‘ Are wc worthy of what the men at the front are doing for us today?” He expressed the l‘ope that the students today would *^eet the present war cBiergency ss Well as the students of the past liave, and that Salem College would continue to be the college which has faced four wars Without closing its doors. Z54I Number 3. SENIORS WIN BOND DRIVE With the Seniors purchasing $180.15 worth of war bonds and stamps, the Salem bond and stamp drive came to a close Wednesday night. Katherine Fort, secretary, and Phyllis Johnson, freshman, were the highest individual purchasers. Each received $2.50 in war stamps, and $5.00 in stamps was given to the Senior class. The total amount sold during the drive, which lasted a week, was $2,085.15. This is a smaller amount than any previous year’s results. The freshman class had the honor of being second highest buyer with a total of $68.75; however the fac ulty beat all four classes with a total of $1,738 purchases. WEEK’S NEWS IN REVIEW out SALEMITES SEND DAUGHTERS After Miss Marsh’s announcement in assembly about the seven great- great-grandaughters, eighteen great- grand-daughters, thirteen grand daughters, and thirty-eight daugh ters of Salem alumnae, many have Wondered who the illustrious girls Were; so heje they are: Great-great ’granddaughters: Mildred Avera, Ann Douthit, Ber nice Bunn, Sarah Entwistle, Sara . Haltiwanger, Normie Tomlin, Mary Ellen Bayley. Great-granddaughters: Mildred Avera, Mary Ellen Bay ley, Prances Crowell, Jean Fulton, Julia Garrett, Pescud Hanes, Mamie Herring, Betty Jane Hill, Betty Jean Jones, Mary Jane Kelly, Doris , Little, Senora Lindsay, Betty Moore Nancy Eidenhour, Betty Hennessee, Frances Ann Law, Eosamund Putzel, Margaret Yount. Granddaughters: Mildred Avera, Bernice Bunn, Kathrine Fort, Betty Jane Hill Anne Hobson, Janet Johnston, Betty Jean Jones, Mary Jane Kelly, Mar garet Nichols, Helen Phillips, Nellie Seewald, Allene Taylor, Edith Hunt Vance. Daughters: Mildred Avera, Mary Lucy Baynes, Carol Beckwith, Elizabeth Beckwith, Peggy Bollin, Margaret Bullock, Eva Martin Bullock, Mary Lillian Camp- l^ell, Alice Carmichael, Mary Ellen Carrig, Betsy Casteen, Eeibecca Clapp, Lillian Dalton, Jane Frazier, Sarah Entwistle, Jean Gattis, Betsy Hancock, Pescud Hanes, Mary Hunt er Hackney, Emily Harris, Laura Hine, Anne Hobson, Anne Holton, Senora Lindsey, Mary Anne Linn, Treva Miller, Nancy Moss, Eosa- mund Putzel, Doris C. Schaum, Tieka Senter, Eugenia Shore, Angela Tay lor, Louise Taylor, Allene Taylor, Edith Hunt Vance, Hazel Watts' Barbara W'eir, Martha Berch Wil- lack. On the Pacific Front— Admiral Nimitz issued commun iques on Monday and Tuesday of this week which carried news that delighted the hearing preceptors of the American people. Today the enemy is being heavily dosed with the prescription it fulfilled almost two years ago. Inch by inch and bomb by bomb the Allies are prog ressing. The Wake Island Jap in stallations were heavily bombarded at the beginning of the week. Many aerial assaults began as early as dawn. In New Guinea the Allied forces gained approximately seven miles Tuesday. And last minute reports last night announced tlie sinking of a big Jap liner. That an American sub caught unaware one of the huge passenger liners is almost certain. First ra- ports estimated the Jap fatalities at nearly 550. The Japanese are also believed to be evacuating their principal air base in the Kelobargara Island sec tor of the Solomons. This action by the enemy is necessary because of a serious ammunition shortage and a serious lack of food. On the Russian Front: The victorious Eussian forces, after rolling back the German war machine for an entire summer, has apparently come to a halt. The fighting Bed Armies reached the Dnieper Eiver at the beginning of the week and have stopped. Im minent observers believe the Rus sians are stopping only long enough to prepare bases and commuuit-u tions for a gigantic winter push. On the English Front: Last night the German air force made the longest and heaviest raid upon London it has made in two years. Many bombs fell in crowded residential areas, and some direct hits Were made on homes. On the Italian Front: About the middle of the week, the -^llied forces announced the occupa tion of about one-half dozen more towns around Naples and the Vol- turas Eiver. ^ Yesterday, however, on the Adri- atic end of the figl^ting line, the Al- (Continued On Back Page) • ~ 'ii* ‘■‘yvtiiMdlh \ LECTURE SERIES NOED MR. CHAMBERLAIN FIRST SPEAKER JEANETTE McDONALD TO GIVE CONCERT Jeanette MacDonald, star of radio, stage and screen, will be presented by Marvin McDonald in a concert Thursday, October 28, at 8:30 p.m. at Eeynolds Auditorium. TTie concert is one of seven to be given by Miss MacDonald this fall in the South. She has often set at tendance records in her appearances. Tickets for the concert are on sale in the dean’s office and at Bland 'Music Store, 415 North Trade Street, dial 3-1723. Admission, ! in cluding tax, is $2.83, $2.26, and $1.70. Eussia—what does it inean to us? Probably caviar, balalaika, sleigh bells, impossible names, commun ism, Italin with his pipe, and now speculation about Russia’s part in coming world affairs. For those who have been working to settle points of discussion about this country, the announcement of the opener in the lecture serees should be particularly inviting. William Henry Chamberlain, who served in Russia for twelve years as corres pondent for the Christian Science Monitor, will speak Tuesday night, October 26, with “Russia” as his topic. During his stay there Chamber- lain traveled extensively throughout nearly all parts of that country, even into Siberia, and visited new cities where huge industrial plants of the Five Year Plan have been built. His experience makes him a competent authority to discuss Russian affairs. Other lecturers of the season will stress current w6rld events and postwar planning. The lecture com inittee, under the chairmanship of Miss Marian Blair, had hoped to secure Codric Foster for the second lecture, but sincc he will not be available on the date desired, no definite decision has been made. Another of our allies little un derstood by us will ,be discussed on February 4 when Mai-Mai Sze, one of China’s ^imbassadors of good will in America will speak about China.” Fourth in the series is Vera Dean (Continued On Back Page) W!!^S ELECTION Doris C. Schaum was selected as chairman of the Defense Council in the election held on Thursday. Her opponent was Charlotte Richards, a day student. Doris, a member of our Senior class, is from Wilson, North Caro lina. She was a member of the Staff Assistance Corps of the Bed Cross^ in her home town. Her previous ex periences along defense lines makes Iier an able and efficient leader of all the campus war activities. As Defense Council Chairman, Doris C. will be in charge of Eed Cross, surgical dressings, black-outs, and the numerous other phases of war work hero at Salem. NEW STUDENTS VISIT FORMER SALEMITES ON FOUNDER’S DAY Wednesday afternoon, the mem bers of the Salem Alumnae Assoc iation of Winston-Salem entertained the 105 new resident students f,t tea from 4 till 5:30 o’clock. The teas were held in the homes of four of the members of the ,as sociation as a part of the celebration of Founder’s Day half-holiday and were planned under the direction of Mrs. T. Holt Hey wood, 2nd Vice- President of the association and officer in charge of relations be tween the alumnae and students. Mrs. Frank E. Dalton and Mrs. John V. Hunter, Jr. at the home of Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. R. F. Willing ham, Mrs. James Gray, and Mrs. Agnew Bahnson were the hostesses. The girls in groups of twenty- five were greeted by their respec tive hostess and other alumnae from Winston-Salem. Tea, sandwiches, and cakes were served. The lower floor of each home was opened to the girls. Here they spent an enjoyable hour talking and get ting acquainted with some of the girls” that had spent their col lege days at Salem too. NOTES PLUS VARDELL EQUAL SPONTANEITV Dean Vardell threw his “hat in the ring” Thursday morning at Assembly and devoted himself to a program of improvisation. Admittedly “scared to death” Victim VardeU approached the organ. In the president’s opinion, “We were in his power,” and “he was at our suggestion.” With our permission a Prelude was first executed, the melody of which had a distinctly orinital flavor. Improvisapion followed with a passacoglia in C Minor, Variations on a Theme Invented Beforehand, with the base unvarying through out. Quiet chords opened. In the scope of variation one speed and a complication of the theme gathered side by side. Clear reedy melody with chordal accompaniment com prised the solemn second variation. Well-applauded for his more ser ious numbers. Dean Vardell turned his fingers to a gay tune suggestive of a Scotch mountain air. Next, calling on different members of the senior class for notes as the thf-m for improvisation, the Dean was only at liberty to change “accident als.” There was brilliance in the swiftly moving theme, and the Inversion that followed. ‘ ‘ Anchors Aweigh” requested by the junior class was a spirited and ^'igorous arrangement. Although in highly original style the Postlude proved to be the Field Artillery. Voicing our opinion were the words of Dr. Eondthaler: “a mir- aculorus performance!” RATION CUTS eV CALENDAR Here it is at last, the calendar we have all been awaiting! Usually this information is printed in the handbook and catalogue at the ope ning of the year. This year, how ever, due to war-time conditions, there was a great deal of investiga tion of transportation and holidays of other schools which delayed the planning of the calendar beyond October 6, Founder’s Day. Here, however, is the calendar complete through the first semester. Now we can ration our week-ends, and plan holidays according to fact. November 24—Wednesday, 5:00 P. M. Thanksgiving recess begins. November 26—Friday, 8:30 A. M. classes resume. December 15—Wednesday, 5:00 P. M. Christmas vacation begins. January 6—Thursday, 9:25 A. M. classes resume. January 20—Thursday, Beading Day. January 21—Friday, througli Jan uary 29, Saturday, first semester ex ams. January 31—Monday, Registra tion 2:00 - 5:00 P. M. February 1—Tuesday, second se- niostor begins at 8:30 A. M. The calendar for the second se mester will be made known as soon as it becomes definite. The commit tee, Miss Covington, chairman, Dean Vardell, Miss McNeely, Miss Law rence, and Mr. Weinland, hope that a report can be made before Christ mas. NEW FIRE DRILL SYSTEM INSTITUTED BY CHIEF ’41-'42 ALUMNAE WELL OCCUPIED A check on the alumnae of the isses of ’41 and ’42 shows that these Salemites are scattered all over the United States, occupied in a varity of ways. Like any other school now, many of the Salem, alumnae of ’41 are either in the Wacs or Waves. Elizabeth Dobbins is a lieutenant in the Wacs and is in charge of frecjruiting at Asheville. Florence Harris joined the Waves and is Jiow as the North Hampton mid shipman training school. Elizabeth Nelson is also a Wave and is sta tioned at Key West, Florida. Katherine King Bahnson, May Queen and editor of the Salemite, and Patty MeNeely Redfern have daughters, born this fall. Margaret Patterson Wade, former Student Government president, is back in Alexandria with her hus band. ‘ ‘ president for ’41, Euth Schned will be married on the 26th of this month. Lee Rice, editor of the ’41 Sights and Insights, has received her master’s degree in speech from Columbia, one is now tutoring and living at the Waldorf in New York. Eleanor Welch or Harpy is still Tuesday night Fire Chief Adele Chase met with the lieutenants and captains of the Fire Drill Squad to talk over plans for drills this year. The Squad is made up of a cap tain from each dormitory and a lieu tenant from each floor of the dormi tories. The duties of a lieutenant are: see that everyone is out of her hall, cheek attendance, and re port absences to her captajn. The captain, who is the last person off the hall, makes a last check to see that the hall is vacant, that all win dows are closed, lights on, doors open, and transoms closed. The cap tain tijrns in lists of absences to Chief Chase. The procedure for emptying the building is for each floor to leave consecutively, girls from first floor leaving first, followed by second and third. To avoid confusion, girls are asked to leave their rooms two by two and as quietly as possible. Each girl should carry a coat or blanket and wear shoes. The object of a fire drill is to evacuate all buildings, check attendance and return to rooms within ten minutes or less. studying at Curtis under Salzedo. All of you heard Sara Linn in chapel and know she is at Julliard. The members class of ’42 are equally scattered. Flora Avers after studying in Chicago, is now visit ing her home, here, and trying to decide what she wants to do. Imagine you also saw Polly Herman whisking around the campus, the last few days. She’s gone back to her job now. pugenia Baynes is studying at Carolina,—and unofflc- ially engaged. Johnsie Bason is receptionist for C. B. S. and is study ing voice with Grahame Eeid. Mary Jane Copenhaven has just received a fellowship to study aeronautical engineering. Lelia Johnson, ’42 Y president, is now a Wave, having joined when Florence Harris did. P®ggy Garth is studying designing ine New City. The May Queen of ’42, Martha Bowman, is secretary to two doctors in Eiehmond. Margery McMullan, class president, has mar ried Captain John Moran and Dot Sisk is now Mrs. King. Doris Shore left for New York this fall to study music; and from all reports, Margaret Vardell is living up to her name in Eochester at Eastman.

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