VOL. XXIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., NOVEMBER 5, 1943. Z54I Number 7. NEW STUDENTS PLEDGE HONOR The Student Government installa tion service for the new stud^ts was held Thursday night,' November 4, at seven o’clock in the Old Chap el. The Stee-Gee Executive Board was present at the candlelight ser vice, with Lucy Farmer presiding. Miss Farmer made a brief talk about the honor system here at Salem. She explained that it is a broad frame work around which each girl is to arrange her own high ideals and code of ethics, to be practiced, both in social and academic life. Education is, in a sense, internal growth, Miss Farmer said. And the honor system-is an effort to help that growth. Under the honor sys- tem one is left “on her own.” Cer tain undesirable types of attitudes could evolve from that — the “smarty” attitude, or the indifferent and careless one. But it is the per sonal problem of each to see that she remains honest to herself and to others by not developing these at titudes. Only the individual can solve this problem for herself, and an intelligent understanding of the honor system helps. In short, the honor system is merely each girl’s personal integrity. Each girl is encouraged and expected to abide by Salem regulations, and to develop a sense of responsibility towards her self and others. It is the right of those who uphold 'the conditions of the honor system to govern them selves. (Continued On Back Page) STUDENTS PRESENT FIRST MUSIC HOUR Yesterday afternoon, Thursday, at four o’clock, the first Music Hour was held in Memorial Hall. Gwen dolyn Mendenhall opened the pro gram with a quiet number “Tu Lo Sai” by Torelli. Gwen is a mezzo- soprano; her tones were lovely and her poise was one to be envied. Frances Cartner, organist, played the difficult Chorale, ‘ ‘ Sleeper Wake” by Bach. This included a great deal of pedal work which Frances performed spendidly. Jane Frazier, Salem’s coloratura soprano, sang the aria: “Una voce poco fa” by Eossini. Her high notes sent chills up our spines: they were so very beautifully done. Chopin’s “Waltz in E Minor” just fell beneath Nancy TJidenhour’s fin gers. She played the fast runs as clear as any professional player would have done, and her interpre tation was superb. Ella Lou Taylor sang the outstand ing aria: “II est doux” by Massenet. Her high notes were well-done. She should be given much praise, for Ella Lou is a contralto and was re quired to hit high “a” in this num ber. The “Grand Chorus” by Guilmant closed the program with Josephine McLauchlin at the organ. In spite of the organ’s need of repair Jo gave a splendid performance. W. s. s. F. DRIVE MISSES GOAL The goal that the Y. W. C. A. set for the World Student Service Fund has not been reached. Only $250 has been collected for this fund and the amount that was expected was $300 at the very least. Becky Howell, the chairman of this drive, is going to send several girls through the dormitories this week to collect the pledges that have not been paid. Everyone must cooperate with the Y. W. C. A. in making this drive a success. With over 300 students at Salem ' College the expectations should be surpassed. SALEM BOMBERS BLITZ AIR CORPS About 7:45 Wednesday night, sev eral carloads of Salem seniors and juniors drove up to the barracks of the Office of Flying Safety for a dance. Not knowing what to do, we were at a loss until the top ser geant took us in tow. We weren’t expected until eight o’clock, it seems; so the boys were still at a basketball gamfe. But would we like to see the mess hall? We would! In the kitchen, we saw a moun tain of potatoes with one lone sol dier apparently doing all the peel ing. Two of the girls volunteered to assist him, either through sympathy or in an effort to show -off their culinary arts. They helped for a few minutes (or to the extent of four potatoes) and then discovered a sad fact. The army has mechani cal potato peelers! We also looked in the icebox and there saw some luscious steaks. Now Salem knows where all the meat has gone. Finally settled in the recreation room again, we looked around—still no men! Even though some began coming in by 8:15, there was still no dancing. It looked like old Sa lem days—all the men on one side (Continued on Back Page) MR. OWEN SPEAKS ON LIBERAL EDUCATION Mr. Owens, head of the educa tion department, spoke to the stcd- ent body on liberal education at Tuesday Assembly. Mr. Owens said that students do not take their education seriously enough. He asked us to remember that there are many boys who have not been able to continue their edu cation, and to realize how privileged we are to be at Salem. He gave many reasons why a lib eral education is important. He said we get a broader understanding of the world we live in. We learn to think for ourselves and to make our own opinions. We should be more concerned, not only with our studying, Mr. Owens told us, but also with our reading for leisure. He recommended books and articles on liberal education that would be of interest to stud ents. Mr. Owens urged us not to waste our time and not to be satisfied with mediocre work, but to realize what a great opportunity we have and to take advantage of it. WEEK'S NEWS IN REVIEW At the beginning of the week, U. S. warships that were protecting the invasion of Bougainville Islands in the Solomons, repulsed Japanese nav al units that were making an at-j tempt to block the rapidly-moving American drive, a drive that will definitely establish an allied threat to Japanese Base, Kabaul, New Brit ain. Headquarters spokesmen declared it “a rather heavy equipment,” con sisting of cruisers and destroyers. The Japanese force, after it had been pummelled in 'night battle by Halsey’s fleet units, retired north westward in the general direction of Eabaul. Later reports on the Jap-Allied conflict declare that the enemy lost at least three warships and eight fighters in addition to at least 67 planes. ON THE EUSSIAN FRONT: Tuesday of this week, the fourth Ukraine Army captured the historic city of Kaklooka, where thousands of Germans and Bussians lost their lives not only in battle but in the swirling waters of the Dneiper. To the south of the Nagaish steppe another German force was driven back to the shores' of the Sivask La goon where many were either anni hilated or captured. Yesterday Eussians swept within 21 miles of the Kherson, the Black Sea port at the mouth of the Dneiper. Moscow announced that the Ger mans poured back across the stream abandoning their dead and piles of stores and machines. Since they are advancing at the rate of ten miles a day, the Eussians have charged through 80 different towns and hamlets in the vast step pes between the Dneiper and Kar- kinct Bay on the Black Sea. ON THE ITALIAN FEONT: When they launched a heavy at tack on the German defense line across Italy, the Fifth Army cap tured important positions on tow ering Massico Eidge and Matese Mountain 'despite fierce enemy re sistance. This blow is interpreted by some correspondents as “se verely shaking the Nazi wall b*fore Eome.” Latest reports indicated that the Nazis have fallen back to a new line of defense which is only 70 miles from Eome. The British and (Continued on Page Three) TELLS OF m CROs: PIERRETTES SiMCECAST Mr. William C. Wright, a Field Director with the American. Bed Cross and alumnus of the Salem Col lege School of Music, spoke in chap el Thursday. Mr. Wright told of the numerous ways in which, in this war as in the last, the Eed Cross aids our Armed Forces in every section of the world. These services are to two groups, the able-bodied, and the sick, in the Army, Navy, and Ma rines. To the able-bodied, help is given by the Field Directors and their assistants. ■ Poignant examples of how these workers have helped many troubled American service men were told by Mr. Wright. He also told that Eed Cross clubs over seas are great morale-builders; it is in these clubs that American girls are giving the most valuable service. Mr. Wright has recently returned from an assignment in the Pacific, where he was stationed in the Ha waiian Islands. He calls these is lands ‘ ‘ the perfect example of Christian democracy,” saying tliat they are proud of their Americanism. He discussed the present military situation there, and the state of the islands at the time of ‘ ‘ the blitz.” As we all do, Mr. Wright looks hope fully forward to the time when the islands will not be wartorn, but again a tropical paradise. HALLOWE’EN CHOSTS HAUNT FIRST DANCE Tlie Student Government spon sored Salem’s first formal dance of this year Saturday night, October 30. In keeping with the season the gymnasium was decorated in the black and orange of Hallowe’en. An appropriate atmosphere resulted, from the dim lights, corn stalks, and ghosts. The guests, approximately two hundred and fifty in number, were greeted at the door by “Stee Gee” l>resident Lucy Farmer, escorted by P. F. C. Lee Green, a student at Bowman Grey Medical School. Oth ers in the receiving line were Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Bondthaler, and Miss Qrrace Lawrence. Punch and popcorn were served, and music continued until eleven forty-five. CUUDIO ARROU PROVES INTERESTING PERSONAUTY AS WELL AS PIANIST The arresting personality of Claudio Arrou, pianist, presented in concert by the Cizic Music As sociation on Monday night, was revealed not only through his music but also by his conversation. The Eobert E. Lee Hotel lobby was filled with strange faces Mon day noon when the self-assured, business-like Cuban almost passed us by. When we discovered Ms identity, pianist Arrou ushered us to a comparatively unoccupied cor ner with a typical South American manner. Questions fired one after another were answered by an en thusiastic converationalist. Claudio Arrou at the age of four was his own teacher. After a week’s practice I found I could read notes!” The notes were difficult and he played with ease from the beginning. A little effort on the prodigy’s part brought him to the public eye a year later. In the early recital such numbers as a Mozart Sonota, Beethoven Varia tions, Chopin Etude, and a group of Shumann were included. He pro fessed: “I was very pleased with myself at the time and enjoyed the admiration.” In a very few years Arrou toured Europe, playing for royalty. He was still enjoying himself, ^although much of the success '^yas attributed to teacher Martin Krause, a pupil of Liszt. Krause would not permit too frequent concerts. In Arrou’s opinion, “I was a child prodigy— a very dangerous thing. So often they never progress very far after early successes.” On these tours he would wear “maybe a white silk sailor ‘ dress’ and maybe a page boy ‘dress’.” As one of the world’s most cele brated musician’s of today, Claudio Arrou has sixty concerts on this season’s program in the United States. After leaving this country he will tour South 'Africa. “I like Boogie Woogie,” Arrou admitted, “but I do not play it.” Incidently he also does not play any Shostakovich numbers. He dis likes heartily this young Kussian’s compositions. The same feeling is not carried over to all modern com positions, however; Strovimsky, Shonburg, and Prokofxief being favorites. As for composers of all times, Bach and Mozart take the lead in his mind although American audiences currently derive more enjoyment from Chopin or Brahms. This Cuban is a family man. His brown eyes sparkled as he told of the Forest Hills home in New York, of his wife and two children, all of whom are musical. One daughter prefers dancing and stu dies under a pupil of Martha Graharfi. Concert number one ,of the Civic Music Association was a complete success in the eyes of musical Win- ston-Salem. The pianist did not spare himself in selecting the numbers and presentation was flawless. Technical excellence and versa- tilijtj^ expression wiere witnessed in the first two compositions; And- dante on Variazloni by Haydn, and Nariations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel a fugue considered to be one of the most effective ever Written. From composers of the Eomantic period in music were chosen four compositions from Liszt and Chopin. The i>erformer’s technique was par ticularly suited to frequent virtuos- tically decorative episodes in the music. In the concluding section Claudio Arrau was at his best in the final Feux d’Artifice, by Claude Debussy. This was performed exquisitely carrying into music the picture of fireworks and a patriotic celebration. Encores, graciously given by the artist sig^nifled somewhat the at titude of the audience. Only the white lights stopped applause. Wednesday, November 3, the Pierrettes met in the old Chapel to cast the first production of the year, “Ladies in Eetirement.” Under the supervision of Mrs. Bruce Williams, director of the dramatic group, the play was cast as follows: Lucy Gelham, the maid, portrayed by Lou Stack; Lenora Fiske, the owner of the house in which the play takes place, by Mary Miller; Ellen Creed, the housekeeper to Le nora Fiske, by Normie Tomlin; Al bert Feather by Eeverend David W,einland; Louise Creed, sister to Ellen Creed by Mary Formy-Duval; Emily Creed, other sister of Ellen Creed, by Edith Longest; Sister Thersa by Jean Hodges. Helen Bob bins is to be th estudent director of the play. The other technical man agers have not as yet been selected. “Ladies in Eetirement” takes place in the country home of Lenora Fiske in rural England. Because they hate the city Louise and Em ily Creed, sisters to Ellen Creed, come to the country for a visit. They like it so well that they decide to stay. Nothing is really wrong with them except that they like to collect sea weed and birds’ nests. In spite of all that Lenora Fiske can do, the sisters remain—involving them selves in murder among other things. The play is planned for the first part of December—rehearsals begin Monday night, November 8. TRADITIONAL IVY, TREE TO BE PLANTED TUESDAY Ivy and tree planting is to be held during the Assembly period on Tuesday. It has become a tradi tion at Salem for each Senior Class to plant a tree and some ivy. This year is no exception, for the seniors are going to plant English ivy on thq west door of Corrin Hall and a red Maple tree on the plot behind Louisa Bitting Building. The Seniors are to line up in caps and gowns in the living room of Louisa Bitting. Other classes will take their usual line-up. Sophomores and Juniors inside Main Hall and Freshmen on the porch of Main Hall. Classes will be led down by Marshals. MISS WHITE SEEKS NURSES AT SALEM As part of a nation-wide endeavor to recruit 65,000 student nurses for this year. Miss Lucy Gordon White has been on Salem campus all day holding conferences with students interested in that line of work and discussing opportunities open to college women in nursing. Included on her program for Sa lem College and Academy were: an address at Salem Academy, con ferences in the Day Student Center, a talk to Miss Averill’s hygiene class, a discussion with the faculty in Bitting Dormitory living room, and private conferences. Miss White, a graduate of Ean- dolph-Macon, is at present super visor of the Henny Street Visiting Nurse Service in New York City. She represents the United States Cadet Nurse Corps and the National Council for War Service. HOME EC CLUB WILL HAVE OPEN HOUSE The Home Economics Club is sponsoring the second open house for the Air Corps boys Sunday aft ernoon from 3 until 5 o’clock. Only club members are invited since it is to be held in the Practice House, and because the girls are preparing the refreshments. This is the first in a series of open-houses to be sponsored by in dividual clubs at Salem—a different group of soldiers being invited each time. ■