VOL. XXIV. Prue Coyte Leads Freshman Class Prue Coyte was elected presi dent of the Freshman Ola^s on Tues day, Noveftnber 9. Other officers elected were: Sara Haltiwanger, vice-president; Coit Eedfern, secre tary; Maria Hicks, treasurer. Prue is a native of London, England, and has been in the United States for three years. Already she has made a name for herself on the Salem campus. She is active on the hockey field, helps with the Salemite, and is Freshman represen tative on the War Activities Coun cil. Sara Haltiwanger is a music ma jor from Winston-Salcftn. She is ac tive in sports, particularly in tennis. Coit Eedfern, of Wadesboro, N. C., is known for her recitations and dramatic ability. She is president of the Freshman Dramatic Club. Maria Hicks is also interested in dramatics and is a member of the Freshman Dramatic Club. Her home town is Wilson, N". C. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, NOVEMBER 12, 1943. Z54I Number 8. SENIORS ENTERTAIN MEDICAL STUDENTS Bowman Gray medical students will be entertained in the recrea tion room of Bitting Dormitory by Salem seniors Saturday evening at 8:15. The party will be informal with arrangements madcf for danc ing. It will be a new experience for the seniors, but if it is successful there will possibly be another. There is no charge for admission. SENIORS PLANT IVY, MftPLF AND PENNIES The traditional ivj^ and tree plant ing took place during assembly on Tuesday. The chief marshall led the seniors down to Corrin Hall, where Aileen Seville, president of the senior class, presided over the service. She presented the English ivy to the school, and each officer of the class helped her to plant the ivy. Dr. Rondthaler accepted the plant and spoke a fe,w minutes about how the ivy is nourished by the ground and sustained by the wall. After the ivy planting the seniors preceded the under-classmen to the lawn behind Louisa Bitting Build ing where a red maple tree was planted. The class officers threw pennies on the roots of the tree for luck in growth. Dr. Eondthaler re minded the seniors on their choice of a tree, explaining that maple is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning tree. The service was concluded with the Salem Alraa Mater. CAMPAIGN TO ADD $1,500,0001 library Sponsors TO SALEM’S ENDOWMENT “ m. m Kobert ^\. Hanes, left, president of Wachovia Bank and Trust Company; Dr. Howard E. Rondthalei, center, president of Salem College; and R. Arthur Spaugh, Jr., right, vice-president of Washington Mills, discuss final plans for the Endowment Fund Campaign. Mr Hajies is general chairman and Mr. Spaugh, assistant-chairman. Students to Pledge The campus drive, which is to last until November 2{>, was begun in assembly' on Thursday, November 11, when Dr. Eondthaler, Mr. Weinland, and Mr. Gil- WEEK'S NEWS IN REVIEW ON THE EUSSIAN FEONT— Following the capture of Kiev last week, the Eussian army has cap tured the important rail point of Fas- tov, thus driving a wedge between two big German armies in disorderly retreat. Smashing westward fron> Kiev in two columns, the Eussians now are only fifty miles from the last north-south rail line held by the Germans east of the old Polish border. Sixty more towns have been liberated by the fast-moving Bed troops. Marshal Josef Stalin has told the Eussians that a real second front is not far off. ON THE ITALIAN FEONT— Allied Fifth and Eighth Armies in Italy continue to advance as German mountain defenses gradually crumble. The Germans, after de molishing the important port of Gae- ta and falling back further to Eome have erected a new “Winter Line” with which they hope to hold Fifth (Continued On Back Page) To add $500,000 to its Endowment Fund immedi ately and to raise $1,000,000 more by 1947 for the 175th Anniversary Fund, is tlie goal Salem Academy and College has undertaken to reach in its Endowment Fund Campaign. These funds are to be used (1) to meet the academic requirements of the leading American accrediting agencies, thereby bringing to a higher level the gen eral standing of the institution; (2}^ to endow the Salem Academy and College Library with a sufficient maintenance fund to assure its maximum usefulness- (3) to establish and maintain certain Chairs in manor departments of tlie College, giving to these Chairs whenever appropriate and desirable the names of persons who have been prominently connected with tlie institution; (4) to establish a sound Eetirement Tnd^r^ Administration, Fac- Tecm-ity measure of social Prpent campaign, to last through March 31 leadership* of tober i tie period from Oc- to December 3 to raise its srtpt-ifir. irml * ec.mnltKe »' f J,; |.«t, ' peraoaaUj’ over 200 pro,. “BETSY ROSS” CROW MAKES WST FLAG landers introduced and explained the campaign. Dr. Eondthaler stressed the points that the En dowment IS not for things able to be seen and that each girl is asked to contribute from her own al lowance. Mr. Weinland pointed out that Salem has the pliysical means for one of the best women’s colleges in the South. The Endowment Fund is to be a means ot academic strengthening for the future. No girl pays the full cost of her education and invested tunds act as a scholarship for each student. The b und IS not needed to pay off back debts as there are none. Mr. Gillanders explained the mechanics of the campus drvit^ emphasizing that students will inter- in a thoroughly democratic man ner. '-"ittss oftieers are to be in charee. A Facultv team will interview the Faculty. other leaders in the campaign are Mr. E. Arthur Spaugh, Jr., _ Associate Chairman; Miss Nettie Allen aiioinas, Chaii-nian of Public Eelations and Publicity and Mr. Clark Starbuck, Treasurer. ubiicity. Hear ye! Hear ye! Book lovers of Salem — sit up and take notice. If you have books of your own or merely wish that you did, this ap plies to you. The Salem College Li brary sponsors each year a book contest in hopes of exciting an in terest of the students in books. How would you like to receive $25, $15, $10, or $5 for the purchase of books around the last of May? Freshmen and Sophomores — you submit a list of books that you would like to have. You may be in- 'terested in books of a special field or just good books in general. These lists may not exceed 30 books. Each list must include the title, author, date of publication, price of book, and a brief statement as to why you want that particular book. For the best list a prize of $10 will be given for the purchase of books. For the second best list a prize of $3 will be given for the purchase of books. That is all you have to do! Juniors and Seniors — you submit your books. Pick from your per sonal library not more than 30 books. These books may be all in a special field or in a general field. After carting your books to the library (not before May 1) you just sit back and await the good news. The first prize is $25 for the best collection of books to be spent for the purchase of books. The second prize is $15 for the purchase of books. You may sign up any time now for the contest. The last day for registering is May 1, 1944 — you see you have plenty of time! If there are any questions that arise in your mind about the contest ask about them in the library. Begin think ing now and watch for further in formation in the library and in the ^^Saleinite.^^ The Twentieth War Service Train- ing Detachment of the American Air Force in Winston-Salem decided to have an official flag for their di vision. Miss Jane Crow, instructor in Home Economics at Salem, was given the honor of making the flag, and she presented it in a ceremony at the Air Port Thursday afternoon. Prom several sketches made by the cadets, the design by Cadet Eeid was chosen. The reversable banner, seventy-two by fifty-four inches, has a large blue Amefrican eagle alighting on wide gold wings and mounted against a red disk. At the top is a gold band with "A A F” and "W S T” lettered in red. The entire flag is sateen; the different parts are appliqued on the back ground of light blue and white. It is bordered in gold fringe and will be flown from a staff as the official flag of the WST Detachment. repeated by request You asked for it, so we com plied. To be more explicit, the Home Economics Club is again dimming the lights in the base ment of Clewell for the return of the GINGHAM TAVEEN! Next Saturday night, tool (No vember 20). Not only is there to be food and singing, but also an extra-special floor show! As before dates and stags are in vited to turn out for an evening of fun at the Gingham Tavern! MISS SAVACOOL BECOMES BRIDE Miss Mary Savacool, new mem ber of the Faculty in the Art De partment, was married to John W. Saunders Sunday, November 7th, in the First Methodist Church in Bal timore, Maryland. SEE EDITOEIAL PAGE. buy WAE BONDS. VARDELL MUSICALLY EXPLAINS CONCERTO Dr. Charles Vardell, with his in formal manner of conducting per formances, his charming personality, along with his musical genius, was the main attraction of Salem’s Music Hour, Thursday afternoon. Before Dr. Vardell played Beeth oven’s Piano Conceito in E Flat o. Op. 73, he gave a short talk about why this Concerto, common ly called the “Emperor Concerto,” should not be so-named. In the first place, there were only three em- perors on the throne at the time Beethoven wrote this concerto. To none of the emperors did he desire ^ favor this dedication. Secondly, eethoven himself, dedicated this ^ork to the Austrian Emperor’s son. The Concerto sounds imperial ^per haps that explains the “handle” to such a magnificent piece of work. It was altogether fitting that this Concerto be performed on Armistice Day because while Beethoven wrote the last notes to this piece, the Can nons of Napoleon’s army were roar ing outside the walls of Vienna. (Continued on Back Pag«) GET ACQUAINTED THEN Girls, know the teachers better! Teachers, know the girls better! Be sure to come to the Student- Faculty tea sponsored by the “Y” in the Day Students’ Cen ter Sunday afternoon. The time is 3:30 to .'5:30, and all members of the faculty and student body boarders and day-students ■— are invited. FIVE SALEM GIRLS ARE DAUGHTERS OF ARMY Five of the stars on our service flag stand for fathers who are in the Army. Major V. A. Dash, father of Jacque Dash, who left school last week because of illness, is at Eor- iten Arsenal in New Jersey at the present time, in charge of the sal vage depot. Having been in the army since World War I, Major Dash and his family have lived in such places as Fort Sill, Oklahoma; St. Petersburg, Florida, and Mil waukee, Wisconsin, to say nothing of the familiar Fort Bragg. Jacque, the striking sophomore with bangs, says she loves army life for her gypsy feet are satisfied. Virtie Stroup, the freshman from Strong, who can always be found playing a good game of hockey, has a father in the service, too. He is a major and is at Port Slocum, New York. He was in New Orleans be fore that. He has been doing gov ernment work since the first World War. Marianne Everett, the quiet soph omore of the blond curly hair, beam ed when asked about her father, Lt. Col. Frank Everett. He has been at Fort Bragg for two years and Is head of the Quartermaster Corps there. Since she’s lived at Fayette ville all her life, Marianne has never experienced the usual traveling of an army family. The one senior whose father is ja (Continued On Back Page)