* * 8ACkm attack VOL. XXIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FEBRUARY 11, 1944. Z54I Number 1 3. Salem Nears Bond Drive Goal To Buy Field Ambulance Salem has set a goal for $1,780 dollar's in Stamps and Bonds m the nation-wide Fourth War Loan Dirve. This amount will be used to buy an equipped Field Ambulance for the United States Army. From February 8th through the- 15th, Stamps and Bonds will be sold on the campus. A presentation Plague, which is four and a half by eight inches with raised letters and boarder, will be placed in the Field Ambulance. The wording on the Plague will include the name of the equipment and the name of the college or organization buying it. To reach every student, Stamps and Bonds are being sold in the dining halll, in the Book Store, and in the dormitories by canvassing. Bonds are counted at issue price, not maturity value. The nation-wide goal in the Fourth War Loan Drive is the sale of four teen million dollars worth of War Bonds. This sale is to be backed by the slogan, “Let’s ALL Back the Attack.” ^ Catherine Fort, throug^tythe war 'Activities Council, is in charge of the campus drive. Six New Girls Enter Salem Those shining faces seen around Saleni’s campus this semester have been identified as belonging to the new' students. Let’s meet the new -girls— There’s Mary Lou Lanyjliorne, who turns out not to be a new Salctnite at all, since she was here last year! Last semester she attend ed ;the Norfolk division of William and Mary in her own hometown. Joanne Swasey is another Vir ginian. Her home is in Alevandria, whore sht' has just graduated from high school. Then here are two native Win- stonians, who have come home to go to school. They are Kuth Shore, who went to Duke, and Nancy Web ber, from W. C. Another new student is Bessie Si>encer, of New Kiver, X. C., whose father is a colonel in the Marine Corps. Evelyn Bird Shield from Ridge wood, N. J. is transferring here from Cornell University next week. Gillanders Speaks About Australia The International Eelations Club met in the living room of Louisa Bitting Tuesday night with Mr. Gil landers speaking on Australia. Mr. Gillanders began by telling some interesting facts about Australia. Australia is the oldest continent. It has a varied climate some parts be ing extremely hot. Australia is a land of many “willy willy.” The British who have come to Australia to settle have developed more sla^g e-xpressions than any people in the world. The natives of Australia are the most primitive people that exist in the world today. Since the origin of their race is unknown, they have been given the name Austrolloyds. These natives are kept on reserva tions and cared for by the British. Until the British arrived they were free to live in the bush. Now they feel more or less imprisoned. FVee- dom to them is the right to be able to wander anywhere they desire. Their idea of heaven is “the great walk-about.” Missionaries haive gone to Australia to convert these peojde to Christianity. Austrolloyds are very little help to the white settlers because they have not learn- (Continued on Page Four.) FOE A LOVELY EVENING . On Saturday night, February 12, at 8:00 p. m., in the recreation room of Strong Dormitory, the Juniors are sponsoring a Benefit Bridge. The admission is 25c per person. If you can get together your own foursome before going it probably will be more fun. Re freshments will be served, of course, and a floating prize. It sounds like fun, so let’s see every one be there! Honor Day Founded; Dwire Makes Address Another tradition was established at Salem College in assembly on Thursday, February 10. All stud ents who achieved high academic standards in first semester work were recognized by the faculty on “Honor Day.” Miss Ivy Hixson, acadeipie dean, read the dean’s list and a list of all girls who made a B average on last semester’s work. Dr. Henry Dwire, vice-president of Duke University, addressed the student body on this first “Honor Day.” Dr. Dwire said that Amer ica is confronted with immense ■problems of the present and future and that the solution lies in better education and greater scholarship of its citizens. Preceding Dr. Dwire’s talk, Mrs. Betty Bketz Marshall was present ed with her diploma by Dr. Eond- thaler. Mrs. Marshall graduated with the bachelor of arts degree. All girls who made a B plus or higher average during last semester were recognized as making the dean’s list. In recognition of all girls who made a B average in the last se mester, the names of these girls were read. Civic Music Malces Cliange in Peerce Concert The Civic Music Association has announced the change in the date of the Jan Peerce concert which was scheduled for Thursday, February 10. This concert will be given Wednes day, May 3rd. “Y” Assigns Second Semester Groups The Salem T. W. C. A. cabinet met recently to re-organize and to get work underway for the second semester. The new group assignments are as follows: Betsy Meiklejohn’s group, room arrangement; Elizabeth Willis’ and Frances Crowell’s groups, a spe cial W. S. S. F. project; Betty Moore’s group, student-faculty rela tions; Catherine Bunn’s group, bulle tin board; Edith Longest’s group, “Y” choir; a poster group has been formed under the direction of Betty Moore. Members are Mary Heefner, Jean Norwood, Pat Crommelin, Ai- (Continued on Page Four.) Students Make More Dressings The Salem surgical dressings room has proved a great success much to the delight of everyone on the cam pus. With a January quota of 2500 dressings, Salemitos went over this and made .3175. • Work began on the February quota ■ of 5000 on the first of the month. 1150 dressings were made that one day. On the 2nd, .'575 were made; and on the 3rd, 1025 were made. The large number on the 1st and 3rd can be attributed to the fact that on those days the room was open both in the afternoon and night. The Academy worked on the 4th and 5th and made a total of 250 dressings. The complete total of dressings made this week is not available as Salemite goes to press. However, 725 were made on Tuesday of this week. This leaves a total of 1475 to be made before' the end of the mouth. It is apparent that Salem will again go over its monthly quota in February. Versatile Mfli-Mai S?;e Enlightens and Captivates It seemed impossible that the little one with the weak, cool handshake could be a painter, writer, and lec turer all in one. Miss Mai-JIai S/.o who Icctured here on Friday, Febru ary is all of these and more. Sl'e is small and neat from the top of her jet black bangs to the tip ot her toes. In a black tailored suit with a red and ^vJiitc strip0d blouse, black shoes, and tiny, tri- ■ingular, silver ear clips. 'She looked exactly as a Chinese bred in the '•ourts of Europe should look. As the laughter of China’s Minister to ("he Court of St. James, she was taken from China at the age of five and transported to London. I-ater she studied ,in France an& America receiving her degree from Wellsley. Miss Sze’s career as a lecturer be gan when she saw her native coun try being over run by the Japanese, ^^hina needed help. America is ^ country where people like to do alot of talking that is the way they find out things,”^ she explain ed. Her way of helping China is by telling the American people .about f'he situation. China today ig going through a period of transition; and hese people who have seen war nt first hand ore fighting for a •‘new China” free of tyranny and hate. “If ^ situation hard to grasp over here where you have plenty,” she said. Imagine forty bombed tow'ns to seek safety in caves. Imagine women working as men with the same wages and con siderations. Imagine the suffering of a peo]>le wlio have been at war for sev'en years. When, asked about her ai\t Miss Sze’s black eyes lost their ilull dreamy look and for once her tiny sqi^ire hands were relaved. She smiled slightly and in a low’ voice which betrayed her years in England, France, and Chiha, said, “Ever since I 'vas a small child, I have wanted to be an artist.” she studied under her first Chinese teacher in France. Having had both the Orien tal and Occidental views of art .«he has chosen to combine the two. In Chinese art the placing of objects and unfilled space are the important things. Keeping these she has add- (■d the depth and color of the Wes tern World. Her only connection with commercial art has been through the use of her paintings for advertising purposes. Her picture “Mother and Child” was done for a China Relief show. Miss Sze said, “I could never be a real commercial artist—I hate lettering too much!” Not content with lecturing and painting ^.liss Sze also writes. Most of her writing has been confined to articles in magazines and papers. At the present she has a weekly column in the N. Y. Post. Because Miss Sze had to beat a dead line for the Post—and because we had to beat the 12:10 bell to Camp we left ^liss Sze reluctantly but with a feeling of happy pride at having met such a person even if it was for so short a time. FOR A LOVELY AFTERNOON The I. K. S. Council will en tertain the Fershmen, new stud ents, and faculty of Salem Col lege and the Senior Class of Sa lem Academy at a tea on Monday afternoon, Feb. 14, from 4:00 until 5:30 in the living room of Louisa Wilson Bitting Building. V. V. Garth, president, is in charge of arrangements. Dr. Lachmann Tells of University of Berlin “It is a pleasure for me to speak to the student of my new alma mater about my old alma mater, the Uni versity of Berlin.” So began Dr. Vera Lachmann’s speech in assembly, Tuesday, February 8th. The foundation of the University of Berlin, with its gray stone neo- classicx buildings, was one of the great facts in German history, said Dr. Lachman. When Napoleon was victorious and went to Germany in 1806, the University of Ber lin was founded by his op- posers. It was by the work of the great hurnanists and geogra- phists, William and Alevander von Humboldt, and other famous re searchers, that the University was founded. The original staff was made up of philosophers, and then scien tists such as the well-known Dr. Einstein, many of whom would not be tolerated in the German politi cal order of to-day. The air of the institution was that of seclusion, and the aim was to promote human knowledge, Re search was regarded first, and then teacliing. Tn comparing the dilferences of tlu' University of Berlin with n typical Americ.T;n university. Dr. Laclimann stated that the classes were of two tyjies: the Lecture and the Seminaries. A student wa.s given much freedom in electing his schedule. There wore no semester exams, but instead, state and doctor’s examinations. Anotlier dif-, ference was that all professional training was taken out of the Uni versity and put into special training schools. Also it is interesting to not that there are no colleges in Germany reserved for women. All tlie universities are co-educational. The students, instead of living in dormitories, live in small liouses (Continued on Page Four.) Home Ec Club Hears Vocational Talks Women representing various professions si>oke to nn'nibers of tlie Homo Economec’s Club nt their meeting Tuesday night, February 8 about some of the various positions open to Home Economics trained girls. The meeting was held in the r^fty Students Center, and the visit- 'ug speakers w'cre introduced bv ^rs. Elizabeth 0. Meinung. Representatives of various pro fessions who spoke to members of tbe club were Mrs. Elizabeth IVittle, O' graduate of Salem, now’ Home Demonstration agent in Forsyth Gounty, who told about her field of Work; iriss Annie Lee Knox, of faculty of Gray High School who discussed the teaching of Home Economics; Mrs. J. B. Hamer, speak ing about School Lunch work; Miss Mattie Mae Reavis, graduate of Salem, and now member of the Dietetic Staff at Baptist Hospital, speaking about openings for stu dents in the field of dietetics; Mrs. ■John C. Re'ece, honiemaking as a profession; Miss Minnie Louise Westmoreland, graduate of Salem, now connected with the Morris- Early Co. in Winston-Salem, repre senting interior decorating; and Miss Addio Malone, who is with Duke Pow’er Company representing another commercial vocation. Mrs. Marks New Art instructor At Salem “Your climate is wonderful. I stepped off the train into spring sunshine.” This is the first impres sion of Salem on Mrs. Grace Marks, Salem’s new instructor in art. Mrs. Marks has majored in art ever since prep school at Friends Select School in Philadelphia. She received her B. F. A. and her M. A. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, and has done graduate work in art at Columbia University, the School of Industrial Art in Philadelphia, and Syracuse Uni versity. With her excellent train ing in the fields of free hand draw ing, mechanical drawing, and es pecially the fine arts, Mrs. Marks acquired ' a good teaching record in several outstanding Pennsylvania schools. Here, at Salem, she will teach the history of art, modern art, and studio art. Mrs. Marks, a tall brunette, made a charming subject for an inter view. She was at once enthasiatie about her husband and his work. He is an officer in Anti-Aircraft, stationed at Camp Pickett, Va. Her trip to Salem is not Mrs. Marks’s first visit to the South. While re calling her trips South, she stumbl ed upon the discovery that it was during World War I that she had last been ‘down here.’ Then she W’as with her father, a major in tiie Medical Corps, stationed in Tennesee. She did not' say so, but I believe she was too young to re member much about that experience. “Salem is an archietectural gem,” said Mrs. Marks of our college. Salem is the new instructor’s first experience in a girl’s school. Amaz ing to us is her statement that this may be a welcome change. Mrs. Marks’s hobbies arc books and water-color painting. She col lects books and is especially in terested in those concerning modern art. Her chief interest in art is in water-colors;. and her work in his field is particularly noteworthy. In conclusion Jlrs. ilarks said: “I hope to pass my hobby of water-colors on to Salem students before the year is over.” Remainder of Calendar Year is Announced On behalf of the calendar com mittee Miss Ivy Hixson announced at chapel assembly on Feb. 3 the calendar for the remainder of this semestoT and next year. April 5—Spring holidays begin. April 13—Classes resume. May 17—Reading Day. May 18—Exams begin. May 28—Baccalaureate sermon". May 29—Commencement. September 8—Friday, Registration of all local freshmetn and busint'ss students. September 11—Monday, Freshmen report for Orientation Program. September 14—Thursday, 2:00-5:00 p. m., registration of Sophs., Jrs. and Srs. September 15—Friday, 11 a. m., Formal Opening; 12 noon, classes be gin and are on 30 min. schedule for remainder of the day. October C—Friday, Founder’s Day —classes suspended at one o’clock. N ovember 29—Wednesday, 5 p. m.. Thanksgiving recess begins. December 1—I^iday, 8:30 a. m., classes resume. December 14—Thursday, 4 p. m., Christmas vacation begins. January 5—Friday, 8:30 a. m., classes resume. January 19—Friday, Heading Day. January 20—Saturday through January 27, Saturday, first semester exams. January 29—Monday, registration 2:00-5:00 p. m. January 30—Tuesday, second se mester begins. March 28—Wednesday, spring re cess begins at 5 p. m. (Continued on Page Three)