DON’T BE AN ASS^ STAY OFF THE GRASS! Mid-Semester Blues VOL. XXIV. >^qNSTON-^ALEM, N. C, MARCH 10, 1944. Z54I Number 17. Nell Denning Elected President oi Student Government For 1944-45 Nell Denning was chosen president of the Salem College StuOent Government Association for 1944-45 in the election held Wednesday, March 8. Others on the ballot were Mary Ellen Byrd and Hazel Watts. Nell, who is from Albemarle, N. C., is president of the junior class this yeai;. She is a inember of the Salemite staff and has been active in sports during her three years at Salem, setving as assistant swimming manager Itist year. A total of 174 members of the student body participated in the election, 54 2/5%. This included 78 of the seniors, 76 7/10% of the juniors, 68 9/10% of the soph- omeors, and 30 9/10% of the freshmen and business students. Music Compositions GiveG Recognitioii "Bxit'of the Nazi,” a composition by Charles G. Vardell was present ed Sunday iat 1:30 over WAAT. W. O. Thor Johnson conducted the K. S. C. U. T. E. band in this first performance of the march. Thor Johnson, formerly a resi dent of Winston-Salem is now sta- ■ tioned at Port Monmouth, Bed ; Bank, New .Jersey. While attending I high school here hcf was a stu dent of violin under Hazel Horton Read. He is now known nationally for his outstanding work with army bands and orchestras. On January 26 he requested Deah Vardell to write a march, which was complet ed February 18 and mailed to New J(?rsey the same day. Of interest to Salem student body is the news that a Symphony by Margaret Vardell will lie given by the Eochester orchestra the week of April 20. Margaret is a graduate student at Eastman and thcf com position is the thesis for her M. A. degree. The Symphony is com posed of one continuous movement with three devisions. News In Review On the Home Front: Edward Stettinus, Jr. Acting Sec retary of State has announced that the United States Government has not recognized the new Argentine re gime and would not until she took steps leading toward homespheric soliidarity. This would mean intern ment of all Axis diplomats and other agents, termination of trade ■with those countries and expulsion of spies. When the English ambassador was questioned, he said no state ment had been ' sent him from London but |in the past the two nations had been in agreement. It is believed that they will continue. In the South Pacific. The U S. Marines have landed near Talasea in New Britain about 160 miles south, of Babaul. The II. S. First Cavalry now bas control of Los Negros Island in the Admiralty group. The air field captured is already in use by observation planes and is waiting ■ for the arrival of bombers and fight ers. On the Italian Front: Military observers haye suggested that a new medal be cast. This is to be for those U. S.. infantrymen who crossed the Bapido Biver and held out for seventeen days in Cassino with no replacements. These men advanced through the town house by house and room by room'. It was said by an Englishman that the fighting here was worse than at Otrino. On the Russian Front: After a successful three-month offensive, Moscow summarizes her gains; Begainoid rich grain lands, coal, iron, nickel, and manganese. Killed, wounded, and captured hundreds of thousands of Germans ■with vast amount of booty. Cai>tilred a dozen major cities— including Leningrad whose railroad lias already been repaired and the first supplies sent over it. Freed the Dnieper. Now the Reds are on the borders of Eston’a, I-Ktvia, and Poland. ' Freshmen PresentPlay In Assembly Tuesday The Freshman Dramatic Club presented a play, “A Maid Goes Forth to War,” by.Stokes McCune, at Assembly Tuesday morning. The dramatic personnel of the play laid in Domremy, FVance, in 1428, w'as as follows: Menyette, Bernice Bunn; Marie, Coit Bedfern; Isabelle d’Arc, Jane Mulhollem; Jeanne d’Arc, Leight Joslen. The lighting was handled by Frances Law and Margaret Hucka- bee; scenery by Edith Hunt Vance, Jean Norwood, Terrell Weaver, and Helen Duffy; costumes by Sheffield Lyles; make-up by Ellen Brannock and Bettye Bell. The announcer flnd prompter was Martha Boatwright and the director Mrs. Robert McCuiston. On Jfav 11 the freshman club win present three one-act plays for the student body, and on March 28 they will present “One of Those pays,” a comedy, to the Sorosis Book Club. Members of Civic Music Attend Opera The Philadelphia Opera Company under the auspices of the Civic Music Association presented Bizets CABMEN Wednesday evening at Bevjiold’s Auditorium. This work does not display just one metier of expression but rath er portrays a many-sided picture of the lyric theatre materials. Folk expression, sophisticated art-forms, comedy, tragedy, stark realism, eolor and fantasy i^re all to be found in this one opera. It is not often tljat tragedy which is satisfying and stimulating can successfully be presented to an aud ience that expects entertainment, but CABMEN achieves the ^fficult goal. The opera was first presented on the Opera Comique Stage by a director vrho protested that never before had an opera with a tragic ending been presented in that theatre. The success of its cfluntless performances before all kinds of audiences certifies its apparently never-ending appeal. The performance Wednesday night was very interesting, and enjoyable. The opera is not an easy one to produce — complicated ensembles, and mass scenes must be handled. And above all, the performers must authentically portray the realistic actions of the characters of the opera. The portrayal of CABMEN calls for the combined efforts of the skilled singer, the lithe grace of the idancer, and the insight of an exiMfrienced actress. These were mastered by Alice Howland whose portrayal was steadfastly superior throughout the evening. The direction of the opera was outstanding, and the orchestra contributed much to the enjo3Tnent of the performance. The singing was truly good; especially that of Brenda Miller as Micaela. The first portions of the opera were lacking a little spontaneity and dramatic force, but tiie characterization of Carmen and Don Jose relieved some of the tenson. An excellent finale was at- tanel in the last two acts through the marvelous performances of Miss Howland and Mr. Laderoute. At these times we were conscious 'of the Spanish atmosphere because we were aware of Tvliat was being said, thought of, and done through the medium of an understandable Eng- (Continued on Page Four.) Surgical Sponge Room Needs More Workers At the beginning of this week there remained 5875 of the month’s quota of 7500 4 x 4 sponges to be made. 275 were made on Tuesday; 200 on Wednesday; and 575 on Thursday. This gives a tftal of 1050 dressings made for the week and leaves 4825 to be completed during tlie month. The number made this week is the sihallest number for any week since the room was 6pened in January, in dicating that the number of work ers was less than usual. As the quotas have been exceeded in past months, it should be easy to meet the Marcii quota if not to exceed it, since this quota is larger than usual. However, this cannot be done without workers. Everyone is urged to spend at least a half hour a, week in the Surgical Dressings B*oom. The arm ed forces use between 1,000,000 and 4,000,000 dressings daily, and this need must be met. Staff Chooses Mary Ellen Byrd For “Salemite” Editor-In-Chief Sophomores Take Tests March 15 The Sophomore Comprehensiv'e ' i Tests will be given March 15 in the Old Chapel from nine A. M. to, six P. M. These tests are similar to the Graduate Bccord Examina tions which ■will be taken by the seniors in April. The Sophomore Test will include | que.stions on current social problems, history, social studies, literature, science, fine arts, mathematics, con- emporary amusements, and English | grammar. There will also be pic- | tures to be identified and a tesrt in I ^ . the speed of reading. Few sample questions are: Who ^ was Natty Bumpo? What xs meant ! ^ by cloister? What is the mam theme L., . • WIT- ' c > I afternoon, Mary Ellen Byrd ■" Movga,..,.-.,. .'Sf m-chief for the year 1944-’45. She defeated Adele Chase of Scarsdale, What form of literature was the most important in the eighteenth century? What is the sum of the fractions 3/x plus 2/4? What are the arfgles in an isosceles triangle? N. Y., who was also running for the office. r. i . I Mary Ellen served as Copy Editor What was the subiect of Anabasis' „ , ^ i j i V. *,.„lof the Salemite this year and also of Xenophon? Who discovered the universal law of gravitation? What is moraine? WHAT. WHEN, WHERE Scotchman Talks On Women In Industry Private George McFarland of the Winston-Salem Flying Safety Divis ion spoke in Thursday assembly on “Women In Industry”. Until 1927, Private McFarland lived in Glascow, Scotland, and his homo since then has been on Staten Island. This was not his first visit to Salem College. Several weejis ago he read and interpreted several of Burji’s poems to a group in the Col lege library. -Private McFarland has studied the question of labor and management, or “battleneek in industry.” He says that industry rost.^ on the real task never change unless we change, and that industry resta on the real task of home-building. The secret of a sound home, and likewise of in dustry, is the acceptance of God’s presence and guidance; He believes, however, that there are real “pioneers” among this generation who "will see the challenge and accept the responsibility. as Photographic Editor Sights and Insights and House President of Clewell. In the past she has been on the Salemite staff (’42-’43) and acted as Freshman Editor of the annual (’41-’42). Her interest in club activities and sports, in addition to the work with the pai>er and annual, give Mary Ellen a broad l)ackground for work as editor-in-chief of the paper. Student Reporters Plan Activities What; Dr. Vardell When: 10:20 Tuesday Whore: Assembly What: Home Economics Club When: 7:30 Tuesday Where: Practice Housfe What: Sophomore Tests When: 9:00 Wednesday Where; Old Chapel What: Election Sights and Insights Editor When: Wednesday WTiat; Teacher’s College Glee Club When: 10:20 Thursday Where: Assembly What: Vera Dean, Lecturer When: 8:00 Thursday AVhere; Main Hall What: Election of May D&y Chairman When: 9:00-3:00 Friday Where: Main Hall keep OFF THE GRASS Did you' think it was snow? I. did when I first saw it, but it isn’t! It’s just lime—some body’s trying to help tthe poor grass along.,By the wjiy, ARE YOU! Second War Picture Shown At Salem “The Nazis Strike,” a film spon sored by the International Bela- tions Club, was shown Thursday March 9 a.t C;45 in the Day Student Center. This film was the second in a series of seven entitled “Why We Fight.” The first was shown last Thursday. “Prelude to War.” The third in the series “Divide and ConquerVr” is concerning the fall of Belgium, Holland, Norway, Luxenburg, F'rance and the battle of Dunkirk. The fourth will be the “Battle of Britain;” the fifth “Battle of Bussia;” the sixth, “Battle of China.” The last is “America Goes to War.” These authentic pictures have not been released to the public yet. They are produced by the War Department for the United States Army. . I' What with elections and' all the other excitement Spring always man ages to produce on a college cam pus, the .students acting as assistant reporters in the Public Belations Office are goin^ to have quite a busy so'ason. This group of twenty- two “cubs” has been fairly active during 'the first semester, but by way of the grapevine they “ain’t seen nothin’ yet”! It appears that the Public Be lations Office is planning an ex tensive program to enlarge the area into which news of student activi ties is now being sent. This cannot ■ be done without the cooperation of each class and organization, and the election of student reporters from each campus group was the first step toward getting Salem news into more state and out-of-stato newspapers. An encouraging response follow ed Miss Kirkland’s request for tu- dent assistants, and the following girls were elected or appointed to keep the Public Belations Office informed of the activities of their organizations; Betsy Thomas, War Activities Council; Nell Jane Grif fin, Athletic Association; Peggy Whiterington, Student Government Association; Josephine McLauchlin^ German Club; Lucile Newman and Mary Charles Watson, May Day; Betsy C«steen, Sophomore* Class; Senora Lindsey, Pieretts; Elizabeth Gudger, Latin Club; Sue Willis,, Sights and Insights; Mary llunter Hackney, Freshman Class; Helen Phillips, I. B. S^; Catherine Swin- son. Choral Interpretation ;f Mary Ellen Carrig, Spanish Club; Kat herine Traynham, Senior Class; Buth Maxwell, “Salemite”; Bosemary Cleveland, French Club; Sarah Merritt, Home Economics Club; Betty Moore, Y.W.C.A.; Elizabeth (Continued on Page Three)