VOL. XXIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MARCH 31, 1944. Z54I Number 20. Spring Holidays Are Extended Spring holidays will begin Mon day, April 2, Dr. Rondthiiler an nounced tol-ay. This is two (lays earlier than previously announced due to unexpected coniplieatious that have arisen. The holiday will con tinue until Ajjril loth, two days later than previously announced. The lengthening of the spring holi days will not have any affect on the remaining schedule for the year Eeading Day will be May 17. and exams will stiU begin on May 18. The school year will close as previ ously designated. This announcement is made W'ith deep regret by the faculty, and it is hoped that it will not incon- vwiienee the students too much. APRIL FOOL . . . (but it sounded good, didn’t it?) WHAT, WHEN, WHERE What: Spring vacation When: April 5 to April 13. Where: Salem College What: Graduating recital of Mar- gel-y Craig, organist When: April 14, 8:30 P. M. AVhere: Memorial Hall What: Edward Weeks, Lecturer When; April 19, 8:00 P. M. Where: Memorial Hall Seated left to right are: Josephine McLauchlin, Doris Littie, and £va Martin Bullock. McLauchlin, Little, and Bullock To Head Upper Classes Next Year Miss Read Conducts At Annual Concert The annual concwt of the Salem ('ollege String Orchestra, under the direction of Aiiss Hazel Horton Read, was presented in Memorial Hall March 29 at 8:30 P. M., with Barbara Ann Benson of Klkin, a pupil of Miss Read, as violin soloist. The twelve students of the School of Music who make- up the string Orchestra include Elizabeth Swinson us concertmeister, Eloise Hege, Christine Dunn, Barbara Ann Ben son, Rose Kllen Bowen, Katherine fort, I^eila Ann Graham, >Skippy Pfanstiehl, Eugenia Shore, Ruby Wolfi', Martha Moore llayea, and Margaret AVinstead. The program, which consisted ot four groups, presented the works of both old masters and modern composers, and' included three move ments from “A Sonata for Strings” by Pergolesi; the last two move- minits from Mendelssohn's “Con certo in E Minor,” with Barbara Ann Benson as soloist; “Miiiistrels’ Con- zonet ” from the o])era “ V'olande” by Tschaikowski; and a selection of three movements from “Music for Recreation” by the contemporary composer, Amedeo dc Fillipi. Robert L Coons Gives Advice Robert I-^. Coons was the speaker in assembly on Tuesday. Mr. Coons, executive secretary of the M. C. has spoken at Salem each year for several years. In discussing woman’s place hi social and political affairs, ho gave some advice under five headings (1) don’t w’orry; (2) keep up study habits after graduation; (,‘?) take courses you enjoy and will be of help in later lyif*';, (4) plan wise recreation; (o) build' an adequate philosophy. Mr. Coons concluded by saying that rather than look into the dim future, it is best to try to see clearly that w'hich lies immediately ahead. .](ise]>Iiine ’ McLauchlin, Doris Little, and E\i;t Martin Bullock were elected Thursday as presi dents of the rising Senior, Junior, and Sophomore classes respectively. Josephine McLauchlin, of Race- fonl, X. 0., has been outstanding in her thwee years at Salem. In her sophomore year she was on the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. This year she is treasurer of the Junior Class, secretary and treasurer of the chor al ensemble, and reporter for the (Jerman Club. Josephine is an organ major and has made a good record as a member of of the .Junior Class l>asketball team. She defeated Molly Boseman. Doris Little, of Robersonville, N. C., has been particularly active in sports during her two years at Salem and was on the Sophomore basket ball this year. She is also a member of the Legislature. Doris defeated Elizabeth Willis of Monroe, N. C. and Ruth Maxwell of Goldsboro, X. C. Eva Martin Bullock, of Charlotte, C., has been a popular member of the Freshman Class. She defeat ed Teau Council ill the election. "Battle of Russia Is Last in Series ft The last of the series of pictures, “Why We Fight” sponsored by the International Relations Chib was given Thursday night. This picture, “Tlie Battle of Russia” w'fls the story of the Ger man invasion of Russia. The pic ture went back to 1253 and told of all the invasions that Russia has had. It was the story of the Russian people and their gallant defense of their country. The picture told also of the Ger man anil Russian tactics of war. 'j’he Germans tried the pincer movement, but the Russians planned their army formation so as not to be cut off by any successful pincer movement. The picture showed the seige of Moscow and Leningrad. The Rus sians forced the German troops to take cities by streets and not by the whole city at once. The Russian trooi>s however forced the Germans out of their tanks, and made them engage in hand-to-hand fighting. Stack and Grantham Chosen To Head Marshals and L R. S. CHIEF MARSHAL Lou Stack, from Fayetteville, N. 0., was chosen as the 1944-4.0 Chief ^Marshal in the election this after noon. Senora Lindsey from, Tarboro, X. C., was the other candidate. Lou was on the Student Govern ment Legislative Board last year and is treasurer of the sophomore class this year. For the past two years she has been an active Pierette. Her sports interests center in horseback. I. R. S. PRESIDENT Betty Grantham of Fairmont', N. C. has been elected President of I. R. S. for 1944-4.'5. Betty is the daughter of ilrs. C. B. Stafford of Fairmont. Since her freshman year, Betty has shown the j>oise and dignity of a true Salemite. She was Sec retary and Treasurer of the Fresh man Dramatic Club. Because of her all-round personality and her quiet, gentle manner, Betty was elected Chief Marshal for 1943-44. In this election, which was held Wedne.sday 29, Betty was opposed by Mildred Garrison of Glen Alpine, X. C., and Mary Frances McXeoly of ilooresville, N. C. im... Mr. Bair Recives Honor At Music Association Meet Mr. Clifford Bair, heal of the voice department of the Salem Col lege School of Music, has returned to th(' campus after atending a joint meeting of the National As sociation of Schools of Music and the Music Teachers National As sociation. Mr. Bair representated Salem at this conference held in Cincinnati and while there was elected regional vice-president for the Southeastern dis'trict, one of seven selected in this area. In reporting on his trip, Jlr. Bair stated that he attendeil' organiza tional meetings of the newly-form ed National .\ssociation of Teachers of Singing. The purpose of this group is to carry on a national scale the type of work being done by the American Academy of Teachers (Cant, to page four) Reporter Finds Conductor Charming and Ohhging LOU STACK BETTY GRANTHAM Salemites Rally to Red Cross Needs by Margaret Winstead Duriiig intermission at the Civic Music concert last Friday night, we were rushed across the back of the stage by one of the trumpet players, “Mr. Ruby”. MHiy were we there? We were go ing to meet the Dr. Frank Black wiio was conducting the Cleveland Syniphony Orchestra. Oil reaching his door, we loi.ked inside and saw' several reporters in the room, but w^e hSd to Avait only :i moment because Mr. Ruby made certain that we got to talk to the famous guest conductor, si've in appearance and much better sive n appearance and much better looking than his pictures. He was hot a n d perspiring (and who wouldn’t be after conducting Brahms!) Bnt he was very obliging. Our purpose in seeing him was to request a certain number for the encore. I**'- Black looked very apologetic as he , answered, ‘Pai sorry. If ^ could, I would; but we just can’t do that one tonight. We have something I think yju will like, but I’m not going to tell you what it is. .Just let this be a big sur- ]»rise from me to you.” .\s for a conductor, one can safe ly say that Dr. Black, ranks among the best. There are two kinds of conductors—the quiet and the fiery. Dr. Black belongs to the fonner. TIis beat is difficult to follow, but he has rehearsed with the orchestra until they knew exactly how' to follow him. He had perfect control over the violins, cellos, and French horns. But his motions of btfat did not correspond to the measures of the hiusic. As for his emotions—he W’as ‘‘in terestingly repressed”, to quote a listener. Dr. Black is an interesting and intellectual conductor, but he is not a fiery inspiraticualist. The Overture to Egmont by Beet hoven was interesting. It is Beauti ful in itself, and the orchestra play ed it well. In Brahms’ Second Symphony, “the peculiar quality of this music, now in the major, now the minor mode, i.s neither serene nor troubled, but an ingenious mixture of the two”. This symphony showed us the skill and unlimited possibilities of each section in the orchestra and of the conductor, himself. Prelude to Act I of Lohengrin was lacking in depth and in definiteness. This was partly due to the fact that some members of the orchestra w’ere not present and there were newer ones to take their places. The Pre lude to Act III was very familiar and was playe'd’ with great brilliance and even more depth. We enjoyed the Tannhauser Over ture and could readily feel the “skip of the 700 pages.” The Bacchanale is a little too long, but this is Wagner's fault, and not the orchestra’s. The Ride of the Valkyries was ex citing but not as well performed^ as the preceding numbers. It was rather cloudy in spots and not precisc enough. 'file encore w'as one of the best numebrs on the program. It included selections from Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess and some of the mos't familiar and best loved of Gersh win’s music. It is a marvelous piece of orchestration. ‘ ‘ Gershwin was one of my best friends,” Dr. Black said, “and I have orchestrated much oof his music.” The encore offered an interesting bit of variety. The SURGICAL D R E S S I N G R’OO^I has proved to be a great success in the three short months that it has been functioning on the camjnis. In January a total of 327.5 sur gical sponges were made. In Febr uary the total was (i77n; and in March the to'tal was 7175. This shows an increase every month. The first two miiiiths we e.xcet’ded our quota, but in :March our quota was 7500 and only 7175 were made. However, this does not mean that Salem fell down on its quota, for wo made up all the gauze that was .sent us and the only reason we didn’t make more was because there was no more available in Winston-Salem to be made into sponges. The Room was closed on Thursday night and will be oiK'ued again in April. The actual date will be announced late. The WAR FUND DRIVE has netted a total of $181.00 from the student, body to date. The faculty contributed an additional $366.00 making a total of $547.00 for both groups. Comparing this total with last year’s total of $.'586.43 from the College and .“Vcademy, wo find that more was contributed this year than last. Tn view of the ever increasing need of funds by the Red Cross, it is commendable to see that Salem has increased her donations. The Amount contributed by the Academy is not available at present; so com plete figures can not be given at this time. It is hoped that we will have increased our donations 100%.