VOL. XXIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., APRIL 28, 1944. Z54I Number 22. ■ ^ . •. .c s ^' The Plaaues being displayed above by Alice Lee Carmicliael, left, and Katherine Fort, right, will soon be placed on a field ambulance and tank ammunition trailer for the United States Army. The two vehicles were bought by money made through the sale of stamps and bonds on the campus during the Fourth War Loan Drive. little Theatre Produces Opera Ella Lou Taylor and Jane Frazier Have Leads Three Army Officers Are Talking At Salem Toiiiglit at 6:45 in the Old Chapel Lt. Del liang, Air Corps Officer, Lt. Mary Greeson, Air WAC Officer, iiiid Cpl. Beth Long Air WAC, military personnel from Maxwell Field, Ala., headquarters -of thi? Eastern Fly ing Training Command, are speak ing to the student body. This is in (•onjunetion with an orientation ]iro- gram that is being carrieil: out in all colleges in North and South ('arolina. Lt. Lang, Commanding Officer of Air WAC Kecruiting Group I, is in charge of this program. He and his group are .speaking on the im mediate need for thousands of wo men to serve with the Army Air Forces. This tour of coleges is be ing made because the Army feels that while many of these women will have had no business experinice at all, their education background will qualify th«n to fill many Army Jobs. The group is al.so explaining the many advantages vocational and otherwise that the Army has to offer. An excellent speaker, Lt. Lang has many interesting things to tell having served eight months of his Army career overseas. He is well qualified to speak on the subject of women in the Army haijing been the Commanding Officer of a largcf group of Air WACs since the iirst • of the year. His former station was Malden Army Air Field, MiO. This fieW has a company of Air WACs, and during his tour of duty there Lt. Lang worked with these women and was much impressed by thedr efficiency. Lt. Greeson is a graduate of the Tniversity of Alabama and before her assignment to Air WAC re cruiting was stationed at Sedalia Army Air Fie'ldd, Warrensburg, Mo. She served there as Public delations Officer. Lt. Greeson is very en thusiastic about the college pro gram because she feels that college women have so much to offer the Corps. She is well qualified to an swer questions of women who might be interested in Officer Canidate School having come up through the ranks to be selected for Officer train ing. Cjil. Long attended the .\rmy I’nited Radio and Television Scliool in Xewark, N. J., and wears the stripes of Technician .'5th Grade. She has been on WAC recruiting seven months in the Fourth Service Com mand, beginning ,• Ijer recruiting career as one of the eighteen Air W'ACs in the Air W^AC Caravan from Maxwell Field. Note the Date! Saturday; April 29; 2:00 Horseshow 8:30 Academy Operetta Sunday, April 30: 4:00-0:00 “ Y” Tea Monday, May 1: 7:00 Spanish Club Meeting 8:30 Graduating Recital by Catherine Walker, organist Tuesday, May 2: 111:20 Installation of New Officers (i:4u '»Var Picture Wednesday, May 3: 8:.‘’>0 .Tan Peerce Concert Thursday, May 4: 10:20 Dr. Alice Boring 10:00 Room Drawing Original Compositions Given At Music Hour The original compositions of the members of Dr. Vardell’s composi tion class were given at Music Hour on Thursday. The opening number was an or gan PRELUDE, played by Margery Craig. The central theme was of a minor mode and it moved along very quietly, at times broken by majestic chords. A MOOD for piano was played by Katy B. Love and was one of quietness and reflective ness. Margery Craig returned to play gavotte and MUSSETTE which were strikingly modern com positions for the piano. MOODS, the vocal number composed and sung by Juanita Miller Winecoff, was a lovely song about the rain and a brown bird. A LEGEND for piano was played by Catherine Swinson. This composition was also very modern and contained some brilliant imssages of counter har mony. The two compositions of vio linist Elizabeth Swinson were very different. ADAGIO Mas very quiet (Continued on Page Three) Film Shows Scenes Of Life In India Thursday night at (i:45 in the Day Students Center the Interna tional Belations Club presented G. ,F. Ball, "'>‘0 charge of Public Relations of the Standard Oil Com pany of New Jersey in North Caro lina. and who showed the famous thaw Asiatic Expedition Films. The picture covered a 22,000 mile trip made by the Expedition from Paris, France to Bombay, India. The film, “Land of the Mahara- sliowed scenes of life in lu The Little Theatre presented its first oiiera production. The Old Maid and the Thief, Monday evening at the Reynold’s .Auditorium. The pro duction was under the careful dir ection of Clifford Bair and a supreme setting meticulously worked out by the Little Theatre staff. The vocal highlight of the even ing was Laetitia’s ■ solo, sung by Jane Frazier in scene six. Giles Smith, very aptly , filled the role of Bob, the beggar and “thief,” even to his splendid and delibiwate sing ing off-key in the drunken scene. The best character was Ella Lou Taylor as the old maid, “Miss Todd.” Her acting was superb. Diana Dyer gave a vry satisfactory per formance as “Miss Pinkerton.” The opera was exceptionally well staged with modern settings. The 16 scenes which composed the opera were set on the stage and high lighted at various points as the play progressed so that time was not lost in scene shifting. Dr. Benjamin Swalin conductel the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra which accompanied the opera. All four characters and the or chestra made a delightful evening’s eirtertainment. Juniors And Freshmen Complete Minor Oicers For Coming Year FRANCES CROWELL Business Students Hear Speakers Robert Carmichael of Penry-Ait- cliison Printing Company talked to the secretarial students recently on the subject of printing and proof reading. He described the use of printer’s proofreading symbols and showed illustrations of galley and page proof. He also exi)laiued what a secretary should know about set ting up advertising copy. Last Fri day morning the secretarial stu dents visited th Penry-Aitchison Printing Company, and Mr. Car michael showed 'them the linotype machine, leads, galleys, and other printing devices. On Monday Ensign John Love, representing the Bureau of Aero nautics of the Tnited Stiites Navy, talked' to the secretarial students on the opportunities which the Navy afforded to those wishing office work, lie is particularly interested in placing girls in Washington, D. C., where there is urgent need. Per- niani'lit and summer-time jyositions are open. A civil service rating in tvpewriting and clerical fields is re()uired for these positions. On Wednesday, Morton I.. Funk- houesr and R. E. Turbiville, repres entatives of the Eastern Air Lines, met with the secretarial students and several seniors to describe the opportunities open to girls for em- jiloyment in this field:. Mr. Funk- hou.ser d(“scribed the work of the lady agents, the superviors, hos- tess6s,tlight attendants, and others for the Eastern Air Lines Comi>any, Mr. Turbiville, manager of the local office, spoke about hours of work and insurance requirements and in- EMILY HARRIS The junior and freshman classes elected their minor officers at meet ings held several times this week. Sophomore electidhs have not yet been held. The juniors chose Mary Coons, of Winston - Salem, vice - pre'sident; Luanne Davis of Morganton, sec retary; and Genevieve Frasier of Sanford, treasurer. Hazel Watts of Taylorsville was elected representative to the Ju dicial Board of Student Government, and Emily Harris and Edith Stovall, of Leaksville anil Winston-Salem, are representatives to the Leg^is- lative Board. New members to the 1. R. S. Council are: Mary Frances McNeely, of Mooresville; and Jane Frazier and Norma Rhodes of Winston- Salem. The freshmen elected Anne Bar ber, of Winston-Salem, vice-presi dent. The secretary and treasurer will be elected next week. Mem bers to the Legislative Board are Edith Vance, of Old Church, Va. and Emmie Lou James of Winston- Salem. Betsy Meiklejohn of Paw tucket, R. I. was elected to the Judicial Board. I. R. S. members for next year’s sophomores are Teau Council of Wananish, N. C.; Mary Anne Linn of Salisbury; and Betty Jane Bagby of Winston-Salem. Elected to the ‘ ‘ Y” Cabinet were Betty Cheatham of Franklinton and Martha Boatwright of Reidsville. New officers will be installed in as sembly Tuesday. N. C. Musicians Meet; Debut of Cantata Business Managers Chosen For Annual and Paper ^ Frances (!rowell and Kniily Harris are the new Business Managers for Sights and Insights and the Salem- ite, resx>ectively. Frances, a rising senior from Hickory, North Carolina, has had experience working on the business staff of the annual this year. She was also a memer of the “Y” Cabinet and manager of the WEE- RLEW-INN. Emily, from Leaksville, North C’arolina, li.'is been an active member of the Student Govrnment (^luncil bcause of her position as president of the Sister’s Hous(' this year. She has been advertising manager of the Salemite ;ind has taken inter est in horseback riding and the In ternational Relations Club. Freshmen Present Play To Little Theatre Members jahs, — dia never before photographed. The , - . , , i whole ])icture was in full color and l'’jt'd the group to visit the local lasted 40 minutes. lairport. “One of Those Days,” a one-act play, was presented by members of the tjreshinan Dramatic Club for the members of the Little Theatre of Winston-Salem last night at the Wiley Scliool Auditorium. The cast is as follows: Connie Mc Rae, the liousewife, Martha Boat wright; Vangie, the maid, Coit Red- fearn; Jane Baird, young friend of Connie's, Terrell Weaver; other friends, Ethel Pope, Rosamund Put- zel; Natalie Cox, Sheffield Liles; Muriel Jordan, Teau Council; Sallie Wakefield, Frances Law; Mrs. Archer, the “Big Chief’s” wife, Ann Folger. Prompter for the play was Jane Mulhollem. The play was (Continued on Page Four.) The Victory Conference of the North Carolina Fedieration of Music Clubs ha.s been held this week in Winston-Salem. At the formal oprti- ing of this meeting Tuesday night, the opera BLtTRBEARD was given. The cast. and membership of the orchestra were composed of stu dents from Salem College and the City Public Schools. Another highlight of the even ing was a men’s chorus directed by Mr. Grady Miller. On Wednesday afternoon a tea was given at Salem College for the members of the Federation, honoring delegates and visitors. Members of the Choral Ensemble were hostesses, an'di there were re ceiving lines in Main Hall and the Old Chapel. Guests were shown around the campus, and an exhibit of several compositions written by Dr. 0. G. Vardell was held in the library. Wednesday night in Memorial Hall, the Davidson-Queens Little Sym]>hony Orchestra, with Mr. James Christian Pfohl as conductor, play ed three selections from Mozart: “Impresario” Overture, Symphony No. 35 (“Haffner”, and Symphonic Concertante for Violin ami; Viola, featuring Mrs. Frances Moseley Mit chell and Mr. Merle T. Kesler as viola and violin soloists. Mrs. Maurice Ilonigman, President of the North Carolina Federation of Music Clubs, thanked Salem Col lege and people of Winston-Salem for the lively programs which were presented during, the convention. Mrs. Ilonigman then greeted sever al distinguished guests and members of the Confedwation. The Cantata, A CHRISTMAS PR AVER FOR A NATION AT WAR, was presentivdl by the Choral Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Clifford Bair, Dr. C. 6. Vardell, the composer of this magnificent (Continued On Back Page)