VOL. XXIV. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MAY 12, 1944. 2541 Number 24. Manning, Coons, Clapp, Stroup Win Contest Katlierine Manning, Virtie Stroup, Mary Coons, and Rebecca Clapp were announced winners of the an nual Library Contest at a varied program in Assembly, Tuesday. The Choral Ensemble first pre sented its portion of the May Day morning-service, which was called off Saturday because of rain. After singing thcf “May Day Chorale,” they led the audience in the “Alma Mater.” Miss Grace Siewers announced the results of the Library Contest for this year. The Personal Library Contest, which was open to Juniors and Seniors, was judged, stated the Librarian, according to variety, possibilities as a nucleus for a per manent personal library, and on general make-up. Katherine Manning won the first prize of $25.00, and Mary Coons, the second prize of $15.00 (given ,by Mr. Snavely from the Book Store). The second contest, open to Fresh man and Sophomores, was a Book List, which could include either a general or specialized collection of books that a girl would like to own. Virtie Stroup, a Freshman, took the first prize of $10.00 in this contest. Becky Clapp, also a Freshman, was /awarded second prize, $5.00, for her si>ecialized music list. The prize money was given for the purchase of books. Finally Dr. Rondthaler introduced the speaker, Dr. Douglas Rights, who gave his interpretation of the topic of the morning—books. Dr. Rights i.s pastor of a Moravian church in Winston-Salem, and a trustee of Salem. Using numerous illustrative anec dotes, Dr. Rights made his first point that now there is nof lack of books, but a need for disctimination in selecting our books. A personal library is an index to individual culture, the speaker stated. He pro ceeded to show us how we choose our ))ooks as we choose our servants and friends, and books, in turn help us. As “servants” Dr. Rights nam ed a few books for example: Rules of English Composition, the Bible, aConcordance, and textbooks as American History. Books which are chosen as friends depend on individual likes and in terests, varying from ancient lit erature to modern science, the s])eaker pointed out. In answer to his question “Where and how can we discover books?” Dr. Wrights suggested “certain ap proved lists” and “browsing.” In view of the modern possibilities and development of them, Dr. Rights made no predictions about books for the future, except “For all we know, we may someday take our books in the form of pills!” ELLA LOU TAYLOE WHAT, WHEN, WHERE WHAT: Home Ec Fashion Show WHEN": Monday afternoon, 5 o’clock WHERE; Front of Lizora Hanes Building WHAT: Margaret Winstead’s recital WHEX: Monday night at 8:30 WHERE: Memorial Hall WHAT: Required chapel WHEN: Tuesday morning WHERE: Memorial Hall WHAT: Reading Day WHEN: Wednesday, May 17 WHAT: Coffee by Miss Lawrence WHEN: Reading Day, 9:00—11:00 WHERTD: Basement of Bitting WHAT: Hat Burning WHEN: Wednesday, May 24 WHERE ; Lower campus EHa Lou Taylor Gives Recital Ella Lou Taylor climaxed her four years of vocal study witli the pre sentation of lier senior recital Wed nesday night. She has been an out standing |)upil of Mr. Clifford Bair, and has frequently participated in various musical activities of this community. Ella Lou sang with much assurance and demonstrated true stage pre sence. The program, on the whole, was arranged chronologically, start ing with two early Italian short songs, ‘ ‘ Lasciatemi morire” by Mon- teverde, and “O cessate di piagarnii” by Scarlatti. They were sung with much ease and the attention to the not so simple details was notable. Handel’s “Dove sei, amato bene?” (Rodelinda) was excellent in the emotion sincerely j)ortrayed by Ella Lou. The last selection of the group was a lighter song typical of Mozart, “Diggi, daggi” (Bastien et Bas- tienne). The second group of songs open ed very artistically with “To be S4ng on the Waters” by Schubert. The quiet “Intermezzo” of Schu mann was followed by the short and jolly song, ‘ ‘ The Smith” by Brahms. “Zur Ruh” by Wolf and the de scriptive ‘ ‘t)ream in the Twilight” by Strauss clearly exhibited Ella Lou’s ability to sing piannissimo yet in ^ voice rich in overtone. I’he wide register, dramatic qual- (Cont. on page four) Recruiting Rally|s#ciff For The '44-'45 ForWomen W'H Be Held May23 Maj. Gen. Joseph N. Dalton, Win ston-Salem’s highest ranking offic er in all branches of the armed service, will speak at Reynolds Aud- itoriuiji on Tuesday, May 23, at the State-wide rally to recruit women for war service. Other speakers at the rally in clude Lieut. Gen. Archer Vander- grift, speaking for the women in the Marine Corps; Admiral E. C. Kalbfus, for the WAVES; and Vice- Admiral R. E. Waesche, for the SPARS. Officers_ representing all branches of the service will be special honor guests, and large de legations of WAVES, W A C S, SPARS, and Marines will attend. Mayor George W. Coan Jr. pre dicted that the rally will be one whose impact will be felt through out the South. Mayors and city managers of all cities and towns in North Carolina have been invited to the rally as guests. Winston-Salem merchants have promised to support the rally by means of window de corations, and radio stations will carry the program over the air. Students of Salem College are urged to attend the rally where they will secure valuable knowledge concerning the organizations of the WAVES, WACS, and SPARS. Publications Named MARGARET WINSTEAD The editors of the Salemlte and the Sights and Insights liave an nounced their staffs for the coming year. The editorial staff of tlie«Salemite is as follows: Associate Editor—- Effie Ruth Maxwell; Assistant Edi tor—Hazel Watts; Copy Editor— Helen McMillan; Feature Editor-— Senora Lindsey; Sports Editor— Mary Lucy Baynes; Music Editor— June Reid; Make-up Editor—Vertie Stroup. The e'ditor of the Sights and In sights has chosen the following: Associate Editor—Senora Lindsey; Assistant Editor — Luanne Davis; Literary Editor — Jane Lovelace; Senior "K^lass Editor—Betty Jean Jones; Junior Class Editor—Helen McMillan; Sophomore Class Editor— Coit Redfearn; Photographic Editor —Marguerite Mullin; Art Editor— Helen Phillips; Coi)y Editor—Nancy Moss; Copy Editor—Hazel Watts. Papanek Opens MayDay Fete Mrs. Jan Papanek, wife of the Czechoslovakian Minister Plenipot entiary and Director of the Czecho slovakian Information Service in New York and Chicago, was guest on the campus for the May Day cele bration, She opened the festivities on Saturday afternoon by expressing her appreciation of the dedication of our program to her country. Once famed for it.s celebration of Mav Day, Czechoslovakia has had its gay festivites banned since German occupation. Mrs. Paj>anek said that this de dication would be an inspiration to those fighting against oppres sion, working as slaves, working se’c/etly on the underground, and to those who are far from their homes. In concluding her address, she said that those oppressed people are filled with the “same indomitable spirit” of the Moravian lirethren who founded Salem. Student Pastimes Shown In Survey How do Salem girls spend their precious and much-rationed spare time? In a recent survey conducted by Miss Hixon and lier helpers, girls reported the amount of time which they si)cnd weekly in visiting the smoking rooms, playing bridge, seeing movies, reading for pleasure, shopi>ing, and doing war activities work. Going to the movies is the most popular pastime. Approximately 89% of the students see 1 l/.^ movies per week. The Senior Class goes 100%, according to the survey. Shopping is next in popularity, with 87% of the students spending 3 hours per week up-tovvn. The I-'Veslimen spend more time shopping than any other class. The various smqke rooms draw fi6% of the students who spend an average of 7 1/3 hours per week there. The Sophomores are the out standing smoke house visitors, hav ing 64% who spend 10 hours per week in the smoke room. Sixty- eight per cent of the day students never go at all, but the others av?r- age 3 hours a week. Reading for fun takes fourth place among Salem girls’ leisure time activities. The day students liave high score with G5% reading 4 5/8 hours a week. Of the boarders, the Sophomores and Juniors read most, 86% of them reading 3V, hours a week. Bridge is the spare time occupa tion of 53% of the students who play 4 1/3 hours a week. Sophomores spend the most time playing bridge; 64% of them average 5 hours per week. Last by a large margin is war activities work. Only 50% of the girls participate in WAC work, and their average is 2 1/10 hours a week. Juniors and Seniors devote more hours to WAC work than any other students. There were 247 students in the survey. Play Monday On Monday night, May loth, Margaret Winstead, of Lincolnton, N. C., will present her graduating re cital in piano. Her program will consist of the following selections: Andante con Variazionl in F minor by Haydn; Nocturne, op. 55, No. 1 by Chopin; Grande Valse Brlllante, op. 18 by Chopin; En Bateau by Debussy; Marcha do Pequeno Polegar by Pinto; , Harvest Song by Tschai- kowsky; Concerto No. 1 in C major. Op. 15 by Beethoven. Dr. Vardell will play the orches tral accompanim(>nt at the piano. Margaret has been an outstanding member of the music department during her four years at Salem. Aftw her graduation, she plans to teach in a small town near Winston- Salem and to continue her study with Dean Vardell. The girls of Salem Academy pre sented a ])rogram in Chapel on Thursday, May 11, with Margaret Ann Snipes, Prekdent of the Stu dent Body, presiding, and Gertie Febiger acting as narrator. Their program gave a review of a typi cal day at the Academy. Breakfast is served at 7:45, after which the girls take a walk around the building for tlieir morning ex ercise. Then, as an example of their tyjncal Chapel program at 10:00, four Juniors gave talks of current interest. Peggy Estes talked on “The F. B. L at War,” outlining the important job this government agency is doing to combat espionage. •Van Williamson talked on “Madame Chaing Kai Chek and her Religion ” telling the imjKirtant work China’s ■"'irst Lady has done for her country. “ W'omen in Medicine” was Jean Strickland’s topic, and she enlight ened ns on the opportunities offer ed in this field. Barbara Barns told us the story of Marshall' Ney, and his mysterious escape from the fir- >»g’ 8iuad in France to become a school teacher in North Carolina. Aftei- this typical Chapel, the girls get crackers, milk and SOMETIMES mail! Next comes classes, and lunch, and the usual announcements. Di the afternoon after baseball practice, the girls have a free hour from four to five, followed by an hour of study hall before dinner. On Monday nights they have singing at dinner, and a sample of this was presented by Barbara Pascal sing ing ‘‘Indian Love Call” and “Sweet- (Cont. on page four) Graduation Week Plans Announced Salem graduation exercises will begin with the Hat Burning and Transfer of Senior Caps and Gowns on Wednesday night. May 24. The senior dinner will be held on Fri day night at the Robert E. Lee Hotel. At the Alumnae Luncheon on Sat urday, the seniors will present a memorial to the school, and in the eveking tliere will be a concert in their honor. The Baccalaureate Sermou will be given Sunday morning with Dr. Orosley Morgan as speaker. The Senior Buffet Supper that evening will be followed by Senior Vespers held in front of the Practice House. Tlie climax of tliese activities, Commencement Exercises, will be Monday morning, May 29, at 11 o’clock. Dr. Harry Stillman will be the speaker. Surgical Dressings Room Completes Year s Work The Surgical Dressing Room, un der the direction of the Salem Su pervisors, was opened on the campus in January after a vote, of the stu dent body requesting that it be in stalled. For the months of January and February, the bandages made ex ceeded tiie (juota by 2,425. These extra ‘ones were carried over and placed on the quota for March ami April. F'or these first four months the quota was 19,500 bandages. Dur ing this time, 21,595 bandages were completed^an excellent record for the supervisors and girls who have helped. The attendance of the Academy girls has been outstand ing. The opportunity of having a Sur- (Cont. on page three) House Presidents Election To Be Held Friday Night On Friday night elections will be held for house presidents of Alice Clewell and Louisa Wilson Bitting Dormitories. Nominees for president of Clewell. to be chosen by next year’s Clewell residents, are rising juniors, Ruth Maxwell Senora Lindsey, and Jane Lovelace. Senior boarlers will elect the house presi dent for Biting from nomiees Rachel Pinkston and Hazel Watts. Nominations were made by the new committee which previously elected Miss Evabelle Covington as faculty adviser.