Page Two. THE SALEMITE Sept. 22, 1944. Don’t Quote Me—Bift.... I'ublish^d Wbokly By The Student Body Of Salem College Member Southern Inter-Collegiat(? Press Association SI BSCRIPTIOX PRICE - $2. A VKAK ■ 10c A COPY R«PPIB«CNTCD row NATIOMAL ADV«»ITIBIW« BV National Advertising Service, Inc. CoUegt PmbUshtrs Reprtsentatm 420 Madison AvE. New York. N.Ift CNICMO ■ BOCTOH • LOS AJICILIS * SAN FMAK^O EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor-in-Chief Ellen Byrd Assistant Editor Effie Ruth Maxwell Associate Editor , * Hazel Wat’s Sports Editor Mary Luey Bavnes Music Editor June Reid Coiiv Editor Helen MacMillan Make-up-Editor Virtie Stroup Faculty Advisor Miss .Ti'ss Byrd CIRCULATION STAFF Peggy Davis, Martha Walton, Ann Hairston, Eliza beth Reimers, Abby McCormick, Nancy McColl, Dodie Bayley, Kathleen Phillips, Agnes Bowers, Doris Ijttle, Tvlary Farmer Brantle'y, Greta Garth, and Catherine Bunn. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Emily Harris Business Manager MiMred Grarison Circulation Manager Betsy Thomas Advertising Manager This paper was assembled with the help of: Vfrginia Mclver, Helen Phillips, Frances Crowell, Doris Little, Catherine Bunn, Frances Jones, Edith Longest, Peggy Witherington, Mary Frances McNeely, Luanne Davis, Nancy Hills Davis, Peggy Davis, Lucille N(nvman, Mary Farmer Brantley, and Jane Lovelace. Editor Looks Forward This is your first paper for the year ’44-’45. Like an uptown “extra”, it was rather a rush issue. Only the whole hearted co-opera tion of pur limited staff on campus and the endless patience of our printers has made this early issue possible. We made this special effort in order that the Salemite would lose no time in welcoming you on your first Friday back on campus. Registration is over, but you still can’t ex actly remember when to go td “that class” without glancing at your schedule card. The .schedule card—that’s the guide to your work for the coming semester. liut like all guides, this one is only an outline and is to be filled in by you. The way you take it and shape it and the extras that you add will be a large portion of Salem’s news for the coming months. This is what your paper is on the look-out for and what we will do our best to print for you each Friday. Somewhere in among the classes and visits to the smokehouse” we hope that every girl who is interested will find some time to work on our paper. The old staff is eager to have new helpers and new ideas. Tryouts will be next week aiid are announced in detail else where in this, paper. We cannot help looking forward to another year of the paper without a slight feeling of uncertainty. Ali^eady \^ar restrictions have had a definite effect on newspaper set-ups, and we cannot know what another year will bring. But with yeur help and interest we will do our best to keep the Salemite up to its stand ards of the past j’-ears. . The Editor Ve Gods . . . here we arc back in tlie old grind again—and with practically no remembrance of what happened to the past three months too. Ain’t that life tho’ . . . here today and here tomorrow again . . . yawn . . . hummmmnimmmm . . . Off to an real early start, moppc'ts, we are . . . here to fore this ol’ rag never even started tongues a wagging ’till some three weeks had melted into yesterdays ... so sit up, chicks, and do take notice . . . Th(? changes that have taken place, golly . . . And to think that up there on third floor South reigns another . . . yes, another . . . Art . teacher . . . don’t breath a word of it. Better still—perhaps the little art Gremlins have flown and Miss Kark will .stay for ever-and-evclr . There should be just an overflow of things to speak of, but, like we said, the haze of the past is much too thick to i^eer into ... so with no further ado let us turn to things of thcf future . . . We feel sure that this year is to be tho best in the past 175 . . . make it 200 we' don’t care . . . the Old Ladies will for a fast run things as they liave never been run befor(? ... Of course, they probably thought the same last year, and next year’s statement will most likely swell somwhat . . . but we know, don’t we? . . 1 Something is definitely lacking . . . hummmm . . . Oh d>ar Caesar where are our manners? . . . the little Freshmen to be sure . . . Little they are, and what’s more they make us sc*em like grandmas in the raw . . . Either the chillun get yoiyger each year, or we are surely getting in a slue of prodigies . . . Where were we? ... oh yes we were about to launch into a superlunary welcome . . . Here goes . . . Well, little ones, so far life has been one extended tea party and nothing but fun, hasn’t it? Don’t for one minute think that Salcfm is always like this ... it ain’t!!! You might as well crow this week ’cause next week, dears, you’re just Freshmen . . . Then there’s them almighty Sophomores . . . you must try to overlook therm for, you see, just three short months ago they too were; but green ... There are some very definite advantages about being new .. . . you can practically get by with murder because you don’t know any better. But . . . next year, oh my little sisters, the consequence . . . the conse-quence ... If it makes you feel any better we might add that the Old Ladies envy you within an inch of their lives . . . but let us not get sentimental . . . Hummmmm . . . time? is fleeting and the chatter in the next room sounds much more juicy than this bit; so we thinks we will betake us thither so us will be able to spice up this a bit next week . . . don’t this stink tho’ ? . . . Well the Lord love y»h, an’ fare ye well .... A Transfer Views Salem Well—here I am—a transfer and an upper classman at that. As the train pulled into Win ston’s station I began to have that peculiar and' lost feeling that everyone experiences \yhen ai-riving at a strange place. Then as we approached the campus I became more ner vous—but all this was forgotten when I was met at the entrance by smiling Salemites. Then I knew I was in a happy and friendly group. After having settled in my »room and reg istering I began to feel at home immediately. However, there is still that same feeling when I roftm the halls and campus that any minute I will encounter a familiar face—then I realize these are Salemites I’ni meeting and the most friendly group I’ve ever known.' Although I the corner drug store I’m sure I won’t go hungry with Gooch’s so near and after finding the bobby pins at the book store I don’jt mind the rain any more. You senior advisors have been wonderful in showing us around, and we really would have been lost without your help. The quaint buildings, typical of Old Salem, and the beautiful campus have appealed to us all, and after having read the Alma Mater I am sure all of us transfers heartily agree that the “joy of comradeship is here” and the spirit of Salem is ever present throughout the campus. Nancy Hillsoavis Sfee Gee Welcomes Ideal I hope you’ve had a grand vacation and are r-eady to settle down again. Even though we’ll all make a great pretense of hating to get back to work, I know we’re really glad to be at Salem again and swap tales of our ^ummer experiences. ft’s startling how much Salem can change in the three months that we’re away. Some- timeSj the alterations aren’t so pleasant but this j>ear there are two or three new features that all of you will love. The Student Government Association hopes that each of you is back with new ideas for the improvements of Salem. We’ll be anxious to hear your suggestions and to develop them if possible. After all, it’s your Student Govern ment and you can get what you want only by letting it be known. Remember the student government work is merely a matter of con structing toward the ultimate happiness of all. Anything you do to contribute toward this end is student government work. Let’s all be “Stee (}ee” this_year and make Salem a better place than we found it. You will find a few minor changes in the new handbook. Do read the section on the Honor System and remember that all of us have pro mised to uphold it. Let’s not go back on our word. Incidentally, you’d better brush up on all the rules, too. There’s a bunch of smart freshmen who bid fair to outshine us all if we don’t watch out. I wish for each of you a happy and successful year. Through your cooperation 1 wish the same for Student Government. —Nell Denning Farcrwell! thou art too dear for my possessing. And like enough thou know’st thy estimate. The charter of thy worth gives thee releasing; My bonds in thee are all determinate. For how do I hold thee but by thy granting. And for that riches where is my deserving? The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting, And so my patent back again is swerving. Thyself thou gav’st, thy own worth then not knowing. Or me, to whom thou gav’st it, else mistaking;* So thy gr(?at gift, upon misprision growing, Comes home again, on better judgment making. Thus have I had thee as a dream doth flatter— In sleep a king, but waking no such matter. —Shakespeare FCffi^ICTORY UNITED STATES 5VAR BONDS AND STAMPS A Freshman Speaks Maybe you’ve weeded out a Janet Russell from the Alice Chiles’s and the Peggy Gray’s midst the mad chatter of “Where’s my trunk?” or “Do you call this a closet?” and “What, only two drawers?” And though you don’t know it, you’ve pro bably even hey-ed a Sarah Clark or a Barbara Ward if you caught a glimpse of one dashing around inquiring, “Doesn’t it ever stop rain ing; my hair’s a sight.” Or “How on earth can I learn the Dewey Decimal System?” Rat you can be sure that sooner or later that freshie in Sister’s, who was too timid to ask where the dining room was and missed two meals, will come around and that there’ll be 152 genuwine Salemites in a few weeks. To prove that we’ll probably become famous, we’ve already distinguished ourselves with two casualties. Pig Burton established a name for herself with a lovely infirmary case, and Mary Jane McGee deserves the Freshman Week Purple Heart for that injured ankle she ac quired. So you see, we just will be famous. In addition, with our 22 music majors, we’ll probably drive more than one upperclassman batty while we beat out our Bach, boogie, and Bizet. Vous preparee-vous! So if you hear shouts of “Don’t we ever hare time to sleep” and “My roommate’s wonderful”, remember that we’ll be “orientat ed” soon, and we’ll be giving our all to Salem. Peggy Davis, freshman Campus Improvements It is a joy to return to Salem each fall and see the improvements made on the campus dur ing the summer for our comfort and conven ience. ^Ve want to give a hearty vote of thanks to those who have made the improvements pos sible. The first and most novel change is the use of double-decker beds. They look as: though they would be h)ads of fwi to sleep in but how does one go about making up the top deck? The bed^ are in Society, Lehman, and Sisters’ so do go and see them. Nearly every smoking room on the cam pus has been rejuvenated. Clewell has been freshly painted and the furniture has been re- upholstered. Bitting is now decorated in white, pale green, and pink — even the piano is pink! Bitting also has a new door on the back side which is undobtedly the most convenient im provement made. The new furniture in Strong is a big help. All in all the smoking rooms are attractive so let’s keep them that way. Society is fixed up so that it looks very liv able. The Office Building has new paint on the outside. Sisters’ has some new steps on the inside and has been under the influence of paint and paper too. The faculty has a new living room on the first floor of Sisters’ which is convenient. Quote—Isn’t it wonderful what a little paint here and there can do?—Un quote! jffl— etaoin et nioahsldr