Page Two. THE SALEMITE Oct. 6, 1944. On New Privileges The major question discussed among both new and old Salemites at the moment is the eventual outcome of the new petition concern ing the lengthenng of dating hours for Salem. We feel that we are being unfair to no one in any respect when we request this change. This petition is concerned only with Saturday night j)rivileges and pertains only to girls with dates. At present this petition reads that juniors and seniors should be allowed to date until twelve o’clock, sophoim)res until eleven-thirty, and freshmen unti eleven. We feel that this request would in no man ner conflict with the wishes of the parents of the students of Salem. When a girl is old enough to attend college she should be sufficiently ma ture to judge for herself the proper hour to return to the campus when dating. The question has been raised demanding it thi,s change of legislation is fair to girls who do not date 'as often as others. We feel that there is no need of altering the rules concern ing those of us who are not dating. There is no place for a girl to go without' a date on Saturday night after eleven o’clock; conse quently, there is no need to alter the rules con cerning girls without dates. During a year in college the occasion Avill arise several times for everv girl when she will wish to 'be allowed a few extra minutes with her date. Wtih a war going on, no girl has an opportun ity to date as often as ghe might like. Our (iates at the present consist mostly of boys on furlough who have very few chances of visit ing on our campus. Is it fair to tell a boy who may have only one evening to spend with his giri that he must leave the campus by eleven o’clock? An extra half hour, or hour, will mean a great deal to both the girl and her friend in such an instance. The inevitable answer to this (juestion will be that special arrangements for late j)ermission have been granted in such an instance. This only causes additional worry for the dean, who must use her own discretion in deciding what case warrants such as per- iiiission. With this new rule in effect there should be very few cases in which late per mission would be requested. The war-time sit uation is going to make the requests for late permissions a definite problem for the dean; but we believe that this new rule will entirely erase the problem. Many other girls’ schools have dating permissions which are much more liberal than our present regulations. We do not wish to seem unreasonable in our requests, nor de we feel that we have been extreme in our prsent re quest. We greatly appreciate th^ many new social privileges granted us in the past, and we hope that this new petition will be given careful consideration by the legislative body of the student council. — L. W Don^t Quote There is absolutely nothing to speak of this week . . . well practically nothing ... Of course, we could launch into an ode about the beautifully colored leaves — that is if the leaves were beautifully colored, but since they are not, in the average mind at least, leave us forgt it . . . Perhaps wo should jmrsue this philosophic subject further. If any one ever waves a blue pencil in front of your nose and asks you what it is, don’t — for — heaven’s — sake — say — it — is — a — blue — peneill . . . let it be anything but that ... As long as you don’t admit it’s a ]>encil, you are walking with them what are really in the know! Sometimes wcf get a strange sensation that it would be better in these critical times to be a long Bearded philosopher than just among the rank and file of civilians. . . This odd bit of humor was afloat Tuesday . . . We were vainly trying to reason why them flags were hoisted on either side of the gate . . . We named everything over from the birthday of Georgie to Founder’s Day and found no logical explanation . . . Then one exccfedingly bright little senior remarked “ I know — it’s celebrating Russel’s 25th anniversary as chef. Finding no better reason, and that being a very good one, we took it . . . Lei’s stop this aimles.s chit chat for a moment and remark on the niost wonderful bit of news this week . . . this whoU? month, really . . . The wonderful bit of news? Why it’s Libbie Holder, Jr., of courso . . . Come this Sunday she will be one whole week old—all right and one half poumls and twenty inches of her . . . Mommy and daughter doing nicely, thank you . t . Tests . . . ugg ... so soon it rears its ugly head. ... In one wild rave we lashed furiously at the monster in the attempt to off with its head . . . When at last the smoke lifted and wo could see ... we saw not one but THREE heads learihg at us . . . We told our friend Eeyore but he was too busy looking for his tail so we helped him look . . . What do you think we foundT . . . Christopher Robin’s plan.s to capture Baby Roo . . . the World just must be round . . . By next week we hope to have changed our whole personality . . . (that is, w(? try to understand ourselves—which, we are sure, is be yond human endurance) . . . but what with one semester in psychology and also in philosophy is there any doubtt Wonder what Dr. Mac was so smug about last Monday ... he surely did go into a tail spin when little gal allowed how she only expected to get vague ideas out of his course . . ye gods . . . You could actually see all of those years of study come in for a crash landing right n his shoulder^ . . . Heh, heh . . . Cheer up. Dr. Mac. When we turn out to be a hypro- introverted—maniac, then you can laugh . . . and your revenge ain’t far off . . . Well, jitter on, my little bugs, you’re only modern once . . . ®f)c ^alemite Published Weekly By The Student Body Of Salem College Member Southern Inter-Collegiate Press Association SI BSCRIPTION' PRICE - $2. A YEAR - 10c A COPY EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor-in-Chief Mary Ellen Byrd Assistant Editor ! Effie Ruth Maxwell Associate Editor Hazel Watts Sports Editor Mary Lucy Baynes Music Editor June Reid Copy Editor Helen MacMillan Make-up-Editor Virtie Stroup Faculty Advisor Miss J(ss Byrd .£■ CIRCULATION STAFF Mildred Garrison Manager Fllie ,Rodd, Martha Wjilton, Ann Hairston, Mary Elizabeth Reimers, Barbara Watkins, Margaret West, Dodie Bayley, Kathleen Phillips, Agnc^ Bowers, Doris Little, Mary Farmer Brantley, Greta Garth, Catherine P)Unn, Leslie Bullard, Emma Mitchell, and Henrietta Walton. • BUSINESS DEPARTME^?T Emily Harris - Business Manager Mildred Grarison Circulation Manager Betsy Thomas Advertising Manager Betsy Long, Doris Little, Marianne Everett, Kathleen Phillips, JIartha Walton, Sheffield Liles, Lomie Low Mills, Margaret Brown, Martha Harrison, Winifred Wall, and Mary FVirmer Brantley. Typists; Nancy Hills Davis, Margaret Nichols, Mary Frances McNeely, Margaret Carter, and Betty Hen- nessee. This papi*r was assembled vrith the help of; Jane Calkins, Janie Mulhollen, Marguerite Mullin, Sarah Hege, Senora Lindsay, June Reid, Doris Little, Mar garet Fisher, Rosamond Putzel, Helen Thomas, Peggy Taylor, Lynn Williard, .lane Lovelace, Lucile Newman, Maria Hicks, Abby McCormick, Margaret Williams. Prances Law, Lois Wooten, Bernice Bunn, (joit Red- fearn, Genevieve Frasier, Janet Johnston, and Luanne Davis. La literatura castellana es ie tradicion completamente latinaJ Despues de haber sido vencidos por los romanos, los iberos hablaban el latin, aunque no muy correctamente. Hubo, sin embargo, literatos de renombre, como Seneca, Lucano, Marcila, ^ Quintiliano, que fueron espanoles de nacimiento. Pero bajo los Cesares, el latin que hablaba el pueblo era incorrecto y fue descomponiendose todavia mas con el transcurso del tiempo. Hay que tener presente que la lengua latina no se extendio por lo que hoy son Provincia| Vascongadas y Navarra, mientras que los terminos del Este fueron ocupadas por los rosellonea cuya lengua di6 origen al moderno Catalan. Como muchas otras lenguas el espaiiol era influido grandemente por latina, y mucha literatura admirable se ha c'scrito en espanol. Por que no ustedes tratan de leer mas de Espaiio y su historia este aiio para que la entendamos mejorf FmyiCTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Civic Music Tickets On every side Salemites are complaining of the liMiited number of Civic Music Association tickets available this year to Salem students. We realize that the situation is a difficult one but we do not consider it an unavoidable one. Although we wish to cooperate in evei’y way possible, we feel that the matter has been handled wrong from the beginning. We, as past members of the OiviC Music. Association, feel that the tickets should have been offered to supporters before being offered for sale to non-members. Those who have yearly pur chased tickets should have been given the first option on them. Then the remaining tickets could be offered for sale to the general public. Many of us would have been more than will ing to buy our tickets last spring, even though we would have been taking the risk of owning a ticket should we have not returned to col lege this year. Salem College and Academy stu dents have always purchased a large number of Civic Music Association memberships, and it seems surprising to us that a sufficient number of tickets, based on our past membership, were not reserved foE us. Naturally there will be some performances which both girls owning one ticket will wish to see, and this will cause a hardship on one of the two. Since the situation has already oc curred and can not be remedied this year, how ever, most of us will be willing to double up on our purchase of tickets. We are hoping though that next year this matter will be handl ed more competently and in such a way that loyal supporters of the past will receive their due consideration in the future. —H. M. Red Gross Work Did you know that last year Salem students rolled 27,.')! 5 Red Cross bandages in five months! This year, Adele Chase, chairman of the War Activities Council of Salem, has set a goal of 10,000 bandages a month, and our contribution to the war effort of Salem should be to see that this goal is met. The Council is opening its Red Cross Sur gical Dressing Room Monday, October 9, in the basement of Clewell. The room will be open five days a week, Monday through Fri day, between the hours of two to six in the afternoon and seven until nine at night. A rep resentative from the Winston-Salem Red Cross Headquarters gave a course for supervisions on Wednesday to a group of students. College and Academy faculty members who were ap pointed to superintend the work. Let’s keep up the good work of last year and roll all the bondages we can jn our spare time! POEM I loved you once in days long gone. My heart still loves you yet. And that I ever did you wrong Is but my deep regret. The things my heart could say to you, 1 dare not to reveal; Yet trust my love will still be true When death its toll will steal. To cause you pain was not my plan, Tho^igh the pang of pain be sweet To what has sifted through love’s sand, And lays now at my feet. As I fear that soon my time be spent. When earth and I must part. On every side your just contempt Cries warnings to my heart. Forget, forgive, is all I ask, To understand, too much. For heav’n removes each earthly ma^k, And there I’ll feel your touch. -rAnonymous Junior High Cost of Frolic Sophomore Court has been a part of a fresh man’s beginning weeks for several years. When the idea is carried out in its best sense, it can be a valuable aid in giving the freshmen that feeling of really belonging—and no harm can come to the sense of importance which it imparts to the sophomores for a few days. No freshman who is a good sport will object to running a few errands and affording a little amusement if the sophomores command them in the right spirit a'nd if they do not require the impossible. This year the impossible was required—and not only the impossible but the indecent. The result, it seems, was inevitable. There can be no hazing or Sophomore Court as long as the practice is abused in this manner. It may be a long time before we see it again!