Buy War Bonds! Send a Gift! VOL. XXV. Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, October 20, 1944. Number 5. Editor Appoints 31 Permanent Reporters Mcfmbers of the news and feature staffs for the Salemite, 1944-45, were selected at a meeting of the editors Wednesday afternoon. Marguerite Mullin, a SCTiior from Tazewell, Virginia, was appointed Feature Editor. She fills the vacancy caused by Senora Lindsey’s resigna tion last spring. New additions to the staff are: Taylor, Margarcft Fisher, Rosamund Putzel, Connie Scoggin, Maria Hicks, Peggy Davis, Jane Bell, Sheffield Liles, and Lois Wooten. Staff members of last year who were reappointed arc: Senora Lind sey, Frances Law, Martha Boat wright, Helen Thomas, Bernice Bunn, Catherine Bunn, Janie Mulhollem, Coit Redfearn, Adele Chase, Janet Johnston, Rosalind Clark, Genevieve Fransier, Margaret Williams, Mar garet Styres, Sarah Hege, Lynn Wil- liard, Nell Jane Griffin, Lucile New- mna, Jane Lovelace, and Martha Lou Heitman. Other girls who wish to work on the paper will be accepted as staff members after two of their articles are printed. All organizations on camjras are asked to elect reporters immediately and turn in the lists to Miss Kirk land. All seniors must have iheir write ups for tliiv Sights and Insights in by Sat. October 21st. These should include name, home town, degree (major), and all organizations to which they have belonged. Hand these in to Betty Jean Jones, 207 Bitting. ★ The He'd Cross Room is open every afternoon and night, except Satur day and Sunday, for the purpose of rolling bandages. Salem’s quota for October is 7500 2” by 2” bandages, and so far only 2500 of these have been done. If (?ach Salemite gives one hour per week of her time, the quota can be reached and she will be helpiag hw friends overseas. ★ Mr. Bair returned Wednesday from New York City, where he was induct ed into th^ American Academy of Teachets of Singing, October 10. He is the thirty-second member of this professional organization, whose en tire membership is limited to forty. ★ The Executive Board of the Stu dent Government Association has set the date for the installation of all n(fw students. The service will take place next Thursday night, October 26, at 7 o’clock in the OM Chapel. ★ The first dance of the year will be held in the gymnasium Saturday night, October 28. The hours will be from 8 o’clock until 11:45. As is customary, the Student Govtefrnment will sponsor this first dance. Committee chairmen have been appointed by Nell Denning. They are: Mary Coons, decorations; Peggy Witherington, publicity; Molly Bosc- man, invitations; Senora Lindsey, refreshments; and Eva Martin Bul lock, music. ★ Secretarial students enjoyed a picnic supper last Friday night at the home of Mrs. Theodore Rond- thaler in Cl(?mmons. Because of rain the supper wa.s served in the large playroom upstairs. Mrs. Kondthaler had invited a group of boys to come in for the supper. 04i> By Hazel Watts On the western front the Allies art? advancing slowly. The British have taken three Dutch towns from the Germans while the Americans are completing . mopping-up opera tions in and around Aachen. The Allies are being sternly opposed by the Nazis who are desparately at tempting to stem the inevitable tide. Counter - attack and delaying ac tions are the chi«f methods used by the Germans. The British are over coming the opposition in their drive toward Metz. In Moscow, Prime Minister Win ston Churchill and Anthony Eden are still conferring with Stalin and the leaders of the Polish Govern- mcfnt - in - Exile. An agreement be tween the Russians and the Poles is expected to be reached in the im mediate future. If the plan devised proves to be acceptablc, a great pro blem will be settled before the peace table reckoning. The Berlin radio has released hints to the effect that all German troops will be withdrawn from Greece short ly. The outer ring of defense was moved .it the* time of the invasion to strengthen the inner ring. If the Germans now withdraw, it will show that German military leaders deem ed it an unnecessary waste of mcfn to endeavor to hold the remainder of Greece. The Red Army is on the march ,again. As many as 750,000 men arc thought to be in the drive to gain East Prussia. To the south, the Keds are making another assault across the Carplathian Mountains along a 170 mile front. While the Reds push toward Czechoslovakia, Hungary appears to b(? disintegrating internally. Ad miral Nicholas Horthy who has been acting as regent of Hungary for a number of years tendered his res ignation. Admiral Horthy disappear ed last winter and his location re mained undisclosed. The news of the hour is in the Pacific. The Toyko radio has an nounced that the Allies have in vaded the Philippines. Although the Nipponese invariably exaggerate as to how many ships and men we lose, they are fairly reliable as to where we invade when. The announcement stated thaat an Allied task force had precipitated landings on the is land of Suluan. As yet, the Allies have neither confirmed nor denied the report. Any month has its dis advantages in the Philippines but the month of October is the best month for invasion. The Philipines are healthier than Guadalcanal and other Pacific islands. Obviously the Allies have been waiting for the proper atmospheric conditions to strike at the Philippines. The air (Cont. on page three) MISS NAOMI KAEK Miss N. Kark Draws, Dances, And Loves Art By Jane K. Bell I climbed forty-six worn steps passing three floors of rooms until I arrived in the Art Department. There I found Miss Naomi Kark, our new assistant art professor. She was in the midst of her young ar tists personally telling each of them just how to draw Lou Stack, their model for the day. Through Miss Kark is small, she stood out from her students. She was dressed in a gray suit which matched her eyes. Miss Kark came to the United States, (New Haven, Connecticut, to be exact) from the Union of South ^frica, nine months before Pearl Harbor. She studied art at Yale University where she received her A. B. and M. A. degrees. But to me her past life was more interesting. South Africa was her home until she was In her third year in college. She says South Africa is “not wilds and a dark continent as people think but it is very much like the States.” The social customs are almost the same. The young people ride horses, play tennis and climb mountains as we do. She says the only feature that pertains to the wilds is a group of slaves, freed in 1765, of Moham medan religion, who wear very color ful costumes but live harmless lives. In 1939 Miss Kark traveled to London, England. She says that even then there was “an atmosphere of tension in this dignified city.” Her accent did not come from the English, as I concluded, but is purely ^uth African. Music and ballet dancing are her hobbies although “art is a full-time job.” Her mother, who is now in South Africa, is also an artist and paints portraits. When she and her two brothers were small, they often posed for their mother; therefore. Miss Kark became acquainted with paints at an early age. She became interested in art immediately, and has been elver since. (Cont. on page three) Miss Sarah K. Burrell To Be Assistant Dean Name Cast Helen Robbins and Janie Mul- hollen have been chosen by Mrs. Russell Wilson, director, for the leading parts in “Brief Music,” a three-act play by Emmett Savery, to be presented by the Pierettes in December. Members of the support ing cast will be Mary Lou Stack, Coit Redfearn, Effie Ruth Maxwell, Edith Longest, and Martha Boat wright. Selections were made after try outs, open to all Pierettes, were held Monday night, October 16. “Brief Music” is a straightfor ward comedy of life in a woman’s college. It presents a discerning study of the characters of seven girls through three years of college. Since it appraises contemporary college life, it is esi>eeially suitable for a campus presentation. Miss Coffin Begins Drive Miss Alicia Coffin, traveling sec retary for the World Student Ser vice Fund of Virginia, North Caro lina, Kentucky, and Georgia, spoke to a large assembly of Salem Col lege students at Chapel October 10. Miss Elizabeth Willis introduced Miss Coffin as a brillant graduate of the University of Maine in the class of 1943 and also as a post graduate student of the University of Nebraska. Miss Coffin discussed the three barriers of education in the world today. She asked what our reaction would be if we were a prisoner of war, a Chinese student, or a student in Europe who could not move from one country to another as fast as the enemy. Miss Coffin told of the help render ed by the World Student Service Fund in each of the situations above. In German prison camps, the Amer ican prisoners are sent books, games, stationery, and other materials. In Switzerland and other neutral count ries, tuitions are paid for the people who cannot afford a college educa tion. In China, student centers are established. Miss Coffin concluded that “all the darkness in the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.” Thomcis L* ThoYnus Gives Gracious Interview ‘Singing to me is like playing the Manhattan Merry-Go-Round and baseball to an American boy. One never asks him why ho plays, he just plays. To a Welsh man, singing comes as easy as breathing and almost as soon,” said Thomas L. Thomas, whose concert we enjoyed last night. He was born in South Wales, Eng land, and came to America when he was ten years old. He has studied for a career all his life, beginning with Welsh songs which he sings by ear as effortless as he sang “Non piu Andrai” by Mozart. He spends the time between trips to New York on Sunday nights for to Dehoit for a Tuesday night show on a farm in Clinton, New Jersey. “That is where I pay my taxes!” he explained. For al! who asked, he is NOT married. On inquiry of his opinion of Frank Sinatra he said, “He is doing al! right, isn’t hef” Mr. Thomas says he has no favorite song, but likes “just music.” While signing pro grams backstage, he proved that he had as much real personality as he showed his audience. One would have never guessed that he was “singing over a cold.” He was very generous with his en cores. Among them were “Shadrack, Meshack, Abemdnigo,” “Daniel in the Lions Den,” “Kitty O’Toole,” and ‘ ‘ The Flea.” He refuses graciously all invitations after his concerts, because he explains, “I am soaking wet and only need a shower!” After he had pleased all the ‘ ‘ John Henry” seekers and given us much of Miss Sarah Kathleen Burrell, form erly of Winston-Salem, North Caro lina, and now of Norfolk, Virginia, will come to Salem in the near fut ure to act as Assistant Dean of Res idence, Dr. Rondthaler announced in assembly yesterday. Miss Burrell is at present em ployed in the Signal Corps, Arling ton, Virginia and will arrive at Salem as soon as she is released by her commanding officer. The release was expected to go through by this week-end. Miss Burrell attended R. J. Rey nolds High School, Winston-Salem, and is a graduate of Salem College. She received her A. B. degree cum laude in June, 1940. Her major subjects were Latin and French. An active student leader, Miss Bur rell received many campus honors while at Salem. She was a member of the Order of the Scorpion, secret honor society; a member of the Student douncil; President of the Day Students; and a member of the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet and I. R. S. Council. She received Senior Class Honors and College Honors. Since graduation,, Mis^ Burrell has had a variety of experience. She worked at the Naval Base in Nor folk, Virginia, 1940-41. She did sec retarial work in the Library, Wil liam and Mary College, 1941-42. Since then, she has been a member of the Signal Corps, stationed .at Arlington, Virginia, where she has recently had duties as a supervisor. Miss Burrell replaces Miss Lucille Vest, who has been acting tempor arily as Assistant Dean this fall. Students Receive Academic Honors Dr. Mary Lyman, Academic Dean of Sweet Briar College was guest speaker at the celebration of Honor’s Day in Thursday assembly. Miss Ivy Hixson, Salem Academic Dean, explained the varioxis types of academic honors open to Salem students, giving the ^[lames of those girls who have received recognition. The Honor Society, which was form ed last year, now has four active members among the student body: Mary Lucy Baynes, Jane Frazier, Mary Ellen Byrd, and Emily Harris. Those who received Class Honors for the year 1943-44 are: Mary Lucy Baynes, Mary Ellen Byrd, Mary Coons, Jane Frazier, Emily Harris, Helen Phillips, Hazel Watts, and Mary Alice Neilson of this year’s senior class; Margaret Ardrey, Nell Griffin, Eloise Hege, Sarah Hege, Virginia Melver, Helen McMillan, Sara Merritt, June Reid, Elizabeth Willis, and Peggy Witherington of this year’s junior class; Billie Rose Beckerdite, Carol Beckwith, Betty Cheatham, Rebecca Clapp, Janet Johnston, Frances Law, Mary Ann Linn, Rosamund Putzel, Coit Red fearn, and Terrell Weaver of this year’s sophomore class. The Dean’s List for the last se mester of the year 1943-44 contains the following girls: Margaret Au drey, Mary Lucy Baynes, Billie Rose Beckerdite, Mary Ellen Byrd, Rebecca Clapp, Jane Frazier, Emily Harris, Sara Hege, I’rances Law, Mary Ann Linn, Virginia McIver, Helen McMillan, Rosamund Putzell, and Hazel Watts. Dr. Lyman emphasized that in these distressing times it is impor tant for real values to stand out—« that college work must not be taken lightly, for the “culture of the race his valuable time, he shook hands and said,,“It is a very pleasant I ]jes in the hands of the college stu- job to speak to Salem girls!” dent of today.” X