SALEM COLLEGE LtBRAR^ W'insMn-SJtrm, North Carolina Happy Hallowe’en oIV Stee-Gee Formal VOL. XXV. Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, October 27, 1944. Number 6. Committee Picks Who’s Who *##***#****** *#**#**#*#*## MARY ELIiEN EYED NELL DENNING ^eidlUte 3baiJied> Invitations are being issued to all Episcopalian students to attend a tea at St. Paul’s Ilpiscopal Church, Friday, November third from four to six P. M. ★ A tea for Day Students Friday, November third will be in the Day Students’ Center between fouji and five-thirty P. M. Dr. Allen Knight Chalmers will be the principal, speaker in ehapel, Thursday, November 2. The invita tion for Dr. Chalmers to speak was issued by the International Relations Club. The hockey season has officially opened! All girls who are interested in playing must attend at least two team practices. Practices are held every afternoon. The schedule of the games will be announced in the near future. ★ Alpha Iota Pi_ held its meet ing of this year on Wednesday ^'ight, October 2.'5, in the recreation ■■Oom of Louisa Bitting Building in the form of a Hallowe’en party. Both ®ld members and new Latin stu dents were in costume. The effect ghastly and hilarious. Fortunes '''^ere told by Dr. Smith from Vergil; fortunes were told from water; for tunes were told in Latin and lemon jnice. Members played Hallowe’en Sanies, bobbed apples, and ate pop- eorn. ★ The first meeting of the French CJub will be held Monday night, October 30, at 7:00 p. m. in the basement of Bitting dormitory. The fleeting will be an informal one, ^ith a program of French songs and games. All students who are taking French are invited to come, ®nd new students will be welcome. HAZEL WATTS RACHEL PINKSTON JANE FRAZIER Seiuen Seniors Ctoscii For Yearljook Represent Varied Stndent Interests Seven members of the Class of 1945 have been chosen to represent Salem College in Who’s Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges; Mary Lucy Baynes, Mary Ellen Byrd, Nell Denning, Jane Frazier, Emily Harris, Rachel Pinkston, and Hazel Watts. Who’s Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges is “a national basis of recognition for students, devoid of polities, initiation fees, and dues.” It serves a threefold purpose—an incentive for students to obtain the maximum from their college careers, a means of compensation for past accomplish ments of students, and a recommen dation to the business world. Salem students appearing in this publication are selected by a nom inating committee of faculty mem bers appointed by the administra tion. The chief requirements con sidered in selecting these students are character, leadership in extra curricular activities, scholarship, and potentialities of future usefulness to business and society. Mary Lucy Baynes of Winston- Salem, N. C. was freshman day-stu- dent representative to the I. R. S. and was vice-president of her soph omore class. During her junior year Mary Lucy was treasurer of the Student Government, treasurer of the Athletic Association, a Senior Marshal, and a member of the Salemite staff. As a senior she is serving as president of the Athletic Association. Mary Lucy is a charter member of the Honor Society. Mary fellen Byrd of Morganton, N. C. was Freshman Editor of the Sights and Insights and served on the Salemite staff during her soph omore year. As a junior Mary Ellen was Assistant Editor of the Salemite, Photographic Editor of Sights, and Insights, and House President of Alice Clewell dormitory. This year she is Editor-in-Chief of the Salemite and a member of the Nominating Committee. Mary Ellen has made class honors for the past three years and is a charter member of the Honor Society. Nell Denning,of Albemarle, N. C. served as representative to the Athletic Association during her sophomore year. In her junior year Nell was a member of the Salemite, the I. E. S. council, and the Nomina ting Committee, and served as junior class president. As a senior, Nell is president of the Student Govern ment Association and Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Jane Frazier of Winston-Salem, N. C. was vice-president of her fresh man class. During her junior year Jane was business manager of the choral ensemble, a member of the I. E. S. council and of the Y. W. C. (Cont. on page three) Art Historian Speaks On Excavations Miss Elizabeth Chase spoke in Assembly Thursday on the subject of art history. Miss Chase, a former teacher at Salem Academy, is now a member of the faculty of the undergraduate school at Yale uni versity. Recalling earlier impressions of museums as a kind of "tomb,” Miss Chase now considers a museum much alive. To her, every work of art is an original historical document, revealing the life of the past. Miss Chase told of the discoveries of a group of Yale archeologlsts in 1928 in Syria and of their interesting significance. In this Mesopotamian area, the British first uncovered paintings and invited American archeologists to investigate. A city was unearthed and believed to be Deura Europus. Later a confirmation was made as to the identity of the city. A^ong the most interesting ob jects found that te>l the story of Ducra Europus are personal be longings — combs, pins, toys, and coins. Religous monuments to Roman and Greek gods have been unearth ed. A Christian chapel which could have been established by one of the apo.stles was also found in the city. Emily Kimbrough Will Deliver First Lecture Tuesday Night Slafiti 04i> Ne4APi By Hazel Watts The Allies have made slow pro gress in Italy, Greece, and in the Belgiuni-Holland sector. The Ger man resistance is expected to be broken at any time, but as yet their defences are holding. The Russians are piishing ahead, having just invaded Norway. They have captured the important port of Kirkenes. In Poland, the Rus sians have outflanked Warsaw. The German radio has reported that they have successfully counterattacked. The fall of Warsaw,‘however, is anticipated in the near future. All other news is overshadowed by the naval battle in the Pacific. Since early in 1943, the United States Navy has been endeavoring to engage the Japanese fleet in a major battle. The Nipponese Navy has taken flight every ■ time it has steen the possibility of an engage ment. Now, unavoidably, the Japa nese have been engaged and defeat ed. ^ Emily Kimbrough, well known co author with Cornelia Otis Skinner of Our Hearts Were Young and Gay, will lecture at Salem Tuesday, Oc tober 31st. She herself says, f‘I love to talk, and it is wonderful to have an audience trapped and de fenseless before me.” Miss ^imbrough maintains that chances for success in any work are measured by the fun one has doing it. As she has been with equal dis tinction an editor, a writer, and a public speaker, she speaks with some authority on success. That she knows about fun is proved by what Cor nelia Otis Skinner says of her: “Emily is a living magnet alike for high adventure and mad disaster, and from all her experiences she mer ges triumphant and more entertain ing than ever. There are plenty cf people who are ■ amusing some of the time and who are so professional abou^ it they become anything else but^ The person, however, who is spontaneously and effortlessly amus ing all the time is a rara avis, of which I know only one — Emily. Kimbrough.” Her first job was in the advertis ing department at Marshall Field, Chicago, and from that she became editor of Field’s “Fashions of th^ Hour” and one of the best-dresaed (Cont. on page three) EMILY HARRIS MARY LUCY BAYNES Munsel, Coloratura, Is To Sing Friday Patrice Munsel, nineteen year old coloratura soprano of the Metropoli tan Opera, will appear on November third in the second Civic Music Concert of the season. The concert will bo at 8:30 in Reynolds Auditor ium. At the age of seventeen, Miss Mun sel entered the Metropolitan Opera to appear in leading roles. These roles up to the present time include “Mignon”, in which she made her debut, the doll Olympia in “Tales of Hoffman”, and Gilda in “Rigo- letto.” Miss Munsel has sung on many radio programs. This season she be gan a four year assignment as per manent star of the weekly “Family Hour” presenteXl each Sunday at 5:00 P. M. by the Prudential Life Insurance Company. Her present concert tour includes approximately thirty cities. (Cont. on page four) "Memphis Belle^* Is Here Tonight Friday night at 7:15 in the Old Chapel the picture, MEMPHIS BELLE will be shown to the stu dents and faculty of Salem College. The Office of Flying Safety will present the film. In technicolor, this film shows the combat missions over Europe of the famed bomber, and the adven tures of the spirited crew of the MEMPHIS BELLE. There are breath - taking moments in this movie! Don’t miss it! Admission is free.