tv.. Buy War Bonds 169th Anniversary Of The Narine Corps VOL. XXV. Salem College, Winston'-Salem, N. C., Friday, November 10, 1944. Number 8. Youth Lover Will Speak Here Again Margaret Slattery, well-known author, lover of youth, and student of foreign affairs, will conduct “Religious Emphasis Week” at Salem College next week, November 13-17 under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. On the campus last year for a similar purpose, Miss Slattery’s dis cussions were exceptionally well- received. She will si>eak Monday through Friday nights at seven o’clock in the Day Student’s Center and will speak in both assembly periods next week. Following her nightly talks, open discussions will be held. Miss Slattery, a New England res ident, has served her native state of Massachusetts for many years in the field of education. A former Member of the State Board of Edu cation, she is in great demand as a consulant in the field of Christian Education. Her interests being international in scope, she spent some time in Europe during the first World War and later studied youth problems all over the world for a year. An earnest student of foreign affairs, she has served as delagate to several international conferences. Sen iors Present Ivy and Tree The traditional ivy and tree plant ing by the Seniors was held Thurs day morning at the regular chapel hour. Miss Josephine McLaughlin, pres ident of the senior class, presented Salem College a Siberian crab apple tree which was planted in back of Sister’s House. She also I presented some English ivy to the schood on behalf of the class of ’45. This ivy was planted so it ■'vould climb the wall of Strong dor mitory. Dr. Eondthaler accepted these two gifts from the seniors on behalf of Salem College. According to tradition officers of the class dropped pennies and threw a shovelful of dirt over the roots of the tree an the ivy. At the close of the e-^ercises the student body sang the Salem alma mater. New Legislative Board Passes Petition For Later Dating Hours MARGARET SI^TTERY mem. Court To Be Named The 1945 May Queen of Salem College will be selected Wednesday night, November 15, in the Old Chapel. Following this election of the May Queen, the Maid of Honor will be chosen. On Thursday night, November 16, the May Court will be reviewed and voted upon. The May Queen and the Maid of Honor must be selected from the Senior Class, but the court may come from all four classes. Suggestion boxes have been placed in Main Hall and suggestions Must be in the boxes by Saturday at 2 o’clock. If you wish to nominate a girl for both May Queen and the court, her name must be in both boxes or she will not be accepted. Results of the suggestion boxes will be posted Sunday on the bulletin boards of the dormitories. All petitions must be handed in to Coit Eedfearn by 10:30 Monday night. Freshmen Elect Other Class Officers Jean Feuchtenberger was elected vice-prpsident of the Freshman Class on Tuesday, November 7, at a meeting presided over by Peggy Davis, the newly elected president. Ann Dungan and Peggy Blum were chosen to represent the class on the Legislative Board of the Student Government. Betty Lou Ball was elected to the War Activi ties Council. ^unsel Wanted To Whistle “No! I wanted to whistle!” Tliis ^as the decided answer which Patrice Munsel gave to an excited ''^oice major who asked, “Have you always wanted to sing?” She started whistling at the age of five and even gave a whistling recital when she was twelve. No, she never even thought a great deal about singing in the “Met”, “although that is always in the back of every young singer’s mind.” She did remember making a half- serious bet with her best girl friend ■"^hen they were attending a con cert together. Jokingly they de cided that the one who sang first at the Metropolitan Opera in New York would send the other one fif- ten cents. To make the wager legal they wrote the terms on a match cover. “60/’ she said, “I sent her fifteen cents.” This information was given to ns ■while all the autograph seekers in Winston-Salem were trying to squeeze through the narrow hallway where Patrice sat behind a table. As she painstakingly signed each pro gram thrust at her, she cheerfully remarked that Sioux City was much Worse. It was there that she thought that she and her mother were going to be “blotted” off the earth. When someone opened a door they were mashed against a wall by the crowd which rushed in, and they barely managed to escape with their lives. While writing and talking, Patrice occasionally glanced up at us through real eyelashes which match ed her silky black hair. In spite of her youth, she was quite calm and poised and seemed much more mature than her stage personality suggested. As a special favor to Salem girls, she told us that her lovely shell-pink dross came from the bride shop at Bonwit Teller; however, on that subject dearest to a Salem girl’s heart, matrimony, she was evasive. When asked whether she was planning to be married, her face dimpled into a smile and she answered, “Yes, sooner or later, mostly sooner, I hope.” Patrice loves to eat, eats just “loads”. She manages to eat as well as sing by having her meal about four hours before, giving a concert. To the question, ‘ ‘ Do you have any good-luck charms?”, her prompt reply was, “My mother.” (Continued on Page Three) New Members Added To Legislative Body The new members of the 'Legisla tive Board of Student Government which met for the first time this year on Wednesday night, Novem ber 8, are: Peggy Blum, day stu dent representative of the freshman class; Ann Dungan, rei>resentative of the freshman class; Carol Beck with, representative of the sopho more class; Emma Lou James, day student representative of the soph omore class; Edith Trivett, day student representative of the junior class; Wink Wall, representative of junior class; Edith Stovall, day student representative of the senior class; Adele Chase, representative of the senior class; Emily Harris, representative of the senior class; Adele Chase, second floor Bitting; Lib Beckwith, third floor Bitting; Ruth Maxwell, first fioor Clewell; Betty Parris, second floor Clewell; Helen Spurill, third floor Clewell; Peggy Smith, second floor Strong; Barbara Folger, third floor Strong; Betsy Mieklejohn, house president of Strong; Beverly Newman, Society; Annabel Allen, house presi dent of Society; Betsy Long, Sisters; Rosemary Cleveland, house president of Sister’s; Peggy Sue Taylor, Leh man; .loanne Swasey, house presi dent of Lehman. Bair, Johnston Present Concert Mr. Clifford Bair, lyric tenor, pre sented an unusually -fine program, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Johnston, Monday evening, No vember 8, in Memorial Hal. Well chosen for its warmth and simplicity, the opening group of songs consisted of “II mio core” (Fedeli), “Chi vuole innamorarsi” (Scarlatte), “Come Phyllis, Come” (Ford), and “Sweet Kate” (Jones). “Adelaide” (Beethoven) was the dramatic highlight of the evening, beautifully interpoted in a full, re- sonat voice. “Wenn ich mit mems- chen” (Brahms) demonstrated Mr. Bair’s complete sincerity and mas tery of lieder. The more modern songs included: The Island” and “In the Silent Night” (Rachmaninoff), “D’une Prison” (Panizza), “Chanson Nor- vegienne” (Fourdrain), “If You Have Forgotten” (Warren), “Dark Days or Fair” (Vardell), “I Have a House and Land” (Bax), and ■‘Yarmouth Fair” (Warlock). Mr. Bair’s choice of encores was especially pleasing to the enthusia stic audience. Among those demon strating his gift for acting and wonderful projection were: “The Stammer Sone” from the Bartered Bride, “The Stout Chile” and the more serious negro spiritual, “Were You There?” Elizabeth Johnston, an excellent accompanist, presented two selec tions, “Nocturne in D Flat Major, Op. 27, No. 2” (Chopin) and Al- beniz’s “Seguidilla” with much ar tistry both in technique and inter pretation. The clever and amusing “Gremlins”, which she composed, served as a delightful encore. The entire performance was out standing in true musicianship and was an auspicious opening of the current musical season at Salem College School of Music. B. B. and J. C. GINGHAM TAVERN Did you ever think Mr. Camp; bell would mix a zombie? Or could you imagine Dr. Jordon neatly decked out in a head- waiter’s outfit? Then slowly try to feature Mrs. Meining as a chorus girl. Yes sir, it’s going to happen. All this and more too. Those fortunate well-thinking ndividuals who pull out a dime 'or admission to the Gingham Tavern will reap the joy of their gay young lives. Our own dear Salem is going to celebrate with a real honest-to-goodness night club! The whole atmosphere is included too — soft lights, low music, floor shows, men!! (you bring ’em), dancing, drinks, and eats. Time for beginning—8:30, last rites—10:30. Come in any time you wish, but try not to miss those fioor shows at 8:45 and 10:00. Celebrate the finis of those six weeks tests, pull yourself out of those deep mood blues, hop along and bring your friends, it’s time for fun! This week the SAXJISIITZ: was edited by Senora Lindsey, Helen McMillan, and Effie Buth Maxwell. SlantiOi^ NeuAi The week on the battle fronts has been one of attack and counter attack. The Germans attacked in the Aachen sector, temporarily driv ing the Americans back from their forward positions. The fighting was promptly dead-locked. In the north. General Patton’s Third Army, which had been stale-mated, opened up with a heavy artillery barrage on the winding Metz-Nancy front. The Allies are atempting to cut off Metz which is the stopper in the gap-hole to Germany. If General Patton suc ceeds in taking Metz soon, he should be. able to make considerable gains inside Germany before the harsh European winter sets in. The British landed on Walcheren Island where heavy fighting en sued. They suffered heavy losses of men and material in the landings. The Russians, meanwhile, are on the move into Budapest. The Reds are hammering at the Hungarian capital along the Danube River entrance. The German DNB announced that a great winter offensive in the East Prussian sector by the Russians was expected almost immediately. In the Pftcific, the Allied B-29’s have struck a heavy blow on the Japanese navy yards and oil centers in Singapore. The Japanese and the weather are offering stubborn resi stance, meanwhile, to the Allies in the Philippines. The enemy has thrust reinforcements into its lines, thus stalemating Allied advancement. The political campaign for 1944 is at an end. The candidates ended their campaigning and quietly waited on Tuesday while Mr. and Mrs. America cast the deciding ballots. President Roosevelt won the election although not by the average popular vote majority of 6 1-2 millions. Mr. Roose velt’s majority was so placed, how ever, that he won in 35 states. He will receive at least 413 electoral votes to Dewey’s 118. The Demoncratic majority in Congress held, but politi cal observers are waiting to see if the anti-New Dealists will team with the Republicans to block Roosevelt legislation. Dewey yielded the elec tion with good grace and sportsman ship by sending the President a con gratulatory telegram. He said that he thought the war had caused his defeat. In London, Prime Minister Church ill expressed his pleasure at being able (Cont. on page three) Legislative Passes Five, Rejects Four Petitions The Legislative Board has passed on a trial basis a measure which will permit juniors and seniors to have dates on Saturday night until 12 o’clock, the sophomores until 11:30, and freshman until 11:00. A total of five i>etitions was passed and approved by Dr. Rondthaler. Four measures were rejected by the board and one deferred. The five passed were: (1) We petition that the Presi dent of the Junior Class be a mem ber of the Executive Board. (This passed the Legislative Board but must be voted on by the Student Body). (2) We propose that the regula tion concerning call downs be chang ed to read as follows: Call downs will carry over from week to week throughout one semester. When a girl receives five call downs she will also receive one week’s double re striction. (.S) We submit a petition to the Legislative Council for later dating hours for Seniors ’till 11:30 on Sat. nights, and until 11:00 week day nights. (4) We propose that Seniors and .luniors have the privilege of dat ing until 12:00 on Sat. nights, tlte Freshmen until 11:00. Those with out dates will observe hours pre scribed in the handbook. (This will go into effect on a trial basis for the remainder of the first semester). (5) Presuming that the peti tion concerning later dating hours is accepted, we petition that the Campus living-rooms in Clewell and Bitting be open only for dating until 12:00 P. M. on Saturday nights. Measures not passed were: (1) We that the Editors of the Salemite and the Sights and Insights be elected by the entire Student Body. (2) We propose that amendments to the constitution require a two- thirds majority of those voting in stead of two-thirds of majority of entire Student Body. (3) We petition that the Presi dent of the Student Government be a member of the Judicial Board for at least one year prior to her elec tion. (4) We petition that students be allowed to spend week nights in other dormitories. The^measure ^concerning the office of the Vice-Presidency as a possible major office was deferred until the January meeting of the Legislative Board. Dr. Confer Speaks On Post War Plans “Plans For Post-War Germany” was the topic of a talk given by Dr. Confer to the International Relations Club Thursday night. The importance of choosing the best plan is m^re fully understood when we realize that it will moan peace for the next generation or another war. The two points of view concerning plans were termed by Dr. Confer as hard peace and soft peace. Hard peace is a plan for prolong ed foreign domination. A typical plan of this sort is the one publish ed by Robert Vansittart. Among other things, his plan calls for mili tary rule for at least two genera tions, execution of German leaders, a German labor corp, and a corp of foreign educators to teach the Ger mans a democratic toTin of govern ment. The soft peace plan promotes the idea to “help the good German to get started.” Louis Ksher has written an articaJ on this subject. The objective of the plan is to (Cont. on page three)