SALEM iiiiaiii Merry Christinas Wht North Happy New Year VOL. XXV. Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, December 8, 1944. Number Sedem Begins Christmas Plans Choral Group Plans Concert The annual Christmas program by the Salem College Choral Ensemble under the direction of Clifford Bair will be given in Memorial Hall next Monday night, December 11, at 8:30. The main feature of the program will be the cantata, “Christmas Prayer for a Nation at War”, with music by Charles Q. Vardell, Jr. and words by Paul Green. Dr. Var dell will be at the piano. The concert will be a benefit per formance to aid the Music in Hos pitals Fund. This fund, which is sponsored by the War Service Com mittee of the National Federations of Music Clubs, provides records, lecord players, instruments, and music to be used both for entertain ment and for musical therapy in hospitals overseas. In addition to the numbers by the Choral Ensemble will be a harp solo by Hazel Newman Slawter and an organ solo by Josephine McLauchlin. The concert will close with the sing ing of carols. The admission is $.25 or one use- able record. On the following evening, Decem ber 12, the Choral Ensemble will sing Dr. Vardell’s cantata in Lex ington, N. C. The out-of-town pro gram will also include selections from Handel’s “Messiah” sung by Norma Rhodes, Jane Frazier, and Trances Elam. jHcn!> Ciiristtmaii Siie !| rr ^^Brief Music Will Be Given By Pierrettes The Pierrettes will present their first play of the year next Week Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 8:30 in the Old Chapel. The play is “Brief Music,” by Emmet Lavery, a refreshing and dramatic comedy of character. It portrays seven girls during three years of life in a woman’s college, telling of the natural affection be tween two of them, one of whom goes from near suicide to near genius through the domination of the other. The girls are; “Spiff”, handsome and athletic, clever without really trying, Jane Mulhollem; “Drizzle,” the poet, frail and intense, Helen Bobbins; “Lovey,” the class beauty, Lou Stack; “Minnie,” the calculat ing college smoothie, Bernice Bunn; “Maggie,” radical and stricken with social consciousness, Coit Eedfearn; “Rosey,” the intellectual daughter of another intellectual, Martha Boat wright; “Jinx,” who is what her nickname implies, Effie BTuth Max- Well. Tickets for the play may be bought from members of the Pier rette Club or at the door of the dining hall after meals. Modern Art Prints Are On Exhibition Prints by modern American art ists, portraying in general the Amer ican scene and the American type of artistry are on exhibition in Main Hall. The exhibit will continue for three weeks. All of the prints are realistic al though some are tempered by impres sionism, characterization and satire. These prints include etchings, pen and wash, and other media. u u II O M U U U M U O ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ U ¥ U u u u \ iff II II II II II II II ? II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I.R.S. Giiues The I. B. S. wiU sponsor the annual Christmas dance to be given in the gym tomorrow night. The dance will start at 8:30 and continue until 12:00. Plans had been started and almost com pleted for an orchestra from Oak Ridge, but the music will be pro vided by records, as usual, due to the previous engagement of the orchestra. During the evening there will be a figure for the members of the I. B. S. council and their dates. The Freshman class is sponsor ing a tea dance to be held on Saturday afternoon from four ’tiU six in the club dining room. The dress is informal and the music is being provided by re cords. We are expecting to see all of you at both functions. Mrs. E. M. Leight, Registrar, Resigns The resignation of Mrs. Annette McNeely Leight, registrar, be came effective December 1. Mrs. Leight has been registrar for two years and was Assistant Registrar previous to that, making a total of five years with the office. She has been connected with the registrar’s office ever since she came to Salem. As a student she helped in the work and after her gradua tion in 1939 she was employed by the college. Up until last year when she was married to Edwin M. Leight, she worked as Miss Annette Mc Neely. The Administration states that a slight change in organization will become effective in January when the present position of registrar will be named recorder. Early Registration Will Begin Monday Preliminary registration for second semester will be held Monday through Wednesday, December 11-13, Miss Hixson has announced. Students will register individually with their faculty advisors. This year for the first time, freshmen will also make preliminary registration with their advisors, rather than with the Academib Dean as has been done in the past. Students are advised to make appointments with their advisors and to watch the bulletin board in Main Hall for further notice concerning prelimipary registration. Miss Hixson said. Among the electives of general Slanti. 04t Ale44^ Hazel Watts The United States Third Army fought its way doggedly into the Saarlautern area (a fortress town in the Siegfried line) and took it. The Yanks met the stiffest opposi tion they had yet encountered. They moved on, in conjunction with other U. S. armies, to form four bridge heads across the Saar River. The strategy of immediate consequence is that Eisenhower is trying to take the Saar Basin and its capital, Saar- brucken. The Saar Basin is one of the richest areas in the possession of Germany today. Now that the Yanks are on German soil, the Nazis are fighting to the well-known “last ditch.’' , While a minor insurrection takes place in Greece, the Russians move toward Austria and attempt to en circle Budapest in Hungary. MacArthur’s men on Leyte are still being slowed up by the weath- , but they are advancing more than they were able to do a short time ago. The Americans and the Japanese traded air blows in an attempt to wipe out each others in stallations. The Americans still have air superiority as proved by the (Continued on Page Five) interest which will be offered second semester are the following, listed in their respective fields. English: Because of the present interest in Russia, Dr. Willoughby, in her course on Modern Continental Fiction, will emphasize eastern Europe. The study will begin with Russia and move to ward the west. Art: Modern Art. three hours; Economics: Financial Investments, one hour; Bomance Languages: Contemporary French Literature; History; Comparative European Governments, Modern World History, and Medieval Civili zation; Home Economics: Interior Decoration ;Psychology: Mental Hy giene; ReUgion: Synoptic Gospels; Biology: Nature Study. Additional electives will be post ed on the Main Hall bulletin board. Composition Class Entertains Adams J. Donald Adams, book Reviewer, and the English majors and guests discussed informally, over tea cups, new books and journalism Tuesday afternoon in the Recreation room of Bitting Dormitory. For those interested in the field of journalism, Mr. Adams emphasiz ed the importance of a liberal arts education. He believes that one can learn the technical work of journal ism “on the job.” Season Opens With Cantata Plans for Christmas celebra tion at Salem College are al ready well under way. The events, most of which are tra ditional, begin with a cantata by the Home Moravian Church choir Sunday, December 10 and conclude with the Senior Ves pers and carolling on December 17 and 18. BANQUET The Christmas banquet and party is to be Saturday night, December 16. One of the most joyous occasions of the Salem campus is this banquet. At this time the Junior class honors the Seniors, and the rest of the college is invited. Usually there is a big Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and a serenade by the Choral En semble. The dining hall will be decorated with Yuletide candles and trees. VESPEBS Senior Christmas Vespers will be at 6:30, December 17. This time- honored custom is for the college, academy, both facualties, and par ents of the seniors. Dr. Rondthaler always reads the poem of the child who went to see the manager. Mor avian bees-wax candles are lighted. CABOLLING The festivities on the campus will come to a conclusion with the Senior caroUing on the last night before the holidays. The Seniors, carrying candles, will sing at many places both on the campus and off, winding up at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler. CONCEBT A concert by the Choral Ensemble will be held in Memorial Hall Mon day night, December 11, at 8:30. Since its organization, the Ensemble has presented its most beautiful concerts at Christmastime. On Sunday, December ‘10, at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the choir at the Hbme Moravian Church will present a cantata. During the years which Dr. Vardell has directed the choir, a cantata has been presented every second Sundriy in Advent. At 7:45 o’clock Sunday night, De cember 17, a pageant in the form of a series of Nativity tableaux is to be given in Fellowship Hall of the Home Church. It is customary that Dr. Rondthal- er speak in the last assembly be fore the holidays. This year he will talk in the assembly period on Thursday, December 14. A pagent will be given in the Academy auditorium at 5 o’clock December 15. For many years, the academy has presented a Christmas pageant. In years past, it has con sisted of a gold-framed living tableau of the Nativity. Mr. Siewers Speaks Mr. Charles Siewers, a trustee of Salem College, spoke on the ap- portunities of his profession, life insurance, in assembly December 7. Mr. Siewers stressed the need for women in the field of life insurance. He said “A woman can practice life insurance and still be gorgeous.