«ALEM COLLEGE UBRAWY Win»iao-SiIem, Nordi Canjliw Vote In All Elections ull|p Beware The Ides Of March Volume XXVI. Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, March 15, 1946. Number 1ft Dr. Hepbron Cites Crime Statistics By. Jamee M. Hepbrqn explained many modeTn devices used today in criminal ■warfare in llis leptnre, “Pcienee Tu^nB Detective,” lilonday evening, Marqb !?• Some of the scientific metliods which Dr. Hep- bron discussed were the nse of fingerprints, identification of bullets, the lie detector, truth serum, and the analysis pf dust paTticles and of hair. Dr. Hepbrpn began ¥?ith the state ment, “CriminalB today scien tists and must be attacked by scien tific methods.” Before discussing rpcent incidents of the criminal re- cprds. Dr. Hepbron debunked several common beliefs: that women are in herently better than men and appear less pften in crime statistics, that it “takes a prook eateh a crook,” and the idea that one can “teJl a crpok by looking at him.” Amazing statistics given by Dr. Hepbrpn indicate that one county in the United States has twice as much crime as the whole Dominion of Canada. The reason is that else where chances of being caught are much greater, and the possibilities ■of escape through a piyriad of tech nicalities are very much spialler. The fampus case of the American Who tpok the Bank of England for a million dollars was related by Dr. Hepbron as an example of the cun ning of the modem criminal. He stated that, during World War I, tests showed that the average in telligence of the inmates pf penal institutions, who are the dumbest criminals since they were caught, was higher than the intelligence of the draft army. Also, the criminal average was higher than that of the guards and even the politically appointed wardens. ‘ ‘ Fingerprints can be taken from hard-surface cloth, under favorable conditions,” said Dr. Hepbron. He also explained the new methods for comparing marks on bullets to de- discharged. termine from which gun they are ‘■•Truth serum” has been valuable in detecting crime. Under the in fluence of sodium amytol and other hypnotic drugs a person recognizes friends, talks, and can tell what he has done. He is unable tp invent alibis, however, for his power of imagination is temporarily par alyzed. Dr. Hepbrpn explained the use of the lie detector, or polyograph. He verified its extreme accuracy under a skilled operator, but said it was useless with ppjycopaithic cases. “A person can literally ‘hang by the hair pf his head’ tpday,” Said Dr. Hepbrpn. A strand Pf hair can be analyzed to determine a person s age, height, stoutness, complexion, inclination to baldness, and drugs he may be taking pr the brand pf commercial hair dye used. Dust ad hering tp ear wax pr shoes can be analyzed tp determine if a perspn has been in a particular factpry Pr even a rppm. P^rpphesying the use of a new niagnetic metal which can raise one hundred times its ewn weight. Dr. Hepbrpn said pplice wpuld be able to draw discarded implements from rivers and hiding places. “Through radar we may soon be able tP de tect the Ipcation and rpute pf a car,” Dr. Hepbrpn explained. Dr. Hepbton is chairman of the Maryland State Commission on Juvenile Delinquency, and is as- spciated with the Baltimpre Cri minal Justice Cpmmission. He has studied criminology and police methods in many European coun tries. Formerly he was instructor in criminplpgy at J^hns Hopkins Uni versity. Incidentally, he is related to actress Katharine Hepburn. Salem honored the Betas at a tea Saturday afternoon. Spme guests seen above, from left to right, are: Jane Lovelace Jean EanMn of Mt. Holly, Maxine Robbins fo Jamestown, Margaret WUUams, and Peggy Gray, ■who was elected president of the North Carolina Beta Clubs at their last convention in 1942. The convention, held this year at the Robert E. Lee Hotel, was the eighth Beta Club Convention. Alec Templeton Will Give Concert Here Monday Sophomore Tests Are Scheduled This is the second of the annual Junior issues of the Salemite. This Week’s paper was edited b^ Martha Lou Heitman. The annual Salem Cellege Spphp- mpre Cemprehensi(Ve Exammatipns will be given March 27 and 28 Contemporary affairs including pp^ litical and military events, social and ecpnpmical events, literature, fine arts, music, and drama is sched uled fpr Wednesday, March ^7 at 3 o’clock. This exam will last 75 minutes. The General Culture Test including current social problems, history, and spcial studies, litera ture, science, fine arts, and mathe matics is scheduled fpr Thursday, March 28 at 2 p’clpck. The purppse of these exams is te aid the sophomore in choosing her major and minor fields for the re mainder of her twP years at cpHege. The results of the tests are graphed thereby giving the student her strpng and weak subjects. String Orchestra To Play Soon Salem Cellege string erchestra, under the directien pf Miss Hazel Horten Bead, will present its an nual spring cpncert, March 21 in Memprial Hall at eight p. m. This is the first ef a series of events to be pflfered by the Schppl pf Music. Bose Ellen Bowen, viplmist, will be featured soloist, playing two fflpvements of the ConcertP No 7 in A Minor by Bode. She is the talented fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bowen, Eobin Hood Boad, Winston-Salem. For the past four years, she has studied ^ith Miss Read at Salem. She wUl be accpmpanied by Frances Miller ^°Other numbers on the pr^ram are: Sarabande (Leclaur); Hern- pipe (Handel); Large Kpmance in C Majpr (Sibelius), Pizzicato Polka (Johann Strauss). The final number, Andante er Fpur Viplin Parts (Eichberg), fea tures Christine Dunn and Bese Ellen Bpwen as soloists, with a cherus pf fourteen violins; the entire number is to be played from memory. Members of the orchestra are: Christine Dunn, cpncertmaster; Bpse Ellen Bpwen and Stella Thalassinos, first viPlins; Mary-Joe Kelley, Jane Fagnal and Eleanor Eights, second violins; Jean Jeyce, viola; Eugenia Shore and Peggy WoW, cellos; Jean Sloan, double bass; Genevra Beaver, piano. Winston-Salem seems tP be get ting mere than its share pf gppd cpncerts this season. Next on the list is the popular pianist and cpm- ppser, Alee Templeton, who will appear at Eeynolds Auditorium next Monday, March 18. Mr. Templeton has sometimes been found hard to clasify, musically speaking. He is a virtuoso of first rank in the field of classic litera ture for the pianp; he is npted fpr his interpretations of the music of certain modern composers; and he is strictly “in the groove” when it comes to jazz and bpogie-wo,ogie. This all-round musician was born in Cardiff, Wales. Although he has been blind from birth, he was well pn the rpad tp musical eminence be fore he was twenty. He received his formal musical education at the Eoyal Academy and College of Music in London. Before coming tp America in 19.36, he made extensive tours of England, France, Holland, and Germany as rScitalist and or chestral soloist. He became a citizen of the United States in 1941, and since then his popularity has in creased through his regular radip pr,Pgram, club entertainments and many cencert appearances. He has recently returned frpm an pverseas tour for the USO. In addition to playing the piano, Mr. Templeton does extensive com- ppsing. Three pf his latest works will probably be included on the Winstpn-Salem program: “ Ro mance” written for Mrs. Templetpn; “•Minuet” written in the style pf Eavel; and “Fantasy,” a collection of melodies from the opera Boris Godnoff. Seniors Begin Red Cross Work Eight Salem College seniors have completed this week the course for American Red Crpss Hpme Service VjPlunteer Workers. Miss Evabelle Covington, who received her instruc- torship in Atlanta last fall, taught the cpurse, which included 20 hpurs of class wprk. These girls have begun work in the Ipcal Red Cross Home Service Corps and will serve at least a total of 75 hours before the current seh,0Pl year is up. They are expecting to continue volunteer service in their home communities. Those who cpmplete the cpurse are Meredith Boaze, Mary Farmer Brantley, Betsy Casteen, Marianne Everett, Ruth Maxwell, Nancy Snyder, Avis Weaver and Peggy Witherington. Seniors To Have ComprehensiTes Cpmprehensive tests will be given during the week ef May 13-18 tP Seniors who are majoring in certain fields. Only Seniors who are majpr- ing in English, histpry, mpdern languages, educatien and psychplpgy, pr ecpnpmics and sociology are re quired to take these tests. The Seniors taking these tests have had seminars in their particu lar fields for the last year. The re sults of the tests will be recorded on a permanent recprd, but will be separate frpm the seminar grades. The seminars will cpntinue even after the tests are given. The tests will each be three hours long. Seniors are npt requir ed tP pass these cpmprehensive tests in prder te graduate. Dr. Mark Depp' Says Start Now Dr. Mark Depp, minister ef Cen tenary Methpdist Church, sppke in assembly Tuesday. Dr. Depp defined faith as the assumption on which a man acts. This definition, ho said, brings faith down tP earth. Dr. Depp queted Madame Chiang Kai-Chek: “We can learn from the past; we can hope fpr the future; but we have to live in the present.” lie stressed the fact that the future begins now. Dr. Depp said that we all kn,ow where we want to go, but some of us are unwilling to start from where we are. If we want a world of good ness, we must be good; if we want a world of justice, we must practice justice; if we want a world of go,od- will, we must practice gppd-will. Lppk for a world of righteousness and then be righteous. This sounds simple, but it is not easy. While we remain un changed, the problems of the world remain unaolved. Dr. I>opp quoted: “Is it a multiple of people like me who can solve the problems ef the werld, pr is a multiple of people like me what is wrpng with the wprldt” We should pray fpr the world, but first, we shpuld pray fpr gui dance for purselves. Dr. Depp concluded by saying that now is the time to start work ing on ourselves. "Y” Will Give Tea Sunday The “'Y” will give a tea Sunday afternoon for all students and fac ulty members. It will be held in the Day Students’ Center frem fpur Until five p’clock. Girls Attend Art Forum MeniboiTB of the eemposition classes in English and music. Miss Byrd, Dean Vardell, members of the art class with Mr. Everett members of the Modem Dance class with Mrs. Lawspn and Miss Averill at tended the Arts Fprum held at Greensboro Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Arts Forum was sponsored by the Woman’s College of the Uni versity of North Carolina and in cluded werk in art, music, the theatre, letters, and the dance. Home Again, a sketch by Sue Mopre, was Salem’s contributipn to the writing forum. The discussipn pf student cpmpositions was led by Lionel Trilling, New York writer and prpfeespr on Thursday. Dusk and Lanterns by Hazel New man Slawter and Three Preludes by Nancy Ri^enhour were chosen for the recital of student comppsition held Friday. Howard Hanson, com poser, Director of the Eastman Schppl pf Music reviewed the cem- positions. Petitions Due At9:3oO'clock IHection for Student Government President, Vice-Presidents, Secre tary, and Treasurer fpr 1946-47 will be hold ii) assembly, March 19. Can didates put up by the npminating cpmmittee will be announced Mon: day by 6:00 p. m. Peggy Witheringtpn, current pres ident, has anneunced that she will receive petitions from students de siring to have pther persons c.pnsid- ered by the npminating committee until 9:30 p. m. Monday night. In order to recommend a girl to the nominating committee after nomina tions have been posted, a petition must have 25 signatures. The Junior Class will elect the editor of next year’s annual on Wednesday, March 20. May Day Chairman and Athletic Association President will be elected by the student body March 21 in assembly. The same rules fpr petitions apply in all elections, in each case the deadline for handing in petitions be ing 9:30 p. m. the night before the election. Rev. D.L Rights Lauds Salem “This is the place of legends and traditions,” said Reverend Douglas Rights, Moravian pastor of Trinity Church, as he opened his talk Thurs day morning in Assembly. Eev. Rights’ subject was “The Land of Legends and Traditions.” He de scribed the early history of Win ston-Salem and its surrounding vil lages. He pictured Indian raids, George Washington’s visit to the boys’ and girls’ school at Salem, and the settlers who soon made Winst,on- Salem, and the settlers who soon made Winston-Salem a large and progressive city. In conclusion, Rov. Bights emphasized the importance of history and tradition by saying, “It is legend and tradition which make Salem great.”

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