^May 2, 1947. THE SALEMITE Page Nine MARY HUNTEE HACKNEY Hackney Gives Organ Recital Monday Night Mary Hunter Hackney, organist, "will be presented by the Salem Col lege School of Music in her grad uating recital on Monday evening, May 5, at 8 o’clock in Memorial Hall. Mary Hunter is a very active stu dent on campus. She is president of the Senior class, president of the Methodist students on the campus, Associate Editor of the Annual, and representative on the lES Council. Mary Hunter’s program opens with “Suite” by Purcell-Fricker. It consists of four dances; Eondeau; Minuet and Sarabande; and Trum pet Tunc. The second part is a group of three Bach numbers: “Prelude and Fugue in C Major;” “O Man, Be wail Thy Sin So Great”; and “In Thee is Gladness”. The “Prelude, Fugue, and Vari ation” by Franck makes up the third section of the program. The last group of selections in cludes; “Prom The Long Eoom of the Sea” by DeLamarter; “Har monies Du Soir” by Karg-Elert; and “Now Thank We All Our God” by Karg-Elert. For A Place In The Sun It was 6 a.m. when Ephigeniah McWhoi/ter wlalked away from “oughtfcwn jail on Thursday morn ing. As she stepped out onto the sidewalk, she looked back at the wall through which she had just walked. Then she chuckled as she thought of the stupid policeman who had gone to the trouble of locking her in that cold cell. Now Miss Effie made her way along the deserted streets of ough- town. They had changed a great deal since she siuv them thirty years before. When she arrived at McWhorter Boulevard, she could scarcely control her' rising excitement. Only a mile and a half out stood the old Mc Whorter Mansion where she had spent the happy days of her life. The sun was just beginning to fol low its first dazzling rays over the edge of the horizon, and as Miss Effie paused to look at its brilliant glow, it seemed to promise her a warm and truly glorious day. She hurried along drinking in, as she went, the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Little birds twittered in the leafy trees,grasshoppers jump ed about in tlie tall grass, butterflies flitted about, and the odors of all wild flowers blended to form one lovely fragrance. Every living thing was happy in its own little way. Meanwhile, at the deserted Mc Whorter estate, one lone individual nervously paced the floor ‘ of the immense parlor. He was a plump little man with a red face and a mass of very white, uncombed hair. He walked back and forth with hands clasped behind him, not rais ing his eyes from the floor. He mumbled to himself, “Where is she? Where could she be? She should certainly be here by now. In all my years as a medium, I have never lost a spirit on its way from the grave. Perhaps she has materialized - - nothing could be worse! ! What ever shall I do?” And he began to rave and tear at his hair. Phyllis Langdon. Paschal Shoe Repair Co. We also Dye Shoes Any Color “Best In Our Line” 219 W. 4th St. DIAL 4901 VISIT THE CAVALIER CAFETERIA AND GRILL in the Keynolds Building CONGRATULATIONS . . . TO SALEM MAY QUEEN and HER ATENDANTS THE IDEAL West Fourth St. Qet It At O’HANLON’S DRUG STORE On The Square Estimate Budget For 1946-47 Salemite INCOME Balance brought forward $ 406.40 Student Budget 089.00 Advertising 1,008.45 Subscriptions 14.00 Accounts Receivable 201.40 Total $2,319.2,') EXPENSES Piedmont- Engraving Co $ 214.64 Sun Printing Company ; 1,455.55 Journal-Sentinel 6.75 Miscellaneous 53.52 xiccounts Payable 285.00 '^’otal $2,015.40 Balance $ 303.79 Choral Group Elects Head Miss Peggy Sue Taylor of New ton has been chdsen president of the Salem College Choral Ensem ble for next year. Other officers of the group for next year are Margaret McCall, business manager, Eleanor Davidson, treasurer, Mary Jane Hurt, sec retary; Jo Paterson, publicity man ager, and Emelyn Gillespie, lib- I ADOLPH KIEFER WORLD'S Record holder and Olympic Swimming Champion I ALWAYS MILDER BETTER TASTING VOTED TOPS CHESTERFIEID m LARGIST SlUING CIGARCTTl IN AMCRICA'S COUICIS ■t1 NJIION W!Di su«ve». COOLER SMOKING STERMLD Alt OVSR AMERieA-€H£STERftELD IS TOPS! Copynght 1947, LiCoctt & Mrns Toiacco CX