WEATHER Cool nights and mild, fair days through Sunday. FRESHMEN The Sophomores are after you this month! Volume XXVIIl. Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, September 26, 1947. Number 2 Analyst Sees Crisis In UN Session by Jane Morris “There is no doubt,’’ states the New York Times, “that the United Nations has reached a crossroads.” The two speeches made in the Gen eral Assembly last week by Secre tary of State George Marshall and Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei- Vishinsky brought into the light the long series of culminating events which have lead to the gradual, split ting of the United Nations and the world into Eastern and Western blocs. The major issues which have brought the U. S. and Russia into the greatest conflicts are the veto problem, the problem of atomic con trol, and the Greek situation. After the two speeches other delegates ex pressed their opinions, either in pri vate or in addresses at subsequent meetings. Many agree with French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault, who said, “The means arc meager of finding a meeting ground for the two main statements the Assembly has heard. It is but honest to say that one does not see how they can be reconciled.” However, the time for 'choosing sides’ has not yet arrived. This week the various commit tees of the General Assembly will meet, and within them there'is room for adjustment. Nevertheless, the center of attention will be centered in the Political and Security Com mittee of which the major issues between the U. S. and Russia are a part. Trieste On Monday, September 15, the Italian _ Peace Treaty went into effect and the zone of Trieste, Deputy Foreign Minister Andre- iVishinsky brought into the light the claimed by both Yugoslavia and Italy, became a Free Territory under thp guardianship of the U. N. Security Council. Demqnistrations, street riots and border incidents were the result. Communist instigated (Continued on page three) Clubs Schedule Fall Meetings The first step in unifying club activities was made this week with the announcement of dates for the departmental club meetings during the fall. Monday night has been set as an activities night and the following clubs have- scheduled meetings for October 6, November 3 and Decem ber 1: 7-8 p. m. French Club German Club Home Economics Club 8-9 p. m. International Relations Club On alternate Mondays, October 13, November 10, and December 8, the Latin Club will meet from 7 until 8 p. m. The Lablings have scheduled the following dates for meetings: Sep tember 29, Octoberi 13, November 10 and December ft October 27 and November 24 are tentative dates. ^The Salemite editorial staff will have regular monthly meetings on Tuesday nights October 7, November 4 and December 2. Any emergency meetings' may be especially called between those dates, p. m. on Mondays is reserved for The period between 6:30 and 7 the Y. W. C. A. • Other campus organizations may schedule fall activities by consult ing the Dean’s office and having dates cleared by the Calendar Com mittee. FOOTBALL AND FUN—Four Salemite spectators, one from each class, are Kat BaUew, Gussie Garth, Dot Massey and Mildred Matthews in their smart new-length fall ensembles. ..These gala girls are off to cheer at the various football games throughout North Carolina this week-end. Salem Alumna Speaks Here; Tells Of Year In England Artists Named For Civic Music The Civic Music Association of Winston-Salem has announced the following program for this year: Eleanor Steber, soprano, October 17; Miklos Gafni, tenor, November 3; Poldi Mildner, pianist, December 11; the Ballet Theatre, date indefinite; the National Symphony Orchestra, Hans Kindler, director, February 13; and Joseph Schuster, cellist, March 1. Memberships totalling one hund red have been reserved for the new faculty and students of Salem Col lege. Tickets went on sale Tuesday and may he purchased from the Dean’s office before Tuesday, Sep tember 30. Seniors Elect New Marshals Tlie Senior Class at a meeting Wednesday elected Jean Padgett and Jeanne Dungan marshalls for the year 194/-48. They replace Louise Dodson and Mary Carolyn Graham who are not back at Salem this year. Jean Padgett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. a. Padgett of Winston-Salem. During her three years at Salem, Jean has.been active in dramatic activities, anr her fresh man year she was vice-president of her class. She is working toward an A. B. degree with a major in piano. Jeanne Dungan is from Salisbury and her parents are Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dungan. She is a Home Economics major and for the past three years has been a member of the Lablings and the Home Econo mics Club. ' by Barbara Ward Miss Margaret Newland, a former Salem Academy and College student, spoke in Assembly on Thursday morning. Formerly of Morganton, she now lives in Charlotte and teaches English at Central High School. She was one of the seventy four exchange teachers selected to go to England for the school year 1946-47. Therefore, she told an in teresting story of a Salemite in England. ’ Miss Newland stated that one of her main purposes was to inform the English people about the South and most especially about North Carolina. She is still sending infor mation in pictures and magazines, including a picture of the White House for the little girl who thought the president of the United States should live in a castle! While making her home in Eng land Miss Newland lived in Crosby Hall, located in Chelsea (another Greenwich Village) on the Thames. Christ’s Hospital School, where she taught, was comparable to Salem during the “alcove days”. The regimentation, uniforms, and heavy schedules she described seem grim. The sj'stem of education in Eng land is very different from ours. Miss Newland explained that finish- ‘‘grammar school” there is equi-- valent to finishing freshman college work in the United States. Once you have pierced, an Eng lishman ’s outer reserve, he can be friendly, and Miss Newland assured us that'English hospitality is graci ous and “second to none”. She found the English “tired”, under nourished and threadbare but un bowed and with spirits unbroken”. In an interview after chapel. Miss Newland talked on about Salem, for she is an enthusiastic supporter. Her accent still carries much strictly British intonation, but she says that it was much worse when she first returned home. Miss Newland says that she is very homesick for Eng land and plans to return in 1950. She wants to see another English spring. Lecture Committee I Announces Speakers Salem Gets This Year’s New Look Several' outstanding improvements ,on campus have made a marked change in Salem this year. All the floors and classrooms in Main Hall have been renovated and new desks, including some designed especially for left-handed students, have been installed. The Salemite office has been moved to its former location under Main Hall, and the annual office has als9 been located' there. The lighting in the second floor corridor of Main Hall has also been improved. Bitting, Clewell, Strong, Sisters’ South Hall and the practice house have been, thoroughly cleaned, and Society Hall has newly painted and papered bedrooms and smokehouse. Lehman, too, has had a face-lifting with the redecoration of several rooms and refinishing of upstairs floors. New rugs are scheduled to arrive for the smokehouses in several dormitories. New pianos have been placed in several teachers’ studios in Memor ial Hall and will soon be installed in smokehouses. “Cozy Corner” in the basement of Clewell Dormitory has been enlarged and has the added improvements of new lights and furniture. The most notable change on cam pus is the remodeling of Clewell Smokehouse. New furniture, rugs, lamps, tables and ashtrays in a modernistic design have been added and the formal opening of the room will be announced in the near future. Peter Mann, business manager, instituted most of the new improve ments. « Speakers on the 1947-48 Lecture Series, as announced by Miss Jess Byrd, chairman of the Salem Col lege lecture committee, are Raymond G. Swing, Bennett Cerf, F. S. C. Nor throp, and Inglis Fletcher. The pur pose of the Lecture Series is to bring distinguished speakers to Win ston-Salem in an effort to contribute to the cultural life of Salem College and community. Bennett Cerf, noted columnist, publisher, and humorist, will speak in Memorial Hall October 9, as the first lecturer in the 1947-48 Lecture Series. With the appearance on the news-' stands of a collecfion of humorous items entitled Try and Stop Me, Mr. Cerf has become something of a literary lion among those who have a lively apprecation for the humor ous anecdote. With the publication of his latest book. Anything for a Laugh, Bennett Cerf holds unquest ioned lead as the nation’s Number One refurbisher, collector and in ventor of jokes. Raymond G. Swing, noted by many as the Dean of American Radio News Analysts, will speak at Salem ' College on December 5. With two decades to his credit as a foreign correspondent and fourteen years of I international fame as one of the , radio’s most commanding speakers, ! Swing is today regarded as the fore most authority among commentators on the subject of atomic energy. He is the author of In the Name of Sanity, Forerunners of American Fascism, How the War Came, etc. For more than two decades, F. S. C. Northrop, distinguished phi losopher and educator, who will appear here on February 19, has taught at Yale University where he is Sterling Professor of Philosophy and Law in the Law School and the Graduate School. When his “The Meeting of East and West” was published in 1946, Time Magazine said that his book “may well in fluence history.” Inglis Fletcher, who will speak on March 9, is well known to North CJarolians as the author of Raleigk’s Eden, Men of Albemarle, Lusty Wind for Carolina and the recent Toil of the Brave. She was born in (Continued on page three) Faith Baldwin Gives Advice To Aspiring Young Writers by Peggy Sue Taylor “A young writer’s best tools are his pen and paper,” said Faith Baldwin, successful novelist, when asked for advice to aspiring authors. “He should put down his ideas as they come to him, using the good ones, and rejecting the second-rate ones. Disappointment and perhaps failure come at first, but if the writer has something worthwhile to say, the success that comes with perserveranc? atones for all his hardships”. “Be observant, be interested in people. There are many good plots in the lives of persons you know— plots that might make excellent stories. Write about things you know. Your personal experiences and those of your friends ring truer than the experiences of someone out of your realm.” We were sitting on the terrace of Miss Baldwin’s lovely twenty- two room country home in New Canaan, Connecticutt. “Fable Farm”, as the estate is called, boasts as its most recent addition a swimming pool with its own bath house. From the terrace we over looked the informal garden with its profusion of late spring flowers. A road which wanders through the high hedge screens the grounds from wooded countryside, noted for its beautiful homes. The tiny, auburn-haired novelist chatted vivaciously, reciting many interesting experiences. Recalling her travels, she told of a trip to Australia for Cosmopolitan Mag azine several years ago. A native North Carolinan, Miss Baldwin was studying in Germany at the out break of World War 1 and still has pleasant memories of those days. Having written stories and poems all her life, she did not turn to writing seriously until after her marriage. Contributing most frequently to Cosmopolitan Magazine, her novels are usually serialized for that pub lication. One of her latest successes was the well-received Woman on Way, which was published in serial form for CosmopoUtan and in book form also. A short story, “Apart ment for Jenny”, was recently sold to Hollywood to be made into a movie. (Ed. note: Peggy wrote this article after meeting Miss Baldwin this summer. Her advice to young writers, Peggy Sue thought, would interest Salemites who aspire to the greater heights.)

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