WEATHER Friday through Sunday: partly cloudy with little change in temperature. BEWARE The goblins ’11 get you if you don’t WATCH OUT Volume XXVIII. Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday October 31, 1947. Number 7 Who’s Who Is Revealed MARGAEET CARTER JANE MORRIS MARGARET RAYNAL KATHRYN BALLEW kr JEAN GRIFFIN MARY BRYANT PEGGY DAVIS PEGGY BROADDUS Degaulle Heads RPF; To Lead French In Crisis ■by Jane Morris All important event has occured in the history of the French people. These people, face to face with two of the worse scourges that can face the world, Communism and starva tion, have turned again to the man who lead their outside resistance (Free French) during the war. This man is General Charles DeQaulle who left politics after the war, when the French adopted their present con stitution, which calls for a strong legisl.itive branch and a weak ex ecutive, to which he was violently opposed. But he has eome back and organized a party called the Rasscm- blement du peuple franeais. (Re union of the French People—after all we all aren’t French majors.) Last week this party polled more votes than any other party in muni cipal elections. One step forward we’d say! The RPF is avowed anti communist, pro-marshall plan, and out to get the constitution changed. Just how far the RPF will go is hard to say since it represents only about 35% of the people, the rest being largely Communists, and Socia lists. (The Socialists hold the gover nmental reins now under Paul Ram- adier as Premier.) This DeGaulle guy is a hard man to figure. Roosevelt didn’t like him, but then some of us didn’t like Ro osevelt, and our^ government, at pre sent, isn’t very sure of his motives. It’s a sure bet that the majority of the French people don’t want Com munism, and they’re beginning to realize that their Socialist headed government isn’t doing them any (Continued on page six) Grads Offered Pepsi Awards This year for the first .time the Pepsi Cola Scholarship Board will award in 1947-48 to outstanding college seniors in the United States 26 three-year graduate fellowships. Each fellowship pays full tuition and $750 per year for three years and may be used in any field of study in any accredited graduate school. Application for a fellowship may be made by any student scheduled to receive his bachelor’s degree dur ing the school year 1947-4S from a college or university in the United States. To keep the fellowship a student must enter graduate school not later than the full of 1948 and work toward an advanced degree. The fellowship -ivill be renewed upon the successful completion of a normal program of work for the year. The fellowships are awarded on a regional basis with si)( fellow ships for students in each of the four geographic regions and two to graduates of Negro colleges. Winners will be selected on the basis of their promise of outstand ing achievement in later life as evidenced by their under graduate records and recommendations as to character, personality, and qualities of leadership. Journal Writer To Speak Here Annie Lee Singletary, a member of the staff of the Winston-Salem Sentinel and weekly columnist for the Journal, will conduct the third in a series of “Shop Talks” for members of the Salemite staff at 6:45 Tuesday. Miss Singletary, whose column “Pen Feathers” appears each Sun day in the local paper, will talk on feature and column writing. Using recognized columnists as models, she will discuss defects and merits in the writing of the Salemite staff. Any student interested in creative writing are invited to the meeting which is required for staff members. McAujey Heads Cast Play Betsy McAuley, as Elizabeth iloul- ton-Barrett, and Brooks Snyder, as Robert Browning, will take the leading roles in the performance of “The Barretts of Wimpole Street” to be presented November 13 and 14 by the Pierrette Players. The remainder of the cast in cludes B. C. Johnson as the father, Edward Moulton-Barrett; Bettye Belle Sheppe and Fran Winslow as the sisters, Henrietta and Arabel James Smith as Henrietta’s fiance Captain Surtees Cook; Helen Cream er as Miss Barrett’s maid, Wilson Mary Wells Bunting as a cousin Bella Hedley; Sam Woody as Bel la’s fiance, Henry Bevan; Robert Gray and Charles Routh as the phy sicians, Drs. Chambers and Ford- Waterlow; and Howard Westmore land, Lester Rattz, Thomas Dista bile, Allen Owen, Larry Plaster and W^illiam Long as Elizabeth’s bro thers, Octavious, Septimus, Alfred, Charles, Henry and George. Group To Hear Dr. Benfield The Westminster Fellowship group will meet at the First Presbyterian Church next Friday at 7:45 p. m. The speaker will be Dr. W. A. Ben- field, Jr. of the Presbyterian Semi nary, Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Benfield was born in Green ville, West Virginia. After gradu ating from Davidson College, he en tered Louisville Presbyterian Theo logical Seminary. He did his post- gratluate work at the L^niversity of Chicago. He is now the vice-presi- dent of the Louisville Seminary and head of the Public Relations department. Dr. Benfield is a very young man, full of young ideas, and is very pop ular at young people’s conferences. He will also speak at the church Sunday, November 9, at 11 a. m. The Fellowship will assemble in the Ladies’ Parlor for refreshments after Dr. Benfield’s talk. I. R. S. The “lady look” is in vogue this fall Even in the dining hall. So, girls, I. R- S. and the deans have said, No more kerchiefs that hide your head. Pinned-up curls, locks straight and wet The love of good grooming should abate; But if the temptation’s still too great- Think of the knock you’re likely to get. Dean Names Eight Seniors Eight Salemites are celebrites. Dr. Smith, academic dean, today released the names of eight seniors who have been accepted for recog nition in the 1947-48 edition of “Who’s Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges. The girls are Kathryn Ballew, Peggy Broaddus, Mary Bryant, Mar garet Carter, Peggy Davis, Jean Griffin, Jane Morris, and Margaret Raynal. Selection Chosen for displaj4iig merit in character, scholarship, leadership and potentiality for future useful ness in business and society, the girls will have the advantage of a placement service conducted by the publication and used by over 500 personnel directors of various firms. Purpose The purpose of Who’s Who is to serve as an incentive for students to get the best results from their college experience; as a means of compensation to students for what they have already achieved; as a standard of measurement for stu dents comparable to other recognized scholastic and service organizations; and as a recommendation of success ful students to the business world. Each year since 1934 the publica tion has recognized students from approximately 600 colleges and uni versities in the United States and Canada. Katherine Ballew, chemistry and biology major, has been vice-presi dent of the Westminster Fellow- 'ship, vice-president of the German Club, Fire Chief, a member of the May Day Committee and the Lab- lings. Majoring in sociology and econo mics, is Peggy Broaddus of Rich mond, Virginia. She has been act ive in the Y. W. C. A. during her four years at Salem and is president of that organization this year. She was house president of South Hall her sophomore year and was pres ident of the modern dance club her junior year. Mary Bryant, an English major, has been outstanding in Student Government work. She was presi dent of the sophomore class and is president of Student Government this year. She has been on the Dean’s List, is a member of the dramatics club, and is a member of the Spanish club. Margaret Carter, another econo mics and sociology major, is secre tary of the senior class. She is a member of the French and Spanish clubs, })as worked for the Salemite, the :^ray Day Committee, and the Y. W. C. A. A music and English major, Peggy Davis of Raleigh is editor of the Salemite this year. She was presi dent of the freshman cless and in her junior year she was secretary of the Student Government Associa tion. She is a member of the Ger man and Latin clubs, a member of the Honor Society, and she is on the Dean’s List. Jean Griffin, who is majoring in French, was chief marshal her junior year. She has been on the May Court and I. R. S. She is a member of the French club and has worked on the annual staff for several years. Jane Morris, of Mocksville, is a history major. She is working on the annual staff and on the Salemite staff this year. She is also president of the I. R. S She is a member of the A. A. Council and of various clubs on campus. Margaret Raynal is the editor of Sights and Insights of 1947-48. She has been on the May Day Committee, the Y. W. C. A., and Stee Gee. “Waldo” is also a member of the French club and is- an English major.